Anyone concerned about the "mosquito" talk?

I don't recall ever being bitten by a mosquito in Disney. Get chewed up by them all the time here in NY though!
The news summed it up pretty good here a couple weeks ago, they haven't found a single mosquito anywhere in the US with the virus. Everyone that has it, got it while visiting somewhere outside of the US. If they had a hold and mosquito are spreading it here, i'd be very concerned but that is not the case..

btw, I know I'm a guy but I did just move here with my daughter so it's very much in my mind for her and i'm paying attention.

Disney has a really good pest control program and mostly it's rare to see them. I think the only places I ever ran into them was in more wet/wooded resort areas or standing near a light post near one of the waterways and it was easy to spot and just avoid.
OP I am a mosquito magnet and I had maybe one bite after 3 weeks in the parks, which I got the 3rd week while we were staying at an offsite resort in Kissimmee, so it might not have even been from Disney. IDK what they do about their mosquitos, but it seems to work well :thumbsup2
I I have no plans to take bug spray this summer based on our experience last year.

You may want to rethink this. I've been to Disney countless times and have never been bitten...until last month. Didn't even pack hydrocortisone cream because we've never needed it there. Ended up having to buy it at Riverside's gift shop due to my kids and MIL having so many bites. This was our fourth stay at Riverside and the first time I've ever noticed mosquitos.
We went in May and both myself and my oldest son got several bites. I got mine at Animal Kingdom, it seemed a little buggy there the day we went. My son got about 8 all in one spot behind his knee. We figured out it was when were playing Agent P in the Japan pavillion in Epcot and the game took us through some bushes in the Japanese gardens. Neither of us were wearing bug spray when we were bit but we did every day after that and not another bite the rest of the trip.
I live in Louisiana, so Fla. is no more dangerous for me. But there definitely are mosquitos in WDW. I had never been bitten UNTIL 4 weeks ago outside Splash Mountain. I was bitten at least 5 times.
Also got bite a few times this trip but have never been bitten in the past. Not sure they were mosquitos or something else. Think it was on Tom Sawyer Island and the boat ride to the contemporary.
As someone who just moved to southern Louisiana.... I don't think there's any more threat there than back home. So I'm not too concerned. I'm not planning on kids for another two years+ anyway.
From my understanding, if infected, the birth defects could be apparent for 5 years? That info could have changed as this is what I was advised initially (from I have kids, it will be in the next 5 years) so we changed our plans to visit Mexico and we're doing NYC instead.
From my understanding, if infected, the birth defects could be apparent for 5 years? That info could have changed as this is what I was advised initially (from I have kids, it will be in the next 5 years) so we changed our plans to visit Mexico and we're doing NYC instead.
No one knows at this point, and the evidence, in my mind, doesn't prove that Zika is even the problem. But again, definitely do your own research and do whatever makes you comfortable. NYC is nice too :)
No one knows at this point, and the evidence, in my mind, doesn't prove that Zika is even the problem. But again, definitely do your own research and do whatever makes you comfortable. NYC is nice too :)

I'm commenting because I feel like it is harmful for you to be spreading lies. "In your mind"? What credentials do you have to make that claim? If you cannot believe the CDC, who can you believe? Is there a DEET Lobby that I am not aware of? What benefit would the CDC have to fabricate this?

The mosquitoes are all over South/Central America, the Caribbean. Is it not only a matter of time before they make it to the mainland? I think it is foolish to think that will not be the case. And maybe Disney has impeccable pest control. But I also think it is inappropriate for pediatricians/OBGYNs to be assessing the risk/likelihood of getting bitten. That is not their area of expertise, unless they moonlight as entomologists.
I'm commenting because I feel like it is harmful for you to be spreading lies. "In your mind"? What credentials do you have to make that claim? If you cannot believe the CDC, who can you believe? Is there a DEET Lobby that I am not aware of? What benefit would the CDC have to fabricate this?

The mosquitoes are all over South/Central America, the Caribbean. Is it not only a matter of time before they make it to the mainland? I think it is foolish to think that will not be the case. And maybe Disney has impeccable pest control. But I also think it is inappropriate for pediatricians/OBGYNs to be assessing the risk/likelihood of getting bitten. That is not their area of expertise, unless they moonlight as entomologists.
Whoa. "Lies"??? I wasn't aware that having an opinion could be a "lie". You don't know me or my credentials. And, by the way, no one needs "credentials" to read all of the information and draw their own conclusions, as I suggested that people do twice. I never gave anyone advice other than to do their own research. You are beyond out of line here.
I am seriously a mosquito magnet. Yet, I have never been bit while at Disney, so there's that.

Thankfully, I am done having children, so Zika is not on my radar of things to worry about.
You may want to rethink this. I've been to Disney countless times and have never been bitten...until last month. Didn't even pack hydrocortisone cream because we've never needed it there. Ended up having to buy it at Riverside's gift shop due to my kids and MIL having so many bites. This was our fourth stay at Riverside and the first time I've ever noticed mosquitos.
I noticed the same. Local and over the last couple years never had noticed mosquitos in the parks before but in the last couple months I've really had a problem with them. Some bad spots were waiting for fireworks near 50's in HS and waiting near the bathrooms/kids' play area outside Splash. Both were in the evening so I'm not sure if that's the issue, if Disney is spending less money on treatments, mosquitos are becoming more immune to the treatments, or my body composition is changing to attract them? Could be anything but I'd say it couldn't hurt to bring one package of bug spray/wipes just in case.
There's a lot of excellent info and links presented in this thread and I'd like to remind everyone to follow the DIS guidelines when posting.

Zika and anencephaly are topics which everyone should be informed. The mosquitos do not have to "arrive" in the US. People, who have the Zika virus, who return to or visit the US are carriers. When the "carrier" is bitten by a mosquito, that mosquito then becomes a "carrier."

This link is also very informative:
Whoa. "Lies"??? I wasn't aware that having an opinion could be a "lie". You don't know me or my credentials. And, by the way, no one needs "credentials" to read all of the information and draw their own conclusions, as I suggested that people do twice. I never gave anyone advice other than to do their own research. You are beyond out of line here.

The layperson is not equipped to analyze the complex data that would go into mosquito migration or congenital viral infections or the like. There are facts and there are opinions. Opine all you like on Donald v. Hilary. But providing misinformed "opinions" on scientific matters is truly out of line and dangerous.


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