CJK's journey BACK to the real me!!!! Comments welcomed and encouraged!!

In my mind during my 2.5 day binge, it was as if I was telling myself to eat as much as I possibly can because it will all end tomorrow. I was actually disappointed whenever I felt full! !

Ive had that feeling before too!

I hope you enjoy the weekend--You will get back on track, i know you can do this!
Yes, I've also been in the "might as well get my bad food day's worth" mindset. That happened to me on Superbowl Sunday. And I paid for it with an upset stomach at 1am!

Great job getting back on track. I've also been there with the cheesecake which is why that is just another item on my "DO NOT BUY" list. If I want to splurge, I will go to Cheesecake Factory, enjoy a piece, then be done with it.

You are doing wonderful, I hope you like your new workout DVDs!
In my mind during my 2.5 day binge, it was as if I was telling myself to eat as much as I possibly can because it will all end tomorrow. I was actually disappointed whenever I felt full! Ironically, I really felt like I wasn't depriving myself during these last few months. I was still allowing myself some treats, but maybe not enough? :confused3

CJK i did exactly the same thing!!!
Well done for getting back on track :goodvibes
It sounds like you have a good plan.
We dont get Costco here so i havnt had the cheesecake..... but i want it now!! ;)
Hope you are doing well and staying on track. I know you can do it! You have worked so hard and done so well!! :cheer2:

I have been there w/ getting off track and feeling like I'm depriving myself, but coming here always helps move me back toward the track. :thumbsup2 It is sometimes tough, but just remember how great it feels to be in that smaller size! :yay:

I think buying the new videos and setting the shopping date were great ideas!

Keep up the good work! :cheer2: Have a Wonderful week!!
CJK, it is good to see you back. Great idea with the new videos and I especially like the "clothes shopping date" idea. That will be a good incentive for you to get back on track and stay there. I know what you mean about missing the WISH community. Sometimes I am embarrassed to post when I am not doing well, but I know I can get support here and it always worth it to come back. Haven't had the Costco cheesecake but sounds like something I should definitely stay away from:rotfl2: .
Just dropping in to say Hi.

I too have to stay away from cheesecake. I just can't have it in the house or I'll keep eating "little" slices...until the whole thing is gone.

The shopping date is a great idea. Glad to hear you are back on track.
Thanks everyone. Sorry to be away for so long yet again. I'm finding it difficult to post when you're feeling down in the dumps! Anyone else ever get like that?

Well, I'm living proof that exercise alone is NOT enough to maintain your weight when your eating is out of control! Since January, I'm just having such difficulty with my attitude it seems! Argh! In the last couple of weeks, I'll have about 5 really good days. Then, I'll have a special event happen (ie. dinner at a friend's house who is a chef!). Instead of doing the portion control thing, I decided to throw caution to the wind and not worry about it. That would be fine.......if I gained control the next day. But no, that didn't happen. That one night, turned into 2 days of eating junk. This has happened more than once in the last few weeks (see the cheesecake story in my previous post!!).

I'm now back on track and am on day 5. But, I just don't have the confidence I once did. I've definitely gained weight (my size 8's don't feel as good as my size 10's do now!). I went shopping on Monday and nothing I tried on fit. :( I've got to get back under control.

The good news though (yes, there is good news!), is that I maintained exercise. I really like my new dvd's which is helping with my motivation. I've also continued to drink water and stop eating after 8pm. Too bad I couldn't say no to all that food! :sad2:

But, dh is really being supportive and is helping me regain my balance. We're doing our annual 6km charity walk at the end of April (this will be our 4th year). I have always walked the 6km but now I'm thinking of running at least part of it. I hope that this will be motivation for me! I also bought You: On a Diet and am enjoying it. Hopefully with all of these elements, I'll be able to regain my focus (and lose this recent weight gain as well as a few additional pounds). I want to burst into spring feeling good about myself which would be the first in many years.

Thanks for hanging in there with me! Have a great rest of the week.:goodvibes
I'm glad to see some positive thoughts coming from you, I know how hard that can be when things just aren't going your way!

I'm so happy you have that 6K to work towards, I bet you can run some of it, esp. if you work for the next few weeks. Think of it as Spring Cleaning for your body and good luck!
:hug: Keep on keeping on, CJK!:cheer2: This journey can be such a rough one at times. Please know that we are here for you and cheering you on to VICTORY!:cheer2:

That's great that you have maintained your exercising! You also have the 6K to look forward to and to work towards. You CAN do this!:cheer2:

Just remember, baby steps are the key. Take things day by day and you will be good to go!:thumbsup2

Have a great weekend!
hey CJK~
I know what you mean about being in the dumps~ I think we all can relate!
It sounds like you're back on track and that's a good thing! You know that posting here definately helps the attitude and motivation!! It must....that's why we all keep coming back!!!

Stay on track...YOU"RE WORTH IT!!!

Next time you're in the dumps...come here....we'll pick you back up....I promise!!! :flower3:

Yay for getting back on track:cheer2: . You have made some major changes in the past year going from being overweight to a healthy BMI. That took a major amount of discipline. Now you need to find a good balance to maintain your healthy weight, allowing yourself indulgences without going completely overboard. I know you can do it though!!! Just look at what you have accomplished already and KNOW that you can accomplish this too!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
glad your back :)
Well done for keeping the exercise up & getting back on track, i'm sure you will loose those few lb's just read back your journal & see how great you were & how much you motivated us :goodvibes
I'm having a similier problem with trying to watch what i eat now i'm exercising more, we can do this together :grouphug:
Have a happy, healthy weekend :)
CJK: Its good to see that you are back on track and staying with that exercise. This is a tough time of year, but spring will be here very soon! Keep your chin up, you have accomplished so much in the past year and will continue to be healthy I know!
Hi everyone *sheepish wave* :)

I can't believe it has been so long since I posted. I had been feeling terribly guilty about it, but now I'm realizing that I really need a break. I just didn't want to completely stop posting without saying goodbye (at least temporarily) to my WISH buddies first! :grouphug:

You have all been so wonderfully supportive to me on this journey. I shudder to think where I'd be today if it weren't for all of you! I'd probably still be a closeted eater and feeling miserable about myself. :sad2:

So, where am I today exactly? I'm still sticking to my new lifestyle, while enduring the odd bump in the road (darn maple syrup season!!! ;) ). I'm still a few pounds heavier than I was at Christmas (vacation weight that I never lost), but I'm still maintaining in general. I watch what I eat during week days and cheat a little on weekends. I exercise 5-6 days a week and I'm drinking water. I'm training for a 6km charity run at the end of April.

I haven't been posting because I've felt a little burnt out. I was starting to be consumed as far as diet/fitness was concerned. I talked about little else with my hubby and was become unbalanced. Have any of you ever felt that way? By stepping away from my journal for a while, I've been finding my way back to balance. I still lurk on the WISH boards and I'm still subscribed to many of your journals. We've come too far along the journey to sever ties!

I wanted to send you all a heart felt thank you for helping me along these last few months. Last June I started this journey and now, 10 months later, I think I've finally "gotten" the fact that this is a way of life. I'm going to continue taking a break from journalling, but I'll be back! Best wishes to all of you for continued success. If I can do it, ANYONE CAN!!! :cheer2: :banana:
HI there,

You will be missed, but do come back every once in a while!!! You have and are still doing a great job!!!! Keep up the good work!!

Congrats on the 6k that you will be doing the end of this month!! Let us know how it goes

Have a great day :)
:hug: CJK,

We'll miss you WISH sis.:hug: I hope you'll come back and post every once in awhile to let us know how you are doing.:goodvibes You have accomplished a lot in the past year... I am so proud of you!:hug:
CJK great to hear from you & i'm glad everything is going well for you.
I hope you 'pop in' form time to time :goodvibes
Will miss you :hug:


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