Canadian resident ticket validation


Jul 4, 2019
Has anyone used the Canadian resident tickets recently? Do they still need to be validated with your passport before you use them at the gate?

My parents are using these on our next trip. This is what it says when I check their ticket on MDE. Will they need to go to guest relations and show their passports or just be able to scan in with their magic bands on day 1?
Has anyone used the Canadian resident tickets recently? Do they still need to be validated with your passport before you use them at the gate?

My parents are using these on our next trip. This is what it says when I check their ticket on MDE. Will they need to go to guest relations and show their passports or just be able to scan in with their magic bands on day 1?
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Please review this post/ thread
Post in thread 'Canadian resident tickets?'
In all I purchased 3 pairs of the original non-expiring Canadian offer tickets. When we used the first two pairs we asked at the resort if we were good to go or if we needed to drop by guest services before using them. The desk CM said, no, just go and use them at the parks and that's how it worked. When we used the last, and oldest (with green physical voucher cards), pair I again asked at check in and again I was told just go and use them. Well, this time it didn't work and here we were at MK without our passports, or other ID other than the vouchers and the envelope they were mailed in. A really kind CM accepted the address on the envelope as valid proof of Canadian residency saving us a long and tedious trip back to the resort to get our passports. So, yeah, in short, have the passports handy when you go to your first park of your stay. You really can't tell if you'll need them.


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