A Tipsy Tenth Dining Adventure - Completed 9/28

I was planning on getting my favorite ahi tuna nachos to eat, but Jason wanted a special they had and was concerned about it being too much food. I reluctantly offered to share with him and immediately regretted the decision.
:faint: And just when your child gave you an opportunity to eat something of your own, your husband picked right up where she left off.

I’m sure this had some fancy Asian name but I don’t recall it so we’ll go with Bloomin’ Shrimp and Steak on the Barbie.

This is one of my favorite things in AK as they eat like a crab Rangoon if the crab was instead cheese cake and the Rangoon pineapple. That of course makes zero sense, but trust me these are delicious.
On the contrary, that actually makes complete sense to me. ::yes::

Before the gang sans me got their primeval hurl on.
I honestly can't think of a more unpleasant ride. :confused:

While we were eating some random British girl came up to the table and says oh is that the buffalo chicken dip. Before I could say answer she was reaching her hand into our bowl and EATING OUR CHIPS!!!
:scared1: If she worked in the restaurant, how would she not have known this?!

Ugh, last days are always so dreadful :sad1: But... we have a whole new trip to hear about soon!!! :hyper:
But never fear for all of our patience we picked up our very own Nav’I along the way.


I tried to get some extra fast passes, but when I encountered this.

Wow! I don't think I've ever seen that…but I have a feeling I will next March!

While we were eating some random British girl came up to the table and says oh is that the buffalo chicken dip. Before I could say answer she was reaching her hand into our bowl and EATING OUR CHIPS!!! I was so taken aback all I could muster was did you just eat my chips??? She was immediately mortified and began to apologize. Turns out she was a cast member who worked in the restaurant and thought the chips were like peanuts at a bar and out for everyone to eat.

But seriously, she should have brought you new dip and chips.

So if you want a cast member to eat your food and call ya sweetie, run, don’t walk to Restaurantaaurus. 🦕

Tempting as that sounds, I think I'll keep skipping this one.
While we were eating some random British girl came up to the table and says oh is that the buffalo chicken dip. Before I could say answer she was reaching her hand into our bowl and EATING OUR CHIPS!!! I was so taken aback all I could muster was did you just eat my chips??? She was immediately mortified and began to apologize. Turns out she was a cast member who worked in the restaurant and thought the chips were like peanuts at a bar and out for everyone to eat. Maybe that’s a thing in the UK :confused3 Anyways she was very apologetic and even brought Casey a brownie from next door to make up for it.
OMG! Are you kidding me???? I may have smacked her hand if she did that to me...

As if that experience wasn't enough the bartender apparently hadn’t gone to Disney cast member charm school as he repeatedly called me sweetie. But I also hadn’t gone to guest charm school so his tip reflected that. :earboy2:
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Ants, Kegs, and Tekarkana

We’d last left off after a few drinks and a little girl not too happy with her parents at the Brown Derby Lounge

(Couldn’t help but post this gem again)

From there we were able to pick up a Test Track FP for Epcot so we boated over there for the rest of the day.

Along the way we ran into these guys

Who should have been scared of taking photos with this crazy crew.

Eventually we soared around the world before making our way to the world we really cared about. The one that served DRINKS!

As we entered the World Drinkcase Casey checked out her artwork from a few days prior.

While we checked out Choza de Margarita and got the Fuego Verde margarita with Gracias a Dios Mezcal, Jalapeño, Cucumber, Fresh Lime Juice, Agave Nectar and Black Ant Salt rim.

Totally missed this had black ant salt but even that couldn’t save it from being completely unremarkable. It did have a slight heat and some smokiness from the mezcal but otherwise was $15 worth of pre-mixed sugariness. Jason was all worked up about this one.

From there it was a quick hop, skip, and a jump to China where Jason found this "special" item.

How has there not been a run on these yet?

And then Casey spied a special item of her own.

Chinese Cotton Candy!!! This had just come out that day I think and while it was more instagramable than good, she was clearly a happy camper.

Speaking of instagramable here is the before.

And after of the Cotton Candy.

Am I the only one picking up on anatomy vibes? 👙 Not sure these are Disney approved:P

Minds out of the gutter we stopped in Germany for a Schofferhoffer for which I have no physical evidence before arriving for dinner at Via Napoli.

And now ladies and gentleman I am pleased to present the last version of tipsy notes for this trip.

Pitcher moronni at first

We started with a pitcher of Moretti not, “moron” ni which would make an interesting name for a beer though.

Calamari good nice dry sauce slightly spicy need kegs

Translation: We ordered the calamari as an appetizer and liked the slightly spicy sauce, but it was just calamari rings and we are more of a legs (and kegs for that matter) kinda family. Bring on the tentacles!!!

Go out a limb and get large puppy pizza miss truffle br still delicious tons of peppys and much better than normal crust excellent chew add all but 1 slice

This one is pretty self evident (sans the whole eating puppy things) and we went out on a limb and ordered a large pepperoni pizza to share. While I immediately regretted not ordering the carciofi, this was a dang good pepperoni pizza and as usual the crust was excellent. We polished this off and left only one slice.

Jason MORE beer and me glass of Nemo

Translation: I did not in fact drink Nemo with my puppies, pretty sure this was a glass of Nero.

Lots of visits from girls and Casey to them. Good new serve more assertive then use. Save 20.80

Ariella (@StarWarsMomofGirls!) and her family were also at Via Napoli and the girls all took turns going back and forth between our tables. Overall we had a good server who was new and not yet hating all of the Americans so he was more attention that usual. We saved $20.80 with our tables in wonderland card.

Leave via innie gate and ample hills cab try anything u want. J and I split ooey gooey and oatmeal dds best ice cream ever had ooey taste like real thing with pieces of cake and oatmeal feast Texarkana.

Translation: So we left via the International gate and stopped at Ample Hills. After lots of free sampling Jason and I split the Ooey Gooey Butter Cake and Nonna D’s Oatmeal Lace. This was unquestionably the best ice cream we had ever had and I don’t really even like ice cream. I travel to St. Louis often which is the home of Ooey Gooey Butter cake and this was the real deal with chunks of cake in it. I’m pretty sure we liked the Oatmeal too and its good for feasts in Texarkana?

Casey ooey foowyband topping

I got nothin’ other than Casey got her own.

Uber back great driver quote anchor man Wine and whiskey and pool
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No translation necessary though I’m pretty sure there is a country song somewhere in there.

Up next, our last day and beware of grubby cast member fingers

I'm trying to catch up on what I missed. I just love your tipsy notes :rotfl2:
Oh Sweetie....when you don't go with your favorites - it can be a miss sometimes. Glad it wasn't too terrible even if it wasn't want you wanted but at least dessert was there for you along with the alcohol.

I think I will avoid that Lounge though as really? What CM thinks its ok to steal someone's chips? Even if it was a free bar snack - they give people their own for a reason! Oh my.

(I failed charm school).
No Rules Not Right Continued

After lunch we escaped a different kind of yeti

And some dark and scary dinosaurs (which BTW is apparently very annoying to children if you say that in a “scary” voice incessantly while in line)

Not that I speak from personal experience or anything.

Before the gang sans me got their primeval hurl on.

My two peas in a really weird primeval pod.

I tried to get some extra fast passes, but when I encountered this.

We decided to drink instead.

We went to the newish Restaurantasaurs “Lounge.”

Lounge is a strong word given this is really just a small corner of the restaurant, but hey there was booze.

I got a Fermented Fossil which is their cool dinosaur name for a Mojito. This was pretty standard but strong so that means it was delicious.


Jason got an Old Elephant beer and Casey something overly sweet and sugary, both of which come with a side of last day in Disney depression.

We figured we wouldn’t eat dinner since we had a late flight so we got one last Disney snack.

This is the Buffalo Chicken Dip with Housemade Chips. I’m a sucker for any and all things buffalo and this was spicy and full of blue cheese so I really enjoyed it. Plus for $8.99 it’s a great deal as you get a ton of dip and chips.

While we were eating some random British girl came up to the table and says oh is that the buffalo chicken dip. Before I could say answer she was reaching her hand into our bowl and EATING OUR CHIPS!!! I was so taken aback all I could muster was did you just eat my chips??? She was immediately mortified and began to apologize. Turns out she was a cast member who worked in the restaurant and thought the chips were like peanuts at a bar and out for everyone to eat. Maybe that’s a thing in the UK :confused3 Anyways she was very apologetic and even brought Casey a brownie from next door to make up for it.

As if that experience wasn't enough the bartender apparently hadn’t gone to Disney cast member charm school as he repeatedly called me sweetie. But I also hadn’t gone to guest charm school so his tip reflected that. :earboy2:

So if you want a cast member to eat your food and call ya sweetie, run, don’t walk to Restaurantaaurus. 🦕

Eventually we made our way out of the park, to the airport and on a plane, where Casey attempted to eat her anatomy cotton candy as one last vestige of Disney.

Disney trips should never come to an end but this was a long one so going home is never all that bad.

Up next we’ll officially wrap this up so the next tipsy party can get started.

Wow - that is the strangest thing about the CM eating your chips. I would be completely freaked out by that!
I'm really not sure it's ever ok anywhere for someone to eat your chips! I can only imagine my face if that happened.... so odd.
We had that same notice about no more fastpasses pop up this week while I was there. We just went ahead and clicked on the park we wanted anyway and, low and behold, there WERE many fast passes to be had. Weird glitch in the system. Shocking for Disney IT, I know.
We were up early and said adieu to Shades of Green before ubering to Animal Kingdom. Sadly the crowds didn’t get the memo that we were over them so we ended up waiting longer for a Bugs Life than our Flight of Passage fast pass!!!
Ugh, why was this whole trip so crowded?!?! I don't understand!

But never fear for all of our patience we picked up our very own Nav’I along the way.
And a cute one at that.

Or have an annual pass. I always get those 2 confused.
I can see how that is confusing.

And some dark and scary dinosaurs (which BTW is apparently very annoying to children if you say that in a “scary” voice incessantly while in line)
I don't know why, seems like a normal thing to do...

Always so sad.

While we were eating some random British girl came up to the table and says oh is that the buffalo chicken dip. Before I could say answer she was reaching her hand into our bowl and EATING OUR CHIPS!!! I was so taken aback all I could muster was did you just eat my chips??? She was immediately mortified and began to apologize. Turns out she was a cast member who worked in the restaurant and thought the chips were like peanuts at a bar and out for everyone to eat. Maybe that’s a thing in the UK :confused3 Anyways she was very apologetic and even brought Casey a brownie from next door to make up for it.
I am not even sure what to say about this. Why would dip ever be a shared thing unless you are at someone's house?!?

So if you want a cast member to eat your food and call ya sweetie, run, don’t walk to Restaurantaaurus. 🦕
Such a rave review. Is this on yelp, you should add this exactly to it if it is!

Up next we’ll officially wrap this up so the next tipsy party can get started.
See! You might actually beat me!
Those dessert wontons are one of my favorites!!

I can’t believe the CM started eating your chips!!
I would have been shocked as well! Peanuts on the bar, I don’t think so! :sad2:
It is weird!

I am looking forward to more fun and tipsy dining reviews!
Those are my favorite, too. Along with the wok-fried green bean appetizer. I ate my nachos by myself, last time I was at Y&Y. Oof but so. good.
Those nachos are one of my most favorite things in Disney. We didn't get there on our last trip so kicking myself for skipping them in February.

Hey, tasty steak and decent shrimp are a small price to pay. I've never had room for dessert, either. See above.
This is true. Next time I just have to get Jason to share nachos with me and then we can have dessert too!

The last day is always so sad, but you definitely made the best of it! Great report, as always!
We try and get every once of vacation we can!!!

:faint: And just when your child gave you an opportunity to eat something of your own, your husband picked right up where she left off.
Ugh I didn't even think of that. Clearly my lot in life is never to have my own meal.

:scared1: If she worked in the restaurant, how would she not have known this?!
I have wondered that so many times. Probably should have mentioned she was off duty at the time and worked in the restaurant and not the lounge, but still. Oh the great Disney mysteries

Ugh, last days are always so dreadful :sad1: But... we have a whole new trip to hear about soon!!! :hyper:
A whole new trip with a side of Tracy :D

Wow! I don't think I've ever seen that…but I have a feeling I will next March!
Yeah, February was insane. Sadly August wasn't all that better either. We've decided we are driving into the next hurricane. The may be the only "off" season left

But seriously, she should have brought you new dip and chips.
She should/sholdn't have done so many things. Thankfully we were pretty much done at that point, but still. I have zero words

Tempting as that sounds, I think I'll keep skipping this one.
Come on sweetie, you know you want to have people eat your food at at the cool dinosaur bar :earboy2:

OMG! Are you kidding me???? I may have smacked her hand if she did that to me...
I was so in shock I'm not even sure how I formulated words let alone smacked her.

I'm trying to catch up on what I missed. I just love your tipsy notes :rotfl2:
Thanks so much. Hopefully in the next few weeks I'll have a whole new tipsy adventure to share.
Oh Sweetie....when you don't go with your favorites - it can be a miss sometimes. Glad it wasn't too terrible even if it wasn't want you wanted but at least dessert was there for you along with the alcohol.
Beer and wontons is really all a growing girl like me needs :D

I think I will avoid that Lounge though as really? What CM thinks its ok to steal someone's chips? Even if it was a free bar snack - they give people their own for a reason! Oh my.
Why we didn't go to Nomads lounge one last time is beyond me. But I guess I would have had this beautiful little story about cast members in their natural habitat to share with everyone

(I failed charm school).
Oh sweetie, me too :earboy2:

Wow - that is the strangest thing about the CM eating your chips. I would be completely freaked out by that!
It is certainly in our strangest top moments at Disney ever.

I love your reports but especially love the tipsy notes...sooo funny!!
Thanks Tammy!!!

I'm still trying to figure out how that CM thought it was OK to eat your chips...? :confused:
I'll go with the language barrier since she is British and all :P Other than she was off duty and worked in the restaurant and not the lounge, which is not an excuse, I got nothing.

I'm really not sure it's ever ok anywhere for someone to eat your chips! I can only imagine my face if that happened.... so odd.
Haven't you heard of the 4 keys to Disney customer service? Safety, Courtesy, Show, and Eating Guests food :earboy2:

We had that same notice about no more fastpasses pop up this week while I was there. We just went ahead and clicked on the park we wanted anyway and, low and behold, there WERE many fast passes to be had. Weird glitch in the system. Shocking for Disney IT, I know.
Disney IT would never have a glitch. They are a multi-billion dollar international conglomerate, certainly they don't have IT issues because they ensure they spend money to make money :P

I looked a few times and had this notice for close to an hour. Crowds that week were unlike anything we've ever dealt with there

Ugh, why was this whole trip so crowded?!?! I don't understand!
I don't either. Heck even August was pretty crowded too. Hurricane 2020 here we come!

I am not even sure what to say about this. Why would dip ever be a shared thing unless you are at someone's house?!?
Even then with the whole double dipping rule and all I'm not even sure its kosher. Strangest Disney interaction ever!

Such a rave review. Is this on yelp, you should add this exactly to it if it is!
:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:I so want to post this now and I'm not even on yelp

I can’t believe the CM started eating your chips!!
I would have been shocked as well! Peanuts on the bar, I don’t think so! :sad2:
It is weird!
I'm still in shock this happened. I think a random guest eating my food would have been less jarring than a cast member
Sadly the crowds didn’t get the memo that we were over them so we ended up waiting longer for a Bugs Life than our Flight of Passage fast pass!!!

:eek: :eek: Who invited all these people to Disney anyway!

I was planning on getting my favorite ahi tuna nachos to eat, but Jason wanted a special they had and was concerned about it being too much food. I reluctantly offered to share with him and immediately regretted the decision.

Oh no. Those nachos are :love::love:

Only upside to sharing was having room for dessert. We normally are too full at this point, so I was thrilled to have some of their delicious Fried Wontons.

Ugh I wish I had those right now!

While our entrée wasn’t my favorite, we love being able to walk into Yak and Yeti at any time and get a table with our Landrys card.


We decided to drink instead.

Always a good alternative.

We went to the newish Restaurantasaurs “Lounge.”

Oo I didn't know this was a thing lol.

This is the Buffalo Chicken Dip with Housemade Chips. I’m a sucker for any and all things buffalo and this was spicy and full of blue cheese so I really enjoyed it. Plus for $8.99 it’s a great deal as you get a ton of dip and chips.

Sounds delicious!

Before I could say answer she was reaching her hand into our bowl and EATING OUR CHIPS!!! I was so taken aback all I could muster was did you just eat my chips???

UM WHAT! My brain probably wouldn't have come up with a quick response either.

Turns out she was a cast member who worked in the restaurant and thought the chips were like peanuts at a bar and out for everyone to eat.

:confused3:confused3 I have so many questions here. Shouldn't she know that's not the case if she worked there? And even in a bar, I wouldn't reach across perfect strangers to take peanuts.

As if that experience wasn't enough the bartender apparently hadn’t gone to Disney cast member charm school as he repeatedly called me sweetie.

Ugh patients do this to me all the time and it makes my skin crawl! Unless you're like a 90 year old harmless grandpa, not ok!
Came here by searching Nomad’s reviews. I had already read this review but not with the intentions of going to Nomad’s, I just love your reviews. So having reread this, I think the cauliflower sold me on nomad’s for our dining reservations in AK 😍.
I don't either. Heck even August was pretty crowded too. Hurricane 2020 here we come!
Honestly, it’s why we decided to go leading into President’s weekend. The low crowd times haven’t paid off for us. We will just need to be on hurricane watch in a really weird Disney way!
While we were eating some random British girl came up to the table and says oh is that the buffalo chicken dip. Before I could say answer she was reaching her hand into our bowl and EATING OUR CHIPS!!! I was so taken aback all I could muster was did you just eat my chips??? She was immediately mortified and began to apologize. Turns out she was a cast member who worked in the restaurant and thought the chips were like peanuts at a bar and out for everyone to eat. Maybe that’s a thing in the UK :confused3
Blimin heck are the wages that bad at Disney the staff can’t afford their own food!! I just love how seemingly calm you were even if it was the shock :scared1: :rotfl::thumbsup2 I do have a confession to make though as I once ate a frie off what I thought was my order while waiting at McDonald’s for a plain burger for my son only to have a girl beside me ask if I was enjoying her meal!:scared1::scared1::scared1: Turned out she had ordered the same meals and was also waiting on a special but was ahead of me and I hadn’t noticed. I was absolutely scundered😜 and I did offer to replace the fries while my loving family fell off their chairs laughing at my utter embarrassment! That was over 20 years ago and my sister still reminds me every time we are in McDonald’s together :sad2:
Anyways she was very apologetic and even brought Casey a brownie from next door to make up for it.
Well that’s something I suppose.
As if that experience wasn't enough the bartender apparently hadn’t gone to Disney cast member charm school as he repeatedly called me sweetie. But I also hadn’t gone to guest charm school so his tip reflected that. :earboy2:
Good for you :goodvibes
So if you want a cast member to eat your food and call ya sweetie, run, don’t walk to Restaurantaaurus. 🦕
emm no thanks :rotfl:

Disney trips should never come to an end but this was a long one so going home is never all that bad.
I’ve loved this report of yours as always but I especially love this photo. Thanks so much as always for keeping me entertained. Looking forward to the next tipsy tour :thumbsup2


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