CLOSED - FRIDGE IS LOST *FREE ALL STAR Saved a Sinking FRIDGE & Coffee Pot Swap!!!

Bump. Sure is "strange" that 2 of the 3 All Star fridge's went missing at about the same time. I wonder if someone at Disney decided to end them? The last swapper to use it did comment that the castmember that picked it up from them was not very nice/friendly or "Disney" like.
Well, hopefully the fridge will surface soon.

I think that if swappers took the effort to follow the "rules" and ensure that things were done properly, we would still have the fridges available.

I think that most of the swappers did do the "right thing" but some may have slacked off a bit causing fridges to go missing.... (not knowing the name of the swap that they signed up for and accepting whatever fridge they are given - leaving a fridge in the room when checking out - not tipping the CM's when they deliver or pick up fridges from the resort rooms)

I'm sure that our phone calls to Luggage Services doesn't help in having swaps "popular" with the staff.

However, the CM's that I have dealt with have been very helpful whether at the counters or on the phone.

We did give tips when we picked up the fridge at LS's. When we used a luggage rack from one resort to take the fridge to our room at the other resort - we gave tips. Fridge Swaps are not part of their duties.

Anyways, time to get off my box now........

Just hope the fridge is found so others can use it too!
Is their a way to be put on a waiting list if my dates would come available? We are traveling to the ASMU Resort December 12th - 17th.


Our fridge is currently missing. Stay tuned.

I found the pictures of the fridge and signs so if you PM your e-mail address, I will send it off to you!!!

Hope this helps!

Thank you!!

:hug:EEyoreegon,...I hope it all works out!...Yours seemed like "the little fridge that could," so I am crossing my fingers for everything to have a good ending!

A lost 2 year old at Disney!...very sad!:guilty:

This is my 2nd swap to last just over 2 years...I often wonder what the mechanical longevity of these little fridges is anyway??

I have seen the fridge pic's & will be on my own KIM POSSIBLE mission to track it down :lmao:

May the force be with you on your mission!!

Sent out the e-mail with pics but haven't heard back. Will let you know if and when I do!


The idea of purchasing a new fridge is being tossed around. I will happily continue to run/organize this swap unless of course someone else is dying to do it.

Stay tuned.

Well, it has been exactly one month since our fridge was last seen. I hate to say it, but I think this swap is officially over. For the folks that are signed up for the rest of the year, you can contact Lam712 or Tiggs14 to see if they have your dates open.

Take care everyone.

Well, it has been exactly one month since our fridge was last seen. I hate to say it, but I think this swap is officially over. For the folks that are signed up for the rest of the year, you can contact Lam712 or Tiggs14 to see if they have your dates open.

Take care everyone.


Gina, I am going to miss following this thread. I knew it would be gone before I returned again but it is sad none the less. Thank you for all your hard work and trust you have or will be blessed many times over for all your good works. Lois
We just returned from a wonderful stay at ASMusic. I spoke to luggage services on arrival & used them yesterday to hold our stuff before we left using ME. Unfortunately nobody has seen the fridge in over a month. A very nice CM told me on day 1 he suspected someone carried it off since they usually see mini fridges periodically but had not seen any for quite some time.

Sunnygirl also called me the night before we were to swap & left message she had no luck locating it either.

Really every CM we dealt with this trip was so helpful & pleasant. I just don't believe for one minute that any CM or manager removed the values fridges because they didn't want to fool with it any more. Customer service at WDW IMO is top notch & they generally go out of their way to help the guest & make their stay pleasant.

I'm sorry it ended this way & there is no good news to report but would like to thank Gina for running this swap for such a long time - and also to Jan for sending me the pics to help find it :goodvibes
Well, if someone did take the fridge home with them...........shame on them!!!!

I agree with TDTD, all the cast members that we dealt with in person or on the phone, were all very helpful and tried their best to find the fridge.

It was great while it lasted!
Well, if someone took it home, they weren't part of our swap as the last swapper to use it lives in the UK and it went missing after going to storage when they gave it to a CM in their room.

I'm just glad it lasted 2 full years and that it helped so many families :).

I apologize, I didn't think that it was one of our swap members who may have taken the fridge home.

All along, I thought it was someone from another swap who last used the fridge.

Probably someone who didn't remember the correct name of "their" swap so they didn't question when "this" fridge was given to them.

I would just hope that if anyone from anyswap took a fridge home with them,
that they realize the disappointment/problems that they have caused for all the following swappers who had made their plans with the knowledge that a fridge would be available for them to use while at the resort.

Again Gina, thanks for all your hard work and the time that you spent keeping this swap going!
Hi fav_is_tink here....I know I've not been in touch on DIS for a while but I've had major PC hassles here and haven't been able to get online.:mad:

Firstly I'd like to say how devastated I am that the fridge has gone astray...I CAN ASSURE YOU that I completely followed the rules re the swap, I'm a stickler for rules and I kinda take offence that anyone would presume otherwise.....This fridge was fantastic for us during our 14 night stay, as you can well imagine it's not cheap to get from Scotland to Disney for that length of time so hiring a fridge was additional expense that we couldn't justify at that time.

It's extremely unfortunate that someone has taken it upon themselves to claim something which is not theres....there are certainly some dodgy people out there and it saddens me to think that after two years this swap is no more.

The CM I dealt with when collecting the fridge were fantastic, when I returned it the 'gentleman' [loosely using this term here] wasn't so helpful; he seemed very agitated and stressed about life in general that day and so unlike most all actually left a sour note on our last day at our happy place I've got to say!

I'm so sorry that the fridge is gone :-(
I reiterate what everyone else has said in sending a Huge Thank You to Gina for all of her hard work over the last two years, shame it had to all end........
Hi fav_is_tink here....I know I've not been in touch on DIS for a while but I've had major PC hassles here and haven't been able to get online.:mad:

Firstly I'd like to say how devastated I am that the fridge has gone astray...I CAN ASSURE YOU that I completely followed the rules re the swap, I'm a stickler for rules and I kinda take offence that anyone would presume otherwise.....This fridge was fantastic for us during our 14 night stay, as you can well imagine it's not cheap to get from Scotland to Disney for that length of time so hiring a fridge was additional expense that we couldn't justify at that time.

It's extremely unfortunate that someone has taken it upon themselves to claim something which is not theres....there are certainly some dodgy people out there and it saddens me to think that after two years this swap is no more.

The CM I dealt with when collecting the fridge were fantastic, when I returned it the 'gentleman' [loosely using this term here] wasn't so helpful; he seemed very agitated and stressed about life in general that day and so unlike most all actually left a sour note on our last day at our happy place I've got to say!

I'm so sorry that the fridge is gone :-(
I reiterate what everyone else has said in sending a Huge Thank You to Gina for all of her hard work over the last two years, shame it had to all end........

I don't think anyone thinks that you are responsible for the little guy being lost. I believe we feel that it fell into the big black hole that items left in storage too long in up in. Things get moved and then get sent to a different location by mistake and often are never seen again. When they are seen no one knows where they go as all identification seems to be gone even though this fridge was marked with BLACK permanent ink. I guess some lose their ability to read when they see certian items.

This swap lasted two years and that may well be a record. In the past we could take donations to obtain a new fridge but due to board rules that is no longer an options. If anyone would like to donate a fridge and run a new swap that would be an option however.

Don't worry we are happy that you had the use of the fridge and we are sure that if someone has it now that they are getting what they need. If it was stolen they will get their just due in time. I believe what comes around goes around.


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