Another sick child!

TigerLilly's Mom

<font color=FF99FF>Victim of a drive-by tagging!
Sep 26, 2002
Well, we made it through the chicken pox, and now my oldest has (ANOTHER) ear infection! He started anitbiotics today, so hopefully by Sunday the fluid will be clear. He never complains of pain for his ear infections, he complains that he can't hear! Poor guy. Has anyone flown with a child recovering from an ear infection? I hope it won't be too painful with him. I would be more optimistic, but his ear infections never seem to go away ~ I believe this one is the remant from three weeks ago that never went away. My youngest also got her shots today ~ what a nightmare, it took four of us to do it, she is the sweetest child in the world, but when it comes to shots, watch out!!! I think they may have heard her in Disney World!

Anyway, wish us good health for our vacation next week. I just can't wait, in never hit 20 degrees here in NH today :eek:
Hey there -

Where about's in NH and when are you leaving? We live in Whitefield - up in the White Mts, and we are leaving next Friday am - flying Southwest out of Manchester -

Here's hoping the antibiotics do their stuff, and the rest of you stay healthy - be sure to bring the Motrin!

If you are flying - I definitely recommend Children's Earplanes - my youngest had an ear infection on our last trip in March - We brought the pink medicine in a cooler bag with ice - she had no trouble using the Earplanes!

Happy Disney!

Ask your Dr. about the pain relief ear drops. They come in prescription and just lately have come out in non-prescription. My Dr. was not a big fan of them and my DS ,though he had repeated infections, handeled the pain pretty well. My best friend however used then often with her two and with good results. The pain of the infection should be gone by the week-end but flying might restart it. I would ask for a ear recheck on friday and ask about giving a decongestion before the flight. Here hoping everyone feels better soon.

Jordan's mom
We are leaving Sunday (!!!) from Manchester ~ Southwest too! 9:00 am nonstop. We are in Epsom, NH which is just a few miles from Concord. You must have been very cold up in the Mountains today~ I remember it well, I went to college at Plymouth State.

Jordan's Mom, thanks for the advice. DS doesn't have any pain or fever with ear infections, he has more than I care to remember! I'll probably give him the decongestant before the flight and hope for the best! Tonia
I'm a former NH'er, from the Dover area! Live Free or Die (I still love saying that).


Last winter we flew down when DS was only 2 days into antibiotics for ear infections, I was soooo scared that it would be a disaster but we had great luck with: ear planes and a nose decongestent spray called "Afrin". Our pediatrician recommended doing it about 30 min. before take off. It really helped clear his sinus passages. The ear planes stabilize pressure in the ears. She (the Dr.) also suggested liquid Sudafed but we flew early in the a.m. and DS didn't eat much before the flight and we were worried that he might get upset tummy with liquid meds (has happened before).

Once we got the FL. the warm weather seemed to perk him right up... so go and good luck.:D
My doc recommended the Afrin too, how did your DS do with it? I don't think mine would be too thrilled about a nose spray, but I probably should try it. We are hoping for the warm weather perk up too, it is just too cold here in NH! Tonia
My DS was 6 at the time and he did fine. He had been using Nasonex from time to time which works the same way, he now uses Rhynocort which works great for his allergy caused post nasal drip. At first he struggled a bit but since he wanted to feel better he got with the program quickly. You might try just a saline solution spray first (no medicine in it) to see how he does.
TigerLilly's Mom, I'm SO sorry you have another sick one. Perhaps the antibiotics, nasal spray and decongestant will have him all new before Sunday. Isabella is quite a bit better today and raring to get in the car. We're supposed to have 2-4 inches of snow here in mid-Missouri tonight so we're leaving at the right time, I think.

I hope he's well soon and you're soon in the warmth and sun of Florida. Perhaps we'll run into you there. We'll be in "The World" from the 4th until mid afternoon on the 11th!

Here's Pixie Dust to see you on your way!
Isabella's "Grand Mary Alice" aka crazyforgoofy
I'm so glad Isabella is doing better, thanks for the encouragement. My "sick" one is at school today because he just can't miss anymore school! He missed 6 days in Nov. with the chicken pox, and five more next week for Disney! I have been thinking about you and your little one, such a lovely story, and I know you will have a blast. We will be at the World on Sunday the eighth, so maybe we will run into each other, LOL We'll be at Epcot Suday night, MGM monday, Ak Tuesday day and MVMCP Tuesday night ~ How about you? I bet your little won't sleep tonight! Tonia
My 2 bits on the whole ear thing:
Afrin- best stuff ever made hands down, well that and Benadryl and....LOL You can let it drop in too, instead of spraying-it would probably work better to spray, but you could drop it up there.
Last trip to WDW I almost went to the ER early in the am on the day we were to fly down my ear was so stuffed. I shot some Afrin up there, and the flight helped, my ear was clear the next day.
A flight attendant had me use this trick, get two paper/plastic cups put a hot cloth in each and hold them over your ears. Yes you look like an idiot, but believe me it works. Flying coast to coast once, the whole left side of my face went numb from the sinus pressure. The Pilot went down in altitude and the pain went away, and I could feel my face again. Very weird.
Anyway....that's my 2 cents
We'll be at MVMCP on Tuesday too!! I"ll be the dorky looking mom with capris and running shoes! Gotta be comfy!
Ha! I always wear capri's with sneakers, is that wrong?!!! LOL I have ear problems too, so I'll do the Afrin alson. Look for another dorky looking Mom with capri's and sneaks and we'll say "HI"! Tonia
I'm talkin' running shoes with socks and capris! Not quite black socks with dress shoes and burmudas on the beach, but slightly dorky! LOL
Good luck with the ears!
My DD (4 1/2) has had a total of two ear infections. Both occurred within a couple of days of flying. I don't remember how long she was on antibiotics before our flight the first time(probably about 3 days) but I know she was on her second day of antibiotics the second time.

Each time, things went fine. The dr had her take Dimetap and some ibuprofen for the flights. I was really stressed but she didn't seem uncomfortable at all. She refused to keep the earplanes in place.

I love Afrin though. For me, it works better than Dimetap. I didn't even realize it could be given to kids. She was only 11 months and 20 months for these flights so maybe that's too little for Afrin?

Best of luck.
here's a quick tip that i've suggested to my patients' families if they need antibiotics while traveling:
take the chewables.
some antibiotics come in either liquid or chewables and if the child would take them, it's a lot easier than lugging liquid that has to be refrigerated and measured out.
by the way, i didn't learn this trick in school; i had to become a mom with kids who always get sick when traveling!
good luck!


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