Amy's New Start : Comments Welcome!

Thanks Tracy. Well another crummy weekend on the food front! I pretty much ate and drank non stop from Friday night through yesterday afternoon. I really need to approach weekends differently. Next weekend is Mother's Day so I know on that day I'll eat and drink more than I should but the rest of the weekend needs to be as Tracy says, way more structured. I tend to plan all my meals during the week, guess I need to really plan the weekends too since this go with the flow thing on weekends is flowing right onto the scale.:mad:

My brother's mother in law passed away Saturday. As you may recall, she suffered a brain hemorage from a tumor they didn't even know she had last June. After such a long illness I am thankful she's out of her suffering but so sad for my sil and the rest of the family. I would really appreciate prayers. I looked at some photos last night, one in particular stood out. It was taken at Disneyland in December of 2004 and it was all of us together, including her, my mom and Dan's dad all having a wonderful evening. Good times, good memories.

So we leave five weeks from today and I am determined to be at 25 pounds. No more excuses, I can make it happen but only if I stop having food fests three full days a week. I weighed today on my crummy bathroom scale and I think I am up a good three pounds. Which if I get back on NOW should go off pretty quickly. But this idiot cycle needs to stop because even when I get to goal, its a bad idea.

I have a lot of cleaning and organizing to do this week. The house is a wreck, Dan got all his old Star Trek collection out. He spent probably close to 20 years collecting stuff and he's ready to sell. He still loves Star Trek but no longer has any interest in keeping it. Its been sitting in our crawl space for 14 years. He found a collectibles dealer who said she would definitely be interested so he's going through each thing, trying to determine its value and also it needs to be catalogued because we want to make sure what we drop off is kept track of. Its going to be a big job, maybe we'll get some much needed money for this stuff and having the space open in the basement is a good thing. I think he kept it all these years in case ds wanted it but he has no interest in Star Trek so I guess its on its way out of my house! In the meantime there are lots of boxes and bins and its driving my OCD self insane. :rolleyes1

And on top of that, its time to get ready for Disneyworld, clean out closets and give any winter clothes we don't want or summer clothes the kids have grown out of plus get stuff organized for the garage sale. Its going to be a busy five weeks but I want to get all this done before we leave so its done.
Amy, Amy, Amy!!! I am sooooo excited for you!:cool1: Your WDW ticker is almost under the 30 day mark!!!! Woohoo!!!:woohoo::banana::cool1: (By the way, any chance you can take me with you? :flower3: ;) )

I am so sorry to hear about your SIL's mother. :sad1: Our thoughts and prayers go out to her, your brother, and family.:grouphug:

Have a nice evening, my friend!:hug:
Thanks Tracy, her funeral service is today and then they'll head back home on Friday or Saturday. I know how ready they are for this day to be over.

I am so struggling right now. I was actually up 4.2 pounds when I weighed on Tuesday. Just so angry at myself. My weekend this past weekend ran from Thursday through Monday. Stupid.

Running out of time before my trip, don't have the proper clothes, can't fit in the ones I do have and I have absolutely no money for new ones. I just don't know what to do. Maybe if I lose ten pounds in the next month but how in the heck am I supposed to do that when I spend all weekend eating and all week working to lose what I gained. I did weigh today and had two of my four pounds off. Wow, what an accomplishment.

Same viscious, idiot cycle I have been doing for over 15 years. I get depressed out my weight and eat. I have seen several threads on the disboards lately (community board) about obese people and many people have no sympathy or empathy for what a struggle it is. On the other hand, they have a valid point because it is just a form of laziness and lack of motivation. I whine way more than I work!

I am off to the gym right now even though I don't feel like it, I have worked out three of the last five days so that is something I suppose.

I need to officially cancel weekends! And whining!

My next weigh in is on Saturday so hopefully that other two pounds will go bye bye.
So I was down another 2.7 pound today which means I lost the 4.2 I gained last weekend plus another .5 I am happy but still peeved in that its taken me two weeks to lose .5 all told.

I did very well last night resisted the urge to eat chips and beer after a very long day of running errands and all sorts of other stuff. I went for a walk instead which was good since I had done my aquasize that morning. So I also got in my 5 times of exercise last week.

My next weigh in will be Tuesday. Today so far has been decent, we had lunch out with stepdad and I got a grilled chicken sandwich with no cheese or sauce, ate it open faced and it came with a very small serving of fries and I got a huge glass of water with lemon to drink. I did however get into the chips awhile ago, guess that is my dinner! I got two bags of chips for our Mother's Day bbq and they were buy 2 get 2 free. Needless to say I needed those two extra bags of chips like a hole in the head.

Even if I blow it tomorrow, this weekend will be a huge success compared to the last umpteen weekends so I am going to count this as a success a bit early (thinking positive).

Hope all you ladies have a wonderful Mother's Day!:flower3:
Happy Mother's Day, Amy!:flower3:

You've been in my thoughts and prayers this week. :hug:

Great job on weigh-in and on your food choices this weekend!:cheer2:

Have a wonderful time at the BBQ today!:wizard:
Happy belated Mother's Day! :flower3:

I used to be EXACTLY like you on the weekends. To the letter! :rolleyes1 And then one day, I finally got it through my thick skull that I was sick of wasting a whole week's worth of effort on the weekends. And I started focusing all my attention on the weekends - making sure we didn't eat out just because we were out and about, planning dinners at home just like during the week, not letting myself snack just because I was home and not at work, etc. And FINALLY I am at the point where I don't totally lose it on the weekends anymore. Not saying I don't go overboard occasionally, but it's become the exception, not the norm. You will get there too! It's a total mental game and you know as well as I do that you have to force your brain to do the right thing for a LONG time before it becomes a habit.

And you know what finally helped me get over that hump? Seeing the results on the scale! Knowing that the next pound I was going to lose was going to be a real pound, not a weekend pound. And not feeling like crap from eating too much, and getting down on myself all the time. It's a vicious cycle, but I know you can make it stop. :wizard:

I will loan you Baxter for a couple weekends. I can guarantee you will not have time to over-indulge! :lmao:
Amy, you are so right! Its a mental thing. I get in my head that weekends are either "my treat for the takin" or "why bother, its impossible to do well on weekends". I am sick of it! It gives me hope to knwo you have made weekends successful!

Wow, its snowing here today. Why do I live in Colorado? On the bright side we need the moisture and four weeks from now I'll be at Blizzard Beach!

Mother's Day was fine, not my best. When my mom died, my friend suggested we start a new tradition of having manicures and pedicures and getting our two families together for a bbq after the salon. Very nice for three years. Well this year, I begged off on the spa thing since my budget is nasty this close to WDW and it ended up being that her mom and her husband's mom came over too. I really love their moms and didn't mind one bit but it also made me really sad. Seeing them give their mom's gifts, seeing the mom's interact with their dd just made me miss mine so much. I was struggling anyway and not getting my spa appointment and then being at a mom party with no mom of my own, well it just made me sad and sort of off. But it was still a nice day. Dd picked me out a nice pair of earrings with a Penny's reward certificate I had, Dan and I had made a nice meal, the weather was perfect and it was all fine. And I told dd she and I will go to the salon for manicures and pedi's before WDW together. Part of the reason I had to skip is my friend won't go to anyplace but her normal one and its 3x more expensive than everywhere else. So I'll just delay my toe gratification a few weeks and have lovely nails for WDW!

So food this past weekend was so much better! I did eat Baskin Robbins for dinner on Saturday (but that was what I had so it was better than eating food and ice cream) and Sunday I ate one meal. I definitely splurged but slammed the water. Monday was perfect, yesterday not so much but today right back on track.

Amy is so right, I need to focus on losing real pounds not weekend reminder pounds!

I hope all of you ladies had a great Mom's Day.

And Denise if you read this, thanks for the Mother's Day card, I need to send you a pm!:hug:
Did you say snow? :scared1: Did you mean at Blizzard Beach or at home? ;) LOL! :lmao: The past few days have been so cold and rainy here. I wonder what happened to our spring? :confused3 I hope the weather is getting much better out your way!:wizard:

You're less than a month away until Disney!!!:banana::cheer2::cool1::woohoo::yay:

Hope you had a great weekend!:goodvibes
I will be going to Disney World in March of 2012 with my daughter, her husband and my 5-year-old grandson, Luke. I have over 100 pounds to lose and that Disney trip is my major motivation. I want to be able to keep up with that 5-year-old and not slow the rest of the family down.

I plan on using Weight Watchers. I did well on it a few years ago. I will start a journal thread in a few days.

Hi Amy :wave2:

Happy Belated Mother's Day.

I thought about you when I heard of the snow up there. I was thinking man, Amy is going to miss her walks, this snow has got to stop. I am praying that Spring finds you soon.

Have you heard from DS' friend lately? I have been thinking of him and hope he is okay.

Hope this weekend is going well for you my friend. :hug:
Thanks Ladies, Welcome Charlene!:goodvibes

I have just been so bad about journaling the past few months, of course I think we all have!;)

My goal is to get back on her like I used to once I get back from WDW. Its just been so busy lately and honestly, I am so keyed up for our trip, getting my garage sale done and Dan and I have also been decluttering and selling a lot of collectibles he has (Star Trek stuff and comic books) had for years to a local dealer. We can only take a bit at a time and its getting close to being done. We really need this money right now for our WDW trip, as well as dd's mission trip that is in July. I am praying for good weather on June 3rd and 4th since that is the garage sale (its a neighborhood wide one). Busy, busy!

I cannot believe we leave two weeks from today. I have not really done anything in the way of getting ready for this trip. Not like me at all!

My weight has been stuck for two weeks. Weekends (the last two) have been much better. I have been doing a "free meal" vs. three free days! I have also been working out 5x per week for one to two hours per time so I have no idea why I am not down at least five more pounds. Its frustating beyond belief but there is nothing I can do about it. I just have to keep forging ahead.

So thats about it, I need to catch up with all of you and also see if charlene has started a journal! I feel so bad I haven't been on here lately to even notice I had a new visitor!
Awesome that you have kept up the exercise with all you have going on. And holding is better than gaining. Do you do the same type exercise on the same days? Perhaps if you mixed it up a little? I know you do several different things but if you do them in the same order all the time your body has gotten used to it. Just a thought.

Good luck on the yard sale. I think neighborhood ones are great. Lots more people show up. More competition, but more shoppers.

Where is DD going on the mission trip? I fondly remember the couple I got to go on. Such great experiences. :goodvibes

Have a great week Amy. I will see you next week.
Woohoo!!! You're less than two weeks away now!:banana: I bet everyone is getting excited!:yay:

Sending lots of :wizard: for your garage sale!

Hope you're having a great week!:hug:
Woohoo!!! You're under the 7 day mark!!!:woohoo::banana::cool1::cheer2::yay: I hope you and your family have a wonderful time in WDW!:wizard: Safe travels, my friend!:hug:
Thanks Tracy and Lisa! Lisa I do try to mix up my workouts. I do aquasize on set days when they have the classes but mix up the cardio between walking track, treadmill with inclines and the stationary bike. I am just on a plateau that has now even seen me gain when I am behaving. Frustrating!

I cannot believe we leave in four days. I am wayyy behind schedule. No packing done yet, lots of stuff to do around the house and my garage sale is tomorrow and Saturday. And I am sick. I got sinus and ear infection and now I have laryngitis so I can't talk. I feel better but sound awful and am not getting much sleep at night since I can't breathe. I also haven't exercised since Monday but I just truly don't feel up to it.

Somehow I will get this all done and be ready for the trip!

I had a fantastic few weeks going and stepped on the scale last week (can't remember the day) and was up two pounds. I really had a meltdown. Then I just had to move on. I am doing all I can, the scale is just slow to show it. Bottom line, I am not on the Biggest Loser and I am not going to have dramatic weight loss. I plan to weigh Monday morning before we leave and I should be at 15 pounds. Four and a half months to lose 15 pounds is not exactly what I had in mind, on the other hand if I do that for a year I'll be down around 40 pounds by next January. So when I put it like that, suddenly it doesn't seem so bad! And I have lost quite a few inches, that much I know by how my clothes feel. Also my stamina is so much better, I climbed up the steep flight of stairs at church Sunday and wasn't even huffing (its about three stories). I remember when Bible study first started I could barely make it. So progress has been made and the name of the game isn't Speedy but I can live with that.

So, my plan for WDW is to have fun, drink my water, share plenty of meals (I told my brother we'd use some of our credits for them and of course I can always count on ds to eat up credits). Its going to be brutally hot (97 on Tuesday, wish me luck!) and that may help kill my appetite. In any case, its two weeks and that's a chunk of time but if I come back and am up, well its bound to happen with a trip that long.

I will try very hard to get on everyone else's journals later. I have a lot to do but that's no excuse for being a lousy wisher! Just hope I feel a lot better by Monday.:wizard:
I'm so excited for you Amy!!! Two weeks at WDW would be so awesome!!! I just hope you begin to feel better before that plane ride and remember to delegate some of the pre-trip prep to your family.

Your weight loss is slow and steady just as it should be. I know how frustrating it is to see the scale go up a little and then back down again, but know in your heart that you are doing the right thing for yourself and it will take time. There are a couple of us who post here who haven't seen a loss in awhile so we can take some inspiration from you, our friend who is toughing it out and sticking with her program even when she's sick and has so many things to do before vacation. Keep up the good work!
3 days now!!! 3 days until Disney!!! I am so excited for you! :banana:

Girl, you have been making progress. If your clothes are looser and you can climb stairs better than before.......WAY TO GO!!!! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: You have made wonderful progress.

How did the yard sale go? Were you able to talk? I hope you are feeling better now. Have an absolutely wonderfully, magical time. Two whole weeks there. :cloud9:
How did your yard sale go? I hope you got lots of sales!:wizard:

I hope you're feeling better, my friend. :hug: Do you have your voice back?

Have an amazing, wonderful, magical time in WDW! :wizard: Safe travels to you and your family!:grouphug:
Thanks Ladies. I am still sick, although much, much better. I am just a bit worried about flying when I am this congested and my ears are still stopped up and painful. I guess I can wail with all the poor babies if my ears hurt once we get up in the air!

I got on the scale and was down 2.6 pounds, so am officially at 15 pounds. I was hoping to be at 20 but that didn't happen. I will probably weigh in tomorrow morning for one last weigh in.

All things considered, I am happy with the weight loss. Thank you Denise for making me feel like a winner! I have stuck with it, its been a long four and a half months and I have definitely had some ups and downs but I have stuck with it.

I cannot believe we leave in less than 24 hours. I got us checked in, I was a bit late logging into Southwest but we still all got A Boarding. Makes me glad I saved $80 not doing the early check in. Dan will have to go over to the lobby the day before we leave to check us in but that won't be a big deal.

My brother and his wife will be joining us for 8 of our 14 nights. I am very excited to see them, we have done Disneyland with them I think four times, but never WDW. They have had a rough year so it will be really good for them. I must say I feel guilty and sad. My sister has no idea my brother is coming with us. She knows we are going but Dan, the kids and I all agreed we would not tell her my brother is coming. It would probably make her feel hurt and left out and I wouldn't blame her. I absolutely hate the way my brother and sister's relationship has imploded and frankly, it hurts me and Dan quite a bit. If only they would both have thought about what this might do to me and Dan and how caught in the middle we'd be. We'll all be having fun at WDW and my sister will be alone, broke and lonesome in Colorado. Thank God she has no idea. I don't intend to ever tell her. I have certainly had my fair share of problems with her and she to this day can really upset me and Dan, but this ridiculous wasted mess between her and my brother has made me more determined than ever to keep my relationship with her a priority. I owe it to my mother. Sometimes when she's in one of her moods, I just visualize her teaching me how to put on mascara right before her engagement party and the day she went over to this bully's house and got in that kid's face on my behalf and it reminds me why I put up with the good, the bad and the ugly! Please say a prayer she never finds out about this combined trip, I know enough to know it would absolutely devastate her.:guilty:

I will log in at least one day, Dan has to log into work at least once. If only WDW provided free wifi like every other hotel chain on the planet!

I'll miss you guys and I intend to get back to posting like I used to when I get home.

Thank you for all the support and encouragement, I'll miss you ladies!:grouphug:


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