Cass, Rob & Kira - Christmas on the Wonder - 2018. Third time's a charm!

Love reading your trip reports. Keep up the vacation reporting for us.
An amazing report for an amazing trip! Thank you so much for taking us along!

(And in case it hasn’t been mentioned elsewhere, Chick-Fil-A is run by a very Christian family and it’s company policy that all of their locations are closed on Sundays — so that’s why you were denied your chicken sandwich! A friend of mine keeps joking that he wants to start a restaurant with a similar menu that’s open only on Sundays to pick up that business!)
Thanks for sharing! I'm glad you had a great Christmas. Your reports are wonderful, with tons of details and photos...the best!! I love every minute of reading!
Another amazing report.

If you look online, there's a whole slew of memes about CFA being closed on Sunday. Trust me when I tell you this is a shared life experience.

And I loved your non crappy day lol. I especially loved that you had Mom and Kira pool time again! She looked happy with you, love that. Best part about our vacations too, its just so relaxing. I am so sorry about your Mom Cass. I too lost mine, a little earlier than you, in 1990 :(. So very sad, its been so long and yet it feels like I was with her yesterday. I know exactly how you feel, I think we were jipped a lot of good years, especially since my kids didn't know Nana, just Papa. And that is a terrible thing. Hugs to you! I'm so happy you had a wonderful Christmas on the ship, how great is that. I hope there's more?!

Thanks Jill, you always know exactly what to say :hug:

We were definitel jipped, that's for sure :sad:

big big hugs :hug::hug::hug: Unfortunately I now know what you are going through, have gone through, continue to go through. The grief comes out of no where and blindsides you.....we were on Castaway Cay during the first anniversary of my mom's death and it was nice to not be at home because I know it would have been me, locked away, bawling. To be in a gorgeous setting, but still remember her was cathartic. I know I won't always be as lucky to be somewhere like that every year on that day, but for this first one at least it made it just a tiny bit easier.

So glad you got some amazing pool and hot tub time in with Kira!!!!:jumping2:

Thanks hun, I know you know exactly how I feel too :sad1: :hug:

Ugh, that first year was so tough, I remember. I wish I could say it gets easier but it doesn't. You just get comfortable in your grief. Mine comes in waves, and it often comes crashing back after watching anything to do with a mother/daughter relationship!

I remember watching Guardians of the Galaxy in the theater with Rob, within the first 15 minutes I was a babbling mess! And then on the Wonder, watching Coco, another babbling mess! :sad: Sometimes just a commercial will do it for me :(

The funny thing, you know who is the only person that can comfort me? Kira! Not Rob, not my four siblings. Like I said, an unexpected bond between her, Mom and I. I feel my Mom through her. :lovestruc

I get it, my mom passed unexpectantly on Mother's Day. I always said as long as my mom and mother in law were alive I would never have a true Mother's Day because it was job to make their day special. Now that my mom, my only family is gone, I can't even deal with the day. I think it's sad for my kids that I am done with that day. As moms we need to find a way to get past it for our kids. I love that you found a way to find a way for Kira, Christmas is her holiday, she doesn't get it. You are a great mom!

Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss! And on Mother's Day! :sad2:

Yup, I know how you feel! I hate Mother's Day and Christmas but I put on my happy face for my kid. I always tell Rob to go spend MD with his Mom, I tell him that she won't be around forever and he needs to spend it with her! He fights with me every year saying he should be with me. What I wouldn't give for a Mother's Day, or any day, for that matter, with my Mom!

This friend was really happy that you made that stop at the ups store!! Thanks again! You know me all too well. But that’s not a bad thing, right? :)

So happy to hear that the 29th is getting better for you. I’m sure your mom loves to see that too. :love:

Made it by 10 minutes too because they were closing :rolleyes:

Yes, a little better every year, but MUCH easier when we're on the ship or in Texas, that's for sure! ::yes::

You are always the first one to remember and send me a hug :hug: :hug: :hug:

That used to be a Holiday Inn, then a Day's Inn. They're supposed to turn it into a hotel again:

Thanks for your TR!

OMD! Thank you!!! :worship: That's very interesting! Thanks for letting me know, now I won't wonder any longer :rotfl2:

Another epic trip all wrapped up :thumbsup2
Being away is awesome, but sometimes coming home is just as awesome :grouphug:

Going on vacation is the best...until you come home from said vacation, then that's the BEST! :rotfl2: :cool1:

Always an enjoyable read! Thanks for doing this!

Thanks so much for reading :goodvibes

So sad your latest wonderful report is over! Can't wait for the next one. Sounds like your trip was as 'wonder'-ful as ours. That Holiday Cruise out of Galveston is just wonderful! We also hope to do it again soon.

Thanks so much :hug:

I hope we both get to do it again, very soon ;) :thumbsup2

Might have to wait awhile for the next one :guilty:

Love, love, love your family!! :flower1: And a fantastic ending to yet again, an epic Cass Disney story :worship:. Big surprise that Kira loves chocolate croissants? I think not! A chip off the old block on that one. And the pics of Waffle house lol. Never tire of them. Ya know, now that we fly down to Fl. almost every 3 mos to see our granddaughter, you'd think we would have tried this place (hubby wants to so bad), we always end up going to Ihop or someplace else. It looks delicious! Okay, not saying goodbye, just so long for now. :love1: And thanks a million Cass, for taking so many crazy pictures for us nutty Disney fanatics, I cannot wait for the next one already!!!

Awww, you're the best, Jill :hug:

LOL! Well, you need to try one soon! They are not the nicest places inside but they make a mean breakfast. :laughing:

LOL, over 900 pics on this one and those are just the edited ones :rotfl:

Not sure when the next one will be, crossing fingers for summer but not sure yet. :scratchin

Love reading your trip reports. Keep up the vacation reporting for us.

Thanks so much for reading them :goodvibes

An amazing report for an amazing trip! Thank you so much for taking us along!

(And in case it hasn’t been mentioned elsewhere, Chick-Fil-A is run by a very Christian family and it’s company policy that all of their locations are closed on Sundays — so that’s why you were denied your chicken sandwich! A friend of mine keeps joking that he wants to start a restaurant with a similar menu that’s open only on Sundays to pick up that business!)

Thanks for the kind words :hug:

Oh, is that why? UGH!! :crazy2: We have one here in Calgary that opened recently but it's inside the airport and not easy to get to so I've never been. I only enjoy it when on vacation.

HAHAHA, that would be brilliant of your friend :p

Thanks for sharing! I'm glad you had a great Christmas. Your reports are wonderful, with tons of details and photos...the best!! I love every minute of reading!

Awww thank you so much! I appreciate all of your comments and kind words :hug:

I have now read every one of your reports, love them all.

YAY!! :cool1:

Thanks :hug:

I kind of wish I hadn't deleted my 2007 one :sad1:

Another amazing report.

If you look online, there's a whole slew of memes about CFA being closed on Sunday. Trust me when I tell you this is a shared life experience.

View attachment 379940

Thanks so much!!! :hug:

I had no idea about it being closed Sunday, I don't get to go very often, usually in airports on my trip to the States. :rolleyes:
Ice Land looked really cool, loved the whale. My husband has been wanting to do ICE at the Gaylord Palms in Orlando for years now so we finally did it this year since we were actually there between Christmas and New Years. It was very cool (and cold!) We were all very glad we finally did it.
So sorry about your mom. Seems especially hard to happen at the holidays. Hope you can do it again next year!
Some pics that Kira took... :p


Breakfast at The Hampton Inn...


She got me decorating our door. :rotfl:


And got the only pic of my little tree before it started falling off our door :scratchin


Her usual breakfast on the ship...


And her character meets...


She got this one for me, Timon's butt :laughing:


Her fave!








I love this one, not even sure where it was on the ship?


Moody Gardens...



And that's it :thumbsup2

I will start editing my video next week and will post here when it's done. :goodvibes
Ice Land looked really cool, loved the whale. My husband has been wanting to do ICE at the Gaylord Palms in Orlando for years now so we finally did it this year since we were actually there between Christmas and New Years. It was very cool (and cold!) We were all very glad we finally did it.
So sorry about your mom. Seems especially hard to happen at the holidays. Hope you can do it again next year!

Thanks Cyndi, hope we get to do it again this December too :cloud9: :hug:

Yes, it's just like ICE at the Gaylord Palms! I watched The Tim Trackers video on their visit and looked exactly like Iceland. :banana: Very cool indeed, I'm glad you got to see it there :thumbsup2
Omg Cass
Just loveeee your trip reports
Got to say I have dcl blues since back last Saturday and read the rest of your trip to relieve mine

What a good idea to go cruising during Xmas break specially if your not that much into Xmas festivities ( your mom
And enjoy it while Kira is still living at home those memories will last forever

Thanks for those beautiful pictures and TR
Gosh, I sure wish we had a Waffle House around here so I’d have a place I know Rob loves when he comes to see us NEXT WEEK!!!! OMG.....NEXT WEEK!!!!! I can barely stand the wait! :yay:

Kira just gets cuter and cuter, doesn’t she? I just can’t believe how big she’s gotten since the last time we saw her. I think we need a do-over.....soon!!! :flower:

Thanks for entertaining me and all the other’s again, Cass. Love love love the trippies. :love::love::love:
Kira’s a chip off the old block. Great picture taker! :D
I was in Florida over Christmas and we watched cruises ships sail away for their Christmas cruises and was wondering if you were able to get another Christmas cruise in this year. So happy that you did and that most of it turned out quite wonderful! The Dolphin experience sounded perfect, Christmas morning in the atrium looked like such a cool experience! I hope 2019 will bring Christmas cruise #4 for you. I will be looking forward to reading all about it!
I LOVE Kira's point of view! She is such a beautiful young lady (amazing since I've been reading your reviews before she was a thought) it's been so much fun to watch Disney through her eyes. Also, you look amazing, especially in the pictures she takes of you!
Omg Cass
Just loveeee your trip reports
Got to say I have dcl blues since back last Saturday and read the rest of your trip to relieve mine

What a good idea to go cruising during Xmas break specially if your not that much into Xmas festivities ( your mom
And enjoy it while Kira is still living at home those memories will last forever

Thanks for those beautiful pictures and TR

The DCL blues are the worst, right? :scared::sad:

Totally and we will continue to try to cruise over Christmas for as long as we are able to ::yes:: :lovestruc

Thanks for reading :hug:

Gosh, I sure wish we had a Waffle House around here so I’d have a place I know Rob loves when he comes to see us NEXT WEEK!!!! OMG.....NEXT WEEK!!!!! I can barely stand the wait! :yay:

Kira just gets cuter and cuter, doesn’t she? I just can’t believe how big she’s gotten since the last time we saw her. I think we need a do-over.....soon!!! :flower:

Thanks for entertaining me and all the other’s again, Cass. Love love love the trippies. :love::love::love:

It's been way too many years since you've seen each other, I'm so happy (and a little jelly!) for him :rolleyes:

Yes, hopefully we can ALL be together soon! :love:

Thanks for all of your wonderful comments and for always reading and editing and having my back, you're the BEST! :worship: :hug:

Kira’s a chip off the old block. Great picture taker! :D

I love seeing her pics when we get back ::yes::

Timon?!! I've never seen him in any photos from the ships. How fun!

He's on his way to the Kids Club. He does a special event in there and he's in one of the shows but that's the only time you will see him :sad1::sad1::sad1:

I was in Florida over Christmas and we watched cruises ships sail away for their Christmas cruises and was wondering if you were able to get another Christmas cruise in this year. So happy that you did and that most of it turned out quite wonderful! The Dolphin experience sounded perfect, Christmas morning in the atrium looked like such a cool experience! I hope 2019 will bring Christmas cruise #4 for you. I will be looking forward to reading all about it!

Awwww, I am so very touched that you thought of my little family when you were watching those ships! :lovestruc :blush: :hug:

Thank you so much, I'm really hoping for #4 this year too. And if we are lucky enough to do it, I will for sure share it again with all of you lovely folks here! :grouphug:

I LOVE Kira's point of view! She is such a beautiful young lady (amazing since I've been reading your reviews before she was a thought) it's been so much fun to watch Disney through her eyes. Also, you look amazing, especially in the pictures she takes of you!

I wonder how she will feel when she's older that so many DISers have watched her grow up via these reports? :scratchin :laughing:

Thanks for the always sweet comments! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Another wonderful trip in the books! I am making a note to cross that resort in Galveston off my list!

Jill in CO
Another wonderful report. You have a beautiful family. This first video is AWESOME!! Thanks so much for sharing.


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