Ashley's MAW PTR Cruise May 9th-May 13th, 2010

Hi Melissa..
Thank you so much for your long post :-)

Since Ashley came home from the hospital with me and Jess had to stay..Christopher now 8 bonded with her first and when Jess came home asked what was wrong with Jessica's head because he thought the shape of Ashley's was perfectly normal. He was about a week from age 3 when this happened :-) He is still VERY close with Ashley. He calls kids like her or even with Down kids lol The part that REALLY affects him and Ashley is starting to notice too..All the stares and rude comments mean people make. I can't even tell you the number of times we have been followed around the mall or a store with a child..staring..pointing..and laughing. :( By the time we leave Christopher is in tears :( and so am I. Jess knows she has Apert but doesn't really get the difference yet..except for her surgeries and toes and fingers. They want to be in Kindergarten together next year so I'm sure that's when the issues will start to come up. Sometimes I want to just scream at rude kids and people but from talking with others with differences I have leaned that is the worst way to handle it and it only makes the person with the difference feel worse :( I remember when the girls were babies before Ash had her forehead built..I hated taking them anywhere because with twins..I became an immediate people magnet and instead of seeing the look on peoples faces I would tell them quickly before they even saw her that she had apert..I am so glad that time has passed :(
I wish I could help you more with the sibling stuff..I'm still learning myself. I wish they had some sib shops closer to my house. Maybe that's something you can look into for Tess.
About the Wheelchair.. Ashley had her first stage of Toe separation with skin grafts taken from her stomach Jan. 5th. She had many stitches on both of her feet and couldn't walk much for 6 weeks. She went to school without the wheelchair for the first time today :-) Previously I had been using a stroller for long distances as she does tire easily. She also has a lot of bone fusion in her feet and her ankles aren't set right so they hurt after a while. I need to go back and read more about Phoebe again.. all the PTR's everyone starts to blend together. I remember her and Tess's adorable faces though :-) Just not your story :(
Thank you so much for the tips on sea sickness.. :) I'd really hate for that to mess with our trip :(
I don't understand why some chapters allow for extensions and other's don't especially if you pay the difference yourself :confused3

Hi Momtowishkid .... Thank you for your post :-)
Hi Shannon :-)

Melissa.. forgot to say.. YES I am taking them out of school for the wish trip :-)
Hello! :)

Coming by real quick to post!

I used to be able to spend HOURS and HOURS during the day on the DIS - but my job has changed some and I can't as much any more.

But your daughter is PRECIOUS! She is so cute! I love the picture of her on the bus because it reminds me of Lauren riding the bus. :)

I have put a link to your pre-trip report on the Wish Trippers thread so that other wish trip families can find ya! Once you get dates, you can post them over there and I will add them to the first page as well.

A cruise will be so much fun!!!

There is a whole Cruise Board on this very website that will have a TON of information for you, too. Here is the link: Cruise Line Board

If you have any questions about sea stuff or Disney Cruise line, they should be able to help you! We have had a few wish families take a cruise, but I don't think we have had many reports back - so I would love to see a trip report from you guys, if you have time. :)

Glad you found us!!! :goodvibes
Hi Maroo :-)

Thank you for al the information :-)

I spent quite a few hours looking at Lauren's MAW report :-) So Awesome...
So nice that you got to go with her...
So the wish granters cme out and interviews Ashley..she told them she wanted a Disney Cruise. We get the passports and the call and tell us she has been approved or her wish.. We picked 3 different dates.

Now what Happens? Does someone have to sponsor the trip before we find out what the dates are?
So the wish granters cme out and interviews Ashley..she told them she wanted a Disney Cruise. We get the passports and the call and tell us she has been approved or her wish.. We picked 3 different dates.

Now what Happens? Does someone have to sponsor the trip before we find out what the dates are?

:cool1: Congrats on getting the dates narrowed down. It depends on the chapter your in wether our not you get a sponser. Our chapter you can sign for a sponser but you dont have to. There is someone else here on the Dis that had to have a sponser before they can even officially let the kids in it but Im pretty sure they still got their dates ahead of time. For us it took a few weeks to get dates after we put in the 3.
Hurray!! Another pre-trippie!!! :cool1:
Your kiddos are very cute! Your daughters are so sweet looking. All the wish kids on the dis are extremely cute and stuff!! I don't have my own wish kid, but I have friends who were wish kids and a sister-in-law who was a wish kid, so it all hits close to home for me. You will have a blast on your cruise, I heard they are great! Welcome to the boards!! :goodvibes

I am Tonya mom to Ty. Welcome to our little family of Wish trippers:) (and others that read and attend wish trips with others:)) Your kids are precious.How exciting for Ashley to choose a cruise! I have never been on a cruise so I cannot wait to hear about your families cruise. :)

Wow, have you all been through a lot! I'm sorry to read about all of Ashley's surgical issues. Nonetheless, she has an amazing smile and a brightness to her eyes despite everything she has been through. I hope that you get your dates soon - I think that part was the hardest of all the waiting that we did!

I do look forward to following along!

Ok I had to post this picture bigger :-) This was taken at Medical City Dallas in the Child Life Dept right before Ashley's surgery in Jan. It's amazing how quikly they learn exactly where all ths real Dr. Stuff goes. Child Life gave her a Dr. kit full of real Dr. stuff that she uses to play Dr. on her bear and dolls.It's so cute. She also has her pulse ox and suction machine she plays with too.

waiting for surgery after getting some goofy juice aka versed

I just wanted to say hello. Hope you have a wonderful trip. This picture is so familiar to us. We use the same hospital and possibly the same doctor. It sometimes feels like our second home. Your children are adorable. This will be the trip of a lifetime.
Kristy.... Just looked at your TR.. I am so sorry about all the rain. Your kids looked like they had a blast. Seeing all the GTKW Stuff is making me rethink the 4 night cruise :( What an amazing place...Can only Wish kids going to Disney World visit there?

What chapter did your trip? Are you involved with CCA? I'm sending you a PM :-) We used to see Salyer and when he retired switched to Fearon.

On another note..our chapter won't allow us to pay for a day or two a Disney World :( I don't understand why some chapters do and some don't ..why some do the land and sea trips and some don't..why some throw parties as send offs and some don't. Don't get me wrong..I am thrilled that my daughter has been approved for her wish and will graciously take whatever we get. Just curious why things are so different everywhere.

Still waiting on our date... I need to schedule Ashley's next surgery around it so I hope to hear back soon.
Well, I just erased my long reply. :sad2:
I understand mixing up the families and the stories. It's fun to meet so many new friends here but it's hard to keep people straight.
Phoebe is undiagnosed, but probably has a genetic syndrome. She fits so many of the parameters. They just haven't found which one. We have been very blessed with our encounters with strangers. Some people have used some harsh language but I understand it's because they don't have the vocabulary to know how to phrase it differently. Usually I repeat their question back in the right words. If they say "what's wrong with her?" I say "you mean, what's her diagnosis?". If they ask a personal question and I don't know them well enough to answer, I sometimes ask them "why do you ask?". Little kids are most likely the ones to stare, and I try to break the silence first and offer words for their thoughts, like "isn't her chair cool?" or pre-empt the questions that are likely to follow. If a child asks me how old she is, I answer and then follow it with an explanation that she likes to be near other kids but doesn't talk, or something like that. It makes me cry to think of people laughing at another human being, especially a small child. This sounds bad, but hopefully (?!?) it was teenagers. Their insecurities at least would explain the action, even though it wouldn't justify it.

Well, on to happier moments. Woohoo for no wheelchair today! Another milestone. I'm happy to hear she recovered well from the surgery. Tessa was born with polydactyly (extra digits) and had a surgery done to remove them. I found it somewhat fascinating what they can do with hands and feet to improve function and aesthetics. She started out consulting at the Scottish Rite Hospital in Dallas but we moved to Arizona before she was big enough to have the surgery.

I'm so bummed for you that they won't let you extend. That is the one difference in chapters that I have a hard time understanding. Your trip will still be amazing though!
Hi Maroo :-)

Thank you for al the information :-)

I spent quite a few hours looking at Lauren's MAW report :-) So Awesome...
So nice that you got to go with her...

Your pretrippie was on the next page and I missed this!

Thanks for reading Lauren's TR - I had a good time writing it and am glad I did...I have already forgotten some of the things I wrote - some I am sorta glad I forgot? :laughing:

It was very cool of MAW to send me along! :thumbsup2

I am enjoying your pretrippie.

Lauren is able to talk and set people straight when they are rude. Usually Lauren handles things a lot better than me - when they park in a HA space and we can't get out of the van (or back in - when they block the door) - it drives me crazy! But Lauren takes it in stride.

Lauren looks like a typical kid from the chin up (we used to say neck up, but her neck is quite crooked now), so I am sure that totally changes the way she handles kids staring, etc.

I can't imagine, really, how hard that is for all of you guys. :hug::hug::hug::hug:
Looks like I'm alittle late to the party but wanted to say hi! We went on our Wish trip in December (I'm still working on our TR). Cruise sounds like a lot of fun. It's on our ever growing to-do list although with 4 kids it's hard for me to justify the expense (I prefer multiple vacations over the course of a year and a 'nice' cruise for 6 with airfare would likely eat up the whole budget LOL).

Anyway................just wanted to extend a warm welcome from yet another Wish family. Looking forward to following along! I may not post much but I'll be lurking:)
I have enjoyed your PTR!! and you have inspired me to continue Brian's!!:thumbsup2 We are leaving on his MAW on 3/27. Waiting for the dates was the worst part!! Now that we have them I spend hours on the cruise boards!!! When you get your dates be sure to look up your cruise and get to chatting with the people you will be traveling with! Maybe get involved in the FE's. (Fish extender's and you give and get treats during your cruise)

I will look forward to your updates!!!
Maryn... I already ordered a FE off ebay LOL.. I can't wait.. Had to do something to help pass the time it's killing me. I can't wait to hear about your trip :-) Off to look at your PTR :-)

pacrosby.. Can't wait to read your report :-) Same here..that's why I agreed when Ash wanted to do the cruise..since it's probably double the price as a Disney World trip..this will most likely be our first and last cruise :( After reading all the great stuff of GKTW making me sad we will miss it though :(

maroo :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Your Awesome

Phoebe's Mom... Melissa? Amanda? I am so sorry i forgot :( :hug: :hug: I can't imagine not having a diagnosis :( That would litterally drive me insane. Ash's is a autosomal Fluke :( But she has a 50% chance of passing it on. I LOVE the way you handle the questions and stares.. I may borrow some of those quotes ;)

Gotta go hang out with the kids...
Hey, Lisa! It is hard to keep up on here until you really get to know everyone. I'll take it as a compliment though, she's a great mom and beautiful person inside and out ;) I'm Amanda..and Piper has CF. Give yourself another week and you'll have everyone down!
Thank you Amanda.. I do a better job at keeping the kids straight than I do the Moms :-)

Yeah I got Melissa on the first Guess LOL :woohoo:


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