Closing Time!

Update 3: I see it on my account!☺️
Home Resort: AKV
Title Company:
Offer made: 7/19/24
Offer accepted: 7/19/24
Sent to ROFR: 7/22/24
Passed ROFR: 8/20/24
Closing docs received: 8/21/24
Closing docs returned: 8/22/24 (buyer)
Closing: 9/3/24
Deed recorded: 9/4/24
Contract Showing on Membership (existing member): 9/22/24
Points in account:

Days Total: 65
Points loaded today after a phone call with a surprise bonus 50 points in holding for 2023!🤯 So now I have to figure out how to use those before end of November…
Points loaded today after a phone call with a surprise bonus 50 points in holding for 2023!🤯 So now I have to figure out how to use those before end of November…
Not sure if this thread will help at all. Since I am so new to this holding points is still not something I know anything about at all.
We are day 39 since passing ROFR. So I really thought that maybe just maybe the title co was telling a little white lie about DVC accounting being closed. I just tried to call the DVC QA team about my direct purchase and it says they are closed.
I can see mine is ready for points to load because you will have the new resort photo in the header of the Dashboard. You may have to arrow to get it to show up.
Thanks! Not there yet... but at least I know where to look. This is my first resale contract so I'm super nervous. Keep telling my husband I don't "think" I got scammed. I felt better once I saw the deed was recorded. Just figured out how to do that yesterday :-)
I can see mine is ready for points to load because you will have the new resort photo in the header of the Dashboard. You may have to arrow to get it to show up.
That’s where I am and I believe I had that same day for deed recording 9/04. I see graphic but haven’t received email and points not showing so I’m expecting it happens in next day or two.
Where in my DVC account will the contract show up? Not loans right, since it's paid in full?
As atthebeachclub said, you'll see it turn up as a huge colorful graphic on your DVC home page which you can't miss - don't panic when it says you have zero points, they load your resort and then days later it will show your points ;)
That’s where I am and I believe I had that same day for deed recording 9/04. I see graphic but haven’t received email and points not showing so I’m expecting it happens in next day or two.
You can call or chat and see if the points can be loaded yet. Maybe! Mine were loadable today,

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