Confessions of a chronic resort changer.. May 2010(We're back...TR started)

I'm hopping in over here. We'll be there the same time as well, but we'll be at AKV - Kidani. If you keep your TH ressie on your AK day, we might run into each other as we have a ressie at 8:05AM. We have stayed at POR before and enjoyed our stay there. I look forward to reading more.

Oh, and the Lilo dress is absolutely adorable!
I'm hopping in over here. We'll be there the same time as well, but we'll be at AKV - Kidani. If you keep your TH ressie on your AK day, we might run into each other as we have a ressie at 8:05AM. We have stayed at POR before and enjoyed our stay there. I look forward to reading more.

Oh, and the Lilo dress is absolutely adorable!

Glad you could hop in! I am hoping we get to do Tuskerhouse. I am trying to limit the extra TS meals beyond the dining plan but was really looking foward to this one. If my daughter enjoys the character meals we will most likely just keep it. The last time we ran into characters she was 2 at Sesame Place and would not go near any character. We tried to get a family picture with big bird and she cried even with me holding her. I hope she does better 3 years later.
Just finished writing and was about to post and it all got deleted! Oh well.

My dd is watching Lion King which she has never really seen before. Poor Mufasa! I love this movie but hate seating through that whole part of the movie.

The weather has been awful this weekend. Yesterday we had such strong wind and rain 2 sections of our high fence got blow down. We have 2 dogs that need to go out in the backyard to go to the bathroom and now I have to take them out and stand there in the rain when they go to make sure they don't escape through the neighbor's yard. I wish I was in Disney, I am so tired of the rain, snow, and cold. I hope it doesn't rain the whole time we are there, but at least we are in Disney so I don't even care.
Saw your dates and thought I would say hi! We will be there from May 22-30 at the BCV-just bought DVC:banana: Were originally at the Poly. I also have a 5 yr old DD-will be 6 next month. Our DHS and MK days are the same!
In my siggy there is a link to the MAYhem PTR-there are abunch of us going at this time and we have a few meets planned. Feel free to join in!
Saw your dates and thought I would say hi! We will be there from May 22-30 at the BCV-just bought DVC:banana: Were originally at the Poly. I also have a 5 yr old DD-will be 6 next month. Our DHS and MK days are the same!
In my siggy there is a link to the MAYhem PTR-there are abunch of us going at this time and we have a few meets planned. Feel free to join in!

Congrats on DVC. I am off to check off your pre-trip report. I will have to look into the dates of the dis-meets. I would love to finally meet some of the great folks on these boards. There seem to be a lot of people going around these dates. Hopefully that doesn't mean it will be too busy.
I haven't updated lately since I have been so busy. I had mid-terms last week and they were brutal. They are all over now and I am on Spring Break! Whoo-hoo! My husband works M-F and DD is in school so I am home alone all week.

I am going to try to get most of our matching T-shirts done this week. I am still waiting on the DISigns I asked to be personalized on the creative boards and the t-shirts I ordered on line should be here sometime this week. I spent of few hours over the weekend putting together an autograph for DD using all the designs on the creative boards.

I just picked up the finished book from Kinkos where I had the cover laminated and a spiral binding added. They messed it up a little but it still looks okay. I had glued the cover, a blank sheet, and inside of the cover together to make it a little thicker. I also did this with the back cover. I said I wanted the cover and back cover laminated. The girl at the register took it over to a girl in the back. I could see the girl in the back pulling apart the pages that were glued together:confused3. So, then I asked for it back and said they were supposed to be glued and got a few paperclips to hold the pages together to show what was the cover and what was the back cover to be laminated. What happens when I pick up the book? The pages are separated again!:mad: I brought it home and just superglued the pages that should have been the cover together. It looks fine but now the inside cover and back cover aren't covered. Oh well.
Here is the book:


Front Cover


Inside of back cover


Inside cover and 1st page


back cover


inside page
As I was reading about the mess up, I kept thinking how upset I would be. However, it turned out a lot better than I originally thought.
ALOHA!! :wave2:

Thanks for checking out my PTR!! I also got to your PTR from another PTR! LOL! Probably the same one!

Well, I'm going back to read the rest of your plans...too bad we're going two different times in may!!

Congrats in advance on your graduation!! I haven't been since 2002 & DBF has NEVER been so it should be exciting!! Your DD is soooo adorable!

Your ADRs look great. We are also doing Crystal Palace before Park Opening...i can't wait to see it practically empty and take a pic in front of the castle!!

We are booked at POR for our last three nights. I've seen pics here on the DIS and fell in love with the landscaping and I love that they have carriage rides (romantic for DBF & I :) ).

Cute Lilo dress for DD!! And great job with the autograph book! Sorry Kinko's messed it up but I can't even tell. I ordered prints of the characters through Shutterfly, I'm going to carry it around in a photo album and then put it in the scrapbook I make later!

Can't wait to hear more!!
Darn it!
I made some matching shirts and wanted to take some pictures but my battery is dead in my camera. I think they came out pretty good and it was much easier than I expected.

Today is the last day of my vacation:sad1:
Tomorrow I go back to school. I think it was the fastest week ever. I got almost nothing that I wanted accomplished and once I am in school I have no time to do anything. My husband thinks I should be happy to go back since I only have about a month and a half left, but making it through that month and a half is going to be torture! Usually towards the end of the semester you start to wind down, but instead it is just going to get harder since we have to get ready for the national exam we have to take to get certified. Plus, it will be a mad rush to make sure everyone has the compencies that they need to graduate. Ugh.
It is tough to go back after a break. DH and I were on break a week ago (we are professors) and my DDs break ends today. We resume our full schedule tomorrow. Good luck getting ready for your exams!

I think your autograph books still look great!
I have been a total slacker when it comes to updating. The past two weeks have flown by. I can't believe it is April already. I hope this keeps up b/c we only have 50 days to go:banana::banana::banana::banana:

I finally charged my camera battery so here our some pictures of the shirts I made.



The back of the Lilo and Stitch picture on DD's shirt only (she had to have this on her shirt, me not so much)


Matching Peter Pan shirts for Pirate and Pals



I also made some for Animal Kingdom but don't have a picture. I wish I made the Lilo and Stitch pictures bigger but otherwise I thought they were pretty cute. I love the creative board, so much fun and all the DISigners are so great.

I see I have a few people have stopped by. Feel free to just say hello.

So, many people I have become a frequent resort changer. When I first booked my trip a few months ago I booked All Star Movies. I love Toy Story and it was before an discounts had been released. Then, I saw moderates weren't too much more and my husband and daughter wanted a slide so I changed to CSR.

Next, the gift card offer was released so I switched to Contemporary garden wing. Didn't love that choice so went back to CSR. Then, I woke up on Jan.1 and they had the 40% off promotion so I went ahead and booked the Poly. That actually stuck for awhile until maybe two weeks ago when I decided I could use that extra 1000 dollars for spending money, plus I figured we really won't be in the room much. So I changed to POR. But wasn't thrilled with the old fashioned rooms, plus double beds. So now I am booked at CSR.

Problem is I keep thinking of changing back to POR. Anyone care to offer any suggestions.

Here are some thoughts:
POR- offers boat to DTD, which has Wolfgang Puck Express and EOS
great looking slide, pretty landscaping
heard the food court is great, but may only have a few meals there if any
CSR- queen size beds, really looking foward to a tropical look since we are in FL
I am thinking of getting a massage and would love to be able to do it at our resort
My daughter loves jaguars and is thrilled about the pool

:lmao: I changed then stuck at the Beach club - but I keep thinking about changing again CSR for the same reasons (save $, cool slide, recently refurbished rooms- I did at one point have reservations at POR. I had started planning on a value and worked my way up. Fortunately (or not depending on how you look at it) the rooms for my PIN everywhere are sold out so I am settled! I think you will probably be happy anywhere you stay if you take advantage of what is cool about that resort. Of course I have no experience with Disney, so what do I know?;)
:lmao: I changed then stuck at the Beach club - but I keep thinking about changing again CSR for the same reasons (save $, cool slide, recently refurbished rooms- I did at one point have reservations at POR. I had started planning on a value and worked my way up. Fortunately (or not depending on how you look at it) the rooms for my PIN everywhere are sold out so I am settled! I think you will probably be happy anywhere you stay if you take advantage of what is cool about that resort. Of course I have no experience with Disney, so what do I know?;)

I was so happy when March 27 came and the gift card and 40% off deluxe promotions ended. That meant I had to stay at POR and don't have to worry about wanting to change, since if I change I will be losing the great deals. One less thing to worry about at least. The beach club looks so nice. My sister is staying there next month for her honeymoon and I am very jealous. I have tried to arrange a meal or activity at most of the resort I like so that next time I can pick a little easier. My daughter is doing the pirate cruies from Yacht Club so I can check out YC/BC.
The shirts look great! Next month!

Thanks! I still can't believe it is next month. It is going to be here before I know it and I will have nothing ready. I read about everyone with their Disney boxes and buying everything they need months before and I really wanted to buy a little at a time, but the time just flew by. I'll probably end up buying myself summer clothes and a bathing suit the week before.
Happy Easter!

So far it has been a pretty nice day. DD always gets a ton of stuff from grandma, so I usually don't get her too much. This morning I hid plastic eggs with stickers, chocolates and some quarters all over the house. She loved the stickers and the money for her Disney box. The bunny gave her a few Disney books like Peter Pan and Lady and the Tramp, along with the Play-doh ice cream toy she had to have.

We are finally having beautiful weather in CT. Hope everyone enjoys the day!
I originally started a pre-trip report just to pass the time. It really seemed like it was taking forever for May to come. Then, I started 73 days out and all the sudden time started to fly by.:cool1:

I think I have my final Disney plans. I am still trying to get Chef Mickey's for the night we have Pirate and Pals, but haven't changed any other ADR's. I also managed to keep Pirate and Pals a secret. Caitlin knows we will meet Peter Pan and DH knows we are doing something involving Peter Pan, but no one knows we are going out on a boat to watch the fireworks. I think they will both really enjoy it. DH and I have never seen the fireworks in MK anywhere other than in MK.

I have been trying to come up what I need to buy for the trip. Since I am a full time student and not working, I have to get money from DH for everything. Getting money out of him is like pulling teeth. He reminds me a little of Fred Mertz from I love Lucy. Now, DD needs summer clothes since nothing ever fits her from the year before. I always get a response of "didn't you just buy her clothes?" Um. Yeah, Spring clothes. Capri and T's aren't going to work when it is 100 degrees. I always tell him to take over the shopping so that he can see how much stuff actually cost, but he hates shopping and never comes. I can't wait to get back to working.

I also need shorts and a new bathing suit, but I am trying to lose a few pounds before I do any shopping for me. I went a week or two ago to try on bathing suits. How depressing. At least it gave me some motivation. I have been doing Weight Watchers online and walking daily since. My first weigh in will be Monday and I'll post how it goes. I feel a lot less bloated already, but my legs are soooooo sore from walking almost an hour everyday.

School is winding down quickly, maybe a little too quickly. For radiography school, you need a certain number of compencies to graduate. Basically you need to do certain x-ray exams with your instructor present showing you are able to do it. I still need about another 5 to before we graduate and I think we are down to 11 more clinical days. Problem is there are certain exams you need and you can't always get what you need. Just b/c I need to take x-rays of someone's cervical spine that has been in a trauma doesn't mean some one will come in to the hospital on the days I am there needing that exam. I have no idea how 23 students in my class will get everything they need, but hopefully it will work out.

Classes are tough, we are still taking classes with new info and need to go back to the beginning to review. There is just not enough time to get ready for finals or the national boards.

Off to classs. Only 44 more days. Whoo-hoo. I made a countdown chain for DD and it starts at 40 days. I can't wait until we can start taking a link off each day!


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