DAS changes coming WDW May 20/ DL June 18, 2024

I wholeheartedly agree with all of this! Also, I feel for you before you knew about stroller as a wheelchair, as I had a similar experience. My twins have a genetic disorder which caused them not to walk until they were almost 3. When they were 2, we went to Disney, and we couldn’t take their stroller anywhere. My husband would take my older two kids to a ride for rides swap, but I couldn’t possibly carry both boys around more than a couple minutes, and I broke down at the Soarin building after seeing sooooo many scooters riding around, but I couldn’t take my stroller. That’s when a wonderful CM told me about stroller as a wheelchair, and by the time we all had ridden Soarin, she had a red tag for us right there. It was amazing the different it made for our trip!! Anyway, that’s a bit off topic, but reading your story made me think of that nightmare turned more magical by a great CM lol.
I'm so happy that someone helped you. My son got GAC way back when because of a kind cm that noticed his medical needs. My son only needed it that one summer (new medical issue that is now controlled) and it was the end of our trip but boy did it turn our trip around. We could only do 3 hours max at that time so it was really a lifesaver.
Dumb tech question: I’ve downloaded the Zoom app for my iPad - do I need to set up an account to use it for DAS video chat, or will they send me a meeting ID I can plug in to use without my own account? Sorry - I’m a Teams user and Zoom is totally foreign to me lol! I already have DAS set up but may need to make a party change in a couple days and would like to have things set up, just in case they need to video conference for that. TIA!
You do not need an account.
I'm not sure why anyone would believe fraud is the only issue here. What percentage of park goers can be given basically unlimited use of the LL for free due to a disability before it would be legitimate users causing the issue? 5%? 10%? 20%? Then realize those people might on average have around 4 people with them, meaning we're looking at at least double the % of disabled users getting into that line.

There are two things, which have come up repeatedly through this thread that make your comments incomplete. One is that the number of people with disabilities (legit ones that would qualify for some level of assistance) keeps rising. Close to 3% of kids have ASD, 9% ADHD, over 4% considered fully disabled on census (which will have some ASD overlap, but much of that is other disabilities) up to 16% have a sensory disorder, IBD has more than doubled, It's actually really easy to put together that easily a good 1/5 people in the parks could ask for DAS and if diagnosis alone passed as reasoning most people walking around would have access through their own or a condition of a person in their party. We aren't talking about 1% of the population, we're talking about something that is bordering on common. Then add in physical handicap- which would be ON TOP of all of this.
The other part, which you seem to be glossing over - if someone's ONLY disability was that they were in a wheelchair, they weren't supposed to be getting DAS before now, so this isn't a change. I'm sure plenty of people ended up with it because they either demanded or ran into a CM who didn't want to argue. Me stating this is not accusing anyone of doing anything wrong, but they made the line accessible so there wasn't a need being met by DAS, it was just a perk. (crappy trade I'm certain, and this doesn't apply to people when there is something beyond the stuck in a chair situation going on)

It's not just fraud, legitimate usage was too high. That doesn't change because people's feelings are hurt. Yes, taking away free FP made some people realize they needed an accommodation they may have been able to sort of patch together by themselves under the former system, but one person having used it before doesn't make them somehow "more special" and "more deserving" than the person who didn't know it was there. When my youngest was a toddler we were told he would never walk. We didn't know stroller as a wheelchair existed. I had a 2 year old I had to carry through every line, who couldn't even sit up by himself. At 3 he surprised us all and his muscles started working. I'm sure there's a family out there with a similar story- but knew about stroller as wheelchair - that doesn't make them NOW more entitled to it than we are just because they had it before. If we have the same needs, we should be accommodated in a way that meets those needs regardless of past visits.

So there need to be alternate accommodations. The solution to "anything at all doesn't work right in my body" can't be unlimited LL. Hence redoing queues so chairs can go through, and telling people to leave and return to the line. This covers a very large chuck of the disabled community. If someone's needs are met through other means, they don't need the DAS just because they got one before. Nobody is entitled to it only because they knew about it first.
I don't think you are getting my point. The problem is the inherent conflict between DAS LL users and Paid LL users. If Disney chose to misapply their own policy in the past then that is on them.
All I am saying is that the enforcement is arbitrary and since I am on the wrong side I don't like it. Since "ability" to stand in line is subjective, and not any medical diagnosis, they could have easily kicked out the developmental disability people to make the line shorter for example. Then other people would be upset. Every person can wait in one line, some in three, some all day, but we all know it is a ticking timebomb that is getting closer to a health issue each time we push ourselves. Disney no longer cares that my wife pushes herself and that hurts. A relatively safe place no longer feels that way. I am sure that their choices are informed by their legal team regarding which option they think is most defensible in court but I don't believe that makes them correct.
I don't think you are getting my point. The problem is the inherent conflict between DAS LL users and Paid LL users. If Disney chose to misapply their own policy in the past then that is on them.
All I am saying is that the enforcement is arbitrary and since I am on the wrong side I don't like it. Since "ability" to stand in line is subjective, and not any medical diagnosis, they could have easily kicked out the developmental disability people to make the line shorter for example. Then other people would be upset. Every person can wait in one line, some in three, some all day, but we all know it is a ticking timebomb that is getting closer to a health issue each time we push ourselves. Disney no longer cares that my wife pushes herself and that hurts. A relatively safe place no longer feels that way. I am sure that their choices are informed by their legal team regarding which option they think is most defensible in court but I don't believe that makes them correct.
There is an inherent conflict between DAS LL users and DAS LL users because there are so many the system was overloaded. Some people want DAS due to issues that were solved by making queues accessible but want the pass because they have a disability and it has the word disability in it. Some people want DAS because they might have a problem that they could alternatively leave and rejoin an occasional line for because they have a disability, and so does the DAS name. Some people want DAS because they are not able to access rides at all without it. Disney has determined that they need to limit DAS to those people. Anything else is a bunch of speculation, some of which we have information about and some of which we don't.
You can do the video chat from the comfort of your hotel room before entering a park. Many non-US posters have suggested using a VPN. While I understand there is no DAS chat link from the EU/UK websites, the US site no longer indicates “US only.”

Yes vpn can be used as this is what we used last year from the U.K. to do the DAS.
However that particular person would have already paid for US flights which are £300-£900 per person depending on the month. Some of us can only go in school holidays etc. and flights are usually none refundable, they then said about the DVC points would be lost, also they would have to pay for the Disney tickets. Before they can even apply.
So it’s a massive chunk of money for us that are international just on the chance that we will be helped with our illnesses like we were before.

I am the same as the other user that I already know it won’t work for me, had it of worked before then the cast member in 2019 wouldn’t have been the one to tell me about Das and to apply as I needed it. So I’m following all the comments with interest but I know when we go back next year then Disney will not be on the list which is sad for me as it was my favourite place but I’m not going to either make myself more poorly or pay out even more money just for accommodation I should get but don’t due to Disney’s greed.

I 100% believe all this was about money. I do not think that fraud impacted it all enough. I think that genie wasn’t making enough money after fastpasses and now they have got new multiple lanes etc which I wasn’t surprised to hear at all.

I will be switching next year to universal as I have already been given accommodations without having to pay my tickets just to find out.

Lets hope that they change some things around so that those of us that do need more than a pass out of the line on our own that do not have autism are better accommodated.
Before they can even apply.
So it’s a massive chunk of money for us that are international just on the chance that we will be helped with our illnesses like we were before.
Absolutely. It really doesn't matter if it's international or domestic US travel, the same applies for most of us since most are not within arms reach of Orlando. That's why I also suggested it's a personal decision as to whether making a trip with uncertainties is something "worth it" to that poster:

Ultimately, it’s a decision only you and your family can make if a trip will be worth it this year. Maybe banking points or renting your points out this year is an option while waiting to see how this all plays out.

Some can roll with it easier than others. No judgement there. It's a personal decision.
Yes vpn can be used as this is what we used last year from the U.K. to do the DAS.
However that particular person would have already paid for US flights which are £300-£900 per person depending on the month. Some of us can only go in school holidays etc. and flights are usually none refundable, they then said about the DVC points would be lost, also they would have to pay for the Disney tickets. Before they can even apply.
So it’s a massive chunk of money for us that are international just on the chance that we will be helped with our illnesses like we were before.

I am the same as the other user that I already know it won’t work for me, had it of worked before then the cast member in 2019 wouldn’t have been the one to tell me about Das and to apply as I needed it. So I’m following all the comments with interest but I know when we go back next year then Disney will not be on the list which is sad for me as it was my favourite place but I’m not going to either make myself more poorly or pay out even more money just for accommodation I should get but don’t due to Disney’s greed.

I 100% believe all this was about money. I do not think that fraud impacted it all enough. I think that genie wasn’t making enough money after fastpasses and now they have got new multiple lanes etc which I wasn’t surprised to hear at all.

I will be switching next year to universal as I have already been given accommodations without having to pay my tickets just to find out.

Lets hope that they change some things around so that those of us that do need more than a pass out of the line on our own that do not have autism are better accommodated.
But hasn’t that always been the case? Couldn’t apply for DAS until shortly before trip or while there? No one knew FOR SURE until that time, it was always just an assumption that one would be approved.

Disney is always making changes too, so people shouldn’t assume that everything will be the same in 10mo when they go on their trip…. This is a good reminder to book refundable or look into trip insurance for people who’s needs are so much that any changes from Disney could ruin their whole trip.
There is an inherent conflict between DAS LL users and DAS LL users because there are so many the system was overloaded. Some people want DAS due to issues that were solved by making queues accessible but want the pass because they have a disability and it has the word disability in it. Some people want DAS because they might have a problem that they could alternatively leave and rejoin an occasional line for because they have a disability, and so does the DAS name. Some people want DAS because they are not able to access rides at all without it. Disney has determined that they need to limit DAS to those people. Anything else is a bunch of speculation, some of which we have information about and some of which we don't.
And most of those people did not qualify for DAS. Again, a Disney created issue if they allowed it and Disney is throwing the baby out with the bathwater and punishing people who have legitimate reasons for not standing in long lines. There are also people with developmental issues who fall in each category, why not them?

There is no one who is not able to access rides at all without DAS. There is no magic teleporter to get on the rides. You have to wait in line. The accommodation is that instead of waiting in a 1-2 hour line in SB you wait that time outside the attraction and then in a 10-15 minute line in LL. People who have legitimate health reasons that impact their ability to stand in line for 1-2 hours should be accommodated regardless if their disability is physical or developmental.
And most of those people did not qualify for DAS. Again, a Disney created issue if they allowed it and Disney is throwing the baby out with the bathwater and punishing people who have legitimate reasons for not standing in long lines. There are also people with developmental issues who fall in each category, why not them?

There is no one who is not able to access rides at all without DAS. There is no magic teleporter to get on the rides. You have to wait in line. The accommodation is that instead of waiting in a 1-2 hour line in SB you wait that time outside the attraction and then in a 10-15 minute line in LL. People who have legitimate health reasons that impact their ability to stand in line for 1-2 hours should be accommodated regardless if their disability is physical or developmental.
And they are - sometimes the accommodation is not DAS. Not getting DAS does not equal getting no accommodations, it's only a statement that upon that conversation DAS does not seem to be the necessary accommodation.
And most of those people did not qualify for DAS. Again, a Disney created issue if they allowed it and Disney is throwing the baby out with the bathwater and punishing people who have legitimate reasons for not standing in long lines. There are also people with developmental issues who fall in each category, why not them?

There is no one who is not able to access rides at all without DAS. There is no magic teleporter to get on the rides. You have to wait in line. The accommodation is that instead of waiting in a 1-2 hour line in SB you wait that time outside the attraction and then in a 10-15 minute line in LL. People who have legitimate health reasons that impact their ability to stand in line for 1-2 hours should be accommodated regardless if their disability is physical or developmental.
To be clear, not ALL people with developmental disabilities will qualify for new DAS, and not ONLY people with developmental disabilities have qualified either. Disney has just become much more strict with their criteria for what does/does not qualify.

Just because Disney ran a program in the past does not mean that they have to run it in the future.

While in an ideal world, all/only those with "legitimate health reasons” would get exactly the accommodations that they need. The problem is that there is no sure fire, clear cut way to determine this. Doctor’s notes won’t do it. Diagnoses won’t do it. Self attestation won’t do it. So Disney is doing the best they can to adjust from an overly generous system to one that is meeting the *needs* (not wants) of *most* of their disabled guests.
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And most of those people did not qualify for DAS. Again, a Disney created issue if they allowed it and Disney is throwing the baby out with the bathwater and punishing people who have legitimate reasons for not standing in long lines. There are also people with developmental issues who fall in each category, why not them?

There is no one who is not able to access rides at all without DAS. There is no magic teleporter to get on the rides. You have to wait in line. The accommodation is that instead of waiting in a 1-2 hour line in SB you wait that time outside the attraction and then in a 10-15 minute line in LL. People who have legitimate health reasons that impact their ability to stand in line for 1-2 hours should be accommodated regardless if their disability is physical or developmental.
There absolutely people in those categories who did apply for and receive DAS. I’ll use my husband for example. He has something similar to IBS. It’s very inconsistent. Sometimes he’s fine for hours and other times not. He could have gotten DAS (he didn’t as we already had another member in our family who had one). Now like I stated, his issues are inconsistent so that means he may not even have a flare in every line BUT he could have used DAS for every line…. My understanding is these are the people they are trying to accommodate another way now since it’s not an ALWAYS need.

Now for the developmental disabilities (some not all). The previous lines were getting too long for many of those people, us included. They would be all the way backed out and probably 30+ min. We would skip them because couldn’t wait that long.

Then throw in there Disney trying to get people to buy a paid system for fast access and the LL being 30min…. People aren’t going to pay for something that is supposed to be fast but isn’t. There were a lot of flaws to the old system. There are also flaws to the new system.
I have to say I’m a bit surprised at how many times I am seeing people posting on social media that DAS is “no longer” being granted for mobility issues that can be addressed with a wheelchair or scooter. My understanding was that DAS was NEVER supposed to be granted for this kind of issue, given that almost all lines are fully accessible (with return times being granted at the attraction for those who which are not). I can only assume that quite a few people successfully badgered CMs into bending the rules for them, which presumably is one of the reasons for Disney moving DAS related decisions to a new dedicated team.
And most of those people did not qualify for DAS. Again, a Disney created issue if they allowed it and Disney is throwing the baby out with the bathwater and punishing people who have legitimate reasons for not standing in long lines. There are also people with developmental issues who fall in each category, why not them?

There is no one who is not able to access rides at all without DAS. There is no magic teleporter to get on the rides. You have to wait in line. The accommodation is that instead of waiting in a 1-2 hour line in SB you wait that time outside the attraction and then in a 10-15 minute line in LL. People who have legitimate health reasons that impact their ability to stand in line for 1-2 hours should be accommodated regardless if their disability is physical or developmental.
First, there are people with developmental disabilities that have not been approved for DAS and there are people that have non-developmental disabilities that have been approved for DAS. So, as has been stated ad nauseum, it's about the need, not the diagnosis.

Second, as to your last sentence, they are being accommodated - some with DAS, but most with other accommodations. The idea that if it isn't DAS it isn't an accommodation is flat out wrong. You don't like the accommodation you were offered, and that's your right. But that doesn't mean it's not an accommodation, it just doesn't happen to be one that you like and want to use.
I have to say I’m a bit surprised at how many times I am seeing people posting on social media that DAS is “no longer” being granted for mobility issues that can be addressed with a wheelchair or scooter. My understanding was that DAS was NEVER supposed to be granted for this kind of issue, given that almost all lines are fully accessible (with return times being granted at the attraction for those who which are not). I can only assume that quite a few people successfully badgered CMs into bending the rules for them, which presumably is one of the reasons for Disney moving DAS related decisions to a new dedicated team.
Agree 100%.

There is a video going around now about a young lady who is in a wheelchair and on a portable ventilator; she was denied DAS and offered AQR. She wasn't complaining about being denied DAS so much as she wants Disney to offer discounted Genie+ (or the follow on) to passholders.

There are folks outraged about her being denied a DAS, but for the life of me, I can't see why she would need one, and even she didn't complain really about not getting the DAS - her complaint was that for her group to ride together, they would have to buy Genie+ every trip.
I have to say I’m a bit surprised at how many times I am seeing people posting on social media that DAS is “no longer” being granted for mobility issues that can be addressed with a wheelchair or scooter. My understanding was that DAS was NEVER supposed to be granted for this kind of issue, given that almost all lines are fully accessible (with return times being granted at the attraction for those who which are not). I can only assume that quite a few people successfully badgered CMs into bending the rules for them, which presumably is one of the reasons for Disney moving DAS related decisions to a new dedicated team.
Issues like POTS isn't so much where a physical ailment like a broken foot requiring a mobility devices, but surely an evc can help mitigate POTS severity is case where DAS was previously offered as an accomodation. Similarly one with an active gi chronic gi could be helped by less activity in an evc. The evc in of itself is not the primary tool to actually resolve the underlying medical condition.....so they were evc users but DAS accommodation not for a mechanical issue

Hope that clears up how Disney used DAS the accommodation for those issues where folk used an EVC and now transitioned from DAS to other accommodations. So please be mindful when making the overall comment of EVCs were never meant to have DAS accommodations. Disney has since decided that DAS was too much an accommodation for these types of medical issues and believe AQR is the true level of accommodation for these ailments and adjusted their pixie dusting of DAS one size fits all as the LL queues themselves have become untenable for multiple reasons -- including DAS users.

Is AQR meet the level of reasonable appropriate accommodation? For many, probably so and People feel hurt by this. Clearly. Some other people will celebrate this change too (don't know why, but they will).

For some, probably not and Disney is trying to figure out what to do in those cases as everyone adjusts to this new normal.

If folk want to move on from Disney because of this change. Their right. Free country.

We love Disney. Sometimes they don't get it right. Something they hit it out of the park. Most of the time, they do it better than others.... we still keep them honest and give our feedback directly and in surveys and all. At the end of the day, I believe that they are a good corporate citizen and try to do it right.

ETA: wording.
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For some, probably not and Disney is trying to figure out what to do in those cases as everyone adjusts to this new normal.
And these are the people who should reconnect with Accessibility Services. Not Guest Relations. If the explain the specifics of where, when, what happened they may get DAS issued. That’s how Disney will figure it out. Unfortunately there will be some trial and error.
To be clear, not ALL people with developmental disabilities will qualify for new DAS, and not ONLY people with developmental disabilities have qualified either. Disney has just become much more strict with their criteria for what does/does not qualify.

Just because Disney ran a program in the past does not mean that they have to run it in the future.

While in an ideal world, all/only those with "legitimate health reasons” would get exactly the accommodations that they need. The problem is that there is no sure fire, clear cut way to determine this. Doctor’s notes won’t do it. Diagnoses won’t do it. Self attestation won’t do it. So Disney is doing the best they can to adjust from an overly generous system to one that is meeting the *needs* (not wants) of *most* of their disabled guests.
Just a thought about this *needs* thing...

It's been said a lots here. But it looks like the *needs* is what the person at the other side of the video chat decides what is someone's *needs* is

And not necessarily the person own body's required *needs*

Just a thought.....
That will always depend on a person and what is their situation is. With some people their condition is very unpredictable and by that very nature it cannot be predicated by saying what your above point is. The PP point however was about difficulty leaving a line, queue after merge, pre-show, etc physically speaking.
Yes I got the point and I thought I reflected to that. At least that was my intention.

I do think leaving the line in a wheelchair/EVC is very problematic in a hurry or even impossible for some on time.

I think DAS is that's why warranted for those even if it's "just in case".
Yes, after the merge is the same line but the overall wait time with DAS should be shorter than the stand by ....so less likely would cause problems. Isn't this what the post is about? That they suggested that after the merge is the same difficulty to get out doesn't matter from which line the person coming from?

It does matter... if someone spend less time overall in the line less likely that they have to get out?

Did I misread it?
I have a somewhat similar q
Dumb tech question: I’ve downloaded the Zoom app for my iPad - do I need to set up an account to use it for DAS video chat, or will they send me a meeting ID I can plug in to use without my own account? Sorry - I’m a Teams user and Zoom is totally foreign to me lol! I already have DAS set up but may need to make a party change in a couple days and would like to have things set up, just in case they need to video conference for that. TIA!
I have similar questions

Without Zoom is not possible to do the chat anymore?

Couple of years ago I tried VPN it did work on my laptop. But now I'm reading is possible to do on mobile phone?

My laptop is too slow now ... mobile might be better. Is it possible to download VPN to mobiles?

I'm extremely bad in tech stuff ....
I have a somewhat similar q

I have similar questions

Without Zoom is not possible to do the chat anymore?

Couple of years ago I tried VPN it did work on my laptop. But now I'm reading is possible to do on mobile phone?

My laptop is too slow now ... mobile might be better. Is it possible to download VPN to mobiles?

I'm extremely bad in tech stuff ....
ProtonVPN has a mobile phone application (on Apple App Store and Google Play Store) that would let you connect to a US server for free and complete the Zoom meeting that way. While I can’t say if Zoom would pick up on it or not, I’ve had no issues using ProtonVPN and video conferencing applications before. I believe that it’s most recent update has taken away the specific server list, but you should still be able to connect to a US server, you may just need to connect and disconnect a handful of times to get there.


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