Countdown to the Clown! A September PTR - Updated 9/13 - TR LINK

I'm so far behind! Not much time to Dis just recently but I am trying to get ready to leave too - thought I was doing well until I spotted you had packed everything already! :rotfl2:
My youngest DD is sick at the moment, but hopefully recovering quickly. Please keep your fingers crossed that she's better before we board our plane on Fri morning :sick: (and that no-one else gets it either)
I will find time very soon to PM you my number, either on here or on FB, before we both leave. Looking forward to meeting you :)
Henry & I are almost Birthday twins, mine is on Friday! :banana:

Congrats on being packed! I'm planning on packing next Monday. We have plans for the weekend and then I'll get serious on Monday. I have gathered most everything we need except the clothes, so it won't be too much work.

I am so ready to be there! :dance3:
Seeing your packing pics make me so excited! I love packing for Disney! :yay: Can't wait to see your trip pics. Take more than 2000 pics if you can manage it :thumbsup2
Three more days!!!! :dance3:

Seriously? You only need one suitcase for all of you?!? How is that possible? I really need to take tips from you on packing! :laughing: I think we are going to have 3 suitcases, plus all our random carry-on bags and items!

Awesome that you are all packed and ready to go! :thumbsup2 Now you can just enjoy the beautiful weather for the next couple of days!
I'll be back later today with replies...but....I just wanted to shout it out...



I figured out something to make today pass by...go visit the library! We have books to return before the trip anyway. :thumbsup2

Any ideas for tomorrow? :rolleyes:
3 days!! :dance3:

Hmmm...are you making a cake or cupcakes for Henry's Birthday? You could do that tomorrow.
First, the fact that you are packed already is so incredible. But the thing that gets me is that it appears to all be in one suitcase or and a backpack. How in the world do you do that? :confused3 You need to do a class for all of us, so that we can be better packers.

On a side note. I know when we last went in September, the thing that I wished I had packed more of was socks and underwear. Because if we took a break, I always felt like I needed to change those items of clothing.

I'm getting so excited for you and for us to start hearing about your trip.
Congrats on being packed 3 days early!!! I hope I follow in your footsteps & do the same!

I like your LGMH on your backpack, I made mine this past weekend.

Have fun at the library!

15 shirts for an 8 day stay isn't excessive right? :rolleyes1

Not at all!
Brook, are you seriously packed.......for all 3 of one suitcase and one backpack??? :eek: How on earth do you do that? If we are going anywhere for a week we usually have 3 suitcases - one for me, one for Don and one for the boys. And you were worried about 15 little shirts...... :laughing:

Yay for 3 days!!!!

Have fun at the library today
I'll be back later today with replies...but....I just wanted to shout it out...



I figured out something to make today pass by...go visit the library! We have books to return before the trip anyway. :thumbsup2

Any ideas for tomorrow? :rolleyes:

Tomorrow park/picnic with Henry? Visit daddy and have lunch?
Another person in favor of the park idea!

I am so impressed that you are packed. I always have great intentions of packing well before our trips but I am a late night packer too. Maybe I will trick myself into thinking we are leaving 3 days earlier so I can be done. Yes, I am that dorky!:laughing:

So, it just dawned on me that my brother and SIL will be at Disney this weekend as well. I might PM you a photo of them so that if you see them in the parks you can go up and introduce yourself. I love them dearly, but they are kind of uptight so this would flip their lids. :lmao: I am sure they'd pose for a photo if you did. SIL is a huge Disney nut and is constantly working on helping me train Aileen into becoming a Disney princess.
So glad you have that balloon packed and weren't leaving it behind :laughing:

You'll be hanging out with that clown in no time!!! :woohoo:

That's awesome that you got everything packed for you and Henry! And no - 15 shirts is not excessive as last September I think we changed two or three times a day because it was so hot and humid.

Mark will also pack for our trip at midnight - about four hours before we have to leave. Drives me crazy! :rotfl:
Being completely packed 3 days in definitely triple WOOT worthty!!

WOOT WOOT WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is awesome!! I'm taking a page from your book for January!!! LOL!!!! Would it be too early to start packing now? LOL!!

15 shirts for 8 days sounds just about right to me!! You need options and if it's hot (IF LOL) and you want to change you know you can!!! :thumbsup2

Awww...Henry's bday!! That little guy is getting so big so fast!!! Leslie and I were just talking today about how fast time is flying!!!!

PS...I want copies of your list LOL!!! I love looking at and tweaking lists!

That's exactly why I packed so many shirts too, I remember wanting a fresh shirt a few times last September.

I cannot believe my little baby is going to be 3. I call him "baby" allllll the time and just recently he's asked, "Am I a baby?" "No honey, you aren't." "I'm a little boy!" Sigh. :lovestruc

You are too funny about the list! Here is the "last minute" stuff I need to throw in the backpack:

  • Put glasses in case
  • Put contacts in case
  • Henry's hat
  • Make-up
  • Wallet
  • Camera
  • Phone
  • Henry's sunglasses
  • My sunglasses
If you can think of anything I might be missing let me know!

Wow, I'm impressed. 3 days to go and you are all packed. And the suitcase looks so neat too.

It will be here before you know it.

I really can't believe it's done. I did realize I didn't put Henry's diapers and wipes in the big suitcase yet, but all that fits in the pocket on the outside of the suitcase. I'll get that done later today.

Ka-ka! I"m so sorry I missed your text at lunch!! I got all ready to call you, but pulled a bonehead move and left my phone in Tracy's car while we were out traipsing around our nation's fair capitol.

Hopefully Glenn or I can get a picture or two up on my thread (or his?) before too long (and for sure before I leave) of our completely fabulous time!! It WAS AMAZING!!

Ah! It's okay! I figured you guys were having a great time and you just didn't hear the phone....which is actually true. :laughing:

I just missed your voicemail too. I posted on your FB wall - it's much easier for me to chat at night. Henry doesn't have a door on his bedroom and if I'm on the phone for any length of time he wakes up and crawls all over me and wants to chat too. And well...Momma needs her "nap time" too so I want him SLEEPING! ;)

I think Glenn posted today on the meet! :woohoo: I'm so glad it was a great time, I figured it would be!!! How could it not with a bunch of lovely DISers?:goodvibes

I am impressed, you are already packed!! :thumbsup2 Those three days will go by so quickly and then you are off to WDW! :goodvibes

I am glad that Joe's mother was fine with the idea of not seeing you for the holidays every year. I always think that it matters more to spend time which matters with family than a specific day in the year and I agree, a visit in the summer would be much more relaxed than during the hectic holiday season.

I'm impressed myself. :rotfl: I couldn't really believe it when I was done!

It was such a relief to hear that from my MIL. She even thought we wouldn't make it back for Christmas THIS year (which, after budget crunching last night, we might not. :sad2: Time will tell.). She was thrilled we were trying to get there! She also liked the idea of us coming in August for all the family birthdays/get together that always happen during August.

I like the way your week is going with Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Disney-Day!!! :lmao:

Way to go on the packing! I am super impressed!!!

I really like my week too! :banana: :laughing: And Monday is already half over! Woot!
Makes me smile to think about him adoring those postcards. :)

I don't know what his plans are. I just know sometimes they go over and walk around DTD. You probably won't cross paths, but it was just a thought. If he says they're going over that way in the middle of the day, I'll tell him to give you a call.

This is certainly an exciting week at your house! :dance3:

It's so cute how he gazes at them! He loves his "friends" at Disney World. :goodvibes

Sounds great about Trent! And how very nice that he can just swing over to DTD anytime he wants....:cloud9:

Anyway week that involves a little one turning 3 and Disney-Day is a super, fabulous week!!!

Yipppeeee for being packed! You go! I must admit, I used to be packed like a month before a trip. But, now it's usually done a few days before. DH thinks I'm nuts but I have to pack for everyone! Him included! DD picks out her own stuff and I put it together and pack!

3 more days!!! WOOT :banana: WOOT :banana: WOOT :banana:

This is a FANTASTIC week! I keep thinking about it all and get more and more excited!

I wish I could say I'm in the habit of packing early! I always mean to, but this is truly the first time I am DONE this early. I am loving it! I think not having a washer/dryer in the house helps. I always figure I can do "one last load" (which turns into SEVERAL) when we have a washer in the house. But I am not, I repeat, N-O-T going to the laundry mat before vacation! :rotfl:

Why is there a balloon?

Because I had a toddler. :rolleyes:


He wanted to pack it...goofy kid! :cutie:

Woot woot woot is right!:dance3:

Love how organized you are!:thumbsup2 Love that Henry thought the balloon needed to be packed...assuming Henry did that...maybe it was Joe? :confused3 :laughing: are SO CLOSE now!!!!!!!!!!!:cheer2: What will you do with all your free time these next couple of days?!!

:rotfl2::rotfl2: Yes, it was Henry! Hilarious! I have a really funny mental picture of Joe sneaking a balloon into the suitcase...! Too funny!

Today we went to the bank and the library...and Henry SLEPT IN. It was a glorious morning. This afternoon we will just play...maybe hit up the park.

Tomorrow I am thinking I might take a tip here from the DISers and go to the park - perhaps Central Park since it's a bit more of an adventure than the neighborhood park. Then he can dig in the sand for hours on end!

Not only are you packed but you are packed into ONE suitcase for you and Joe?

:worship: suitcase for Joe, me AND Henry! :dance3: We are really good at packing...I've Googled how to be a better packer before! :laughing: We rarely take more than 1 suitcase with us - it's a BIG MOMMA suitcase though.
  • Put glasses in case
  • Put contacts in case
  • Henry's hat
  • Make-up
  • Wallet
  • Camera
  • Phone
  • Henry's sunglasses
  • My sunglasses
If you can think of anything I might be missing let me know!

You know the Derm Nurse here is going to say "sunscreen!" :sunny:

Sooo close now!

I'm so far behind! Not much time to Dis just recently but I am trying to get ready to leave too - thought I was doing well until I spotted you had packed everything already! :rotfl2:
My youngest DD is sick at the moment, but hopefully recovering quickly. Please keep your fingers crossed that she's better before we board our plane on Fri morning :sick: (and that no-one else gets it either)
I will find time very soon to PM you my number, either on here or on FB, before we both leave. Looking forward to meeting you :)

I am really surprised I have it all done! I do have to clean the house yet, but that will be either tomorrow or Wednesday night after Henry is in bed...and since our place is so small it literally only takes an hour. Love that!

Sorry to hear about your DD! I hope she gets through it before the plane - and that no one else gets it. A long plane ride is hard enough, but even worse with sickness. :sad2: Hopefully it's just a quick little bug and she'll be FINE. :hug:

Sounds good on the phone number! You have mine, right? I'm looking forward to meeting you too! It will be fun to watch the kids play together. :goodvibes

Henry & I are almost Birthday twins, mine is on Friday! :banana:

Congrats on being packed! I'm planning on packing next Monday. We have plans for the weekend and then I'll get serious on Monday. I have gathered most everything we need except the clothes, so it won't be too much work.

I am so ready to be there! :dance3:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I knew it was around the time of your trip, but didn't realize it was THIS week. You have it off from work, right??? I hope so! Any fun plans?

You are getting so close! I hope this week flies by for you - and the weekends always do anyway it seems. Then you'll sooooon be in Disney!

Seeing your packing pics make me so excited! I love packing for Disney! :yay: Can't wait to see your trip pics. Take more than 2000 pics if you can manage it :thumbsup2

Oh I think more than 2000 won't be a problem! :laughing: I think ever trip has had at least that many - even our shortest one! Despite already having hundreds of pictures of the Castle, I always "need" more.

Three more days!!!! :dance3:

Seriously? You only need one suitcase for all of you?!? How is that possible? I really need to take tips from you on packing! :laughing: I think we are going to have 3 suitcases, plus all our random carry-on bags and items!

Awesome that you are all packed and ready to go! :thumbsup2 Now you can just enjoy the beautiful weather for the next couple of days!

Yep, ONE suitcase, a backpack, my Baggalini, and Joe will also have a backpack for his laptop when he arrives. :thumbsup2 It's a big honker of a suitcase, but we really try to take up every square inch of our suitcase. I stuff things inside of each other and along the edges. The biggest problem we might have is weight...we'll see after Joe gets his stuff in there.

3 days!! :dance3:

Hmmm...are you making a cake or cupcakes for Henry's Birthday? You could do that tomorrow.

YES! I do need to do that tomorrow. I will probably do it tomorrow night after H goes to bed so he isn't waiting for it to get done, thinking he'll get some right away...

First, the fact that you are packed already is so incredible. But the thing that gets me is that it appears to all be in one suitcase or and a backpack. How in the world do you do that? :confused3 You need to do a class for all of us, so that we can be better packers.

On a side note. I know when we last went in September, the thing that I wished I had packed more of was socks and underwear. Because if we took a break, I always felt like I needed to change those items of clothing.

I'm getting so excited for you and for us to start hearing about your trip.

We are! Everything in one suitcase, my backpack, and Joe will have his backpack as well for his laptop. :thumbsup2 We have Googled packing tips before and that has helped us become better packers. I just really try to compact everything small - or do the "bag style" packing - and stuff little things along the side/in things, etc. This website is very helpful:

I don't do socks-just sandals-however, VERY good call on the underwear! Good thinking! Thank you!
Congrats on being packed 3 days early!!! I hope I follow in your footsteps & do the same!

I like your LGMH on your backpack, I made mine this past weekend.

Have fun at the library!

Not at all!

I'm glad no one finds the 15 shirts excessive! I like choices and I figure there will be at least a couple times when I want a fresh shirt. It's so stinkin' humid!

Brook, are you seriously packed.......for all 3 of one suitcase and one backpack??? :eek: How on earth do you do that? If we are going anywhere for a week we usually have 3 suitcases - one for me, one for Don and one for the boys. And you were worried about 15 little shirts...... :laughing:

Yay for 3 days!!!!

Have fun at the library today

Yep! One bag! All three of us. We rarely take more than 1. It's a bigggggg bag though, the biggest airlines allow. I mentioned the One Bag website above, it has some awesome packing tips. :thumbsup2 I also have an organizer for all my toiletries, which helps a ton. No socks...wearing one pair of shoes and the other 2 pair fit into one of the pockets on the "lid" of the suitcase. Henry's clothes are still so small they hardly count. :laughing:

Tomorrow park/picnic with Henry? Visit daddy and have lunch?

I REALLY like this idea. I just might do that! Henry loves the big playground at Central Park because it has a huuuuuuge sandbox area.

Another person in favor of the park idea!

I am so impressed that you are packed. I always have great intentions of packing well before our trips but I am a late night packer too. Maybe I will trick myself into thinking we are leaving 3 days earlier so I can be done. Yes, I am that dorky!:laughing:

So, it just dawned on me that my brother and SIL will be at Disney this weekend as well. I might PM you a photo of them so that if you see them in the parks you can go up and introduce yourself. I love them dearly, but they are kind of uptight so this would flip their lids. :lmao: I am sure they'd pose for a photo if you did. SIL is a huge Disney nut and is constantly working on helping me train Aileen into becoming a Disney princess.

:rotfl: I like your idea of tricking yourself!!! It's worth a shot!

PM me their pic! I could run up to them as if they were celebrities. :lmao: Well, I probably wouldn't have the guts to do THAT...but I might shout out their names! ;)

So glad you have that balloon packed and weren't leaving it behind :laughing:

You'll be hanging out with that clown in no time!!! :woohoo:


It's VERY important!


That's awesome that you got everything packed for you and Henry! And no - 15 shirts is not excessive as last September I think we changed two or three times a day because it was so hot and humid.

Mark will also pack for our trip at midnight - about four hours before we have to leave. Drives me crazy! :rotfl:

I am thinking that's how it will be for me too. I remember from last year just sweating, sweating, sweating and wanting to change my clothing more often....especially for dinner time. I was afraid I was STINKY! But then again, everyone is, so....;) :laughing:

I asked Joe last night if he was going to pack early - "I am NOT doing more laundry..." I told him, as a hint...he might as well! But, we'll see. :rolleyes:

You know the Derm Nurse here is going to say "sunscreen!" :sunny:

Sooo close now!


:laughing: We have a BIG tube already in the big suitcase and two travel sizes in the backpack. We cake that stuff on - especially for a red-headed boy! Today I walked down to the library and back and felt soooo bad about not putting it on him for the quick walk. I stayed in the shade the entire way though, but still! Bad Mommy for forgetting! :sad2:
Joe just sent me this:


115 MPH winds projected on Friday.

The day he is supposed to fly out.

Yippee. :sad2:

I am not getting worked up about this, BUT, it will be sitting there in the back of my mind, nagging me from time to time over the next couple days.

We need a plan of some sort.

Weather is fickle. Tomorrow it might be different.

Which makes planning so EASY.



I think I'll do some "just in case" research about changing Joe's plane ticket if necessary....and then we'll face the facts on Wednesday depending on Earl's attitude.

According to maroo, the fabulous weather DISer, Fiona was supposed to hit FL, right in time for us to leave - oh darn, we'd be stuck for an extra day! - but now they are saying she'll get sucked into Earl.

Earl, I don't like you already! Go go go, far far away!!!

(No offense to any Earl's of the non-Hurricane variety. Namely, Earl of Sandwich. Drool.)

On a happier note, I WAS able to complete online check-in! Turns out I only have to do the first reservation, everything links on the back-end for Disney. It just doesn't look like that on Disney's fantastic, awesome, always working, website. :rolleyes:
You know that Dixie Chicks' song? Earl's gotta die? I keep singing that to myself whenever I'm watching the weather or reading about it. :lmao:

Everything will work out! Don't worry yourself over it.

As for my Birthday plans, we are renting a pontoon boat with my parents and hopefully my brother long as Earl cooperates. :rolleyes:


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