Countdown to the Clown! A September PTR - Updated 9/13 - TR LINK

I agree Earl has got to go!!! Sending lots of pixie dust that you won't have to deal with any of your just in case plans!!!!!!

Thank you for the pixie dust!!

Congrats on being packed and ready to go!! :worship: I vow to pack early every year and every year I am up late the night before. Maybe this year will be different! :rolleyes:

Fingers crossed that Earl decides to go out to sea and not mess with any DISney travel plans!!

I think I remember your chronic night before 11:00 pm packing, right? :rotfl: Sometimes it's just easier that way though, then you don't go over everything 82382 times!

Brook, I can not believe that you pack one suitcase with diapers/wipes for all three of you!!!!!!:scared1: would pass out if you saw what we bring! LOL!!!:rotfl:

Pixie dust that Earl goes astray......stay far, far away from Earl!!!:eek: Hope it passes by fast and your plans aren't changed!!:wizard:

Yes, diapers and wipes for all three of us. :laughing:;) Sorry, when I first read that sentence I laughed out loud and had a mental picture of Joe in a diaper!!! :lmao:

But yep! That's for all three of us! :cheer2: The only part we have to be concerned about is weight...but I think we'll be okay even there because we aren't taking any jeans with us, those weigh the most. My Keens are in there, they are if we are over I'll be switching to those shoes for my two days without Joe. I think I'll MAKE :laughing: Joe pack tonight...then we can find out where the weight is!
Oh my goodness Brook! Every time they talk about Earl on the news I think of you!

My DH is a weather geek! We are in a precarious position sitting out here on the East End of Long Island so he's been obsessing about it! He's pretty sure, and he's got a pretty good track record, is that Earl going to go about 150-200 miles east of Montauk Thursday night - Friday. He doesn't really think it's going to be an issue. It may cause a few delays but it shouldn't be awful. Of course, that could change and don't hold me to that!

Ooooh, I hope your DH is RIGHT!! Please keep me posted on his thoughts, especially for Friday evening, that's when Joe flies out. I haven't checked into Earl this morning yet.

Has our area gotten some wicked hurricanes in the past? I've never experienced one! I've been through blizzards, floods, tornadoes, straight-line winds, weather so cold the ENTIRE state of MN was shut down and everyone was advised, by the Governor, to stay inside....but never a hurricane!

Oh No You Didn't? You rode this?????? :worship: You've got way more guts than me. :rotfl: Just looking at this ride makes me scared to death!

Is this Cedar Point?

Congrats on being packed. For some reason I thought you were leaving tomorrow, but I see its Thursday.

I was just watching something about hurricane earl on the news just as I was reading your post. I don't think Friday is going to be a very good travel day or any type of day for the matter. I hope it does change course and it doesn't interfere with Joe's plans.

I DID. Never, never again! You get in the car and slowly make your way to a launch area and then are shot off at 110 MPH, STRAIGHT UP that giant hill. And get this...they have signs all over the queue that says sometimes the car doesn't make it on the first you have to go AGAIN. :sad2: Thankfully we were not one of those! You get to the top and creep over the hill and then are literally facing the pavement below you, at 45 stories. :scared1: Joe had to literally pull me out of the car after the ride was done. I couldn't move or even talk. He LOVED it. :scared1::sad2::scared1:

It's at Six Flags New Jersey...which is a very fun park...TONS of roller coasters!!! That's all we did that day, coaster after coaster...and one Sponge Bob 4-D show. :laughing: We didn't even cover all the coasters though! We hope to go back when we have a sitter for H at some point. That coaster, Kingda Ka, will NOT be in my plans. I'll just patiently wait for Joe at the bottom. :rolleyes1

I really hope Earl changes his course! If Joe were just delayed to the next day it would be alright, but it would be very frustrating for him. We'll see I guess.....!

Lots going on this week so I'm going to wish you a great trip now! I'll keep my fingers crossed that Earl takes a turn east!

Have an amazing time!! Can't wait to see some Boardwalk pictures!!

Thank you!!!! I can't believe it's so close! I'll be sure to bring back LOTS of BW pictures!

Brook, first I have to say you are amazing with your packing!!! We each had a HUGE suitcase and carry ons and purses/laptops depending on who was who! ;) I cannot believe you can do that with 3 people! :confused3 You are wonder woman!
Second, I am another Diser who thought of you when I heard of Earl! Isn't it funny that we all live through each other's trips! I am thinking that you and Henry will be good to go but we will keep that pixie dust sprinkling for Joe! :confused: Hopefully it will go east and leave us all out of its path.
You are soooo close! Can you believe it??? :yay:

We have gotten pretty good at packing over the years! When we went to Israel for 10 days we were allowed ONE suitcase and ONE carry-on each. That was tough...but we learned how to pack better! :laughing: Now I think we could easily do it. I've just learned how to pack things smaller/how to stack clothing, etc. Plus, when packing summer shirts and shorts it's all small, so its easy. Our December trip was MUCH harder to fit because we had jeans/sweatshirts, etc. We aren't bringing any of that. I figure if it randomly hits a cold streak in FL in early September it's a perfect excuse to buy Mickey clothes. :rolleyes1

It is funny how we all live through each others trips! I think of other DISers all the time...little things that remind me of different people!

I haven't checked in on Earl this morning yet...hopefully he's changed his ways.

I am swamped with school, but want to make sure to wish you a wonderful trip and hope that nasty weather does not interupt any of those precious disney moments!

Thank you!!! It might be quite the adventure should Earl not listen to our pleas! We'll see!

Oh, no! I am slipping up on my weather watching! I didn't even know we had a named hurricane out there!

To the Weather Site, I go!

But before I do, extra pixie dust and prayers that Earl decides to fizzle out or head out to sea! :wizard:

Thanks CP! I have mostly just heard through other people about Earl, but I gotta start checking in on him on my own too. He'll either make me happy or :scared1: today....makes me nervous to check in on him!

GO AWAY EARL! We don't like you. So just go far, far away and leave Brook and family to a safe trip without any problems from you causing delays.

You hear that Earl?!?! Listen up boy!

Almost missed this party.
If it is any consolation, I did get the trip insurance this time ( I never get it ) as to guarantee no hurricanes. Hope it works.
Go North Earl, Go North Fiona and over sea!!!!

Hello!!! I got your PM, I gotta reply - but I'm all for it!! I bet our paths will cross!

You are so smart on getting the trip insurance. I did NOT. We've never ever had an issue in the past....hopefully our track record continues!

What does trip insurance do for you during a hurricane? If the flight gets delayed does it cover your hotel, or???
Hi Brook! I am way late to the party but I figure better late than never:goodvibes

First off, glad that your move went well. I lived in Queens (Rego Park) until I was 10 and then we moved out to the suburbs in NJ and I've been here ever since. I do love to visit NYC, mostly to see Broadway shows, and am just over an hour train ride away. Sounds like you are enjoying living in the city.

I haven't read your whole report yet so I really need to go back and catch up. From what I've read so far it sounds like you have some great plans. And the Boardwalk sounds great! I've never stayed in the Epcot area, although in 5 short weeks, I'll be checking into the Beach Club:banana: I think you're going to love it there and being within walking distance to 2 parks. It's just such a nice area, what's not to love, right :thumbsup2

I am in awe of your packing skills:worship: I pack one fairly large suitcase just for myself and am usually pushing the 50 pound weight limit. I am really not good at limiting what I bring with me. My motto is usually, if it fits, it goes...

Here's to hoping that Earl does not create any travel problems for you :wizard:

Are you doing a live trip report? If so, will you be posting a link here? I'd love to follow along. Your writing always makes me feel like I'm right there with you:)

:welcome: Glad you joined us! We are enjoying living here....Queens is such a great place. Everyday Joe and I talk about how much we love our neighborhood too. We might not ever move away from this apartment either...our landlady is so nice and we found out her son is building a deck on top the garage next summer! :woohoo:

Anyway...ooooh, the Beach Club! That is on our list as well, and I have a feeling after our stay at the BWI it's going to get higher. I am thinking we are going to LOVE staying in the Epcot area! That walking distance is sooooo the little boats. I just love it! :cloud9:

I won't be doing a live TR, I might check-in here once or twice during the trip...but I WILL be updating live on Facebook - PM me and I'll send you my name if you want to follow along!

Great talking with you tonight!! Only 3 more sleeps for us, Lady!!

Here's hoping for great traveling weather! :thumbsup2

Sorry about my crazy phone! I've NEVER had that many problems before. I have to get AT&T's little sleeve for the phone that helps with the antenna issue too. :headache:

Anyway, TWO sleeps left! I'll SEE you soon! :dance3:

Hi Brook :flower3: I'm not much of a poster but I am an avid reader of the boards and all of your family's adventures. First of all congrats on fufulling your dream of moving back to NYC and getting to keep DVC, that is awesome. I really admire the guts it must have taken to move away to a new place like that! My DH and I want to do the same thing but haven't found "our" place yet. We just know it is not where we have grown up and currently live.

Hoping Henry has a happy birthdyay, Earl stays away and you all have a GREAT time on your trip. Can't wait to read all about it.

Thank you!!!! Your words mean a lot to me....I completely understand knowing "your place" is not where you currently are. It's hard. I do hope you and your DH find your place soon and are able to go on! I LOVE being able to say that chapter of our lives is closed. We love it here and it's definitely HOME. I haven't felt like I've been HOME for years. It will still be hard to leave Disney at the end of our trip, but not nearly as depressing as it was previously! :laughing: I hope you are able to find your "home" soon. :hug:
Just stopping in to wish you a great trip!!!! I hope your flight isn't going to be affected by Earl.... I haven't been on the boards too much the past few days and I don't know how much time I am going to have over the new few.

Looks like you are in for some beautiful Florida weather... just be ready for that heat! It was the same temps when we were last October (yes I said October) and we managed. I was at MNSSHP in a Jack Sparrow costume in 90 degree weather! :scared1: And I lived to tell about it! :rotfl2:

pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust:HAVE A GREAT TRIP!!!!!!!!! pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust:
Hi! I know I'm a bit late here, but I just realized you had a TR going. I "know" you from MeMom & Jill's report and when you posted that you'd be sending her pics in four days, it hit me that you must be going to WDW soon. I'm trying to catch up here on all your plans but just wanted to say hi first. :wave2:
I hope Earl doesn't cause any problems for you! I know last summer there was a threat of a hurricane right before we left but luckily it all sort of fizzled out. Hope it's the same for you!
Kingda Ka????? I forgot that was at 6 flags cause they have something like that at Cedar Point. I know somebody from work who did it and she loved it. Someone that I would never expect to do it. :confused3 Those ride look absolutely helacious to me. I don't know how you ever got in the car, let alone got out. I love regular roller coaster with all their crazy loops and turns, but I could NEVER do that ride. Maybe for a million bucks, but that's about it!

:cool1:Yeah for 2 Days!
Alright I am WWAAYYY behind but I'm going to try to catch up so I'm ready for your TR when you get back :thumbsup2
Hi Brook, you and Henry must be just itching to hurry up and get to Disney! Only 2 more days, that's like nothing! And I'm highly impressed with your fabulous packing skills.:thumbsup2 I get like that too, I think to myself hey, I'll just pack the backpack, then maybe a few things in the suitcase as well. Before I know it, I'm all packed! Such a great feeling, isn't it? Now this only strictly applies to Disney vacations for me because well, it's my 100% happy place where I can skip through the parks with my 3DD's and not look like an idiot!:laughing: Packing for that is exciting and not a chore!

I'm praying that stupid ol' Earl will mind his manners and head out to sea where he belongs! I have a feeling he'll do just that so don't worry!:goodvibes:goodvibes

I hope Henry has a wonderful 3 year old b-day! He's too darn cute!:) What kind of party are you having for him? Cars? I threw a Cars b-day party for my sweet little nephew and he was so excited he actually burst into this Elvis-like dance!
Ooooh, I hope your DH is RIGHT!! Please keep me posted on his thoughts, especially for Friday evening, that's when Joe flies out. I haven't checked into Earl this morning yet.

Has our area gotten some wicked hurricanes in the past? I've never experienced one! I've been through blizzards, floods, tornadoes, straight-line winds, weather so cold the ENTIRE state of MN was shut down and everyone was advised, by the Governor, to stay inside....but never a hurricane!

I hope so too!!! I'll definitely keep you posted!

DH loves to look at all the different models and compare. One of his favorite things is the Spaghetti Models. These are Earl's Spaghetti as of this morning;

All the line (that look like spaghetti) are a color that correspond to the key on the right. Those are all the different weather agencies etc. So they all pretty much show it going the same way.

This is the projected path and winds as of this morning

The 100 mile an hour wind thing DH isn't buying! There is supposed to be a cold front coming through on Friday that is supposed to slow Earl down and knock the wind down. But, DH said if the cold front stalls Earl's going to be a bit worse for us.

What time is Joe flying out on Friday?!

It's really kind of a crap shoot at this point. That's usually how it is when a hurricane comes this way!

It's been a long, long time since we actually had a real hurricane around here! DH remembers them all. Their name, when it was, the affects, everything! He can give you a detailed history of the Hurricane of 1938 (I think that's what it was) when it nearly destroyed parts of LI!

DH talks about Hurricane Bob which skimmed Montauk in 91 with 60 knot winds. DH says it wasn't bad out here at all. He also talks about Hurricane Gloria which was Sept of 85. I actually remember that because school was cancelled in NJ! I remember think how cool it was that we didn't have school just because it was raining really hard and a little windy! :lmao: But, out here on the East End there was a lot of damage and people didn't have power for several weeks! House on the ocean got washed away, things were flooded, planes at the small local airport got flipped over! Apparently the eye of the storm passed right over the middle of LI! DH still lived on Staten Island at that point (with a summer house out here) and he says it wasn't bad there either. But they came out to check on the house and there were trees down all over the place and there was a lot of damage!

I've lived out here for 12 years and we haven't had a real hurricane yet! We've had threats and people freaking out but never a real hurricane. The worst one was tropical storm Floyd, which I think was Sept of 98 (may have been 99) it was really, really windy and rained like holy heck but it wasn't anything terrible and it was over and done with quickly!

The thing is, 100 miles makes a big difference with a hurricane according to DH! If it goes 100 miles east of Montauk (eastern most point on LI) we'll have rain and a little wind. The closer it comes the worse it will be. From what DH says you don't want to be on the eastern side of the eye of the storm, that's the worst possible scenario! That's what happened out here during Hurricane Gloria!

I'll keep you updated! I'm actually going to pm you my #'s and email!

Keeping my fingers crossed! GO AWAY EARL!! FAR, FAR AWAY!
Hi Brook! Just dropping by on my lunch break so I don't miss you before leaving. I'm not sure if I'll be back on before you head out so I wanted to make sure I wished you guys a safe trip. :cool1::banana::cool1::banana: I'll be sending pixie dust your way that Earl and/or Fiona don't interrupt your plans! Seriously, I do have iHurricane as an app on my phone so you might want to check it out, but hopefully you won't need it. :thumbsup2

Have a great time and I'll be looking for your updates!! :)

Fingers and toes crossed the Earl ends up missing the East Coast, or just causing some rain. Thinking good thoughts that Joe will be able to get out on Friday night.
Earl is going to head east. He is. I just know it!!! But just to be safe, spend a few hours tonight making a really elaborate back up plan...cause then you KNOW he will track east and you won't need it ;)

2 days...geesh, so so exciting!!!:banana::banana:
I am thinking we are going to LOVE staying in the Epcot area! That walking distance is sooooo the little boats. I just love it! :cloud9:

I bet you will love it! Walking right out the back door at the end of an Epcot evening and being home in just minutes is a dream come true!

Thank you!!!! Your words mean a lot to me....I completely understand knowing "your place" is not where you currently are. It's hard. I do hope you and your DH find your place soon and are able to go on! I LOVE being able to say that chapter of our lives is closed. We love it here and it's definitely HOME. I haven't felt like I've been HOME for years. It will still be hard to leave Disney at the end of our trip, but not nearly as depressing as it was previously! :laughing: I hope you are able to find your "home" soon. :hug:

I hope you all find your place. It hurts to even hear about you being somewhere you don't feel is right. I traveled as a kid, because my dad was in the Air Force. We moved here my junior year in high school, even though I desparately wanted to go back to St. Pete. It took a while, but Tennessee grew on me, and it is most definitely home. I have lived in my house for nearly 24 years now. Trent had just turned two. That house is run down and needs many repairs, but it is still home. It's the place we all like to gather for family time.

Brook, I am glad you and Joe and Henry feel great about where you are, and I hope those who are seeking that comfortable place, that sanctuary of their own, will soon find it.
Just popping wish Henry a VERY HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY! (I hope I got that right, it's tomorrow, right?!) I can't believe he's 3!!!!!!! I remember when he was sooo little and now such a big boy that has really made himself a celebrity on your PTR/TRs. I know I'm not the first or the last person to tell you how fond I am of your reports and living your trips with your family, you guys are great people, so fortunate to have you as one of my DIS friends!!:hug: I hope that you all have a wonderful birthday celebration with your little man, have a wonderful trip and I can't wait to hear all about it!!! Safe travels and pixie dust that Earl stays clear of your plans!!!!:wizard:
I DID. Never, never again! You get in the car and slowly make your way to a launch area and then are shot off at 110 MPH, STRAIGHT UP that giant hill. And get this...they have signs all over the queue that says sometimes the car doesn't make it on the first you have to go AGAIN. :sad2: Thankfully we were not one of those! You get to the top and creep over the hill and then are literally facing the pavement below you, at 45 stories. :scared1: Joe had to literally pull me out of the car after the ride was done. I couldn't move or even talk. He LOVED it. :scared1::sad2::scared1:

It's at Six Flags New Jersey...which is a very fun park...TONS of roller coasters!!! That's all we did that day, coaster after coaster...and one Sponge Bob 4-D show. :laughing: We didn't even cover all the coasters though! We hope to go back when we have a sitter for H at some point. That coaster, Kingda Ka, will NOT be in my plans. I'll just patiently wait for Joe at the bottom. :rolleyes1

I grew up on LI and we went to six Flag many times. Love it. I went on the one just like at Cedar point. My Dh and DS sat out. My DD and I loved it.

What does trip insurance do for you during a hurricane? If the flight gets delayed does it cover your hotel, or???
I got he standard through Disney. I did finally read through it to make sure it covered " Acts of nature" and it does. It covers a certain amount if you are delayed or interrupted. I figured if I got it then there would NOT be a hurricane. I have had a couple of trips with extra visitors. I got married right after Hugo. We had to quickly change our honeymoon plans!!:scared1:

It's been a long, long time since we actually had a real hurricane around here! DH remembers them all. Their name, when it was, the affects, everything! He can give you a detailed history of the Hurricane of 1938 (I think that's what it was) when it nearly destroyed parts of LI!

DH talks about Hurricane Bob which skimmed Montauk in 91 with 60 knot winds. DH says it wasn't bad out here at all. He also talks about Hurricane Gloria which was Sept of 85. I actually remember that because school was cancelled in NJ! I remember think how cool it was that we didn't have school just because it was raining really hard and a little windy! :lmao: But, out here on the East End there was a lot of damage and people didn't have power for several weeks! House on the ocean got washed away, things were flooded, planes at the small local airport got flipped over! Apparently the eye of the storm passed right over the middle of LI! DH still lived on Staten Island at that point (with a summer house out here) and he says it wasn't bad there either. But they came out to check on the house and there were trees down all over the place and there was a lot of damage!

I was in Gloria!!!!! I was in college. Now I am really showing my age here :laughing:) We had the eye!!! Of course all the college students were busy yelling at trees to fall and taking care of the keg from the party the night before that got cancelled.:rolleyes1 We got power on campus back pretty quick since we were a priority and had the hospital etc. The towns people would come to campus to do laundry. :laughing:

I think Earl finally started turning more north. Even the weather guys right now are on alert. :scared1: I hope for everyone's sake they are being overly cautious and it won't cause any major problems. Earl is sucking up Fiona now!!!

Earl is going to head east. He is. I just know it!!! But just to be safe, spend a few hours tonight making a really elaborate back up plan...cause then you KNOW he will track east and you won't need it ;)

2 days...geesh, so so exciting!!!:banana::banana:
That's why I got trip insurance!!! :lmao:
Glad I talked to you today!! Now I know that I'll be on the lookout for that perfect little something for that little cutie patootie when I see him! HOpe he doesn't freak out too much when I pinch his cute little cheeks! :littleangel:


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