Christmas all year long!


DIS Veteran
Feb 10, 2010
With the holidays just over and many changes to come for our family in the coming year, I thought it would be a good time to make plans for a Disney trip. Yet, when would a good time be? Considering all that I have to get through this year, I knew there would be no way to do it around the "normal" times we go. So, you guessed it! Christmas will be the time!!! Hopefully, all will go well this year and we won't have to cancel. :-)scared: But... if you want to tag along while I continue to stay in the holiday spirit (or at least try to) feel free. Do realize though, 11 months is a long time to plan a trip and I do intend to share much of the day to day happenings in my life. There will be a wedding...a surgery..and who knows what else. :goodvibes
So let me introduce who will be going on this trip.

First there will of course be me.

My name is Ann. I am a 41 year old mother of 4. I didn't grow up on Disney. I didn't really become obsessed until I went to DL for the first time in 2002. With the exception of the year my youngest dd was born, I have made my way to Disney each year. Living on the west coast meant that those first trips were made to DL. I must admit that it is a simpler flight, but honestly the food there (with the exception of Tigger Tails) is not quite as good as WDW. Finally in 2008 we took a trip to WDW. We stayed off property and thus didn't have the dp. It was while eating Coral Reef one night that I discovered that staying on property meant that there was something called the dinning plan available. It was from that moment on I swore I would find a way to stay in an actual WDW resort in order to partake of that! The next thing to add to my obsession was my discovery of the Dis boards. Now I just find it too sad to not have a plan in the works or to at LEAST be reading about someone elses plans. :rotfl:

Next, there will be my dh, Steve.

Steve and I have been married for 20+ years. We met in highschool and have been together ever since. He too is 41. Steve basically had the same exact exposure to Disney as I did. He isn't quite as obsessed, but he secretly enjoys it. He would definitely like to do other things in his life though...and I am sure he will be a little glad when I cut down on my obsession a bit. He has manage to avoid 2 of the trips I took alone with my girls.

Then there is dd, Zoe.

Zoe is 5 and in kindergarten. She along with my older dd are my partners in crime when it comes to Disney. She watches Disney channel all day and loves all things disney. She is so much fun!:goodvibes

Last there is my ds, Alex.

Alex is 15. He is reluctant to all things Disney. He will watch Phinneius and Ferb, but that is about the extent to which he will go. On our last trip, an 11 night trip..he chose to spend much of it alone in our room or tooling about in the parks by himself. I guess that is a typical teen boy for you.

You might have noticed 2 missing children. Our older two are starting off on their own and may or may not be joining us. For now, we are booked for just the four of us.
I have been toying around with the idea of going for next Christmas since shortly before this Christmas. I had made an itinerary (so that I could hopefully get a pin and thankfully it worked). I played around with dates and different resorts. When I finally did get that pin I had a good idea of where I would want to stay. I did not know exactly when though.

Today my dh found out that his parents would likely be in FL for December. This meant that we would not have to stay at WDW to be away on Christmas day. This was great since we would be able to avoid not only the larger crowds in the parks, but the higher room rates of the 24th and 25th.

Without too much more ramblings...we are booked at WL for 12/15 to 12/22. Now, I might make changes to that. :rotfl: OK, who am I kidding...I WILL make changes to that, but for now this is what I booked!!!
I have a hard time searching for the right title for my reports. I always think that they are not quite as catchy or may seem confusing. In any case, I feel there is always a need to explain why I have named it what I have.

In this case, the title "Christmas all year long" has to do with not only Christmas 2010 just being over, but that in preparing for this next trip I will be preparing for Christmas 2011. It will be a year of me being excited and waiting for Christmas. It will be a year of making purchases for the trip that are Christmas related. I hope to not go too far ;) I promise not to listen to Christmas music all year long...etc.

What I did do though, is purchase a red bin to start placing items for Christmas in. Yes, I have also already began to purchase items to place in said bin. I will take a picture soon enough and you can all revel in the wonder of red and green that I have in it. With the holidays having just finished, it is the perfect time to find Disney related holiday items on clearance. :yay:
Woohoo, I'm the first official reader.

I look forward to hearing about the planning. Christmas is a great time to visit WDW. I would say it is the best but I have only been there in the summer, twice as a teenager, and around Christmas. Summer at Disney sucks, so Christmas wins by default. :lmao:
Woohoo, I'm the first official reader.

I look forward to hearing about the planning. Christmas is a great time to visit WDW. I would say it is the best but I have only been there in the summer, twice as a teenager, and around Christmas. Summer at Disney sucks, so Christmas wins by default. :lmao:

:yay: I am so glad I have a reader. Summer at Disney...yeah, I think you summed it up. Course, I guess when we went it wasn't actually summer since it was September...but it was WAY too hot for me. Then again, I hate being cold so hopefully next December wont bring temps like what you saw. I am just a hard one to please, I guess. :goodvibes
I'm here!! :yay: I am going to have to come back to catch up as I am finishing up a few things at the moment. Looking forward to following along with you on your planning. :banana:
:yay: I am so glad I have a reader. Summer at Disney...yeah, I think you summed it up. Course, I guess when we went it wasn't actually summer since it was September...but it was WAY too hot for me. Then again, I hate being cold so hopefully next December wont bring temps like what you saw. I am just a hard one to please, I guess. :goodvibes

It is possible, but I would guess unlikely that you would see temps like some of us did.

Here is some pixie dust to ward off the cold temps during your stay. I used it to prevent rain on our Luau night, should have used it for cold. pixiedust:
I'm here!! :yay: I am going to have to come back to catch up as I am finishing up a few things at the moment. Looking forward to following along with you on your planning. :banana:

:yay: So glad you are here!

It is possible, but I would guess unlikely that you would see temps like some of us did.

Here is some pixie dust to ward off the cold temps during your stay. I used it to prevent rain on our Luau night, should have used it for cold. pixiedust:

:rotfl: Thank you for the pixie dust. I hope it works. I am sorry you used yours for rain instead of cold. Sorry for laughing... ;)
I want to be in on the planning as well! :goodvibes

I really enjoyed your last adventures, even though I never posted all that much!
No need to apologize, I meant for it to be humorous.

I know you did... I did as well. I did actually laugh though when you mentioned the using it for rain. I know your dinner was canceled...what a bummer!!!
I want to be in on the planning as well! :goodvibes

I really enjoyed your last adventures, even though I never posted all that much!

:yay: I am glad you are here. Post as little as you like. It is just nice to know I have a reader. :goodvibes
Since this is a year long PTR and I have a lot that I will have to get through this year I warned you all that I would be posting regarding personal stuff too. When I do that, I will make sure to put "non trip related" in the title. That way, you can kinda skip over if you want.

So some personal notes...

I mentioned that my older kids are going off on their own this year and so they are not included in the characters of this PTR. Well, I should probably introduce them any way. Even if they do not go with us...much of this year will involve them (obviously)

So there is Kira. She is our oldest. She is getting married to our wonderful future son in-law, Josh in May. Funny side note on the two of them...they share a birthday. They were literally born minutes apart. They have known each other since they were young children since Steve and Josh's dad worked together.

Then there is Zach. He is our oldest son and will be shipping out with the military in March.
I'm here. Now back to read and will come back to post comments.

:yay: So glad you are here. Although, there isn't much planning going on right now. I think I started the PTR just as a way to keep myself organized. I actually thought about all I have going on this I have few months that I don't have SOMETHING that is going to happen.
Okay as I was just mentioning to Kathy...I have a very full year ahead of me. How full?? Let me break it down for all of us to see (again...mainly to keep myself organized)

January -
no big events

February -
Zoe's 6th bday
Zach's 18th bday

March -
Steve's trip to FL (maybe I will go...but probably not)
Zoe pre surgery appointments
Zach ships out

April -
Zoe's "big" surgery (although this isn't set in stone, but with everything else this would be the month as she will be in the hospital several weeks and then out of school the remainder of the year)

May -
Steve's trip to CA
Kira's wedding

June -
no big events, but I should be able to get my ADRS :woohoo:

July -
Steve's birthday

August -
Kira and Josh move across the state

September -
Zach maybe coming back (we don't know for sure how long he will be gone, but probably till September or October)

October -
Kira's 21st birthday
Josh's 21st birthday
Alex's 16th birthday

November -
No big events other than Thanksgiving

December --
Our trip!!
oh..then my birthday (which we may be in FL for)

I am thinking my year is going to go by very fast!
We will be there the last part of your trip! I haven't started my PTR yet, only because I can see it consuming a large chunk of my day, lol. Can't wait to hear more!
Great start, Ann. How are you dealing with Zach shipping out? What fun to be planning a wedding? If not imposing, what is Zoe having surgery for?
Hi Ann!!! I came over to join your planning fun, too!!! I finally finished your September PTR & TR so I feel like I know you and your family already!!! You sound like me in being the "clearence queen" and finding bargains galore. I've been to Disney at Christmastime and it's beautiful!!! Can't wait to read more!! :woohoo:


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