AmyT's Journal (Comments Definitely Welcome!)

Congrats on the size 8's. Progress!!

Glad the dog is better, there's almost nothing worse!!!

Suns....They're the only thing I missed about Phoenix after we moved.

DS19 when we moved to Iowa (he was like 9) tried to tell everyone in Iowa that Charles Barkley was his older brother (not too hard to spot the most obvious difference in them!!)

Have a great rest of the week!
4 classes back to back - You are an exercising machine Amy! Way to go meeting your exercise challenge with 2 days to spare! :thumbsup2 I am going to need every last minute of the month to get to goal.

Thanks again for doing the exercise challenge. I never would have gotten in my exercise this month without it. :teeth:

Didn't make it to DaVinci Code yesterday, but glad to hear it is good. I have read the book, but DH hasn't. He likes book on tape when he commutes. He has listened to Angels & Demons, so at least he will have some background for the movie when we do see it.
Congratulations on doing the the exercise challenge :)
New to these boards but i'm going to look into doing one myself!
Size 8 is great, here in the UK i think sizes are about 2 higher, so a US size 8 would be a UK 12 (i think!!) & a UK 8 would be a US 4!!! That makes me a US 12 - sounds better than the UK 16 :)
Getting a headache now!!
I saw Da Vinci Code at the weekend & have not read the book & still enjoyed it!
Weigh in was 141! Guess all that partying this weekend really paid off… :confused3 Amazingly I was not upset – I just kinda shrugged and put the scale back in the closet. My pants still fit just fine, so I’m not going to worry about it. We have a snack cabinet at work, with stuff for sale, and usually I have no problems avoiding it. Sometime last week, they put animal crackers in there. I LOVE those things! It is a struggle every day to not buy a bag and eat it. I keep telling myself it is not worth the 240 calories (yes, I looked – 2 servings per bag, 120 cal each)… There is no such thing as eating “just a couple”. I’ve tortured myself like that before and 9 times out of 10 a binge shortly follows. So I need to stick to my guns and forget they exist!!! I also set myself up for future disaster by buying ice cream. It was on sale and since DD is having her b-day party this weekend, I had to get ice cream anyway. We’ll see how long I can behave with that in the house. :rolleyes: Yesterday I drank 100oz of water, 2 cups tea, 20oz iced green tea and a DC:

6:15am: Chocolate Oatmeal; Fiber Cake
8:35am: FF Cottage Cheese; Cantaloupe
11:20am: Turkey-n-Provolone on Wheat; Carrots
3:00pm: Egg Whites (3); Strawberries
6:45pm: Beef Stroganoff (crockpot); Wheat Noodles (1/2c); Salad (Romaine, FF Feta, Garbanzos, Sprinkle of Bacon Pieces) w/LF Dressing (2tbsp); 3 Sweet Pickles; Fudge Bar
8:30pm: Reese’s Puffs (1/2c)
RESISTED: Ice Cream; Candy Dish; Animal Crackers
Jane, DH makes the dog jump every once in a while too. It's pretty funny! I am trying to incorporate some different types of exercise into my routine. Maybe when the kids are back in school I will start riding my bike to work. It's about 5 miles each way... I'm also going to start playing tennis with DS10. I don't want to get burned out by only going to the gym!

Beth, sports really bring out the worst in people sometimes! Last time DH and a group of his buddies were watching a game at a sports bar and they almost got in a fight (mind you all parties were in their late 40's!)

Julie, that's funny about Charles Barkley! He should have picked Dan Majerle, it would have been a little more believable!

Anna, I read that they are also going to make a movie about Angels & Demons, so your DH will be prepared! Don't forget to sign up for the June challenge!

traceycooper, thanks for stopping by my journal! I would definitely recommend joining the June Exercise Challenge. It is really motivating and so satisfying to see your numbers go up and up! Note to self - don't move to UK unless you bring all US-sized clothes! :rotfl:
I hear ya on the ice cream! I don't know why I went for it. (It was on sale and I wanted fun food for the holidays.) Once its in the house I can't control myself. I'm finding out that a half gallon in the house is much worse than a cone in the store. Since dh won't eat it - it seems to last forever - even with ds and his friends around. Coffee and cookies 'n cream are just too tempting. Next time I'm going for the rhubarb ice cream.
Jane E. said:
Next time I'm going for the rhubarb ice cream.
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Great not letting the scale bother you, Amy.

Animal Crackers -- Resist, Resist, Resist! :cheer2:
I’m glad I made my exercise challenge on Monday since I didn’t make it to the gym yesterday! I had to take DD to the dentist – she got her first filling. I think I was more traumatized than she was. The sound of that drill just about does me in every time! :faint: She didn’t even flinch when she got the shot. She said shots in her arm hurt worse (and she doesn’t flinch with those either!). She doesn’t get that from me, I’m a big baby when it comes to pain. :blush: I won’t be going to the gym today either, but I’ll do an exercise DVD or something.

I stocked up on fruit. This is my favorite time of year! :cool1: Ripe cantaloupe, strawberries, blueberries, honeydew, grapes – yum! I bought a 4lb tub of strawberries and when I came home the other day, a lot were gone. I asked DS if they had some and he said “Yes, I cut them all up – those scissors worked good”. WHAT?!?! :eek: :scared: :crazy2: He used the scissors that cut paper, cardboard, who knows what else… And of course he cut half the “good” parts off too. So now I have about 2lbs of headless strawberries that need to be eaten ASAP. I guess I should be glad they chose fruit for a snack while the babysitter was there. I’m surprised they didn’t talk her into Ding Dongs or something less healthy… They start their summer day camp Monday so I won’t have to worry about what they are doing at home all day. Yesterday I drank 100oz of water, 2 cups tea, 20oz iced green tea and a DC:

6:15am: Chocolate Oatmeal; Fiber Cake
8:30am: FF Yogurt; Strawberries
11:30am: Steak (4oz); Carrots; Banana; 2 Tootsie Roll Midgies
3:30pm: FF Cottage Cheese; Dried Pineapple (3/4c); Fiber Cake
6:45pm: Chicken; Salad (Romaine, FF Feta, Garbanzos, Bacon Pieces, Red Pepper); LF Dressing; FF/SF Pudding
8:00pm: Chocolate Chip Cookie (that pesky neighbor is baking again!)
RESISTED: Ice Cream; Mashed Potatoes w/dinner; 5 more cookies; Cereal
Jane, that is my exact thought on ice cream. I'd rather indulge in a weekly Baskin Robbins trip than have a carton in my freezer, taunting me everytime I walk by. At least the ice cream store is portion controlled! I am not even going to try the ice cream - if I don't know what it tastes like, I won't be tempted (in theory anyway!)

Anna, I just walked past the snack cupboard and it looks like all the animal crackers are gone!!!! :banana: Of course they might refill them, but hopefully not!
I can't believe we made it to the June Execise Challenge!! :banana: You did a great job last month. Even though I didn't make goal I loved having the challenge nagging at the back of my mind everyday. I think I would have only done half of what I did last month if it weren't for the goals I was trying to meet.

Loved the strawberry story! :rotfl: Count your blessings - I'd much rather have headless strawberries than a bunch of ding dongs. His heart was in the right place!
Hey Amy,
I love this time of year too with all that good fruit to choose from! I would have died if one of my kids had to have a filling. I am not good with "teethey" things! And thanks again for doing the May exercise challenge. I am joining June's tonight! That made the biggest difference for my exercise because I can't stand to fail in public!
Sorry DD had to get a filling, but so glad that it all went well and she was so brave. I can handle all the stuff after going numb, but that shot part is awful for me. :faint:

:rotfl2: And the problem with the scissors is ..... ? :rotfl2: My kids are the same way with strawberries. They love them, but remove half the strawberry cutting the stems off. Of course, I am happy to have them eating the strawberries vs chips, etc. If for some reason the strawberries don't get eaten today, toss them in the freezer for smoothies later.

Have a great weekend!
Yesterday I had a piece of cake that I really didn’t need. And I felt yucky because of it! It was carrot cake, my favorite. One of the pilots here at work retired and they had a big party for him. I wasn’t going to get a piece, but DH told me that it was really good and that I only live once. I usually don’t listen to him, why did I deviate from the norm?!? :confused3 At least I had the common sense to lay off the snacking once I got home. I also ate some almonds with my afternoon snack, which helped.

I just got back from the dentist. I have to get a crown! :scared: I’ve never had anything more than a filling and I am freaking out! I HATE the dentist! I already told him I am going to have an anxiety attack over this. And of course he tried to calm me down. It didn’t work… I don’t know why I am such a wimp, but I know I’m not the only one! Yesterday I drank 100oz of water, 20oz iced green tea, a Minute Maid Light and a DC:

6:15am: Chocolate Oatmeal; Fiber Cake
8:30am: FF Cottage Cheese; Strawberries
9:30am: Double Layer Carrot Cake (3” x 3” x 4” high)
12:00pm: Stroganoff w/Wheat Noodles; Broccoli
3:00pm: LF String Cheese; Blueberries; Almonds (1.2oz)
6:30pm: Pork Chop; Zucchini; FF/SF Pudding
8:00pm: Dried Pineapple (5 pieces)
RESISTED: Candy Jar; Pre-dinner snacking; the rest of the pineapple
Jane, I can't believe it is June already! What happened to the first half of the year?!? We are gonna kick some butt this month. Of course I am off to a slow start - didn't work out yesterday and I can't go to my class tomorrow (DH has a funeral to go to plus DD has a b-day party to go to followed by her own b-day party!) Looks like I'll be playing catch-up next week!

Amy, I'm glad you joined the June challenge! I was devastated when I didn't make my March goal, but I got over it. I figure I've only missed one since I started doing them last July, so that's pretty good!

Anna, I am the opposite - I can handle the shot, I can't handle the thought of them hitting a nerve while drilling (which happened to me once, which is why I am such a head case now!). And I am happy to announce that no strawberries went to waste!
I can't resist carrot cake either. Good for you not snacking before dinner though. :banana: I have started getting bad about that again.

Good luck with the crown. :sad2: I have ended up with 3 in the past few years. I guess all those old fillings aren't standing up to the test of time. :rotfl2: My biggest issue is it is really tough to get completely numb so I end up with lots of shots. If I start to feel anything, I let them know pronto! I am generally a slobbering idiot by the time I leave. :crazy: My DSIL gets a valium perscription before dental work. Otherwise, the dentist can't work on her she's too freaked out.

Good luck with your really busy weekend :car: and :bday: to DD!
Hi Amy!
No you most certainly are not the only person who freaks out when people start drilling in her mouth! Get some valium for that crown! And as for the carrot cake, one piece of cake never killed anybody (good thing or I would have been dead decades ago). Sometimes you just gotta splurge. If you hadn't had the cake you probably would have come home and snacked like crazy because you didn't get what you had really wanted, the carrot cake! So eating that piece of cake might have saved you hundreds of calories in the long run.

Thanks for the good thoughts on the June exercise challenge. So far I have done 20 lousy minutes! I've got 27 days to do 980 minutes of exercise, yikes! Hope you have a great weekend.
I'm so glad that I didn't read your comment to Anna about the dentist hitting a nerve before I had my big filling last week. I would've freaked out. I don't even think of stuff like that. Now my teeth hurt. I hope you have a good dentist. Take an mp3 player - if you can get them to stay on your head they help!
Yesterday was BAD BAD BAD! I had to work late since the dentist visit took 2 hours and I didn't get to the gym. And when I get home, I got so upset telling DH about my impending crown that I finished off 90% of the dried pineapple. Mind you I got the low sugar kind, but eating 1/2lb in one sitting can't be good, even if it is sugar free! :guilty: And I about went on an all-out binge, but thankfully I caught myself and was able to turn it around. Today I did AWESOME with sweets. I didn't have a single drop of frosting or a bite of ice cream (I figure if I don't know how good the ice cream is I can resist it). I also had 1 Tootsie Roll from DD's pinata. They have pull-string pinatas now - instead of whacking it with a stick, everyone takes turns pulling a string - only 1 of the strings opens the bottom and the candy falls out. I will update all that stuff tomorrow, since there is plenty of time left to misbehave today... Yesterday I drank 100oz of water and a DC:

6:15am: Chocolate Oatmeal; Fiber Cake
11:30am: Pork Chop; Rice (1/2c); Zucchini; Banana; 25 Animal Crackers (one of my co-workers has a HUGE jar on his desk :sad2: )
2:45pm: Egg Whites (3); Grapes (1c); Almonds (1.2oz)
5:00pm mini-binge: Dried Pineapple (TONS); Macaroon (2); licked the cake batter out of the bowl; 1 finger full of frosting :guilty:
6:30pm: Chicken/Garlic/Cheese Ravioli w/Marinara (way too big of a portion); SF FF Pudding
RESISTED: Eating the entire contents of the pantry/fridge/freezer
Anna, I am going to tell the dentist that I don't care if I am drooling for 6 hours after I leave - I want it NUMB! I had a dentist hit a nerve - twice - because it wasn't numb enough. And that was after he told me I didn't even need novacaine. I insisted - I wonder what it would have been like if I didn't have any!

Amy, I was thinking about doing that. My appointment is on a Saturday, I could have DH take me. I might call my Dr this week, thanks! I am also off to a slow start on my exercise challenge. I'm sure we'll get caught up by the end of the month!

Jane, our a/c is doing the exact same thing as yours - it is stuck on 84-85 even though it is set at 79. And tomorrow it is supposed to be 115... :sunny: What was the problem with yours? We think we might be low on freon or something.
Dentist didn't want to use novacaine? Yikes! Hang in there. You will get through your crown. Valium is not a bad idea, but still need lots and lots of novacaine. My jaw hurts just typing this - I hate that needle!

Co-worker's animal cookie jar just might have to "accidentally" fall into the trash! :rotfl2: Awesome resisting the ice cream! and at your own DD's party no less! Great job!!! :banana:

Good job stopping the binge. :thumbsup2 Once I get going, it is really hard for me to stop!

No worries about the slow start on the challenge. I have no doubt you will blow this exercise challenge away! :cheer2:
DD is officially 7! She had a great party - 4 kids (out of 8 invited) showed up. They all had fun and the hour and a half went by mercifully fast! They swam for about 45 minutes then did the pinata then cake, ice cream and gifts. I managed to avoid the cake and ice cream, but ate an embarrassing amount of cheese, meat & crackers. I cut up different variety cheese slices and lunchmeat into 4 pieces each and set out LF Triscuits, Sociables and Big Wheat Thins. I also pretty much single handedly ate the entire tub of hummus (a small one) and a seedless cucumber (large one). I am so pathetic! I avoid eating junk and instead gorge myself on "healthy" stuff. It's still unhealthy to eat so much! :confused3

Our a/c got fixed. Our friend does a/c and he came over last night. We needed 3.5lbs of freon, and I guess that is a lot. I don't care as long as it works! He didn't leave until after 10pm. Luckily he doesn't charge OT or anything like that - we just gave him some b-day cake and listened to him babble for a couple hours... :crazy: I had to take DS10 to the Urgent Care today. He started with the hoarse voice and fever on Friday morning and he was at 103.1 this morning and still has a hoarse voice and barking cough. He wanted to go swimming so bad yesterday, but we didn't let him. Turns out he has tonsilitis and bronchitis. I told the Dr he hasn't been coughing and he asked "Would you be coughing if your throat hurt that bad?" Good point... He also got the strep culture but I don't even care what the results are since he is on antibiotics to treat the other infections. Poor guy! I can't even remember the last time he was sick... SO the damage from yesterday - 100oz of water, a Peach Fresca, DC, 8oz FF Chai; 20oz iced green tea:

7:00am: Egg Beaters w/Red Peppers; Fiber Cake
10:30am: FF Yogurt; Grape Nuts Crunch; Blueberries
1:40pm-5:50pm: Insane amount of meat, cheese & crackers (30?); 2 Sweet Pickles; 1 Macaroon; Cucumber, Carrots, Radishes & Hummus (lots); Pretzel Sticks (15?); 4 Tootsie Roll Midgies
7:15pm: Celery-n-PB; Dried Pineapple (1/2c - it's gone!)
WORKOUT: Pilates Sculpt DVD (55min)
RESISTED: Cake, ice cream, more pinata candy, Cheetos
Anna, I know I am going to freak at the dentist. I am so lame! :sad2: I am going to call my Dr on Monday to see if she can prescribe me 3 Valium. That will get me through my 3 dental appointments... And my co-workers animal cracker jar is too big for the trash can! I need to forget it is there on Monday, I'm pretty sure that is what started the 2 day binge... :blush:
Well if you are going to overeat, at least it was healthy stuff, not empty calorie stuff! Good job resisting the cheetos. :banana: Why is something dayglo orange so hard to resist? :rotfl2: Glad the birthday party went well, and I hope DS feels better soon. You had quite the weekend!

Thanks for stopping by my journal. Have a great week and good luck at the dentist. :teeth: (not a happy face, but a "Teeth" face!)
OK, I HAVE to get a grip! This weekend was really bad. I snuck a peak on the scale and it was 142! I have really been lax with my food. I know I work out enough and I know I have to get my food in check. I am determined to make today an awesome day! I am just going to have to focus on 1 day at a time and make every day a good one. I am going to be measuring and doublechecking my intake on FitDay (I need to be around 1200 calories). I have to be able to fit into my clothes when we go on vacation in 3 weeks! Hopefully I will be able to get down to 137 by that time. I know all my stuff fits when I am at that weight... Yesterday I drank 100oz of water, 8oz FF Chai and a 22oz Slurpee :guilty: :

7:30am: FF Yogurt (1c); Kashi Crunch (1/2c); Blueberries (1/4c)
10:30am: FF Cottage Cheese (3/4c); 2 Fiber Cakes
1:30pm: Turkey-n-Jack on Wheat Tortilla; Carrots; 2 Tootsie Rolls
5:30pm: Pretzel Sticks (25); LF Laughing Cow; Sweet Pickles (2)
6:45pm: Pizza (3 slices); Ice Cream (~2 cups :sad2: )
WORKOUT: TBK (60min); ABT (30min)
RESISTED: Breadsticks; more Tootsie Rolls
Anna, I am home today - DS still has a 103.1 temp - I guess he needs another day for the antibiotics to kick in. Today's goal - 0 Tootsie Rolls, 0 ice cream. I can do it!!!!! :cheer2:
ok....i'm gonna type fast, so forgive themistakes!! i've done this twice now and both times the server was busya nd lost my post! :furious:

Amy..sorry I haven't been around....been busy w/ life....and you know how that can be!! Glad dd had a good b-day!! Sorry ds is sick....that sucks!!
I know you're gonna be on track now....You're too disciplined not to be!!

stay away from the animal cookies!!!



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