Cats & Bats & Healthy Chats - October 2024 W.I.S.H. Thread


I was a click-clack champ!!
May 16, 2006
🦇 🎃 🐈‍⬛ Welcome to the October 2024 WISH thread! 🦇 🎃 🐈‍⬛

We're a group of dis-ers of all ages and geographic locations who are here to support and encourage each other in our healthier living goals. Whether you are looking to exercise more, lose weight, eat better, work on self-care or any other healthy living goal, please join us!

We have weekly volunteer hosts and typically follow a Monday-Sunday format:

9/30 - 10/6 ~ PollyannaMom

10/7 - 10/13 ~
10/14 - 10/20 ~ newski_mom
10/21 - 10/27 ~ Oneanne
10/28 - 11/3 ~
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body i enjoy living in.jpg

For Topic Tuesday, let's discuss our "whys" -
What are you getting (or staying) healthy for?
What would you like to be able to do?

Also, please sign up for a week if you'd like to host. :goodvibes
My big why is because of aging. When I’m not taking care of myself I get stiff and brittle and wobbly and feel old. I also get stressed when I can’t catch my breath going up hills.

Not having control over food has been a very good thing. For these days at the cottage our host has been preparing everything for us and all I’ve had to do is put food on my plate. And I’ve been very careful to stay away from my problematic foods. This has been such a good break to rest my routines, I fully intend to carry this shift home with me.
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I can take the week of the 14th

My why is also because of aging. My entire adult life I've been bigger, but the older I get the more I notice how it's harder on my body. I also see my mom who just turned 80 this year. She does pretty good, but she never really watched what she ate and definitely didn't do any kind of fitness routine. At this point, she can't walk long distances at all, and I just want to ward that off for as long as I can.

I also just want to feel better in my own skin and not always stress out about being in the back of pictures, etc.

I also want to be able to go on vacation and not worry about the weight limit on activities we may be interested in. I've really never had it be an issue, but I always worry about it. When we ziplined, I made sure to read the website ahead of time to check weight limits. On cruise ships I always check for their activities like the ropes course and coasters to be sure I'm not too heavy.
I agree with the aging replies. I exercise mostly because I want to maintain strength and flexibility as I get older. Whether I become a grandmother, great-aunt, or whatever, I want to be the fun one who still plays.
My why is to keep up! Being able to keep up with the kids, work, commitments and fun is easier when I’m not getting winded! From a vanity (and being cheap) standpoint I also want to keep being able to wear my smaller and mid-sized clothes as I creep towards peri-menopause. Diabetes is also rampant in my family so the longer I can push that off the better.
I don’t weigh myself I go by how my jeans fit. I did have to weigh myself at a biometric screening a bit over a week ago and I am down a pound from the same time last year. Doesn’t seem like much but my goal right now is maintenance so I’ll take it.
Woohooing for a lovely trip and also woohooing that it’s getting close to time to go home. Tomorrow the group sightsees on the way back to Edinburgh, Friday I have a day in Edinburgh then Saturday I take the train back to London. Saturday night I’m booked at a hotel attached to Heathrow terminal 3, so should be easy going from there. Keeping fingers crossed tho.
Today I'm thankful for my contacts which give me the ability to see clearly. The last few days they've been bothering me a bit (I think because of allergies), but it made me realize just how much I take them for granted and how thankful that I can see clearly with such little effort on my part!

It's Free-for-All Friday!!

What's on your mind today?

(And would anyone like to host next week - starting Monday?)
Back in Edinburgh. Did the National Scottish Museum and currently waiting for my tour of Mary Kings Close, the underground city that was closed during one of the plagues and was just discovered in the 1990’s. After that The Writers Museum then early dinner and a quiet evening at the hotel.
Not too much planned this weekend - my mom had a procedure done today on her back. It was some kind of a nerve block from what I understand. I'll probably be staying with her tonight to make sure she's ok being by herself.

Otherwise, DH and i will probably go see a movie tomorrow night - probably either Joker or White Bird. I know DH will want to see Joker and I'm fine with it, but White Bird just looks like a feel-good movie. I'm sure we'll see both eventually!

Also, I can take another week this month if you guys can put up with me for two weeks in a row lol!
The journey home starts today and boy am I ready. Last night was a rough one at the hotel due to a false fire alarm that shut down a lot of systems. I’m contemplating going to Starbucks for breakfast to kick things off… yes there is one about four blocks away.

The train leaves at 12:30p and I should be at the Heathrow hotel around 7:30p this evening, so an entire day of travel today and another full day of travel tomorrow. Then it’s kitty cuddle time.


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