Amy's New Start : Comments Welcome!

Great attitude! I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend, and I know you'll get back on track during the week. ::yes::

And it's going to be cold here today too, I think it's only going to be 66... :p
well done for having such a great attitiude amy & getting back on track!!
hope you have a great week :)
Amy, Keep your weather comments to yourself!!!:rotfl:
Tracey: Thanks for always stopping by!

Well I was sick on Monday. No idea what I had, thankfully noboby else got it. Now you may assume that with a stomach bug I might have lost some weight! In fact, I got on the scale today and its says I am up two pounds. :sad2: Major bummer. I did do well yesterday and managed to get in 80 minutes of exercise yesterday. By the time I was ready to walk on Monday, I had started feeling really ill so didn't get anything in that day. Today I plan to go to the rec center. Dh and I walked at the track yesterday for a half hour, it was 24 degrees and the wind was whipping and causing all this snow to blow right in our faces. It was miserable. But I made us stick it out. Then I came home and did another 50 on the treadmill during Biggest Loser. I was set to do 60, but the treadmill burned out. I think it may be shot. Really a bummer, I don't love walking on it (kills my knees) but I love having it as an option for days when I can't get out to walk. Maybe I just overheated it. I hope so, I don't have the money to replace it so if its shot, it'll be awhile before we can get another one.

I need to grocery shop today and stock up. I have a very empty frig and that generally leads to trouble!

Hope everyone is having a nice day, wish me luck on making the January challenge, its going to be tough but I am determined to do it!
I forgot to post anything recently about my job search. In a word, nothing! I had filled out some apps in late December and there was one little shop I was pretty enthused about. The owner said she had holiday help but that most of them were seasonal and that in January she'd call me. When I walked by that little store the other day I noticed it had a going out of business sign. I feel bad, she was really nice. Nobody wants their houses cleaned so that seems to be a bust. I also had filled out an online app to do work for some temp agency (clerical stuff) but they sent me a thing back saying they only hire people with degrees. Why do I need a degree for a $9 an hour file clerk type thing? Very discouraging. Obviously I picked the WORST possible time to go back to work. I am not worried, as long as dh keeps his job we are fine. If he loses his job, even my working part time won't help much but I so wanted to get back into the work force and do something. I'm 44 years old, I have no experience, no degree and its obvious that if I want to work, I need to go back to school and maybe get some sort oftrade school degree. I looked into a few and was just shocked at how high they are. A one year program costs upwards of 25K. I just can't put us into that much debt. And I don't want to work full time anyway. But I might look into some sort of medical terminology class and see if that might open up something at a doctor's office or something.

I am just thankful we aren't in a position where I HAVE to go to work. Or we'd be in big trouble.

Guess I'll just keep my eyes open, you never know. I do think if somebody will give me a chance, they'll be pleasantly surprised. This is all giving me some serious cause to make sure both my kids complete a degree and that if dd gets married and has kids, she needs to keep herself in the workforce to some extent. So she doesn't end up like her mom!

And one final update. Ds went to his first high school orientation last night. How did my little boy get to be ready for high school? I ended up putting him in our home/neighborhood school. I have my concerns, I have heard for years this school has issues. But the open enrollment process is too risky. They couldn't guarantee he could get into the school we wanted for the whole four years. I decided him going to the same school is too important. I can't risk him losing open enrollement if the school should get full. Its four years of never knowing if he'll have to leave. His three best friends are going to our home school so he is too. His grades right now stink (less than a 3.0 average for the first time ever) so he needs to buckle down and get serious. I confiscated his new PSP Player until he gets at least a 3.0 back. Its kinda cool, I watched a movie on it the other night, I may just keep it and tell him he needs a 3.5!
:hug: Amy,

I'm sorry to hear that you were sick earlier this week. :( I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better though!:goodvibes

Sending some job pixiedust: your way. I'm trying to find something too, but I'm limited to at home jobs right now because of my DH's schedule. Here's hoping we both find something soon!pixiedust:

You're doing a great job on your January Exercise Challenge! Keep up the good work!:cheer2:

Have a great Wednesday! :hug:
I think you are doing the right thing about keeping the school consistent for DS. What are the problems with the neighborhood school? Obviously it's nothing too awful or you wouldn't let him go there!

Try a different temp agency, I'm sure there are several in your area, and not all of them will require a degree. I am really surprised to hear that! But maybe they are a specialized agency, so look somewhere else! It'll happen for you, and you are right - you are in a good position right now. And who knows, you might find a job somewhere that pays for you to get your degree. Then you can work, get your degree at the same time and not have to worry about going into debt because of it. ::yes::

I'm glad you are feeling better. BUMMER about the treadmill! At least you have the rec center. And I was bragging too soon about the weather - the past couple days it's been cold - low 60's. But it's supposed to be mid-70's by this weekend! :sunny:
Amy, glad you're feeling better and good luck getting those exercise minutes in! Thanks for being here for me!
Tracy: I know you are right there with me on the job struggle. I can't believe how even the usual stores hiring aren't right now. HOpefully things will get better.

Amy: This school has some gang issues. They've tried to address it but stuff keeps happening. When we moved to this house, our high school boundry was supposed to change to a different school but that never happened. Its just sort of tough school, which is weird for this area but it happens everywhere I guess. Of course with all these issues, so many people open enroll so that's tightened up big time. When ds was a 6th grader he went to the middle school next door to this high school and it was a nightmare (as you may remember). So I am a bit worried but my options are limited to the point of being non existant.

Denise: Thanks for being there for me!

Food yesterday was spot on, today has been good too. I walked yesterday and am just walking out the door to go to the rec center this afternoon. I am not sure what the scale will say tomorrow but if its bad, I know what I did wrong and I just need to clean up my act on the weekends. Because last weekend was not too good! I have done worse but it was still pretty much a disaster on both Saturday and Sunday. Oh well, a new week starts tomrrow! And maybe the five days I have been perfect will offset, we'll see.

Okay, off to walk, this walk will put me over 700 so I should just squeak in. I am thinking I may do 900 minutes next month. That is still very doable. This month I didnt' start exercising until about the 6th or 7th. So if I get on board first thing, I should make next month's goal a bit easier.

Thanks for reading. I also need to start posting my food again. I have slacked off with that.
I think having your weigh-ins on Friday is a great thing. That way if you do splurge on the weekend, you have plenty of time to behave before weigh-in! :thumbsup2

Yikes about the school! But unless you want to move, what else can you do?? :confused3

Great job getting caught up on all those exercise minutes! You are rockin' that challenge!!! :cheer2:
Glad your feeling better Amy :)

The scale didnt 'play' for me either!!!
At least your keeping on the look out on the jobs front - something perfect will turn up eventually i'm sure :)

Have a great weekend
Thanks so much for stopping by Tracy, Tracey and Amy.

Quick post, I was down one pound. My goal was to lose at least 8 pounds i January and I made that. I actually lost 8.6. Its nice to actually make one of my goals for change of pace!

I have gotten in an add'l 100 minutes of exercise in the past two days. So I have just 50 minutes left to do tomrrow. I went to a movie last night and didn't eat one morsel of candy or popcorn. Then went to Starbucks and reisted all the sweets and just had tea. It feels really good to be in control.

We have company tonight for drinks and dinner, know I'll use up some flex points but I have a new weeks' worth to enjoy!
You are doing GREAT, Amy!! 8.6 lbs in a month is AWESOME!!!!! Especially knowing the weather & stress January has delivered to you!

Hang in there & keep it up!!

I hear you on the job market. I have a degree, and a masters & can't find anything. And, like you said, as long as DH is employed, we're ok, but.....
I figure when the time is right it will happen & God is still in control....but some days I think He's on vacation at WDW!!!

Hope your weekend is a good one!! Wish I could pop up & meet you at starbucks!
CONGRATS on the loss!!!! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: You are doing GREAT, what a way to start the year! :thumbsup2

And you also did wonderful at the movies and Starbucks. And the more you resist those types of things, the easier it will become. You will realize that it's not all about the food and you don't need that junk to survive.

Have fun with your company. The day I've been dreading (food-wise) is coming tomorrow - Superbowl Sunday!!! I already know it's going to be bad since I'm making Cardinals red jello shots... :rolleyes:
wow Amy - 8lb's is fantastic - i'm sooo proud of you :cheer2: :cool1:
that was my aim for january too ....:(

You are rocking your goals this month!:rockband: You made your weight loss goal and you are almost at your exercise goal as well. You are off to a wonderful start in 2009!:cheer2:

I hope you have a great weekend! :hug:
Amy - I know I've been out of touch. thank you for all your support to me on my journal, it has gotten me through some tough weeks.

Now....CONGRATULATIONS!!! On the 8.6 lb weight loss. I've read the last few weeks and you are handling the daily stuggles and frustrations so positively - I'm so proud of all the walking and I know you are going to make your goal for January.

My thoughts on your step-father are simliar to many others that have been posted. At this age, he isn't going to change and you need to do what is right for you. I think it is a great idea to take a break from him and focus on you and continuous success.

Keep moving forward and staying strong, you've been such an inspiration.
Thanks so much Tracy, Tracey, Diane, Julie and Amy. I feel really good about the changes I have made lately and really do feel like this "is it".

I had lunch with an old friend yesterday. She had gastric bypass last summer and has lost almost 90 pounds. It was so awesome to see her looking slim, she has about 40 pounds to go. She paid for her surgery herself, in spite of her diabetes and other health concerns, her insurance woudln't cover it. I asked how much it cost and she told me $12,000. That is a lot but whattaya bet I have spent that much on: WW, Jenny Craig, Weight Loss Clinic, gym memberships, and all the other "stuff" I have purchased and joined in the past 20 years. I do have to confess, it was bittersweet. I am thrilled for her, but for the almost 20 years I have known her, she has always been heavier than me. She sure has me beat now. Good for her and I hope that the next time I see her, I have my own transformation to show off!

We have a wedding in Texas in just three weeks. It was supposed to be in July but they moved it up so that gave me practically no time to lose any weight. And I have to pull the kids out of school two days and hope the weather holds. But I am excited to see family for something besides a funeral.

We are seeing stepdad tomorrow night. He has been diagnosed with some heart problem so I took pity on him and said we'd bring dinner over. But old and sick aside, I am not taking one bit of guff off of him. If he makes one comment about my weight, I think I'll point out a few of his struggles. People in glass houses.:rolleyes:

Today, we plan to grill a london broil. I have been craving steak and this will get me my fill of beef but in a lean sort of way! And hopefully dh and I can get a walk in, its time to get moving on the February challenge!

Thanks for all the support, I couldn't have gotten this month accomplished without it!:grouphug:

Oh forgot to add, I did make January's challenge! So I am going to up my minutes to 900 for February.
:cool1: well done on making the challenge Amy:cheer2:
Hope all goes well with stepdad tomorrow!
Thats good news about your friend - but a gastric band is a very drastic action to take - theres no doubt it works, & for some its the only option or last resort, but i would worry about the risks!! It may take longer but your way will be much healthier & safer :)
Be proud :)
:cool1: well done on making the challenge Amy:cheer2:
Hope all goes well with stepdad tomorrow!
Thats good news about your friend - but a gastric band is a very drastic action to take - theres no doubt it works, & for some its the only option or last resort, but i would worry about the risks!! It may take longer but your way will be much healthier & safer :)
Be proud :)

It is drastic and rather scary. Just two weeks ago, my neighbor across the street died from a blood clot he deveoped after gastric bypass surgery. I of course didn't mention this to my friend yesterday! But it made me more determined than ever to lose weight without surgery. But I am happy for my friend. With her diabetes, it was a last resort. No such excuse for me thankfully
Congratulations on making your January exercise goal - way to go!

I'm cautious of gastric surgery's or anything like that - part of the issue with weight is why we eat and what are our triggers - I'm not sure if people who elect to have the surgery address the emotional reasons for eating. I've had friends who have had the surgery and when they put weight back on, it goes almost anywhere but their stomach. I think of Mike from Biggest Loser and he had surgery and his weight went everywhere else on his body.

You are doing what is best for you and making the changes to your life that are going to suit you over a long period of time and result in your success.


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