Culture Shocks and Disney Magic... in Asia!!! A TR on all Asia Disney Resorts! [Update Dec19!]

Getting caught back up... sorry to hear about your stressful travel day! But man that Toy Story hotel is cute. The beds look a little small, but I think All Star Sports even had double beds when we stayed there. I was so tired that I don't really remember :P I just fell right asleep, in my smushed state, lol!
Getting caught back up... sorry to hear about your stressful travel day! But man that Toy Story hotel is cute. The beds look a little small, but I think All Star Sports even had double beds when we stayed there. I was so tired that I don't really remember :P I just fell right asleep, in my smushed state, lol!
Haha honestly, originally we were a little bit bummed about the double beds but like you said, you're so tired that you don't even notice when you're dead asleep haha
OK, I'm back finally had a chance to read!

This is no problem for me! It will make it easier for me to keep up!

From a Southern Californian's perspective this sounds really cold! :cold:

That certainly puts some perspective on it!

Isn't that fantastic when you find your Disney soulmate? :goodvibes

This is becoming my biggest fear of traveling to Shanghai. I am not of Asian descent and the languages that I studied were French and German.

Wow! I can't even store that many pictures on my phone!

I hope you'll join in on the banter!

Were your ears ringing? :listen:

Oops! Sorry I didn't realize I never got a chance to reply! I think... that Shanghai, there is usually probably someone around who can speak at least a little bit of English in the park. The only time was when we decided to get a chinese meal in Disney Town and I had to break out some super broken Chinese... but hand gestures and charades seemed to work well enough :rotfl:
I am really looking forward to read more about your trip! I already got some valuable information! We are also planning on using the 144 hour visum for Shanghai before we continue to Tokyo. After reading your experience (how scary!!) I did some more research and it appears that the trick is that one needs to tell the check in person that China is only your transit country and that the country you visit next is your destination. So, in our case that will be Japan. I hope that with that info we will get an agent that can figure it out...

The other thing is the taxis scam! It appears that those supposedly official security guide scam is quite popular since both you and @PrincessInOz ran into that. So, the real taxi fare should be around 100 yuan? That is good to know, because as soon as someone wants to charge more, you know that this is not correct...
Sorry your finding problems with the hotel. It really looks cute. My kids are older now but when my son was little he would have loved to stay there.

I can't wait to see pictures of Disney Town.
It has taken me three different devices and all afternoon to catch up on your trip.

Ugh the agent. I would have had a meltdown. I'm lucky I have Fran, she is like Glendon and always remains calm while I'm freaking out. It doesn't help when you're hangry!
I take pictures of my airline food too! Why not? It's all part of the experience! I enjoy your background stories, not only do we get to know you a little bit better, it does set the stage for what's to come. I grew up in the SF Bay Area, and when I got my driver's license me and my friends used to drive up to Chinatown in San Francisco hoping to get some authentic Chinese Food. We'd avoid the fancy expensive places and pick the seedier ones that were packed with Chinese and that looked like we wouldn't get food poisoning. We saw a lot of Chinese behavior, but I'm sure it's not anything that would prepare me for visiting China (hopefully someday!)

The Toy Story room is cute, I'm looking forward to hearing about Disneytown.
I am really looking forward to read more about your trip! I already got some valuable information! We are also planning on using the 144 hour visum for Shanghai before we continue to Tokyo. After reading your experience (how scary!!) I did some more research and it appears that the trick is that one needs to tell the check in person that China is only your transit country and that the country you visit next is your destination. So, in our case that will be Japan. I hope that with that info we will get an agent that can figure it out...

The other thing is the taxis scam! It appears that those supposedly official security guide scam is quite popular since both you and @PrincessInOz ran into that. So, the real taxi fare should be around 100 yuan? That is good to know, because as soon as someone wants to charge more, you know that this is not correct...
I honestly think that the 144 hour transit shouldn't be too big of a problem, especially now that it's been a thing for a little while now. I think we just got the bad luck of the draw with our agent haha. As long as you have all your info (regarding your next flights, etc) it's on the airline's systems somewhere. It's just a matter of finding it. So let's hope you get an agent who has done it before!

I'm assuming the taxi fare is between 100-200 Yuan to get to the Disney Resorts. I would look in to seeing if you could possibly pre-book something through someone reputable? I didn't really plan to look in to it, but when we arrived we thought that probably would have been a little bit more convenient and less worrisome. It would probably cost more though... but I don't think it could cost more than 500 Yuan.
Sorry your finding problems with the hotel. It really looks cute. My kids are older now but when my son was little he would have loved to stay there.

I can't wait to see pictures of Disney Town.
Hahaha it's not too big of an issue, we mostly just needed a place to sleep and get ready so it was good. Plus it's still Disney so we can't complain too much!
It has taken me three different devices and all afternoon to catch up on your trip.

Ugh the agent. I would have had a meltdown. I'm lucky I have Fran, she is like Glendon and always remains calm while I'm freaking out. It doesn't help when you're hangry!
I take pictures of my airline food too! Why not? It's all part of the experience! I enjoy your background stories, not only do we get to know you a little bit better, it does set the stage for what's to come. I grew up in the SF Bay Area, and when I got my driver's license me and my friends used to drive up to Chinatown in San Francisco hoping to get some authentic Chinese Food. We'd avoid the fancy expensive places and pick the seedier ones that were packed with Chinese and that looked like we wouldn't get food poisoning. We saw a lot of Chinese behavior, but I'm sure it's not anything that would prepare me for visiting China (hopefully someday!)

The Toy Story room is cute, I'm looking forward to hearing about Disneytown.
I think we both have our perfectly balanced partner! Lucky for us haha. I honestly don't know what I would have done if he wasn't there with me.

Eeeee I've never been to SF, but Glendon LOVES it there. He has said the Chinatown in San Francisco is the best china town ever with really good Chinese food! Hahaha. If you've experienced the Chinese behaviour there... I would say that you can easily tell the difference between ones that have been in NA a while vs the ones that are newer, right? The newer ones... multiply their behaviour by quite a bit and that would be how it is in China. I wouldn't say that they're all just horrible, it's just that there are SO many people in China

Glad to hear you enjoy my stories :jester:
Day 2 [part 2]: First night of sort of Disney Magic… Disneytown!

So finally we popped onto the bus to take us over to Disneytown! It was a very short ride, about 5 minutes. Sorry I don’t have a photo of what it looks like from the bus station.

Here you can see the Shanghai Disneyland Hotel across the water

Yay the Disneytown sign!

(This whole time since coming back I’ve been calling it Disney Town. Like, two distinct words. It took me until I just uploaded this photo to see that it’s one word: Disneytown. I was like what the… and looked it up. It’s Disneytown one word ahahaha.)

Here is the sign of it from further back

Based on where I was standing in relation to the Disneytown sign when I took this photo… To the left is World of Disney. To the right is the Mickey fountain that leads to security and ticketing and park. Through the arch and behind is shops and eating!

We did LOTS of wandering. We didn’t have any plans as to what we might want to eat, so we decided to just walk around, look at some stores, and if a place tickled our fancy for food we’d go and eat there! Since we were just wandering, we had no idea the layout of Disneytown and just went with it.


I knew that Duffy and Shellie May were super super popular in Japan, but I didn’t know that it carried over into Shanghai as well. I’ve found that in North America, you either love Duffy the Disney bear, or you really didn’t like him haha. In our group, Glendon and I LOVE Duffy, and Jenna and Brian don’t haha. I think this definitely has to do with the fact that Glendon has been to Tokyo before when he was younger and got to be fully immersed in the Duffy craze, to which he got super excited to explain to me on our first Disneyland trip together. I always thought Duffy was the cutest teddy bear, so add that with Glendon’s enthusiasm, it was easy for me to also fall in love with Duffy. I guess it also helps that Glendon bought me my Duffy during that said Disneyland trip when I got very sick haha. And I think for Jenna and Brian, they see it as Duffy was kind of forced upon the market, being labelled as the Disney bear. Anyways… I LOVE the expansion of the Duffy universe haha. I mean… Just look at Shellie May!! She’s a PINK version of Duffy with eyelashes and a big BOW! Plus with the Mickey paws… I just love them.


Look at this cute entrance to World of Disney

It’s like Mickey and Minnie world travellers, shopping and holding hands. I love it! Can I have this made and put it on display on a wall at home??

Our first tsum tsum sighting

I know that this wasn’t in World of Disney (we decided to do World of Disney on our way out after dinner) but we had popped into a smaller store and spotted the tsum sums. I think the store was… i.T? Anyways I hadn’t had a chance to go into a Disney store back home in a while so I wanted to see what they had in terms of variety. Lots of Finding Dory still!

Another night time view of some of Disneytown

We wandered around trying to figure out what to eat. Mostly we wanted to try some Chinese food, but at the same time we didn’t want to spend too much money right off the bat on our first night. (We skipped options like Cheesecake Factory, Japanese chains, and the bigger fancier Chinese restaurants like Shanghai Min.) Our first stop we decided to check out was called Food Republic, since it looked like a food court type, quick service area. Lots of different options inside that you can choose from, and it was packed with Chinese people. So we thought yeah, why not try here! Except… We couldn’t really figure out how to order and pay. We got directed to some machines… so we THINK you load up a pre-paid card and use that to buy your quick service meal. Anyways we were too tired to try and figure it out, so we decided to try an actual small restaurant. We ended up choosing a place called The Dining Room.

I forgot to take a photo of the menu! But basically we ordered based on the pictures we saw haha.


Jenna and Brian got this rice dish

We had to order Soup Dumplings!

(XLB! XLB! XLB! Xiao long bao, soup dumplings, originated in the Shanghai region so we had to have some our first night!)​

We ordered this thinking it was like the siu mai pork dumplings we get at dimsum

But it’s more like a…. rice dumpling with little bits of pork! Different, but not bad​

This is another dish that is popular in Northern China

It’s a spicy bean curd/tofu thing dish?? Umm I’m not really sure how to describe it. But it’s SO spicy. Spicy in a way where there’s no taste… just ridiculous HEAT!​

AND sitting in this restaurant is where I had my first experience of whipping out my awful mandarin! And it went exactly as we anticipated: not the greatest :rotfl:
I tried to order Glendon and I some plain white rice to eat with our bean curd thing. I’m not sure if it’s just not common to have plain white rice with your dish, or the guy literally could not understand at ALL what I wanted, but basically he just said “no we don’t have that” hahaha. THEN I tried to ask for 4 glasses of ice water. But I couldn’t, for the life of me, remember how to say the word for GLASS. So I was sitting there errrrr-ing and just basically asked for 4 waters, without saying glass/cup. To which, of course, the server clarified back, “4 GLASSES of water??” “YES!!! Thank you!!” The server returned with 4 glasses of hot, boiled water. Which at first everyone was laughing at me that I really failed at this. But then we actually didn’t mind, because we were seated right by the doors, and it was FREEZING (to the point where the hostesses were wearing floor length parkas). BUT THEN we realized we forgot you can’t drink the tap water… and they only drink boiled water or bottled water. And since we asked for free water, we got the boiled water haha.

Here is a view into the restaurant from where we were seated

Notice, everyone is wrapped up in their winter coats.​

So after food, we went and wandered to look at some of the stores! First stop, the Lego store!! We LOVE seeing the Lego displays around the store! I always think they’re so impressive. I’m still impressed by the ones at Disney Springs and I always go and stare at them, even though I’ve looked at them so many times now.

Here is a Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America hanging from the ceiling with a gorgeous skyline in the back

Snow White

View from the second floor down

You can see Mulan there!!!

A HUGE dragon wrapped around the elevator shaft

A close up of these guys hehe

Soooooo cool

I forgot to take a photo of the actual store… and I missed a lot of the other displays. But I think you can tell which ones I liked the most haha.

Disneytown has a BAPE store! (Japanese clothing brand)

Glendon used to LOVE A Bathing Ape (again, after his first trip to Tokyo haha) but there is only ONE official store in North America… in New York. He REALLY wanted to go to the one in New York when we were there three years ago, but it was much too far out of the way from where we were staying and we ran out of time. SO seeing this store in Shanghai was a HUGE deal for Glendon! (There are only 17 total stores outside of Japan across the world!) We didn’t buy anything, we weren’t looking to spend too much money. I just liked looking at the cute characters of the brand. And Glendon was just happy to finally have his store experience.

We wandered a few stores… Jenna and I popped into the Sephora just because we were curious just how badly inflated the prices were compared to back home. China adds a HUGE tax on luxury goods including cosmetics. I see Chinese girls come into cosmetics stores in Canada every day to buy cosmetics nearly in bulk to bring back to China, so I was definitely wondering just how much more things cost. We did rough calculations… a lip product that I own too-many of… that costs $45 CAD back home… we did the conversions from Yuan to CAD and I think it came to about $65-$70 CAD. Yikes! I thought paying the $45 was waaaaaay too much. I can’t imagine that product costing almost $70 to buy. After Sephora we also popped into the Innisfree shop! This is a Korean brand of skincare and cosmetics, and is quite famous for their sheet masks. For some reason we decided not to buy anything… I think we were thinking we would just get some in Japan since we had more time for shopping then. Little did we know, this would be the only time our entire trip that we saw an Innisfree shop haha. That’s okay, we can Amazon the sheet masks if we REALLY wanted them for a decent price back home. SO it wasn’t too big a deal that we didn’t get anything. (We were mostly obsessed with finding Japanese skincare anyways, as Korean skincare is more easily assessable in Canada now)

Then finally, we went to look around World of Disney!

Here is a video of our first view:

Originally… I had recorded myself saying “We are HERE! WORLD OF DISNEY!!! It’s HUGE in here!!” because I had totally thought it was like in Florida, where you walk into a door and you are in one room… and then you move onto the next room. So I thought this first room was so big. Then I realized it was the entire shop LOL. Oops! SO World of Disney inn Disneytown is all in this big circular store. Not as huge as I was expecting, for a World of Disney.

Here are some photos of some of the merchandise I liked/thought were interesting!

More tsum sum merchandise

A BIG wooden Duffy displayer! (back side)

Front side! (Placed right inside one of the entrances)

Why is it so cute =O

Duffy and Shellie May stuff!

Tron Lightcycle Power Run merch!

This might have been my favourite weird item I saw!

You colour the pieces and then insert the pieces together to build the scene!
(I have no idea what I would do with this, though, so it did not get to come home with us)
(ALSO a real life update: we went into our local Disney store the other day and saw something very similar to this in the store!)​

After walking through Disneytown (we didn’t buy anything yet because we weren’t sure what we would like most about the park to bring home with us!) we decided to pop back to our hotel. But first, we stopped into the Starbucks to see if by chance they carried the You-Are-Here mugs for the park. We were pretty sure they didn’t, but it didn’t hurt to look, right? (They don’t have them for the park haha)

A small view inside:

Pretty cute​

But our favourite part of this Starbucks is the lights they have outside:

They’re little Starbucks coffee mugs!!!!​

Then when we got back to the hotel, we decided to walk around a little bit. Glendon wanted to take a quick peek at the cafe in the hotel (Sunnyside Cafe)

It’s so cute! Hanging from the ceiling are kites with each of the characters on them in cartoon style

We also popped into the grab-and-go foods area just to take a look and everything is cute!

I really wanted to grab a Mickey pork bun to go (I forgot to take a photo, but they have a heated glass displayer with hot, Mickey and Minnie shaped buns! Mickey is pork and I think Minnie is Red Bean) but Glendon said don’t eat a big bun before bed haha. SO no cute Mickey shaped bun for meeeeee.

Look at the washroom signs! Hehehehe

(I have yet to meet someone who could actually do awesome drawings on an Etch-A-Sketch! I know there ARE amazing Etch-A-Sketch artists out there… I just haven’t seen any in person yet!)

Here is the cute spaceship carpet on our way back to our room

And here we are at our room number!

You can turn the red light on and off from inside your room. I think it’s the do-not-disturb notice haha. And now it is time for bed, as we had a big day ahead of us… The most exciting of all, OUR FIRST DAY AT A BRAND NEW PARK THAT NONE OF US HAVE BEEN TO YET!!!! Park hours for the Friday are 9am open to 8pm close.

[One of our favourite things of the hotel is that the aliens/Jessie announce your floor in the elevators. I have a video of the aliens' voices because it's super cute, but I will post it in the next one. We recorded on our way to breakfast!]

Up Next…
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Food Republic, since it looked like a food court type, quick service area. Lots of different options inside that you can choose from, and it was packed with Chinese people. So we thought yeah, why not try here! Except… We couldn’t really figure out how to order and pay. We got directed to some machines… so we THINK you load up a pre-paid card and use that to buy your quick service meal.

OOH! I contemplated eating at Food Republic but ate somewhere else instead. So glad that I didn't eat there now....because I don't think I would have figured out how to pay either.

We ended up choosing a place called The Dining Room.

The food looks good there!

First stop, the Lego store!! We LOVE seeing the Lego displays around the store!

I definitely need a trip back now. I never made it INSIDE the store.

Little did we know, this would be the only time our entire trip that we saw an Innisfree shop haha.

It was weird how it was the only Innisfree store around!

Not as huge as I was expecting, for a World of Disney.

I so agree. It was a decent enough size store but no where near as large as I thought it would be.

But our favourite part of this Starbucks is the lights they have outside:

I don't think I even looked at those cups at night. I saw them in the morning and didn't give them a second thought at all! Nice.
Your dinner looks very good! I need to remember that place. I think we will have dinner on our last evening in Disneytown. What are soup dumplings? Are they filled with soup? And what kind of soup?

All the little details at Toy Story Hotel look really nice, I am starting to get excited about our upcoming stay there! I am especially excited about the cakes at the cafe there! Am I correct in reading prices there as 35 Yuan per piece? Sounds like typical Disney pricing... Still, from a European perspective that is still an ok price. But for the Chinese those prices must be hard.
Your dinner looks very good! I need to remember that place. I think we will have dinner on our last evening in Disneytown. What are soup dumplings? Are they filled with soup? And what kind of soup?

All the little details at Toy Story Hotel look really nice, I am starting to get excited about our upcoming stay there! I am especially excited about the cakes at the cafe there! Am I correct in reading prices there as 35 Yuan per piece? Sounds like typical Disney pricing... Still, from a European perspective that is still an ok price. But for the Chinese those prices must be hard.

This should give you some more background.

Food pricing and value was very good in Shanghai Disneyland we found. Hong Kong however... That's whole different story that Jessica will get to eventually...
Wondering why the waiter could see you struggling with Mandarin yet he answered in English. Was he just playing with you?

I love Disneytown. It's so cool seeing how alike and then so different they are. I would say you had a very successful day.
Thanks!! So there really is soup inside!

Good news on SDL food pricing!

Later on when we get to Shanghai City, we go to Din Tai Fung which is a Michelin star chain that specializes in the soup dumplings. Pro Tip: Nine Dragons in EPCOT has them, and they're actually not bad....

Yeah.. Most things are all sets. Like at Toy Story's cafe (which you'll see in the next post), all the breakfast things are sets. So they come with your items + coffee or tea.


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