Best way to get from Poly to Boma for dinner?

You can't catch a bus to AKL at the TTC. Buses from there do go to AK and MGM. You could catch a bus to AK and transfer to the AKL bus there.

You could do the same thing from the Polynesian bus stop...bus to AK and then transfer to the AKL bus.

Or you could go to the MK and catch a bus to AKL there. I'd probably do that.
Another option would be to go to the Poly bus stop and get on the first bus that comes by. Get off at whatever park it's going to, then walk over to the AKL bus stop. coming back, it's probably fastest to get on the MK (from AKL) bus.

I suggest this because AK closes early and I'm not sure how many AK buses will be running (to Poly) around dinner time.
You didn't say whether or not you had a car with you. If so, that's certainly the fastest.

Next would be to jump on the first bus to wherever its going and then bus to AKL.
Thanks everyone! I did forget to mention we will not have car. I'm glad I asked this question because I really did think we could get a bus to AKL at TTC. Thanks again!!
Just did this a couple of times in reverse (AKL to Poly for dinnr). We found the best way to AKL from Poly was monorail to TTC - change to Epcot mono - the exit of the Epcot mono drops you very close to the Epcot buses and AKL is the nearest stop (number 5). This worked well for us - definatly leave an hour before PS time. If you don't have an hour - take a taxi (about $12 before tip)

princess: Shelly


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