I jumped the gun on putting that the closing documents for my AKL were received yesterday because I was told by Mason they would be received Friday or Monday at the latest last week and then yesterday the agent told me for sure on Monday and nothing was received.
The title agent told me she was working with my lender and
www.fidelityrealestate.com agent to send me these documents as soon as possible when they werent sent yesterday. Not really sure what the hold up is or what she has to wait for with them, but I am posting this for full transparency for others because I personally like to know which title agent and resale company is fastest. Magic was way faster in sending closing docs as we were sent the closing documents on the same day as ROFR passed with them. Had my sellers not delayed a month in signing I truly believe that I would have been very happy with Magic.
As far as resale agents,
www.dvcresalemarket.com is a lot more hand holding and customer service oriented.
Www.fidelityrealestate.com is no nonsense and direct. Both were speedy in getting their side of the job done and I would buy from either again, whichever price was better so far.
I am a little disappointed with Mason right now. Not that a 4 day delay is that long, but I'm the type that will pay extra to have things done fast and when people say they will be done. I did think the pricing with Mason was fantastic, but through my stalking on this closing time thread it really seems like dvcclosings is the way to go for speed based on these timelines.
Mason provides an online notary free of charge for closing which I liked, but that hasn't been scheduled yet and no idea what the wait times for that are until I receive closing docs. I may go with my own mobile notary who comes same day if it is a further delay. My goal was to have this closed by the end of the week, but now I'm thinking that's not going to happen.
Ah another thing to note is that I had expressed my frustration with Magic during my Baylake closing about how long it was taking the sellers to sign and why they didn't use online notaries for foreign sellers. I acknowledged full well that it was NOT Magics fault that they sellers were taking long to sign, however an online notary would potentially cure some delay and improve customer satisfaction. I paid $155 for my same day mobile notary and really it had been a waste, which again was my choice, but it was a bummer. The company higher up at Magic emailed me after expressing frustrations same day and all at the company were extremely apologetic, acknowledged my dissatisfaction, validated me, explained in full detail the entire process and sent me a $150 check in the mail which compensated my notary charges.
I was impressed with the caring and the customer service really turned everything around, I was not expecting to get anything for free or compensated as again it was not their fault and this little gesture went a long way for me. As someone who has worked in customer service my whole life, the way they acted is a company that cares and knows how to handle their customers well.