A Yakker's Paradise with Recipes (Welcome All!!)


<font color=green> Most Cheerful Creativear<br><fo
Feb 24, 2005
I'm a yakker. I like to talk, share, chat, whatever you want to call it. Normally I prefer to talk vs. type but with online message boards, you really don't have a choice. It's type or sit yakking at the computer without anyone being able to hear what I'm saying. :rolleyes1

So, I'm here to ype (yak and type as I like to call it - pronounced like yipe) about my journey to a place where less of me exists. It's going to be a long trip. Hopefully I'm a fun person to travel with. :goodvibes
As you can tell by my ridiculously large signature, I've been doing this WL thing for a bit. I found the W.I.S.H. boards back in January 2005 when DH and I decided to go to WDW. I started posting in late February and started WW Flex - Online and the WISH Challenge on February 28, 2005. To date, I've lost 16.6 lbs and I'm still (mostly) OP all the time.

I'm happy to say that I didn't have any big scare that prompted me to lose weight. There was no moment of realization or announcement by my doctor. I didn't make a resolution or fall prey to some advertising scheme. What did prompt my decision was our upcoming trip to WDW and my fear about not fitting on all of the rides comfortably. DH and I visited DL and DCA a while back. I was wearing a walking cast while I was recovering from a partially ruptured achilles tendon and my cast was so huge that I couldn't sit normally in most roller coaster seats. I was completely unable to ride Mulholland Madness because the seats were weird and my body was totally turned sideways. I'm still wondering if it was only because of my "boot" that I wouldn't fit or the size of me.

Either way, I don't want a repeat of what happened at DCA. I wasn't really embarrassed because I obviously had extenuating circumstances due to my "boot". I would be totally embarrassed if anything like that happened when I was supposedly able bodied though. (Side note: Do you have to be able-minded to qualify for being able-bodied? Because sometimes I don't think I am. Both. :p)

So anyway, I'm on a journey to less of me. My plan is to work my WW Flex-Online plan, drink 6+ glasses of water each day and work toward getting regular exercise. Everything is going well right now although I will be honest when I say that it's not easy. I like food. I enjoy food. I like eating. I usually only eat when I'm hungry but I don't always eat the healthiest food. My favorite is cheese enchiladas with queso sauce on top. Not good for dieting but very good for a happy mouth! My favorite diet food right now is taco salad. Good for dieting and a happy mouth. Now I just have to trick my brain into thinking the taco salad is better than the cheese enchiladas. I'm sure it will happen. :rolleyes:

BTW, some of my trip planning might be bleeding over into here. WISH and WDW are one and the same to me right now. I'm rewarding myself with extra components on our trip when I meet my WISH goals (I'll be booking them in advance but DH has the right to cancel if I don't reach my goal - :earseek: ). My reward for meeting my first goal is an 80 minute hot stone massage. Relaxation, here I come!!!
This has not been a good OP week. I kinda fell off the wagon a bit but I'm back on again! I really, really wanted Pizza Hut Stuffed Crust Pepperoni and Mushroom pizza so I had it for dinner on Tuesday and one more piece of it on Thursday. Thursday's piece was OP but Tuesday's helping was definitely not. Other than that, I've been good. I'm hoping I will at least show a little bit of a loss on Sunday morning despite TOM's impending visit.


The good news is that I found a fabulous new snack that is simply wonderful and very filling! It's only 2 pts. if you are on WW and low-calorie, low-fat if you are not.

2 Ryvita Sesame Rye crackers
1 wedge Laughing Cow Light Swiss Cheese

Spread half of the wedge on each cracker. Enjoy with a humongous glass of water. It is totally filling!!


I'm still struggling on the getting exercise part of my plan. I truly am busy. I work full-time, go to school part-time (3 nights a week) and have a Girl Scout troop. I don't have kids but between work, homework, GS stuff, sleep, housework and trying to spend time with my husband, there is no time to add exercise. I'm still working on it though. Hopefully it will happen soon.
Welcome to WISH!! :wave:

Best of luck on your journey!
I'm not a Wisher (yet) but your journal title caught my attention. I'll be watching this thread and cheering you on to "less of you!" I love your writing style, very entertaining!

I've always wondered what was keeping me from losing weight. Now I have a name for it. It's the happy mouth! LOL I love that one.
Pearlieq - Thanks for being my first visitor and for welcoming me to the journals. I've been reading yours and we have lots of parallels. I'll be over to post soon!

bengalbelle - Thanks for your compliments. I write pretty much how I talk. Sometimes it translates well and sometimes it doesn't. Glad you find it entertaining. Stop by as often as you like!


WI was today and I'm down .6 lb. for a grand total to date of 17.2 lbs. lost. I'm not totally thrilled about the .6 but I'm happy it was a loss. I was not good this week. I had happy mouth pizza on Tuesday and some other myriad not good for me things. Plus TOM is visiting this week and has brought along all of his water retention fairy buddies so I know I'm hanging on to a few quarts. Hopefully next week's WI will be better.

I'm going to a Creative Memories Scrapbooking Workshop today and there are goodies galore all over the place. I am planning to eat breakfast before I go, only drink water and munch very lightly. The last one I went to was on the day I started WW and I did pretty well. Hopefully I'll show restraint today also.

To top that off, tonight DH and I are taking his best friend to dinner for his birthday. And where do you suppose he wants to go? Cheesecake Factory of course! :rolleyes: Nothing like going to the Mother Ship of Happy Mouths and not being able to have any of the native foods. Oh well. I'll survive but I certainly won't be happy while doing it!!

Thanks for stopping by my journal! Glad to see you're still going at it here!

Any loss is a good loss! Even .6. I know how frustrating it is to see a modest loss when you've been working so hard, but you're probably right that TOM had something to do with it. TOM is an evil, evil beast for weight loss and seems to mess things up for a good week or two. The good news is that it will pass and she'll take her water retention faries with her!

I hope your workshop went well! Sounds like you had a great plan to stay OP. Also hope you had fun at the Mother Ship of Happy Mouths :teeth: . I love Cheesecake Factory too! So, so yummy!!!

Hope you have a great Monday!!!
Pearlieq - Well, to be fair, I didn't work very hard last week so that .6 is a happy thing. I'm just happy it's not a gain. And yes, TOM is evil and I haven't quite figured out how his visit affects my WL.


Cheesecake Factory Update - Well, the Mother Ship of Happy Mouths called and I did a pretty good job resisting. Menu for the evening was:

1 lovely extra dirty martini with 4 olives
1 vietnamese spring roll
1/3 of my Cajun Jambalaya Pasta
1/2 of a slice of Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake
1 small glass of skim milk

The pasta was pretty easy to resist because it just wasn't very good but the cheesecake more than made up for it. That's my biggest issue with Cheesecake Factory. They have so much stuff on the menu that the entrees are typically barely OK. My pasta was just gross. I had them box it up and DH took it for lunch because he just isn't picky.

Oh, but the cheesecake was fabulousness personified!!! The only "chocolates" I eat are Godiva and I've not had any in a while so when I saw that Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake, I had to have it. I did split it with DH and his best friend but together they only ate half and I ate about 2/3 of the other half. TOM is here with the water retention AND chocolate craving fairies in tow. :rolleyes: All in all, I'm pretty happy with how I did. I guess it was good that dinner was practically inedible because it left lots of room for yummy dessert!

My scrapbooking workshop also went really well. I only had:

2 bottles of water
1 Sara Lee Frozen chocolate-covered cheesecake square
1 small chocolate chip cookie

I wanted to try some of the Nacho Cheese Doritos Snack Mix that was sitting out on the counter because I. LOVE. NACHO. CHEESE. DORITOS. but the bag was closed and I was not going to be the one to open it. :earseek: So I just stared longingly at it for a few minutes and went back to my scrapbooking. I was good through no fault of my own. :p

All in all, I was pretty good on Sunday. I WI Sunday morning so I pretty much give myself Sunday as a free day. I don't go wild but I eat mostly what I want within reason. I journal anything I eat for breakfast, lunch and snack and then do a flat entry for the rest of my daily points plus 5 Flex and eat whatever the heck I want for dinner. Sunday dinner is my Happy Mouth meal and I am rarely good. That's why I didn't totally mind Cheesecake Factory. It would have been another story on a Tuesday.
Sounds like you did well--the important thing is that you stayed in control and thought through your choices. Great job!!! :cheer2:

I hope you're having a great Tuesday!!! :flower:
Hi!!! Welcome. It sounds like you're doing beautifully. Great Red Devil/TOM has been visiting this week, so I know 'xactly how ya feel!!!! Keep up the good work! Onward and downward to all happy mouths (I have that too!!!)
Pearlieq - I am proud of myself that I managed to stay in control. That workshop was a minefield. :earseek:

TigerCheer2009 - Welcome and thanks for the encouragement. TOM is still playing havoc!!


Today has been a challenge. I have been munchie!!!!! In fact, I didn't eat a normal dinner. I just snacked on stuff. The good news is that I'm not hungry but I still feel like grazing. It's 11:30 pm so I guess I should just go to bed. I'm just irritable, I guess. Gotta love TOM!! :rolleyes:
I have been OK the past couple of days. I've been journaling everything and have only used 5 of my flex points each day. I'm not eating totally healthy but I'm staying within my points. I am totally PMSy this week and my allergies are KILLING me so I'm completely miserable and grouchy! I just don't really care about my plan right now. I don't feel like I'm working it the way I should be. It's more like I'm going through the motions which is annoying because I don't think I benefit from that. I just need to turn my mood around but I really don't see that happening for a few more days.

Ever feel like you just don't want to be a grown-up today? I don't feel like working. I don't feel like grocery shopping. I don't feel like planning my menu. I don't feel like working on my budget. I don't feel like cleaning the house. I don't want to be responsible for anything. I want to go home, take a nap and then get up and have a dinner that I didn't pick, don't have to cook and don't have to clean up after. That's why I don't feel like I'm working my plan right now. I don't have any menus planned and it's hard for me to cook when I don't have dinner pre-planned. So I'm still planning out my meals but they aren't as healthy as I would like them to be. I'm not doing cheeseburgers and fries but I also haven't had a veggie or fruit in like 3 days. :rolleyes: I'm also on a snacky kick. I ate 6 chocolate-covered almonds today and had a bag of my fruit snacks which is 4.5 pts. Add that to the totally unnecessary Taco Bell Beef Taco I had WITH my lunch (like I really needed that) and the birthday cake from my co-worker's b-day celebration and I will be over 10 pts. by the end of the day!

What's wrong with me? Why am I acting like this?? :( I'm really proud of my progress to date. I can totally see the difference in my face and the way my clothes and jewelry fit. My wedding ring slides right off and on my finger now with no problem whereas 2 months ago, I could only get it off with soap and water. I think I just need some motivation but I can't think of anything that will provide that. Help!!
Take care of yourself and get through it the best you can. For what it's worth, I don't want to be a grown-up today either. I want to play hooky from work too!

This, too shall pass!
Awww...I don't wanna be a grown up either. So with your permission I ask (since it is your journal) that today be declared National Wanna-be-a-kid Day!! Who wants to kick it off? :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :earboy2:

I've been feeling PMSy too...to think TOM left me today! I'm sorry he's been messing around with you! Smile...tomorrow's Friday!
Pearlieq - Thanks for the encouragement. And I totally give you permission to play hooky. Let's go!

TigerCheer2009 - I agree. You and I can start it right now!


Today has been better. I am on my third 24 oz. bottle of water today which is great since I haven't done more than 1 a day all this week and last week. And, I had a simply fabu spinach salad with the world's best low-fat dressing for lunch today. I have also already journaled and "paid" myself for dinner and have only had healthy snacks today. It is a much better day. I really just needed to buckle down and make myself be good. I still take comfort in the fact that my bad days are nothing like what they used to be. :flower:
Sounds like you did pretty well today!! I feel very proud of you.

Now back to the party...bands, dancers and magic, maybe?? Which music? Your choice, but make it something dancible. Online dancing DOES count as exercise. So what are we waiting for? Our Disney trips?? Let's do the "Kids R Us-Shauna's Havin' A Great Day" party boogie!!!

:dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: and lots of :drinking:...water that is!!!!
Tiger - I am proud of me too. Yes, danceable music, water and Laughing Cow Light Swiss Cheese and crackers for snacks. I'm ready. Here I go! :cool1:


Yesterday was a MUCH better day! I used my exact number of points for the day without any flex points and still got tons of goodies. Plus, I drank three, 24-oz bottles of water! I am very proud of myself for turning my bad week around and having a good day.

Yesterday's Menu:
1 Costco Kirkland Signature Chocolate Shake
(I'm not a morning person so this works just fine for me.)

-----AM Snack-----
1 Danimals Drinkable Strawberry Yogurt
(My Girl Scouts introduced me to this. Only 2 points, great protein, qualifies as a dairy and tastes good. What more can you ask for?)

3 cups baby spinach leaves
3 ozs. grilled chicken breast
2 T. dried cranberries
2 T. chopped walnuts
2 T. low-fat orange vinaigrette dressing made with yogurt
(V. V. good and lots of protein so very filling!)

-----Early PM Snack-----
1 - 100 Calorie Snack Pack Chips Ahoy

4 oz. Turkey Polska Kielbasa
2 T. barbecue sauce
2 cups steamed asparagus (I love living in Cali b/c of all the fresh produce!!!)
1 cup Kraft Light Macaroni and Cheese
(This meal felt like such a huge indulgence for me because it is the same meal that I used to eat pre-WW. The only difference is that I now eat Turkey Polska Kielbasa and light mac & cheese. DH was ecstatic about this dinner!)

-----PM Snack-----
1/2 cup Haagen Daas Light Mint Chip Ice Cream
1.5 cups of skim milk
(This new Haagen Daas Light ice cream is incredible!!! It is so good and tastes totally real. It is a fabulous indulgence and worked so well because I have been desperately craving ice cream and I could get this and it fit within my points!)

I'm just amazed that I ate all that and stayed within my points. When you write it all out, it looks like so much food but it was all good. I'm proud of me. :flower:
I have decided to change my WI day. I am doing WW Flex - Online so I WI at home and track online in the Weight Tracker. I also use the Point Tracker to journal my food which is great since they have such a huge database of food that is searchable. WW Online works really well for me because I am almost always on the computer and usually online. It's very convenient for me which is great because meetings aren't and I don't like the atmosphere at meetings (I prefer to get my support from people I choose - like those on WISH. :goodvibes )

So, since I started WW on Sunday, February 28, my WI day is on Sundays. This doesn't work. It is easy for me to be good during the week. I have a structured work day so I eat on the same schedule during the week. Weekends are totally different. I like to be able to snack and enjoy my weekend and I usually have 10-15 Flex Points left by Saturday and I want to use them all. This is bad news because if I eat all of my Flex Points on Saturday, my WI is bad.

So, I'm changing my WI day to Saturday. I will be following my regular WI day plan which is to eat pretty much what I want (within reason). I journal exactly what I eat for breakfast, lunch and snacks. I then take my remaining points for the day, add 5 Flex points and do a flat entry for Dinner and then go eat whatever I have been craving which is usually something that is not good for me (past "FREE" dinners have been cheese enchiladas with queso sauce, Frito pie, Cajun chicken fingers, Deep-dish Chicago-style pizza - notice that my cravings almost always contain cheese? What does this say about me? Perhaps Mickey and I are destined to be together since we eat the same thing. :earsgirl: )

Anyway, I will follow my regular WI day plan on Saturday and will eat my 10 extra Flex Points on Sunday and then will be OP for the rest of the week. I am hoping this will work and will make my weekends more fun and less food focused. I'm going to try it for a while and see how it goes. Wish me luck! :p
Luck, luck, luck!! Sounds like you had an awesome day!!! :rockband: Let's party!! Great job and have a good weekend.

P.S. Shameless plug: come visit my journal! :earboy2: I'd love to hear from you!


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