Cruising, Wining, and Disney Dining - Two 2012 PTRs in One! **TR LINK UP**

I love that sparkly top from Old Navy-- very cute! We're the same way about AK-- we can only fill up a few hours there.
Never been to Via Napoli but I definitely want to try it our next trip-- it looks sooo good! I'd definitely try the pizza!
Eeek, I can't believe it's September. Soon enough it'll be the holiday season! :scared1:

Ack! Don't say that! The stores will be decorated as soon as Halloween is over if they haven't started already. I feel like the holiday season gets longer every year. I love Christmas but I hate preparing for it!

I've been MIA lately, but I am all caught up...
Loved the pics of that concert...not a fan of the boy bands usually, but I do like The Wanted...and LLCoolJ...CLASSIC!! Looks like you guys had a blast!

Cute shoes! And those tanks are great too...really like the stripes! Very prepster!

Your daily plans are lookin' great! I agree with AK, we were going to spend the day there originally, but we decided a half day would cover it.

Can't believe you are going THIS MONTH!!!!:cool1::banana::yay::dance3:

The Wanted songs are catchy and they just look like they're having a blast on stage. They treat their fans really well too. That's why they're so likeable!

I have a lot of striped tops. I should just start calling myself Zack Morris.

25 days!!!!!! :banana:

I loved Via Napoli! I had the 4 cheese white pizza and it was ahhhhhmaaazingggg! Never had the pasta there, but everything sounds good from their menu so I don't think you can go wrong with a meal there. :thumbsup2

Pizza seems to be getting the majority of the votes. Maybe I'll get pizza and Kris will get pasta & we can share. :)

Your AK day sounds good. I want to catch both shows this time. My hubby is an animal lover so we will head to Rafiki's Planet Watch so we can watch the goats and whatever other animals are out there.

I went to Rafiki's once and it was cute but the time it takes to get over there compared to the time I actually spend there doesn't make it worth it. If you could walk, sure I'd visit, but the train just makes me steer clear.

I have not put a top coat over it. I'm too lazy. :lmao: I'm sure next time I will though. I love them! I had houndstooth ones once and that was awesome. Then I've done a sparkly damask pattern. The animal prints are PERFECT for AK though. I might just steal your idea one day! :thumbsup2

I understand how you feel about AK. I do love it though, sometimes it's just hard to fill up the day with it. I don't think I've ever stayed a full day. Last year, we only went once and didn't even stay long because it was so crazy and just not worth it. :hyper: I'm glad you do have time to squeeze it in.

And Via Napoli. YAY!! I love it. Get the sangria. Not a glass, silly. Get a pitcher. ::yes:: Get some pizza. I usually stick with pepperoni. And for some reasons I never think to try it, but get the Zeppoles or whatever for dessert.

YAY FOR GOING TO DISNEY THIS MONTH!!! I'm so happy for you!! Be sure to send me lots of pictures!!

:dance3::banana::woohoo::yay::dance3::banana: :woohoo: :yay:

Put a top coat over it! It makes it last longer. I've used the solid colors and a bunch of the prints. When my sister used to work at Ulta, she bought them for me all the time. Now that I've discovered you can get them cheap on E-Bay I've become addicted all over again.

Of course we'll get a pitcher of sangria! No glass for this girl. It is the food and wine festival after all. :rotfl:

25 days to go!!! I'm getting so excited and at the same time panicking because I still have to shop for travel size stuff and figure out what I'm going to pack!

I know a lot of people don't care for AK, but I think it's just absolutely beautiful! I wish they still did EMH at night because it's even more gorgeous once the sun goes down.

Anyways....we love FOTLK but we'd like to see Nemo again. Haven't seen it since 2009 and I think Cole would love it. At least with 4 of us, Maddie and Tony could stand in line while I park the stroller and walk around with Cole. We've never seen the parade either and I'd like to give it a go.

Via Napoli is amazing!!! We got the margherita pizza and I highly recommend it (tomoto, basil and mozzarella). The pizza is the big draw so you should really try it. The large pizza was more than enough for the 3 of us 2 years ago. They have personal size pizza too.

AK is a beautiful park. Of the four, I think the theming there is hands down the best. But there's just not enough to do to fill up an entire day! Even if I wanted to stay from park opening to closing, I don't think I could.

I love margherita pizza! I think I know what I'm going to order now. :)
Zach Morris!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
The train ride is actually part of the attraction for going out there! Hubby is a HUGE train lover!! As evedinced in my next daily plan update I will be doing lol!!
Great plans! Love, love, love the tops from Old Navy! I plan my outfits as well... It does help to avoid overpacking!
Put a top coat over it! It makes it last longer. I've used the solid colors and a bunch of the prints. When my sister used to work at Ulta, she bought them for me all the time. Now that I've discovered you can get them cheap on E-Bay I've become addicted all over again.

Of course we'll get a pitcher of sangria! No glass for this girl. It is the food and wine festival after all. :rotfl:

25 days to go!!! I'm getting so excited and at the same time panicking because I still have to shop for travel size stuff and figure out what I'm going to pack!

WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME THEY ARE ON EBAY?! Now I'm going to get addicted too! I don't even bother doing my fingernails without those! I really love them, but luckily so far, the price has kept me from being TOO addicted. :rotfl:

You are a girl after my own heart, I should've known you would get the pitcher! Silly me!! :upsidedow

Only 25 days?! Wow, time is flying!! That is crazy! I cannot wait for you!
Zach Morris!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

YES! You even got a pic of him with the crazy big cell phone. :rotfl:

The train ride is actually part of the attraction for going out there! Hubby is a HUGE train lover!! As evedinced in my next daily plan update I will be doing lol!!

I just saw your update :) The tour sounds cool!

Great plans! Love, love, love the tops from Old Navy! I plan my outfits as well... It does help to avoid overpacking!

It's a huge help. I tried it for the first time in 2010 and have avoided overpacking for every trip since then!

WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME THEY ARE ON EBAY?! Now I'm going to get addicted too! I don't even bother doing my fingernails without those! I really love them, but luckily so far, the price has kept me from being TOO addicted. :rotfl:

You are a girl after my own heart, I should've known you would get the pitcher! Silly me!! :upsidedow

Only 25 days?! Wow, time is flying!! That is crazy! I cannot wait for you!

You can get a two pack on E-Bay! With the shipping I got the zebra & leopard print two pack for $6. Go check E-bay now! GO! :rotfl:
Hi guys!

My head is starting to spin from the list of things I want to get done before the trip so I thought why not come to my PTR and write it all down?

  • Get haircut. I plan on doing this sometime next week. My hair is past my shoulders and I want it cut a little longer than chin length. Super easy to dry & style and it'll keep me cooler.
  • Go through what travel size stuff I have and go to Harmon & buy anything else I need.
  • Plan my daily outfits!
  • Do my nails!
  • Print out Dan's instructions for the Photopass share so I don't mess it up for him! ;) That's really something I have to worry about after the trip but I still want to look it over again.
  • Put my trip binder together. I have a folder with all of our confirmations in my desk at work. I keep meaning to bring it home and put it all in the binder and so far I haven't.
  • Online check-in for hotel, car rental, and flight!
  • Pack!
  • Cash in change jar and put money toward my Disney fund.
  • Drop the cat off at my mom's. My sister is cat sitting!
  • Add Disney songs to my phone. I thought it'd be appropriate to wake up to the Circle of Life everyday since we're staying at AKL! :)
  • Buy memory card for camera

I think that's it. That's all I can think of anyway.

I think I mentioned our AAA is being bought out by a bigger AAA club and the official date is October 1. We get paid on 9/7 and 9/21 and then have to transition to their payroll system and they're bi-weekly schedule is different from ours so we wouldn't get paid again until 10/12. To offset not getting a check for 3 weeks, we're getting a weekly check on 9/28. I already figured out my budget & expenses based on my normal paydays so this is like a bonus check for me! Right before we leave too! Extra vacation money, yay! :banana:

My last week of work before the trip is shaping up to be a busy one so I'm hoping that'll make it go faster! On the 24th I have a meeting at a different branch so I won't get in to my office until close to noon. And then the next day I'm attending a 2 hour luncheon that's about 30 minutes from my office so that knocks a good chunk out of that day as well! Not counting today, I have 17 days of work left til the trip!

I'll have a daily update for you all on Saturday and since Kris will be out of the house for most of the day Sunday due to football, I'll probably do some outfit planning then. Stay tuned for those updates as well.

24 days to go! :dance3:
Yay for extra Disney money!! That is super thrilling. Ah the bliss of stressful to-do-before-vacay lists. I'm so envious.
Ooo, can't wait to see pictures after you get your haircut! That style sounds cute and perfect for Disney.
Yay for bonus vacation money!! Will being bought out mean any other big changes for you at work?
I loved doing a PP share our last trip. So much cheaper-- and the woman who organized it was so quick to get us our photos.
Yay for extra Disney money!! That is super thrilling. Ah the bliss of stressful to-do-before-vacay lists. I'm so envious.

If you're so envious want to fly to NJ and help me out? :laughing:

Ooo, can't wait to see pictures after you get your haircut! That style sounds cute and perfect for Disney.
Yay for bonus vacation money!! Will being bought out mean any other big changes for you at work?
I loved doing a PP share our last trip. So much cheaper-- and the woman who organized it was so quick to get us our photos.

So far they've just gone over changes in our benefits & 401k match. Our benefits cost dropped about $100/month which is nice. Other than that they're saying 'no big changes' but I don't believe that for a second. I don't know how much it'll effect the employees but I think management might be in for a rude awakening...
Hi everyone!

I feel like I've been doing a lot of updating lately. I can't believe how close the trip is getting. 3 weeks from tomorrow! 15 days of work left. :)

Day 6 - 10/5

This is probably going to be my favorite day of the trip because it's my BIRTHDAY! My 30th (ugh) birthday. Spending it in Disney takes the sting out of it a little bit.

We'll be starting the day off with an 8:35 breakfast ADR at Crystal Palace. I know a few of you have reservations there at the same time so hopefully we'll run into each other. :) Maybe snap a picture for our TRs :)

Obviously we will be spending the day in my favorite park, Magic Kingdom! We'll hit the attractions we missed during MNSSHP and re-do the favorites: Haunted Mansion, POTC, Space, Splash, and BTMRR. We'll stay as long as we want and do as much as we can & head back over to the hotel to freshen up because tonight we're going to...

CityWalk! That's right. We're bursting the Disney bubble. When we visited Universal in 2010 we had dinner at Pastamore but never spent any real time at Citywalk. I have $50 worth of gift cards for Landry's which owns Bubba Gump so we're going to go there for dinner & spend the rest of the night at Margaritaville (my favorite place) and Pat O'Brien's. After we're done party-hardy-ing for my birthday we'll head back to AKL & get some much needed rest. I'm sure we're going to be exhausted after that long day!

And there you have day 6!

22 days to go!
Love your Bday plans! They sound very familiar...:rotfl: I await the day when Disney World starts selling Birthday Packages that include a CP breakfast before park opening and special FPs or something. That seems like a very popular way to spend a birthday in WDW!!

One of my favorite things about staying onsite at a Universal resort is walking through CityWalk back to the room at night. :thumbsup2 We love listening to the live music while eating on the porch at Margaritaville.
I can't imagine a better birthday! Perfect mix of Diseny fun and City Walk partying. I love the energy of Magaritaville!
That sounds like an awesome way to spend your birthday!

Thanks! I thought so too. :)

I can't imagine a better birthday! Perfect mix of Diseny fun and City Walk partying. I love the energy of Magaritaville!

Margaritaville is so fun. Kris has never been to the one in Orlando and I always talk about it so we're really looking forward to it.

Love your Bday plans! They sound very familiar...:rotfl: I await the day when Disney World starts selling Birthday Packages that include a CP breakfast before park opening and special FPs or something. That seems like a very popular way to spend a birthday in WDW!!

One of my favorite things about staying onsite at a Universal resort is walking through CityWalk back to the room at night. :thumbsup2 We love listening to the live music while eating on the porch at Margaritaville.

I'm surprised they DON'T have birthday packages! Get on the ball Disney! All the cool kids go to CP.

I love Citywalk! The energy there is great.
It's football season! Which means Kris is nowhere to be found on Sundays and I have time to myself to get things done. So I planned my outfits today. I'm going to post Days 1 through 6 since I already posted those plans & then post the other pictures with the remaining updates. Here we go!

Day 1 - MNSSHP

Not going to post my outfit for the plane cause I dress to be comfortable & look like a slob LOL. Once we get to AKL I'll change into this for MNSSHP.


It's a Disneyland shirt but who cares? :)

Day 2 - Epcot

Since there are no water rides in Epcot I figure white shorts are a safe bet. That being said I'll probably drop food on them during our tour of the Food & Wine carts or dinner at Beirgarten.


Day 3 - DHS

I can't decide which outfit to wear this day because I think both are cute! Maybe I'll let you guys decide. I'll probably end up packing both incase I need an extra outfit for something.



Day 4 - Blizzard Beach

I think we've decided Blizzard Beach will be the waterpark we choose this day. No need to post the bathing suit and sundress I'll wear to the park. Nothing that needs to be decided ahead of time. I'll probably bring a few with me and choose then. However I will be wearing this later in the day to our dinner at Ohana.


Day 5 - Animal Kingdom/Epcot

I love this top! We'll spend the morning/afternoon at AK and hit up Epcot for dinner at Via Napoli. I think we'll end up going from one park to the other.


Day 6 - My birthday! Magic Kindgom/Citywalk

Breakfast and most of the day at Magic Kingdom. I think this top is so bright and fun! It'll match my mood for the day :)


And for dinner and drinks at Citywalk


All caught up!

I can't believe 3 weeks from today, right around this time, we'll be in our rental car driving to AKL! Ahhhh, so close!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Great outfits!!!! I love the AK shirt too (with the ruffle and awesome print)...I have the same one but it's teal!!!! After trying all of my outfits on, I don't think it's coming with us. :( I just don't like the way it fits for some reason. Oh, and huge thumbs up on the flip flop pic! :thumbsup2 I think I have everyone beat though.

Forgot to post about your birthday plans....they look great! We have been to CityWalk before and it's prett cool. We didn't spend a whole lot of time there, but it was fun to walk around. The one thing I truly hate about Universal is their stupid parking garage! It is SO far away from everything!!


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