Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

You got some great fireworks shots!

Thanks Tammie! :)

I never get those. I just won't carry around a camera like that, so I don't have one.

Every trip I go on is a struggle.
Do I pack my DSLR and lenses?
Or do I just bring the compact?
Or even just my iPod?
(Which sucks for photos.)

I often don't know for sure
until just before I leave.

I live vicariously through those of you that do. LOL

Well, then I brought the camera
just for you.

I love the ghost pics! The hitchikers are so fun!

:) I was really please to get that one.

Great Costume!


I did see IT in your first actual photo and also a BOO! shot. You are probably on the headstones too, but I don't have my glasses on so I don't know! :rotfl2:

:laughing: No, nothing on the headstones
you can relax.

1. What time does the alarm go off?
2. Bus. Morning. What's the wait time?
4 min - you have been swimming in PD
3. Which park do I go to?
Hmmm, could it be.... ANIMAL KINGDOM????
4. Rope drop? Yes or no?
No, you hit the snooze
5. Extra security? Yay or nay?
yes, you are on a roll with this one
6. First ride of the day?
Kilamanjaro Safari
7. Which show did I see for the first time?
Jungle book

8. Do I get asked for directions?
Of course, maybe it's that army uniform you wear?
9. Where did I have lunch?

Flame Tree BBQ

I knew it was at least from
the 20th century.
But... when you were seven?

Had no idea it was 19th century.


18th Century.

And.... I think I'll just leave the rest alone.
People would be annoyed
if I got banned from my own thread.
A wise decision on your part.

A fairly rare occurrence, to be sure…
But wise none the less.

How did we get back to meat and potatoes??
Because everything always leads back to meat and potatoes.
(Everything that’s worthwhile at least)

I guess because I've had
Hollywood on my mind.
Of possibly you still have Vegas on your mind.

They provide costumes to local theatre groups, etc.
They're also the best place in town
for dance stuff when Elle was dancing.
(Ballet shoes, tutus, etc.)
Now, that makes sense.
And properly explains your familiarity with such a business.

Isn't it? I mean. It's perfect, right?
The translations of a lot of things and place names that have just been taken into the language can be both intriguing and at times humorously disturbing. I wonder of all the wealthy retirees that move down to Boca Raton would find the same cache to the place if the name had been translated prior to chartering the township.

I noticed that too.
OMG! The hands! What happened
to his hands!
He has baby hands!!!
It is the one place where the illusion breaks down. I don’t see how they could easily fix it and still allow the rider the needed control over the horse but it’s still jarring.

18th Century.

Sorry Rob.... I mean Dorian.

A wise decision on your part.

A fairly rare occurrence, to be sure…
But wise none the less.

Wise decisions are always rare occurrences with me.

Because everything always leads back to meat and potatoes.
(Everything that’s worthwhile at least)

Ain't got no time
(or room on the plate)
for no veggies!

Of possibly you still have Vegas on your mind.


Now, that makes sense.
And properly explains your familiarity with such a business.

Yep. Some quite fond memories
of that place actually.
I'll never forget when Elle
got her first pair of Pointe shoes.

Here's a shot I took of her
wearing them.

Well maybe not the first pair,
but Pointe shoes nonetheless.


The translations of a lot of things and place names that have just been taken into the language can be both intriguing and at times humorously disturbing. I wonder of all the wealthy retirees that move down to Boca Raton would find the same cache to the place if the name had been translated prior to chartering the township.

I suspect there are quite a few places like that.

It is the one place where the illusion breaks down. I don’t see how they could easily fix it and still allow the rider the needed control over the horse but it’s still jarring.

"Here, wear these."
"But I can't control the horse!"
"No problem it'll be find."

"Dozens injured as horse runs amok at Disneyworld."
Dang. No.
Can you move yours up?

Unfortunately no. There's a lot more family involved on the trip. If it was just Lady H and I, we would certainly have given it a shot.

What dates are you going again?

Might take you up on that.
Actually, I will.
Feel free to send me a PM
with anything you think might help!

PM coming soon.

Now that sounds like a plan.
Actually, some day, we will plan.
I'd like to take a spin
through your neck of the woods one day.
I'll make sure to let you know when that is.

Thinking of coming on down for the Balloon Fiesta? Seems that's the one event we're famous for.

(Bonus points if you can tell me
who took the photo)

T-Man: I was going to say the hitchhiking ghosts, but then I saw something that told me a Weassel took the photo.
Lady H: You put a spell on the camera with the magic wand in your left hand. "With a wink of my eye and one little click, I'll take the picture myself and finish my magic trick."
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1. What time does the alarm go off?

T_Man: 6:30 am
Lady H: Too Dang Early. By early she means 6:00 am

2. Bus. Morning. What's the wait time?

T_Man: 5 minutes
Lady H: 8 minutes

3. Which park do I go to?
Hint: Seriousy? Did you read the update?

T_Man: Yes, I did read the update and the answer was not in there anywhere. Beginning, middle or END. There's only one park you haven't visited yet so I'm going Animal Kingdom
Lady H: Obviously she read and saw the answer. Animal Kingdom.

4. Rope drop? Yes or no?

T_Man: Of course.
Lady H: Yes.

5. Extra security? Yay or nay?

T_Man: Why stop now. Yay
Lady H: Absolutely Yay

6. First ride of the day?

T_Man & Lady H: Everest

7. Which show did I see for the first time?

T_Man & Lady H: We remember something about this on one of your last trips and we know the exact reason why you avoided it. You hinted several times about this being a show. We do know what shows you have seen so both of us are guessing ITTBAB. Is there going to be a BACK story to why you decided to see this show?

8. Do I get asked for directions?

T_Man & Lady H: Yes.

9. Where did I have lunch?
Hint: No ADRs accepted there.

T_Man: I may regret going against Flame Tree, but I'm going Yak & Yeti Local Foods Cafe quick service.
Lady H: She's also hoping she don't regret not going with Flame Tree and going with Pizzafari.

Bonus: Did you see IT?
Of course you saw it.

T_Man: Of course I saw IT. How could you miss IT? IT was right there. Just follow the yellow brick wall. I also noticed the airline sponsor is now sponsoring the parade as well.
Lady H: Of course she saw IT. Goes back to what we said at the beginning. If T_Man saw IT, or Lady H saw IT, the other person will see IT because we'll make sure to point IT out to the other person. She also saw the new sponsor of the parade as well.
Did someone say Disneyland? Just so happens I've been there a time or two or three or four, and currently working on five. Are you sure you can't push it back to November? If you recall, I was doing a TR at one point in time that just kinda ended abruptly that will get finished one of these years. I'd also be glad to offer some tips and pointers.
so looks like I get to see three of my favorite dissers in 2017!!!! and Ponzi you soooo know I will help you if need be, I am pretty well versed in DL and its ins and outs
so looks like I get to see three of my favorite dissers in 2017!!!! and Ponzi you soooo know I will help you if need be, I am pretty well versed in DL and its ins and outs
We definitely need to meet up again. We had fun the last time around. Unfortunately no Nebo and Smidge this time around.
just catching up and stopping in to wish all of you great folks a MERRy Christmas. Super excited to hear about your March trip. Pm me either here or on fb if you need anything. I have a bit of experience going there... been crazy busy, had a steroid shot (actually 2 ) then Lil Miss scarlett had her first dance recital and she was the one waving at the crowd. posted a pic or two or 20 on fb..... But for now time to get ready for Christmas at casa de Betsey and lance/ so far looks like 25 will be here total///
as for my guesses
alarm goes off at 6:30
bus wait time is 4 minutes
animal kingdom
rope drop yes
no extra security today
safari for first ride
I think you see flights of wonder
yes you get asked for directions
thinking rain forest for lunch
Samsung S7 Edge. Though if both DH and I are honest we both miss the Note Series Terribly! It just seemed to work better.

I know nothing about Samsung.
I'll have to take your word for it.
But 4K camera. Impressive.

Too bad the Note was recalled.
Better than catching fire, I guess.
T-Man: I was going to say the hitchhiking ghosts, but then I saw something that told me a Weassel took the photo.
Lady H: You put a spell on the camera with the magic wand in your left hand. "With a wink of my eye and one little click, I'll take the picture myself and finish my magic trick."

You guys are weird.
You know that, right?

1. What time does the alarm go off?

T_Man: 6:30 am
Lady H: Too Dang Early. By early she means 6:00 am

2. Bus. Morning. What's the wait time?

T_Man: 5 minutes
Lady H: 8 minutes

3. Which park do I go to?
Hint: Seriousy? Did you read the update?

T_Man: Yes, I did read the update and the answer was not in there anywhere. Beginning, middle or END. There's only one park you haven't visited yet so I'm going Animal Kingdom
Lady H: Obviously she read and saw the answer. Animal Kingdom.

4. Rope drop? Yes or no?

T_Man: Of course.
Lady H: Yes.

5. Extra security? Yay or nay?

T_Man: Why stop now. Yay
Lady H: Absolutely Yay

6. First ride of the day?

T_Man & Lady H: Everest

7. Which show did I see for the first time?

T_Man & Lady H: We remember something about this on one of your last trips and we know the exact reason why you avoided it. You hinted several times about this being a show. We do know what shows you have seen so both of us are guessing ITTBAB. Is there going to be a BACK story to why you decided to see this show?

8. Do I get asked for directions?

T_Man & Lady H: Yes.

9. Where did I have lunch?
Hint: No ADRs accepted there.

T_Man: I may regret going against Flame Tree, but I'm going Yak & Yeti Local Foods Cafe quick service.
Lady H: She's also hoping she don't regret not going with Flame Tree and going with Pizzafari.

Bonus: Did you see IT?
Of course you saw it.

T_Man: Of course I saw IT. How could you miss IT? IT was right there. Just follow the yellow brick wall. I also noticed the airline sponsor is now sponsoring the parade as well.
Lady H: Of course she saw IT. Goes back to what we said at the beginning. If T_Man saw IT, or Lady H saw IT, the other person will see IT because we'll make sure to point IT out to the other person. She also saw the new sponsor of the parade as well.

so looks like I get to see three of my favorite dissers in 2017!!!! and Ponzi you soooo know I will help you if need be, I am pretty well versed in DL and its ins and outs

Oh good!!!! I was hoping you would be able to meet!!
You've been saying for years that you want me to come to DL. :goodvibes
So I felt like I was missing something, and I went back and looked, and I did in fact see IT, waiting in line forever with you.
stepsister are you also a so cal local? that would be awesome

I used to be- I am the one who grew up in Hemet; I think we've talked before...? I used to sail on Lake Perris.

Anyway, I do travel down to the area to visit family occasioanlly and well,... I don't go to SoCal without a trip to The Motherland.

I'm unbelievably excited about this trip!! Because there are some pretty amazing DISsers meeting up!

I tagged you on my thread a while back ... maybe you didn't see that??


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