Beyond Recovery: Christin's journal of progress (comments welcome)

Sounds like you are trying to look on the bright side of the schedule screw up! I know some of the most frustrating things that have happened to me, I have been able to look back and say were a blessing in disguise. Of course there were the others that when I looked back just made me curse. ;)

I hope yours will be a blessing. The exercise seems to be going really well! Keep up the good work.

Have a great weekend!!!
I'm finally back and caught up on your journal. Sorry to hear that sleep has been eluding you, hopefully, that will change soon.

As far as the schedule screw cool to have another class that is up your alley and not have to do the Freshman Seminar. Of course, I realize that it is more work in some ways, but it is definitely more in the direction of your career. The school must really have confidence in you. :cool1:

Hope that you get your writing done this weekend. Have a great day! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Hi! Just checking in.

I hope you had a great weekend and got some sleep at last!
Thanks, you all, for stopping in. I'm back. I holed myself away in the library this weekend and got some good work done. I should be able to turn in about 60 pages to my advisor next week.

Don't remember everything I've eaten over the past few days, but I haven't been too bad. I had leftovers of the summer soup for two lunches, and yesterday I just ate some celery w/ cheese and almonds while in the library. Dinner one night was nachos (not great), chicken and rice another night, but then steak and salad. Not too many snacks either (I was fairly concentrated on the task at hand. Last night, we made chicken lettuce wraps, and I had a piece of chocolate pound cake- my friend's birthday is tonight and I'm giving her half plus a few other things (and I had to make sure it tasted OK ;) Seriously, I used Splenda and cut some of the fat, so I did want to make sure it wasn't terrible.

Exercise was OK- Friday Curves 30 minutes, Saturday off, Sunday 40 min swimming laps.

I've got a crazy day ahead, including class prep down at school and the birthday party for dinner, so I might not get in Curves today (unless I can fit it in this morning).

I will get some exercise moving my office stuff- not only did the chair screw up my schedule, but he's moving people's offices around so I have to relocate all of my stuff! At least it will give me a chance to box up all of my fine arts materials, since I won't be teaching that class this year.

I am starting to get excited about the Creative Drama class they gave me. I taught acting last spring, and I really enjoyed the smaller class and process-based material. Plus, if you have an off week and no lesson plan, you can always go in and play games for an hour and people think you're brilliant! ;) Seriously though, I am very passionate about giving teachers drama skills to take into their classrooms. Its a great way to teach social skills, concentration, self-confidence, and it can be applied towards all kinds of lessons in writing, social studies, science, etc. (can you tell I've been returning to some of the material.)

Anyway, all is well, if busy, and I'm still determined to catch-up on journals today or tomorrow. :)
Glad to see that your weekend was productive with writing. You really sound happy and enthusiastic. Maybe this is all the motivation you really needed to get your schooling done on time. A chance to see the fruits of your labors before you really get into your career.

Have a good day and take it easy on the cake! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Sounds like your writing is going well. Your Creative Drama class sounds great! Teachers definitely need it!

Hope you have an AWESOME Monday!

Whole foods market is one of my Fav places. Unfortunately we only have 1 here and it's way far from me.
Thanks, Lesli. I think I am happy, if busy...but I think the two are related.

Oh, and I think I have my sleeping back on schedule. Two nights in a row falling to sleep fairly easy (if too late) and sleeping through the night.

BTW- I changed the quotation in my sig. Something to help motivate me finish the dissertation...
Great quote Christin!

Glad to hear your writing is going so well. Sounds like your eating plan is working out pretty good too!

Keep up the good work.
Thanks all of you for stopping by. Julie- Whole Foods is great! The corporate headquarters is here in Austin, so we have lots here. The new downtown store is like a flagship store for them, I think, and it's crazy big. Families love going there because they created a really nice place to sit and have dinner, with beautiful landscaping and a stream that the kids play in. (nice for a hot summer evening).

Well, yesterday was not great, folks. Very busy and no control over when or what I ate.

B- ww english muffin w/ PB and strawberries (good thing I ate it too, because I didn't get lunch until 4:00! I got caught at school inbetween meetings and moving my office.
L- Chick-fil-a chicken nuggets and a side of slaw. Finally got my course pack straight, and went to the campus bookstore...the food court was next door, and I was so hungry that I must have eaten everything in 5 min. flat.
D- Went to a pub for friend's birthday and had a blast! We haven't been out in a while, and I used to hate this place because it was so smokey, but Austin just passed an ordinance outlawing smoking in angered a lot of people, but I love it. We talked with friends, shot pool, and played darts for a few hours. Food was terrible...I mean, delicious ;) DH and I split a cheeseburger and an order of fish and chips. I only ate a few fries. Plus, I had 2 pints of beer. After that, I drank water. So, not great, but it could have been a lot worse. And, after my fast before my uber-late lunch, I wasn't in the mood to find the one salad on the pub menu.

Exercise- I did manage to work in Curves yesterday, although I had to go to the one by the university. 40 minutes, plus 5 on abs. It wasn't as nice as my Curves...kind of rinky dink. Franchise owners make all the difference, I think. Ours is so clean and well run.

Today I'll be writing my creative drama syllabus. I plan to devote the morning to it, so I can return to my writing this afternoon.
Good luck on the writing today. Yesterday may not have been the best plan, but it is over and time to move on. Like you said, it could have been much worse. It is just so hard to catch a meal when your day is filled with meetings and moving things around. But you can think of it all as a fresh new start in so many ways.

Hope that you have a good day today! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Well on the bright side - you got some great exercise in yesterday. We all stray every once in a while.

Glad the writing is going well. Hope today is a productive one.
Christin, I had to take a Creative Dramatics class at Cal State Northridge for my degree. I ended up not getting my teaching credential just got my BA. However, I've worked part time doing 'Life Enrichment' for 12 years with Alzheimers patients and believe me, with Alzheimers patients I've needed the "Dramatics". The class was a lot of fun and our teacher was not much older than we were. I also had to take a Theater Arts for Teachers class. That was a little more structured, but I loved both classes. Have fun teaching this semester. You never know where your students will end up!

Congrats for getting that workout in at Curves. :banana:
Jane- that's so cool! Creative drama skills are so adaptable- I'm not surprised they worked well with Alzheimer's patients. I was just returning to some of the material last night, and I am starting to get excited. I really do love teaching; you know you've found the right career when you never feel more like yourself than when you're doing that work. I know I made the right choice when I'm standing in front of a classroom.

Yesterday was silly...I've gotten off track, which I know I allowed for last week, but I don't think it's helping me any. If anything, it's making me more tired and frustrated...or maybe that's just my schedule...anyway, it make sense to eat for more energy even if I am busy!!!

B- skipped breakfast, 1st mistake
L- took DH (day off) to Macaroni Grill. Had some bread w/ olive oil (more than I should have, but less than I would have a few months ago), 1/2 a garden salad w/ lemon vinegrette, and ww pasta w/ creamy garlic sauce and spinach, tomatoes, and carmelized onions. A tomato based sauce would have been better, but this is my favorite.
S- leftover choc. pound cake (made w/ Splenda, but still full of carbs).
D- grilled chicken w/ tomatos on top, green beans, left-over pasta from lunch (ate too much of this last bit)
S- more of the cake...:(

No exercise...planned on getting out for a walk/run (yes, even in this heat) once the sun went down, but DH and I got into a fight and I was major pouting. I know I was being silly, and not getting the walk in was hurting me in the long run, but I was just so I took the dogs to the bedroom and watched TV all night. all is fine now.

Anyway, today should be better. I'm going to the library early, then to Curves after. Tomorrow is my first creative drama class, and I'm already prepped, so I can spend the day focused on my writing. And eating better.
sorry you and your dh had a fight. I hate that! Ruins the whole evening. Hope you made up! :)

I love the Macaroni Grill and I haven't been there in ages due to the bread. I love their bread! I have no will power when it comes to resturants so I try to just avoid them! Thankfully on WW Core I can eat of the Applebees WW menu. So I can now go to Applebees again! ;)

Your lunch and dinner sound so yummy! I agree w/Amanda, it's very hard to put on the brakes at Macaroni Grill (or any restaurant, for that matter!)

Sorry to hear your and DH got into it last night, but hopefully you were able to kiss and make up. That always puts a damper on the evening...

Glad to hear your class starts today--you sound so excited and energized when you talk about it. I hope all goes well!
Quick post before I'm off to class...

My maintainence plan is not working out so well...checked at Curves yesterday, and the scale said I was up 3 pounds. So, I'll be re-adjusting. Beyond that, yesterday was good for eating.

B- ww english muffin w/ PB and strawberries
L- turkey wrap w/ spouts and avacado, 1/2 a bag of baked Lays, fruit cup (free lunch! just happened to show up at the same time as new grad orientation)
S- iced coffee
D- grilled trout, wild rice dish, and veggie mix
S- sugarfree fudgicle w/ PB (back to this for my "sugar" fix...I can tell I've really fallen off the wagon because my cravings have come back.)

Exercise- Curves 40 minutes, legs 5 min.

Might go back to Curves again today to's just too hot outside for swimming or walking this week. I'll be glad when the student gym opens again so I can use the indoor track

Writing was a little sporadic yesterday...everything is gearing back up again, and there are always a tone of "back to school" distractions. Hopefully, I'll get in a few hours today before and after my class, then have the weekend for myself to finish the chapter draft.
Ohana's Honey Lime Dressing

1/2 C honey
1 tsp dry mustard
1 tsp salt
1/2 C cider vinegar
1/4 C lime juice
1/4 C diced onion
1 C canola oil


Place all ingredients except oil in food processor and blend until
smooth. Slowly add oil until it is well incorporated into the
dressing. Makes 2 Cup.

so so so so so so Good!
Glad to hear the excitement about the class. By the way, I am borrowing this quote from you to hang on my wall: You know you've found the right career when you never feel more like yourself than when you're doing that work". It is exactly what I need right now.

It's funny, you called me an historian and actually history was the class I hated most in school. But I do love learning about certain time periods of the past and how they relate to the shaping of my family.

Don't worry about the scale being up. You will settle into more of a routine and get things back on track. Try taking your lunch to work when you get settled in and yes, breakfast is important.

Hope you have a great teaching day! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
I hope you had a great day yesterday. Good luck with tweaking your plan until it feels right for you. I'm sure you'll get there!

Have a :wizard: day and stay out of the heat!!!
Amanda- thanks for the recipe. I think I'm going to plan an O'Hana's dinner for Sunday!

Leslie- I hated history in grade and high school too. I couldn't have cared less about who was the general for what war and what treaties were signed where. But then I got to college and had more social history classes, and fell in love with the topic. I had never realized how mad I had been that more women weren't included in history...Martha Washington and Molly Pitcher just don't cut it. I include genealogies as part of social history, figuring out how everyday people lived at a particular time period. I think if more people located their family's past, they'd feel more of a connection to history.

Pealieq- trying to stay out of the heat, but it's tough. Yesterday, it really got to me and I only barely made it to Curves...the thought of sweating again almost put me on the couch for the evening ;)

Well, I weighed myself at Curves again yesterday, and those 3 pound were definitely not an apparition...they are really there. So, I'm giving myself 1 week to readjust to my new schedule, and then, back to a regular program. I've come too far...but still not far enough to give up. I've proven to myself that I can do this, even at a slow pace, and I'm determined to forge ahead. Wagons ho!!!

My biggest challenge I think, based on my week so far, it going to be lunch on the run. I need to make sure I have good stuff in the fridge that I can pack quickly.

B- ww english muffin w/ strawberries
L- 1/2 a chicken wrap before class
2nd L- 2 pieces of fried chicken (I was starving on my drive home after class...and this was a pitiful choice. I really chose poorly when I'm hungry. I should have gone with the whole wrap for lunch, but it was so hot and I didnt' want to feel stuffed.)
D- taco salad (not too bad, although too many corn chips as a base)
S- sugarfree fudgicle w/ PB (at least I'm back to my old standby and cutting out the sugar)

Exercise- swam laps 45 min (either I was slower this day because of the heat or lost count of my laps because of the heat...did I mention it was hot...anyway, I surprised myself my going 5 minute over what I usually do, especially because it was so hot. ;)

B- same...
L- 9 in. turkey sub on ww bread (would it be impossible for sandwich places to stock whole grain bread!!!). It was a pretty big sandwich, so it was really both lunch and afternoon snack.
S- almonds
D- hawaiian chicken w/ grilled pineapple, rice, and green beans.
S- my sugar-free standby

Exercise- Curves 40 min, 5 min. legs

Well, this will be a full day of writing for me, and tomorrow I'll prep classes for the week and take 1/2 a day off.


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