Amy's "BUT I'M NOT A RUNNER" Journal

Hi Amy! Thanks so much for posting a pic of your girls. They are beautiful!

I have a DD that will be 7 on March 11th, and a DS that is 4.5. You've obviously seen their pic in my signature..haha.

Take care & keep up the great work!
Tuesday, March 7th

Well, guys, today I'm quite discouraged. :sad2:

During my 60 minute kickboxing class yesterday I think I injured my calf muscle. Throughout the day it started to tighten so I iced her up last night and took some advil. Felt pretty good today so I stretched really well and went out for a 30 minute run. Unfortunately the tightening reappeared around .5 miles and stayed with me. I did a sub 10 minute mile through the first mile and slightly beyond but i lost it again at the stupid hill. That's also where the pain really crept in. In addition my quads were so tight from the class that I felt like I was running with cement on my shoes. I had to walk...and at one point completely stop due to the tenderness. By the time I got to about mile 2.7/2.8 which was 30 minutes out I had some pretty serious discomfort, yet somehow managed an avg 11.11 mile. I hobbled through my 5 minute cool-down walk and took an ice bath this afternoon. The muscle/tendon is still tight unfortunately. I did end my workout with some intense stretching and an abdominal workout.

Please send some Pixie Dust that it's just the calf muscle....achilles tendon injuries can be chronic and very difficult to resolve.

I'll be resting kickboxing for a few days. I may do a 30 minute walk on Thursday and see what happens from there. I was really doing well until this unexpected injury. VERY frustrating...and my gut tells me it's not going to resolve quickly.
Oh, Amy. I'm so sorry.

Please take time to rest & heal up. Take care of yourself. :hug: :flower3:
I'm amazed that you pushed on...You know me, the wimp. At the first sign of pain, I would have quit! I'm doing your 5/1 intervals and I find it tough. Prior to trying that I was doing 10/3 intervals. For some reason, that was easier even though I was running 10 minutes straight. Oh, I also have a ski machine-a norditrack that I've had for about 10 years. They are the best workout ever. If I could do 45 on that, then I know I'm in shape. Even after 10 years, it still kicks my butt, so don't feel bad that you crossed trained on that.
Keep your chin up Amy and don't injure yourself any more than you already have. Refer back to the MFM entries about listening to your body. Letting yourself completely heal before really getting back at it is the best advice in the world.
Hey interested in a DIS meet? Here's a thread from the Community Board. I think there might be more info on the Meets board.

I'm going with Blueeyes101817 (Jen). It would be fun if we got a group of Jersey Girls to go!
OMG Amy!
pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: and prayers for your injury. Take some time to rest and try to quiet those mental demons that tell you that resting is weakness. It's not. It's getting stronger. Don't let this get you down girl! :hug: You're amazing! :cheer2:

Great pics btw. Your girls :cutie: :cutie: are beautiful!
Sunday, March 12

:grouphug: Hi friends! Thank you so much for the support and encouragement.

The good news is that it was NOT my achilles tendon. I took off a few days this week and continue to stretch and ice my leg. It looks like it was a simple muscle strain that appears to be healing up quicky!

I set out to walk on Thursday but actually ran instead! My leg felt great...but I did a shorter time than I was supposed to do. I didn't want to push and only ran about 20 minutes. On Wednesday I did a low-impact (non pounding!!!) kickboxing class. It actually helped to stretch the calf muscle in question. So I managed to get my modified workouts in during the week.

On Friday and Saturday I took complete rest days. I didn't exercise at all :teeth: . I finally started to get that chest cold my little girls have been dealing with now for a while. So I really felt it was best to stay quiet and rested. Today I feel pretty good....coughing a bit but nothing major. I'm hoping to beat this cold out of my system!

I was FINALLY scheduled to run my 3 miler today. I decided that both my legs and cold felt good enough to get out there. I found a new route to keep things interesting (I get bored with the same old running locations LOL). It was an out and back run on a quiet road. The first 1.5 miles were a gradual but steady incline. I didn't feel the strain of the "hill" until the last 1/10 of a mile where it got pretty steep. At that point I stopped to catch my breath and stretch my calves. I turned around and had a nice and easy 1.5 mile back down :teeth: . In the end I averaged 10.5 mpm which is my best time yet! AND the best news is that I finally hit my race distance so now I know I can do that 5K in April!!! :banana:

My goal for the 5K is to complete it in 30 minutes or less. Not sure if that is attainable until I take a better look at the course. From looking at the race map it appears that I may be dealing with some pretty serious hills. In which case I'd be pretty darn happy finishing in 35 minutes :goodvibes . I think I'm going to drive out there next week so I know what I'm dealing with WELL in advance of the race. The date is April 22nd!
Hey Amy! Congrats on the run, and that you're healing/healed. Such great news. :thumbsup2

Sorry, I just read my post & saw I never put in the link I referred to. Woops! :rolleyes:

I'm not sure if DH is going with me to the meet or not, but Jen & I are definitely going, and hitting Dorney Park the next day.
Tuesday, March 14th

I did an hour long kickboxing class yesterday! It was brutally hard. And as I had the beginnings of a chest cold I think I felt the strain even more. I honestly couldn't do everything, although today I can feel in my legs that I got one heck of a workout. I actually felt like I was in boot camp....dodging bags, sprinting, speed kicking for minutes on end then speed punching. ACK!

Unfortunately, as the day wore on yesterday my coughing became more and more frequent and I started to feel a little under the weather. So after a restless night sleep I've decided that I need to take a rest day today. It's very disappointing but I know I have to listen to my body. I tried to get a doctors appointment but he was completely booked! I guess I'm not the only sick person!!! My poor kids are STILL coughing....I don't know what to do. We need a change of scenery or something because none of us can shake this cold! Last year I ended up with pneumonia in March :guilty: , I definitely DO NOT want a repeat. Talk about putting your training on hold... a good bout of pneumonia will sideline me for weeks. Soooo, I'm taking it easy and will see the doc tomorrow. Until then lots of fluid and rest. Unfortunately I'm not good at either of those things?! :confused3 :teeth:
Amy, hope you get better soon!! I hate setbacks in the routine, I just went through one as well but you do have to listen to your body. Doing so will enable you to come back stronger than before.

A little over one month till the 5k! Are you excited? 10:30 avg mile with hills is impressive and I'm pulling for you to hit that 10:00 avg during the 5k I know you can do it!!

Get better soon!
Thursday, March 16th

Thanks Scott!

Unfortunately I saw the doc yesterday and I have a nice case of bronchitis. I feel pretty lousy and haven't been sleeping :rolleyes: . He gave me strict orders to lay off the running for a little while. So yesterday was yet another "rest" day. I HATE those days. Funny thing is that before I had my marathon goal I would look for ANY reason to skip a workout, now I am actually angry that I have missed so many days. I really feel like I'm taking 3 steps backwards :guilty: .

Oh well....there's nothing I can do. I had pneumonia this time last year because I did NOT listen to my body and ignored a cough for (ahem) months. Yes...months. And then I ended up in the hospital. So now you all know that I'm not exactly the smartest human posting here on the Wish Journals. But I am honest ;) . I ran to the doc so fast this least I learned my lesson.

So I'm seriously HOPING to get back out there tomorrow. We'll see :confused3 .

I believe that the marathon journey is far more than just getting in better shape and building endurance to finish a race. It's much deeper and more complex. I think that from start to finish it's a journey...but it's not flat and it's not easy (just like those courses I run here). There will be disappointments, injuries, set-backs, triumphs, tears and joy. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it is teaching me life lessons and skills that I personally need not only for the marathon, but for life in general. For instance, I am now sick and side-lined for several days. To me that is a bit troubling because I'm the kind of person who USED to get off schedule for a few days and then just lose it. I'd lose my will-power and dedication in the week I was away on vacation, or the few weeks I was recovering from being sick. It was as if I gave myself permission to quit...figuring I had a good excuse. But something inside me has changed and I have learned that missing a work-out or run is not the END...even missing a week will not spell disaster. It's just that I need to learn to adjust my expectations for this week....and this week only. I'm not sure if any of this makes sense to others, but to me it's a profound change in the way I view things. I also have found myself paying close attention to my body...the aches, the pains, the muscles, everything. It's as if I'm more in tune with myself than ever before. So instead of ignoring this cough or trying to self-medicate I made the logical choice to see the doctor and ask him out-right "when can I get back to it". In the past I would have waited a week (or months) and I would have chosen NOT to ask him about getting back out there. Again...maybe just a small change...maybe more significant?! But whatever the amount of change the fact is I'm learning things from my marathon journey even when I'm not running. Wow! ;).
YOU GO GIRLIE! :cheer2: :cheer2:

I am so proud of you for not only going through this overall transformation....but for realizing it and embracing it.

We can all learn a lot from you! :woohoo:

Take care, Amy & rest.

Oh, and if you're interested, I finally posted some pics of the new me on my journal ;).
I'm not a runner but I wanted to wish you the best in your training and it looks like you're doing great so far. Sorry you're not feeling well. I hope you get to feeling better soon!!!!! Hang in there - I hate bronchitis!

Keep on :banana: :banana: and :woohoo: :woohoo:
Amy, thanks for the words in my journal. I hope you are feeling better. I DID go for a short walk today and it made me feel a little better. I only went about a half mile, but just getting outside on a sunny day was great!
Amy - thanks for checking out my journal and the encouraging words. I hope you're right and that I'm getting more muscle instead of losing fat.
I hope you're feeling better also....colds suck...especially when you want to be working out! Also, you're running and workouts are incredible!! I think you have more energy than my 6 yr old!! :banana: :bounce: :Pinkbounc

Keep up the great work, and thanks again for the kind words!! :goodvibes

I'm sorry to hear that you've been sick. Take things easy & get your rest. Before you know it you'll be back with the running. Way to go with the 3 miler! :banana:
Hope you're getting better, Amy. I've also had a cold that has sidelined my plans. I plan to get back into it today with a light workout, then gradually build throughout the week.
Sunday, March 19th

Well, I finally got back to it this weekend. Yesterday I did pilates for about an hour! I hadn't been to the class in ages, I really forgot how great the stretching and core muscle work can be! I think I'm going to try to get there once a week whenever possible.

Today I headed out for my 3 mile run. I was a little concerned because I'm still coughing a bit and I'm not quite over this bronchitis. But to be honest with you I've gotten restless and impatient waiting to start back up. I feel like I'm losing ground each day that I sit around and do nothing. So today was a see how I feel after this run. If I don't feel great later or tomorrow...I'll take a few more days off. If things seem status quo then I'll hopefully get back into full training mode this week.

My run started off quick...probably paced a little too fast in mile 1. As I think I finished it in 9:20. I wasn't even winded but as I headed into mile 2 the wind whipped up and was hitting me straight on so I know that hurt my pace and messed with my breathing a bit. I was really feeling tired heading to mile 3....I could tell I wasn't 100% and I know that I couldn't have run much farther than 3 miles. But in the end I finished with 10:36 avg. pace so that really isn't bad all things considered. The course I ran was gently rolling, no great big hills and some nice flats. I think that helped with my pace...I didn't want to push myself on the hilly course today as I know that would have caused me to huff and puff...something I wanted to avoid LOL!

As for my nutrition this weekend....ummmmmm......not so great! I really want to lose a few more pounds to get me to my optimum weight for racing. It's really only 3 pounds BUT I'm not going to lose it eating like I did this weekend. :teeth:
AmyBeth68 said:
Sunday, March 19th
My run started off quick...probably paced a little too fast in mile 1. As I think I finished it in 9:20. I wasn't even winded

:woohoo: I'm so jealous! 9:20, sick and wasn't even winded! You go!

Glad to see you back at it and don't worry about the bad eating this weekend, seems all of us had some issues. :confused3


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