Amanda's Menu Planning Spectacular!

Well I did okay yesterday until I got home - dh wanted pizza and I caved. I'm trying not to feel guilty about it though.
Today's Plan:
B: Turkey Roll Ups
L: Chef Salad w/Ranch Dressing
S: ??
D: The pork chops we should have eaten last night ;)
Curves - after work
Water - really need to get to 8 glasses today. Yesterday I only had 4
Vitamins - need to take, forgot yesterday.


12:30 edit:
B: 2 slices of Turkey and half cup of blueberries.
L: 3 pin wheels, 7 layer salad, and some chef salad.
Vitamins - taken
2 glasses of water are down and I am determined to get in anotehr 2 before work is over.
:banana: :banana: Hi Amanda,

I know I am late, but congratulations on losing all those inches!!! :banana: :Pinkbounc :banana: :Pinkbounc :banana: You are doing an amazing job.

Thanks for mentioning the vitamin, I almost forgot to take mine today.

Have a great one,
I'm sending :hug: & :sunny: for your day today, princess: Amanda!
I have decided that I am no longer allowing myself to eat or drink anything (except water) after 8p.m. Per the expert on Oprah yesterday this alone will help you to lose weight. So that is it! If I'm going to have a snack in the evening it has to be before 8p.m.

I went to Curves tonight and it kicked my butt! I am hoping to be able to go 2 more times this week - but it will be rough. People keep making plans for me! :rolleyes: I know I will at least go tomorrow and I may decide to go Thursday night after I meet a friend for dinner.

I've been pretty good today although I did have two pieces of chocolate at work today. I've had 6 glasses of water so far and I'm going to have a diet coke with dinner and then drink the other 2 glasses after dinner while we watch TV.
Well I stuck to my no eating after 8p.m. last night. I didn't get in my 8 glasses of water though. I ended up going to bed super early. It is going to be a lllooooooooooonnnnngggggg day at work today.

B: ??
L: Tuna Salad
S: Celery
D: Italian Chicken
S: Fresh Rasberries

Amanda, thanks for the song in my journal! It truly gave me a smile and a warm fuzzy feeling! :hug: It's just what I needed!

Hope your day is going well! :sunny:
Hi Amanda,

I'm trying to stop my nighttime snacking as well. It is tough. Are you going to Curves tonight? Have a good evening.
Well today didn't go exactly as planned. To many distractions at work and home - and I ended up eating carbs. Not a ton - but enough. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better - that is all we can do, pick ourselves up and go back to the basics.

I did make it to Curves tonight and have had 5 glasses of water so far - I'm hoping to drink another glass before bed tonight.

Great Attitude Amanda!!! That is what is keeping your losses so successful! You keep loking forward and not back! :cool1:
Good Morning. I am sitting at my computer table listening to my coffee brew in the kitchen. Aw, coffee - some mornings you just need some more then others.

It is Thursday - which means tomorrow is Friday - Yea!

Plan for today:
B: Coffee
L: Either leftover porkchop or leftover chicken - w/Veggies
S: Blueberries
D: Going out to eat to Olive Garden w/a friend - not sure what I will order yet.

It will be another LONG day at work today. Sorry that I am not getting to journals as regularly as I should - you guys are in my thoughts. I also need to start menu planning since I'll need to go grocery shopping this week. I didn't make the meatloaf this week so I'll move that on to next week.

Best of luck with the busy day :sunny: yummy fresh raspberries, we don't have them? i think I like your grocery store better. Remember your water! Today is def a coffee day, I'm onto my 2nd cup. Have a great thursday princess:
Did someone say coffee?

Amanda, you should be fine at OG. You can order whole wheat pasta now. It has really helped, as that is Katie's favorite restaurant.

Have a great afternoon,
It's time for a Friday celebration!! WOO HOO!!
:rockband: "I feel like a woman!!" Can you hear Shania Twain singing??

I hope your day goes well today, dear Amanda! You've had quite a week so make sure there's some extra time for REST in there somewhere. Recharge those batteries! Indulge in a bubble bath or find some other way to pamper yourself this weekend. You deserve it!! ::yes::

Make it a great Friday!! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
Hope you have a great weekend Amanda! :cool1:

You are doing well with food and exercise. Keep it going girl friend!! :cheer2: That cruise is gonna be here before you know it!

TTFN - Sharon :sunny:


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