Canadian Buffoon's DISmeet vacation - 09/14 - Bowled Over

Very. I love that movie!

::yes:: And the source of the world's most misquoted line.

I have that movie on my dresser. Been sitting there for over a year. Someday... maybe.... I'll watch it.

I only saw it a few months ago.
I had no idea I'd be seeing that
at the time.

Fun fact.

My grandfather owned an original BatMobile from the TV series in the mid-70s. I remember it sitting in his office parking lot as a kid.

<jaw drop> You have got to be kidding!
Whatever happened to it?

No thanks!

Nope, nope, nopitty, nope!

And yet... it was far less crowded then
when we did DL last year.

MMM!!! Grew up on these. A little cabbage, a little pico de gallo, flaky white fish, NOT fried, thanks!....

This was fried.
Might have to give it
another shot. :)


I was wondering too! And that's really quite impressive. Nice collection!


.... you'd shower.

I don't but I'm curious. Where is it from?

Full House.

That's a lot of history.

I know! It's really incredible
that they've been shooting
from this same spot all these years.

I find this very cool. When I toured Johnson Space Center we got to sit in the chairs where the big whigs sat for viewing the control center. I kept thinking of Apollo 13. It was the same room they used for the movie and the real room used way back then.

Now that is cool!
I'd love to go there.

No thanks, don't care for spiders.

:laughing: Not many do!

Maybe. Elaborate?

In the movie Dirty Harry,
Clint Eastwood plays a cop
who carries a big gun
and isn't afraid to use it.
A bank robbery happens
and he opens fire.
Afterwards, he walks towards
one of the robbers who starts
to reach for his gun...

Harry Callahan: Uh uh. I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well to tell you the truth in all this excitement I kinda lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and would blow your head clean off, you've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?

The "punk" gives up and Harry walks away.
The "punk" says "I gotta know."
Harry walks back and aims his gun and .... <click>.

You're usually greeted by several people.

I know, right?

How rude!

Was less than impressed.

That's a lot of chips.

It's a lot of stops. :)

When I first saw the picture I couldn't find anything missing, just he hard to see TP. I guess it was even harder to find when you're on the throne.

Oh, yes.
Voice of experience.

I did see it. I hope he enjoyed his company.

Full House.

Spent many Fridays watching this with the kids, but didn't recognize it. I was thinking Mrs. Doubtfire.

Now that is cool!
I'd love to go there.

If you make it to Houston, take a side trip.

In the movie Dirty Harry,
Clint Eastwood plays a cop
who carries a big gun
and isn't afraid to use it.
A bank robbery happens
and he opens fire.
Afterwards, he walks towards
one of the robbers who starts
to reach for his gun...

Harry Callahan: Uh uh. I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well to tell you the truth in all this excitement I kinda lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and would blow your head clean off, you've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?

The "punk" gives up and Harry walks away.
The "punk" says "I gotta know."
Harry walks back and aims his gun and .... <click>.

I have seen this scene.

It's a lot of stops. :)

Great, tha--oh, right.

Oh, go ahead.

Well...this should be a riveting update.

You'll note that I omitted
all those shots.

:rotfl2: Good question! I guess it depends on the neighborhood.

Or if it's spring time
on the freeway.

(Warning some profanity)

Ooh...very petty. I like it!

:laughing:'s a house?:confused3

You neither?
Well... not overly surprised.
I didn't watch Full House either.

Very cool!

I'm probably around a half a dozen as well. Noticed The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr.--that was an underrated show, too.

Never heard of it.

Wow, that's a neat trick! Looks pretty realistic, too.

I was really surprised.
I just assumed it was the actual
city in the background.

That's a GREAT movie. Loved that one.

I need to watch it again.
Too much going on
that I need to see once more.

As Neo would say, "Why didn't I take the blue pill?"

I've read your reports...
I know which pill you took.

:sad1: Still, Batmobiles.

Still... Batmobiles.

This is where my daughter dies and goes to heaven.

Figured she would. :)

I think that's the only creature that could put up a fight against Everglades mosquitoes.

Nah. I doubt it.

It doesn't look the same to me.

It looks bigger and floppier
doesn't it?
But... is that just the angle?
I'm really not positive.

I did, punk!


::yes:: That is a great one.

::yes:: Awesome movie.
Yes I own a copy.

But I bet they were pretty cold.

Unless they were Canadians...
Then they were warm.

Not even kidding.

Nice work! That's a quality stash.

More chips than parks. ;)

I did! But I don't remember him being in Corpse Bride.

Ugh. I keep reading along and I know you have no sympathy for me. But I did start multi quoting your TR from my phone as I waited for @chunkymonkey to get off Star Tours before we rode Hyperspace Mountain and then went for drinks and apps before seeing PTN, again....

Thing is now I'm on the computer so I either finish from the phone or do a combo thing, but for now, I'm too tired since I was out there after a half day of doctor and half day of work.

Just wanted to know you are next on my list of TRs! And I'm following along!
Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm a child of the 80s/90s, after all :laughing:

I knew someone would
recognize it!

What?!?!? Super cool. One of my faves :thumbsup2


I bet. I would have been in my GLORY! These are the things I miss about MGM...

Me too. I remember seeing Julia
Roberts red dress from Prett Woman.

I would have been on :cloud9:

I was!

I'm with you. Ingrid's hat just doesn't match up.

Too floppy, right?
Maybe too wide, too?

SUPER cool ::yes::


I see what ya did there :rolleyes1

Sorry! :laughing:

Good work!


Yikes. I wonder how many people have reached for the tissues out of desperation :rotfl:

At least one that I know of...

Last edited:
Haha wow! Neat to know they're filming...something? :laughing:

Probably a children’s show.


:scared1: I know that place!

I knew some of my
readers would know it!

I'm sad you've never watched.

Just not my cup of tea.

...I feel like I've been lied to.

:laughing: Sorry!

<Bubble, burst>

Now this is pretty cool...I'm fan.


It was that bad.

That's so disappointing. Sounds like really lousy service, which I wouldn't think is the norm there at all. :sad1:

77 other places? Nuttin’ but love.

My TRs frequently get that reaction.

I keep reading along and I know you have no sympathy for me.

Of course I do.
Don’t be silly.

But I did start multi quoting your TR from my phone as I waited for @chunkymonkey to get off Star Tours before we rode Hyperspace Mountain and then went for drinks and apps before seeing PTN, again....

1. You got to meet her! Nice!
2. Sounds like a good day. :)

Thing is now I'm on the computer so I either finish from the phone or do a combo thing, but for now, I'm too tired since I was out there after a half day of doctor and half day of work.

Or save the draft on the phone and then finish it up on the computer.

Just wanted to know you are next on my list of TRs! And I'm following along!

Okay! :)
I watch Ellen every day, so it was cool to see her Studio! I'm also a huge Friends fan, and still watch it almost every day- at least a few minutes before I go to bed. Loved seeing the Full House house! Thanks for sharing!

So weird where the TP was in the hotel... Can't wait to hear more about Disney!
I watch Ellen every day, so it was cool to see her Studio!

Sometimes the tour allows you inside,
but for whatever reason, we couldn't.
They weren't shooting, so not sure why not.

I'm also a huge Friends fan, and still watch it almost every day- at least a few minutes before I go to bed.

The gift shop had a Starbucks attached,
except it was made to look like
Central Perk.

Loved seeing the Full House house! Thanks for sharing!

You're welcome! :)

So weird where the TP was in the hotel...

I know!
I've never seen
(or not seen) that before.

Can't wait to hear more about Disney!

Couple more updates first.
Then Disneyland.
Then back to the road trip.
Then Disney World.
So... as instructed,
nay... commanded...
I give you a quick
jaunt to the opposite coast.

It's gonna be a whirlwind trip,
so buckle up and hold onto
your loved ones.

(Or don't. I'm not judging.)

Good, cause I don't feel particularly like holding on right now! :snooty:

So even though the cab came
at three a.m., I was in a good mood.

:eek: I'm not sure if I could say the same thing in that situation.

I never used to worry about boarding.
I'd sit and relax while all the sheep
jostled for position to get on the plane.
Ha! I'd wait until everyone was on,
then casually sashay up to the podium
and calmly board the aircraft with panache.
And a carrion

We are always first. Cause of Fran.

Which makes it sound like a pasta sauce.

Mmmmmm.... pasta...

I think it was because I read this post that we had spaghetti the other day.

But I did take this photo.
Notice anything odd about it?

I already gave my answer on this one.

I set out with Hollywood & Vine
punched into the GPS,
via Rodeo Drive.
Hollywood sign, here I come!

That's a completely bizarre way to go there. Especially from Anaheim. I can't even imagine how long that took or the route either, unless this is "one of those situations" you told us about.

I wandered around the area just a little.
I wanted to see this again:


Grand total time spent looking
at sign I'd spent one year
trying to see.

About 5 seconds.

I honestly spent more time
cropping the photo of the sign
than I did looking at it.

I usually just glance at it as we are driving up the 101.

Oh boy! This was going to be good!
At least that's what @franandaj
told me.
So if it sucked, I could blame her.

Either way, a win/win.

You never actually said whether or not I steered you wrong. I've read the update and it kinda seemed like you enjoyed parts of the tour....

Anyway, I was pretty stoked.
I mean just look at all those
classic movies! Oh boy!

:wave2: Hi "you know who!"

And on the way out... a little karma.
I thought I'd stop at the parking booth,
just to let them know that the tours were
sold out.
More to prevent any other guests from
paying for parking and being disappointed.
I wasn't blaming the attendant for anything.
The attendant asked me if I'd bought a ticket
for tomorrow.
I nodded yes.
The attendant thanked me and wrote on
my ticket that it was good for tomorrow.

That was sure nice of her.

I arrived at the parking garage
and had a choice.
I could pay for valet parking
which runs $35...
(plus tip, I presume)
Or I could pay for regular
parking and shell out $25
and have to take an elevator.

Highway robbery!

Before I left, though,
I spotted the one store that
grabbed my attention.

Voodoo doughnuts.

I didn't know there was one there!

The second stop...
I'd heard of the Frank Gehry
designed Walt Disney Concert Hall.

You know I still have not made it to a concert in that hall!


But I have performed in that little courtyard. When the hall first opened they sent out looking for amateur musicians to play for a few hours on some Friday and Saturday evenings in the summer. Fran and I played flute and clarinet duets on two different evenings.

And did you see it?

This update will be photo heavy
and prose light.

You can thank me later...

Is this late enough?

I took a bunch of photos on the tour...
And now don't remember what half
of what I shot actually was!
Lots of shots of building fronts
that, at the time, meant something.
But now?

Yeah I know how that goes!

"Remember in Friends when
Ross ran down the street?
That was there!"

No. Cause I never watched Friends.

Our tour was punctuated with gun shots.
I assumed this was merely a typical
Los Angeles occurrence,

Not in that part of town, but I can show you on a map where it would be common!

While I no longer remember what buildings
are which, I think some of you may
recognize this one:


How many of these shows have you seen?
I know I've seen at least half a dozen.

I don't think I've even seen half a dozen of these movies! I heard of many of the classics, but never saw them. I guess I'm more of an MGM and Paramount studios watcher.

We then went inside and were told
that no photography was allowed.
Ruby and I watch a show called Lucifer.
And I visited that set.

Fran watches that show too.

What was really interesting was the balcony.
Whenever they need a Los Angeles city background
they just pull a massive curtain across
that has the city printed on it.

Huh. The fun facts you learn when you visit a studio.

After that set, we went to the props building.

I'm not sure we went to the props building on my tour.

Inside were several of the cars from
the Batman films.
But, alas, not the original from the TV series.

We did see the Batman cars on our tour.

Next stop, we visited an area with
props from Harry Potter,

This is odd because the Harry Potter stuff was sort of in the middle of our tour. We went through all the city and residential scenes, then they dropped us at the HP exhibit. After that we got back on a tram with different tourists and saw the cars, a soundstage, and got to take pictures on a Friends set. Since I never watched the show it wasn't a big deal to me. Sounds like we need to go back again.

Fantastic Beasts
and a few costumes
from Wonder Woman and Batman.

Yeah, they didn't have these when I was there, mainly because the movies weren't made yet!

The stuff nightmares are made of.


And that was about it for the tour.
We were dumped off at the requisite
gift shop to hopefully spend
tons of cash.

Yes I remember that part, but we didn't spend much money. Mainly because they didn't have any merch for any shows I was into.

Like these figurines from Corpse Bride.

Who's that one on the middle right?

I wonder how many of you
will understand that reference?


After the tour I got back to the car
and headed out to...

I suppose that's a reasonable second part of your day, only an hour or so with no traffic. :rolleyes1

Well, I'd driven here so...
Let's brave the crowds, shall we?

Actually that doesn't look very crowded at all.

So I ordered a clam chowder instead.
And it was good!
Plus... the table next to me ordered the guac.
So I was able to watch it being prepared
without having to order/eat it.

Sounds better than my first experience at the Santa Monica Pier!

Your waitress took this photo? No?

I also ordered another dish that I'd heard of
but never tried.
Fish tacos.

Get out!

I'd never quite been able to wrap my head
around that.
Tacos? With fish?
And.... not bad.

If course, we'll put anything between a tortilla and call it a taco. Were they grilled or battered and fried? I'll only do the latter. We have a great little place near our house where you can get them for $1.49 each. Two tacos and a big bag of fries is less than $5. Its great as a late night snack or even lunch.

And... for the first time ever,
I almost walked away without a poker chip


To date, I have 78 poker chips.
None of them repeats.

Not bad at all!

And did you see it?

Yep. But only after another pointed it out.
Good, cause I don't feel particularly like holding on right now! :snooty:

Oh, dear.

:eek: I'm not sure if I could say the same thing in that situation.

Well... as a shift worker,
I'm a bit used to getting up
in the middle of the night, so...

Plus.... vacation.

We are always first. Cause of Fran.

Figured so.
I was first when I was
stuck in the wheelchair
that one time.

I think it was because I read this post that we had spaghetti the other day.

And I think it was the same reasoning
that I had it the other day too!

That's a completely bizarre way to go there. Especially from Anaheim. I can't even imagine how long that took or the route either, unless this is "one of those situations" you told us about.

Just wanted to see it. ;)

I usually just glance at it as we are driving up the 101.

I'm the exact same way!
Except I glance at it
when they show it on TV.

You never actually said whether or not I steered you wrong. I've read the update and it kinda seemed like you enjoyed parts of the tour....

Oh! Yes, that was very good advice.
Thanks! I'm really glad I went.

:wave2: Hi "you know who!"


That was sure nice of her.

Especially since I didn't ask for it.

Highway robbery!

Really, the parking should be free.
You know you're gonna spend money

Especially if you're going to the park
and not just Universal Citywalk.

I didn't know there was one there!


I recommend.

You know I still have not made it to a concert in that hall!

Me neither!
It's like we're living
parallel lives.

But I have performed in that little courtyard. When the hall first opened they sent out looking for amateur musicians to play for a few hours on some Friday and Saturday evenings in the summer. Fran and I played flute and clarinet duets on two different evenings.

I would've paid to see/hear that.
Is this late enough?

Just in time. :)

Yeah I know how that goes!

"Nice picture... wonder what it is?"

No. Cause I never watched Friends.

Doesn't matter.
While he mentioned Friends
fairly often, there were others too.

"See that building? That's where
______ happened in the movie ________."

Coo! <click>


"What the heck is this a shot of?"

Not in that part of town, but I can show you on a map where it would be common!

I really need to coordinate with
you before visiting again.

From Full House.

I didn't watch it either,
but some of my readers did.

I don't think I've even seen half a dozen of these movies! I heard of many of the classics, but never saw them. I guess I'm more of an MGM and Paramount studios watcher.

Have you seen Dave?
You should if you get the chance.
Nice movie.

Fran watches that show too.

Oh! Didn't know anyone else
who watched it.

Huh. The fun facts you learn when you visit a studio.

Yup! Just tell Fran the next time
she sees the city in the background
off the balcony...
She's seeing a curtain.

I'm not sure we went to the props building on my tour.

Oh? Huh.
I thought it was pretty interesting.

This is odd because the Harry Potter stuff was sort of in the middle of our tour. We went through all the city and residential scenes, then they dropped us at the HP exhibit. After that we got back on a tram with different tourists and saw the cars, a soundstage, and got to take pictures on a Friends set. Since I never watched the show it wasn't a big deal to me. Sounds like we need to go back again.

It was definitely at the
tail end of the tour.

But... I think they change them up
depending on your interests too.

Yeah, they didn't have these when I was there, mainly because the movies weren't made yet!

That might make it hard
to get props.

Yes I remember that part, but we didn't spend much money. Mainly because they didn't have any merch for any shows I was into.

I was the same.
While there was a couple shows
that I watch, there was nothing
that I felt I needed a trinket for.

And the Marvin the Martian stuff
they did have... wasn't appealing.

Who's that one on the middle right?

Marvin the Corpse-man.

I suppose that's a reasonable second part of your day, only an hour or so with no traffic. :rolleyes1

Meh. An hour is nothing.
Merely a blip of the clock.

Actually that doesn't look very crowded at all.

It really wasn't too bad.

Sounds better than my first experience at the Santa Monica Pier!

Oh? Do tell.


Your waitress took this photo? No?

My server was a man. ;)

Should I turn out the lights
on my way out?

If course, we'll put anything between a tortilla and call it a taco. Were they grilled or battered and fried? I'll only do the latter. We have a great little place near our house where you can get them for $1.49 each. Two tacos and a big bag of fries is less than $5. Its great as a late night snack or even lunch.

And here Liesa just said
the better way is not battered and fried.

Either way, not sure how
much of a fan I'm going to be.

But would like to try them again.


Was less than impressed.

Not bad at all!


Yep. But only after another pointed it out.

Still counts. :)
That Sinking Feeling

Full day, so fasten your seatbelts.
If you fall off the TR,
you get left behind.

Harsh, I know.
But it's for the greater good.

Maybe "good" isn't the right word here....

Okay! Let's go!
Everyone settled?
Got your knees and elbows in?
Por favor manténgase alejado de las puertas*.

*Poor favour (for) manatees, all jaded less, "purty".
(You're welcome.)

I set out bright and ea.......

I set out dull, insipid and early.
I braved the morning commute.
Yes. It was a stupid move,
but I had things to do,
places to see.

The first stop was the
James Irvine Japanese garden.
I love Japanese gardens.
I've been to a handful.
I was looking forward to
starting my day off
with a little "Zen" relaxation.

The directions to the garden
that I'd found were a little vague:

"To reach the space, enter the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center,
check in at the information window on the left, take the elevator down to level B
and zigzag to your right through an unembellished hallway."

I must admit I was a bit disappointed.
I was hoping for an embellished hallway.

After surviving the morning commute,
I was in need of some Zen.

There was parking on the street, nearby, but...
I didn't have any coins to feed the meter.
(I'd used them all for my eight minute
stop at the concert hall the day before.)

No problem, I'll just ask where I can get
change at the information window.
I'll risk the couple minutes it'll take.

I sashayed into the building and up
to the window.
The woman there looked up at me expectantly.
"Can I help you?"
"I certainly hope so. I'm looking for two things.
Where can I get some change for the parking meters
and directions to the Japanese Garden."

"Well." She replied. "Normally I'd tell you
that you could get change at the café across the hall,
but it's closed today."

"Well, poop." I thought. I'll have to get change somewhere.

"And." She continued. "The gardens aren't open today."

So glad I drove over.


What's this? A glimmer of hope?

"You can overlook the garden from above."

Well, it's better than nothing.
I exited the building and rounded the corner.




While I couldn't get in the garden,
I did get above it.
Not quite the "Zen" I was looking for,
but still... at least I got to see it.

I zipped back to the car and...
no ticket.

I got in and drove...
for about 5 minutes.
I parked on the street
by a fairly nondescript
late 19th century building.
There was a spot for
10-15 minute loading.
That should be enough.
I threw on the hazard lights
and sashayed inside.

It's non-descript on the outside,
but on the inside?





The Bradbury building has been on
numerous films and TV shows.
Most notably the original (1982)
Blade Runner.
It's just... a cool place to see.

Especially if you don't have a lot of time.

And I didn't. My 10-15 minutes
parked in the loading zone was up.
I grabbed a cookie and a Coke
from the adjacent Subway
and thus fulfilled my obligation
of "loading".


I got back in the car.
I was really looking forward
to my next stop,
the La Brea Tar Pits.

When I was a little kid,
about 5-6 years old,
my parents bought me
four picture books
that I looked at over and over.

(A book is an old form of web site.
Except it's on paper.
And (usually) pretty non-interactive.
Paper comes from trees.
I presume in a few years
I'll have to explain what 'trees' were.)

Anyways, books...
One was about space.
One was about sunken Spanish treasure.
One was about energy (okay... that one
was kinda boring.)
And one was about dinosaurs and fossils.
There was a part of that book that caught my eye.
(Well... okay. T-Rex and Triceratops and Stegosaurus
are cool too, but I'm talking about something else, so...)
It was a two page picture of a mammoth
partially submerged and stuck in tar
with a sabre toothed cat on its back,
it's haunches slipping into the tar, ensnaring itself.
Nearby, a brace of vultures waited patiently,
except one had foolishly dipped a wing
into the pervasive ooze.

Yep. That picture is still as clear in my mind
as when I first looked.
It wasn't this one, but it's close:

Circle of life, y'all.

I entered the park and...
Oddly enough, I noticed this first:


No idea what kind of tree this is,
but I thought it was interesting
enough to take a photo.

If it's undiscovered, I'm going
to call it a "pkondz rope tree"*
*Arbor Funem pkondz
Has a nice ring to it.

I walked a little further and...
there it was.
I'd seen this display
countless times...
but only in print or pixel.


A baby mammoth calling out
to its trapped mother.
Makes you wonder...

...just how many school kids
get traumatized by that
every year.
Did baby go out to its mother,
getting hopelessly trapped itself?
Or did Dad's will prevail and
instead it played it safe and
became an accountant instead?

(True fact. Most mammoths were accountants.
It's why they became extinct.
Out of extreme dullness.)

I never knew about this guy, though:


Is he supposed to be the grandfather?
Hmmm... he's hairier than the others...
Different species?
No clue.
I'm going to say.... yes.
Because it's my TR and I get to decide.

So much easier than doing research.
(And I couldn't find anything definitive.
I think it's a Woolly Mammoth.)

I walked around the "lake",
snapping a few shots as I did.


Did you know, the tar pits are still active?
Every here and there, small bubbles
of methane rose to the surface.


And every few minutes,
a fairly loud <bloosh> sound
would accompany a larger
solitary bubble.


It was pretty cool to watch.

Elsewhere in the park,
you could visit and look into
an active dig site.



And you could see people digging
for fossils at another site.


All in all...
I didn't leave disappointed.
Is it rollercoasters and popcorn?


But it was interesting.
I had a silly smile plastered
to my face the whole time.
And not just because the tar pits
weren't the only thing with gas that day.

Continued Next Post
Continued From Previous Post

My next destination was right on time.
I was getting hungry a bit,
and where better to find something
to nosh on, than...


I parked the car across the street
and wandered over.
Right off the bat, I knew I'd chosen well.


Of course... then I forgot to get some later.
But... just gives me a reason to go back.


I wandered around the various booths,
admiring the wares for sale.




Pretty much a Vegan's nightmare.
Mind you, I didn't see any Vegans,
so maybe not.


mmmm.... cheese.
Along with the "grocery" items,
you could also order premade
or made to order treats.





Sorry for the poor quality there.
Kebabs cooking, ready for devouring.
And... no. I didn't have any.
Simple reason why not, of course.

Because I'm stupid.


Okay. That does it!
I need to eat something, Stat!
I looked around and while many
of the tables were taken...


...there were enough empty ones
that I wouldn't have to stand and eat.


I ordered a clam chowder.


Why yes... I'd had one just the day before.
So what?
I like clam chowder,
and this one was really good too.
Better than yesterday's
and that one was good too!

After finishing up my chowder,
I wandered around some more.
I stopped to watch this machine
mix peanut butter.
I don't know if it was actually making
the peanut butter or if it was just for show.
In any event, the young lady pictured below
offered me a taste.

Holy crap.
That stuff was amazing!

I bought a jar.
My only regret is I didn't buy more.


I was winding down when I passed
this booth:


Rows of differently filled empanadas.
You know... I've never actually had one...


I got a "Cuban".
(oven roasted pork, mustard, ham,
provolone cheese and pickles)
It was very tasty. :)

By now it was time to hit the road.
I didn't want to get mired in LA's rush hour traffic.

Of course I forgot that LA's rush hour traffic
starts around 4am and ends about... 4am.

Okay, it wasn't that bad.
I got back to the hotel without
wishing someone would die
in a fiery wreck...

So that's a plus, right?

A non-fiery wreck?
But still... not bad.

I got back to the hotel
and just chilled
(recovered from the traffic)
for a while.
Eventually, I figured it was time
for some munchies.
Why not wander over to DTD
and see what's what?

Okay. Full disclosure.
Complete fail at the photos here.
Maybe it's because I'd already
taken enough for the day?
Or maybe I just thought
"I've been here before,
I have photos already, right?" :sad2:

Either way, I took a grand total of....

One photo of DTD.


Yes, it's cool and all, but.
It rather gives you the impression
that I went to a Lego store
and that's about it, no?
(And... I didn't even go in.
I was looking for grub!)


And... again... total fail.
I thought Jack Brennan's Jazz Kitchen
looked interesting.
And it was.
I ordered Popcorn Shrimp
(Cajun tartar sauce, horseradish cocktail sauce)
and a wedge salad.

There was fried chicken!
There was catfish!
There was jambalaya!
There was Bacon wrapped BBQ Meatloaf!

And I ordered a wedge salad!!!

Oh, the ignominy.
Not even food porn-worthy


All I got was this one photo.
I like the umbrella lights.

And with that, I wandered back
to my hotel.
I did, however, take some
shots along the way.




And that was the end of my day.
Tomorrow's another big day.

In case you missed it in the last
couple updates...


Marvin peeking out from the
top of the mural.


Marvin hanging with some buds.

Coming up:
More adventures, a few DISmeets,
a Disney Day and a Grand Prix.

And did you see it?

Last edited:
No idea what kind of tree this is,
but I thought it was interesting
enough to take a photo.

If it's undiscovered, I'm going
to call it a "pkondz rope tree"*
*Arbor Funem pkondz
Has a nice ring to it.
Love the picture of the tree. It really does look like an old rope.

mmmm.... cheese.
Along with the "grocery" items,
you could also order premade
or made to order treats.
I would have been all over the walnut or pecan rolls even without seeing who made it. Ha
That is the one item that I have to buy when I go to a Cracker Barrel restaurant.
I have been reading along with all the updates but haven't commented lately.
You look like you crammed a lot into your short visit there.
Can't wait to read more.


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