A Sensible Dinner - Pearlieq's Journal

Hi pearlieq~

That's great that you were able to get that gift to your mom with no problems. :goodvibes I know that when I am in a hurry to get things done, it seems like things have a tendency to go south. :rolleyes:

It sounds like you have such a wonderful WDW trip planned!:cloud9: I think that if finances permit, I want to go next spring sometime. We have our annual trip in December and a trip in September w/ free dining, but we haven't been to WDW in April/May since 2003.

Hope you have a great evening!:hug:
4/23/08 - 4 days to go!


--1 bowl raisin bran crunch

I'm down about 3 pounds this morning, so hopefully whatever water retention/phantom weight thing I had going on is on its way out!

I'm hoping for a nice quiet day today. I have an appointment to give blood over my lunch hour, and then a long boring meeting this afternoon, but that should be about it.

My goal for the day is to get the laundry finished so we can put it all away and pack. We also have to tidy up for the cleaning people, who are coming Thursday morning. That should get a lot of the "house" pre-trip chores done. Yay!

TTNW: Well, we have breakfast reservations at Spoodles and plans to head over to EPCOT around opening time, but I'll be kind of surprised if that actually happens. After two early mornings, I could see us sleeping in a bit. Eventually we'll rustle up some grub and head over to the park. I can't wait to see all my favorites like Soarin', Spaceship Earth, and Test Track. We'll probably wander through both sides of Future World--I wouldn't mind catching the Universe of Energy, Mission Space (the (not so) green side, thank you!), and Turtle Talk with Crush sometime in there too.


--1 banana


--1 sm piece cake


--1 12" sweet onion chicken teriyaki sub
--1 sm pkt chips

Back from my bloodletting. The nurse decided to use the vein on the side of my arm instead of the one in the middle, and we won't be doing that again! Ow! Apparently it rolled around on them and they couldn't get in well. They eventually worked it out, but that was not super pleasant. Next time I'll just stick with the nice one in the middle.

They had a cake for secretary's day, so I had a piece of that instead of my usual post-donation snack. Now I'm just eating lunch and enjoying some free time before my super boring 3pm meeting. I can't wait to ditch this job. Someday, right?

TTNW: After a fun morning at EPCOT, we'll meander into World Showcase for the afternoon. We have lunch at Les Chefs de France, which is another favorite of mine. They have the best macaroni & cheese, but I'm hoping to talk DH into splitting one of those and the chicken. We need some protein to stay alert!

After lunch we'll catch our traditional post-lunch nap at Impression de France. I love it in there--it's dark and cool and there's beautiful music. Aah...


--1 nsa pudding cup
--2 cookie dough bits
--something else (whatever it was, it was small)

One more workday done, 2 more to go! Yay! I think DH and I are going to go out for supper tonight--preferably somewhere with outdoor seating. Such a nice night!

TTNW: Once we finish up at EPCOT, we'll catch the boat back to BWV for our normal afternoon swim and siesta. Then, refreshed, we'll head over to MK for the evening. Hopefully we'll have time for a ride or two before dinner.


--half a moderate appetizer platter (1 potato skin, 3 mini tacos, some fried cheese)
--1 Coke
--part of 2 pieces broasted Chicken
--most of DH's fries (not a huge portion)

It was just too nice to stay at home and cook in, so we went to a local diner with outdoor seating. Unfortunately, it was a bit of a dive, but the appetizers were quite good. I finished all the pre-trip laundry, DH loaded the last of the dishes, and I picked up some trashy romance novels to read on the plane. I'm ready to go!!!

TTNW: We have dinner at Liberty Tree Tavern--another favorite of DH's. After that, we'll stake out a spot for Spectromagic. Usually we watch over by Pecos Bill's, but that makes it hard to get situated for Wishes. Last time we were there we stumbled on a great place to watch Wishes--Tomorrowland! It's totally deserted, but you still have a quite clear view of the fireworks and they pipe in the music. However, getting from Frontierland to Tomorrowland between the parade and fireworks sounds like a feat I'm not sure I'm up to. So maybe we can find a nice spot for Spectro somewhere in the Tomorrowland-ish neighborhood. I'll have to think on this.

After closing down MK, it's off to bed!
Four days to go until WDW?!?!?!?:banana: Please take me with you! :)

I hope your meeting goes well today.:goodvibes :wizard:

Thanks for your support in my journal this morning!:hug:

Have a great evening!:goodvibes
Congrats on getting rid of the 3 lbs!:cool1: That "mystery weight" is always better when it mysteriously disappears.

You have some great healthy food going today! :cheer2: I can relate on the vein issue. Having someone dig around is no fun, so I agree with you on using the vein that you don't have problems with. I unfortunately don't have easy to find veins, so I just go in asking them who is really good and who can get the draw the first time because there will not be a second time.

All of your TTNW restaurant's sound so good. How do you even decide amongst the many which one you will eat at on a particular day?

Have a great evening.::MickeyMo::MickeyMo


--1 banana

Another pound down. Goodbye, mystery weight, goodbye.

So Magellan's in my office having a slow motion fight with the pedal on the steam cleaner. :confused3 I'm not sure what that's about, but he's stalking up to it slowly, then very tentatively reaching a paw out and smacking at it, and then quickly retreating back to safety. He's never had a beef with the steam cleaner before, but maybe it looked at him cross-eyed this morning or something. Who knows with him?

I've got a follow up from my physical today, so I'll be out of the office for part of the afternoon. Then tomorrow I'm actually going downtown to work in the main office for the day since our director is taking us all out for a team lunch. I have mixed feelings about that. On the one hand it's a bit of a pain to get up early and go catch the train, but on the other hand it's nice to see everyone and the days usually go by very quickly. Tomorrow is my last day in the office, so if AG wants anything, he better speak up soon!

Speaking of AG, I was talking with a friend yesterday and found out that AG had just won a company-wide performance award! I was horrified and flabbergasted!! My friend was even saying they were talking up how important collaboration was when they were giving him this award. :rolleyes: It sure didn't come from anyone in our department--we think it must have been someone in his chain of command who has never bothered to listen to us before. Why start now? Oh well. It's no big deal, except in the sense that if we had no means to address his behavior before, it sure isn't going to get any better now. Whatever... :sad2:

TTNW: We've got plans for Boma for breakfast this morning, but I'd say it's about 50/50 as to whether we'll actually make it. I'd like to, since it's one of my favorite breakfasts with their yummy frunch juice and pastries, but I just don't know how well we'll do another early morning. We may decide to loll in bed and do room service. I could live with that.

Eventually, though, we will make it over to AK. We haven't seen Festival of the Lion King in the last few trips and I really want to get up there again. Maybe we'll finally try Everest. We also haven't seem some of the smaller shows like Flights of Wonder in a while. I'm looking forward to another fun, lesiurely morning.


--1 single cheeseburger
--1/2 order cheese curds
--1/2 order fries (well, maybe more than my half...)
--1 cherry Pepsi
--1/2 ice cream sundae

Lunch at Culvers. DH was home today and it was nice to get out together. The cleaning people have come and gone, and I'm finishing up Mom's laundry right now, so it's starting to feel like things are coming together!

This was tasty, but perhaps not the smartest choice right before a doctor's appointment. Duh! My blood pressure was showing up a little. My bloodwork came back and looked good except for my liver enzymes and triglycerides - both of which tend to get elevated when you have PCOS and don't eat well or exercise. For the most part, though, I'm in pretty good shape for someone 350+ pounds. But that won't last.

They're having me see a dietician, which may or may not be good. I'd love to see someone good, but I've seen some fairly dingy hospital dieticians who think one method is best for everyone. But I'm willing to give it a try.

TTNW: Once we wrap up at AK, we'll head over for a late lunch at Kona Cafe. I love that place! I really enjoy those tasty sticky wings. They also have a really good no sugar added dessert for DH. After that we might do a spin or two on the monorail or maybe go take the car for a little offsite excursion. Or maybe we'll just head back for another nice afternoon of napping and swimming!


--6" turkey & bacon sub
--6" philly steak sub
--sm pkt barbecue chips
--1 cup milk

We cashed in our change jar in anticipation of our trip! We grabbed dinner on the way home and had great plans of putting away all the laundry and packing, but wound up falling asleep. The nap was actually quite nice. So we wind up packing on midnight on Saturday--why should this trip be any different. :lol:

TTNW: After our afternoon rest, we're spending our last night at EPCOT. We have a dinner seating at Nine Dragons, which we've never tried before. We may stay for Illuminations, or not. It's not a huge draw for us. But we'll enjoy one last beautiful night in the parks.


--2 cookie dough bites
--4 sm cookies

I didn't make it through my whole package of cookies this week, so I threw the rest in the toaster oven to cook tonight. I'm not sure I'd do this one again--I think I'm getting sick of these cookies and I still had a bunch to go. Maybe I'll try making my own homemade dough and freezing individual portions.
Hi Pearlieq: Your trip plans sound great! I love all your choices and just the way you tour. Sounds like a perfect trip, just a coupe more days! We did the HDDR, it was fun, but you are right going with a kid would be fun. We loved it, the food was tasty and show was good. It wasn't worth $200 for our family (with the DDE discount) but then again it was. Go someday, I think you'd have fun.

Goodbye to the mystery weight, that must feel good! How is your mom? I am speed reading through journals to get caught up and didn't see anything about her but I may have missed it. Just keeping you and her in my good thoughts and prayers.

I see you had a cherry pepsi in there recently. OMG, you and I are so alike! That is a drink straight from heaven!
4/25/08 - last workday!


--1 bowl Cheerios
--2 mini boxes raisins

I wanted cookies for breakfast, mostly because I let myself get too hungry. This was a better choice.

Another 2.5 lbs down today. I'm within a couple of pounds of normal, so that's reassuring. Of course, this is just in time to go to WDW on the eat, eat, eat plan!

I wound up not going downtown today, which I don't mind too much. It's easier to stick close to home. I have some errands to run and some last chores to do, but we're in pretty good shape. I can't wait!!!

TTNW: Wake up, finish packing, and get around. We'll either go to EPCOT or MGM this morning--whatever tickles our fancy. We'll probably just cobble together breakfast from leftover snack credits--nothing fancy. We'll hit our favorites one more time and just soak up the sights, sounds, and smells that are uniquely WDW.


--2 grilled cheese sandwiches on yummy whole wheat
--3 sm cookies

Whole grain bread makes a darn tasty grilled cheese. The little grain bits get all toasty and crunchy--yum! I used Brownberry this time and it was great.

My goal for the afternoon is to get most of the laundry sorted and put away and start packing for myself. It should be pretty easy--we're going to fly with carryons only and only pack about 3 days worth of clothes. The nice part about DVC is I can just throw a load of laundry in one night and cut my packing in half!

TTNW: After our last morning at EPCOT, we'll get lunch. We have an ADR at Le Cellier, but I really don't care for their new menu, and neither does DH. I think we'll probably wind up cancelling that one had heading over to Wolfgang Puck's for another go. I can never choose between the macadamia chicken and the pumpkin ravioli anyway, so I might as well go twice and get them both!!!


--2 cheesy Gordita crunch tacos
--1 chicken fiesta burrito

We're supposed to get some wild storms tonight! DH is actually out doing weather spotting, which I'm not crazy about, but I can't hold him back. I'm working on my mom's laundry and eventually I'll go start getting papers together and finishing up my packing.

TTNW: After we finish up our late lunch at Puck's, we'll take one last cruise through the DTD stores. I'm going to stop at Earl of Sandwich right before we leave to get a sandwich for my mom. She wasn't feeling well on our last day last time, so she took a sandwich to go home. Unfortunately, her baggage was lost and it didn't make it home for 2 days! So I want to get her one to make up.

Then we'll gas up the rental car and head back to the airport. Except we're not going home. I won't go. They can't make me.


--3 sm cookies
--not quite 1 cup milk

Well, it looks like the storms might be pretty well done, unless there's another line behind what just went through. Not too bad out by us.
Good afternoon, Pearlieq!:cool1:

Isn't it great to be done with work for awhile? Not too mention some time to relax at WDW in a few days!

Way to go on your breakfast choice this morning and more mystery lbs disappearing. As for the trip, with all that walking, you should be able to burn off alot of the eat, eat, eat plan.

Hoping that you have a good trip and looking forward to hearing more when you get back.::MickeyMo::MickeyMo
4/26/08 - Less than 24 hours to go!


--1 activia cup
--abt 2/3 cup Fiber One

Breakfast at mom's, then did the shopping. Everytihing went pretty smoothly. Our neighbor's son is making his first communion today, so we'll be stopping by his party. Then I have to go get my evebrows down, get some paperwork together, pack my travelling backpack and hopefully get some sleep!

I'm mostly excited, but kind of not, if that makes any sense. I'm looking forward to being there, and getting away from here, but traveling can be kind of a hassle. There's a lot of stress/worry during trips--will the flight be on time? Will out bags make it? Will we both be healhty? Will the weather be decent? Will it be super crowded? Are the cats OK? Will we make it back to the airport in time? I guess the closer we get to acutally leaving the more this is rattling through my head. I'm sure it will all be fine, but I worry.


--1 sm pkt Doritos

My knee is acting up (great timing, right?) and I needed to get something on my stomach so I could take some Advil. Hopefully this passes soon.


--1 6" Italian beef sandwich
--chopped salad
--mostaccoli w/roll
--1 lemon bar
--sm piece apple bar
--4 pound cake squares and 1 strawberry run through the chocolate fountain

Confirmation party. They had ordered from Portillos, which was just wonderful. The chocolate fountain was fun--the kids had a good time with it.


--1/2 frozen Home Run Inn cheese pizza

We're making good use of our time here, by watching VH1's Top 100 Songs of the 80's. But we're nearly done. We just have a few odds and ends to put together, and then we're off!

We're getting up at 3:00am to leave. Yipes!
Oh, can you pack me in your suitcase? Please!!! I wanna go where it is warmer.;) You just have to be excited about getting out of this crazy "spring" weather.:cool1:

Looks like it's been a good day for you. As for the little worries before the trip, join the club. I don't usually worry about being healthy (altough I should have in Rome) and I only worry about the flights being on time if we are connecting or someone else has to pick me up. My thing, don't know about you, I check everything 15 times. Ok, maybe not that many. I am always afraid of leaving traveling documents behind. Maybe we do this so that we can get all the stress out of the way before the trip, allowing us the ability to relax during the trip.:confused3 Sounds good anyway.

Have a wonderful, wonderful time.::MickeyMo::MickeyMo
Pearlieq: Have a great trip! You are probably up in the air as I type this! Enjoy your trip, the DDP and your DVC. This is hands down my favorite time of year at WDW! I hear you on being excited yet worried. I get the same way, mostly because I hate the hassle and worry about the dogs. Once I get there I even out, I bet you will too!

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! "See" you when you get back!:wave2: :flower3:


--1 Egg McMuffin
--1 fruit & yogurt parfait

Yawn. Breakfast at Midway. We got up and out right on time and had a very smooth trip to the airport. Not usually too much traffic to fight at 4:00am on Sunday!


--1 apple snack bar (kind of Nutrigrain knockoff)

They were handing these out as snacks on the plane. I wasn't hungry then, but sometime after picking up the rentail car I became ravenous!

The flight was quite uneventful--I slept about half of the way and listened to music the other half. DH mostly napped. Our luggage came out quite quickly, and it took DH about a minute to claim our rental car using the self-serve kiosk. Our flight came in a bit early and with everything going so well at the airport, we were on the road only about 10 minutes after we were scheduled to land!


--3 rootbeers
--part of a very large nacho appetizer
--2/3 Asian chicken salad
--the ganache and mousse layer of a smores cake
--1 cookie twist

We headed straight to the Boardwalk and made it quite quickly. After a short wait to check in, we hit the jackpot of WDW reservations--our room was ready! Yay! We headed upstairs, dropped off our stuff, and freshened up a bit before heading down ESPN club just a couple of minutes before they opened.

Our room is quite nice--it's only about 1 1/2 hallways from the elevator, which is pretty darn good for the Boardwalk. We're on the 4th floor and we're overlooking the main pool, which is nice. Honestly, for all the little worries, we really couldn't have asked for a smoother, easier trip down here.

Once settled in at ESPN club, we were able to watch the NFL draft with our lunch. For two football fans, it was fun. My nachos were tasty and ginormous. The salad was a special that day and was decent. Nothing I'd do again, but passable and at least had some greens.

Their freezer was broken, so there was no NSA gelato for DH. They had improvised a couple of dessert specials to compensate, but they were all regular sugar desserts. One was a smores cake. The ganache and top layer of mousse were great, but after that it wasn't anything special and not worth the calories or overstuffed feeling.

The second dessert really turned out neat. We got a cone filled with 6 long twist cookies--it tasted like a shortbread-type dough with a faint taste of almond. Half of the twist was chocolate, the other regular, and they were sprinkled with raw sugar to look like pretzel salt. It was served with sauces. I ate about 1 1/2 of the cookies and took the rest back to the room, where I've been munching on them. It was very tasty and quite innovative.

After lunch, we headed right back up for a nap. We were tired!


--1/2 sloppy joe kids meal w/fries, coke, & cookie

After a good nap, we roused ourselves and headed over to MGM. We were actually a little hungry, so we stopped at the Backlot Express at MGM for a snack. Then we just caught a couple of attractions before heading over to Fantasmic.

I'm glad we did that the first night, because Fantasmic does take a certain amount of patience to do. You're herded into the giant arena with 7,000 of your closest friends, and it's usually a fairly long wait. There was a family with 3 kids in front of us who were getting quite squirmy. Their grandma was traveling with them and bought them each those string things to occupy them, which they did, for about 15 minutes. There's $75 well spent, but hey, isn't that what grandma is for?

After the show, you have to fight through the sea of humanity to get out, which can be a challenge. We were actually just ahead of the crowd and made it on to the first boat out, so it worked out well for us. But I'm sure I wouldn't have had the patience of stamina on our last night.


--hummus with cucumber, carrot sticks, and a few pita chips
--most of a hazelnut chicken breast
--couple of bites potatoes and vegetables
--most of a piece of cheesecake
--a few bites of chocolate cake.
--3 pomegranate lemonades

We headed back to the Boardwalk for dinner at Big River Grille. I hate to say it, but it was pretty disappointing. The hummus was fine. They gave a huge portion and I just ate a bit with the veggies and took the rest back to the room with the pita chips. My entree was pretty bad, sadly. The chicken was OK, but hadn't been properly prepped so I got a lot of gristle-type bits. The potatoes and veggies were both completely bland and mushy. I was bummed.

DH thought I should have sent it back, but I really didn't want to wait for another entree, and I wasn't in any danger of starving. :laughing: We ordered desserts--nothing for DH again, but he didn't mind too much. The cheesecake was wonderful, the cake was OK--I ate the ganache frosting off the top (what can I say, I'm a girl who likes her ganache) and left the rest.

After this we were ready to head to bed. Not a bad start to our vacation!
4/28/08 - Live, from WDW!

Lesli, you had asked about Fantasmic, and I meant to answer you in my last post. I'm sure the adults and your youngest DD would enjoy it quite a bit. It's a very visual show with lots of neat effects and tons of characters. Your DS5 could be hit-or-miss, depending on what frightens him. There are lots of loud noises, explosions, and villians. There's a big scary monster and a "dark" part in the middle of the show where Mickey's dream turns to a nightmare. Of course, there's a big colorful happy ending, but you always see a bunch of toddlers and pre-school aged kids carried out about halfway through the show. I would say proceed with caution or possibly preview it first.


--breakfast buffet at MGM (2 sm cheese danish, one sm croissant, eggs, hashbrown casserole)

Well, I'd say my "great idea" for getting into the park early was a mixed bag. We found out there was no early transport to MGM for character breakfasts. Luckily we had a car, or we would have had to walk or cab it. We got there and it was very quiet, but you did still have to queue up the character breakfast line.

Once they cleared the line, which took about 15 minutes, we went right to the restaurant and were seated right away. Our server was very nice and the food was tasty, if unspectacular. The selection was pretty basic, but the pastries were very fresh and it was well laid out. We didn't recognize many of the characters, but they were all very nice to us. The lion was cute, whoever he was.

We wrapped up right at rope drop, so we headed over to Voyage of the Little Mermaid. Unfortunately, they were having "technical difficulties" so we went over to the Great Movie Ride. We rode that, did the Backlot Tour, then saw Muppetvision 3-D before taking a little break. By then we were a bit bored--MGM doesn't actually have a lot of attractions and we'd already seen all the shows numerous times and ridden everything we wanted to ride.

We thought about leaving, but decided to try to hold out for our lunch seating at 50's Prime Time. So, we finally decided to head over to One Man's Dream. It was neat to look at all the exhibits again, and we both really like the movie at the end--it's interesting and well made. After that, we happened to notice the Magic of Animation area and strolled over to see what it was. The cast members at the front said the show would be starting in 10 minutes, so we decided to stick around. I didn't even know there was a show there!

What a hidden gem! We were so pleasantly surprised. The first part of the attraction was a neat show about how animated characters are developed. There was so much to look at and it was just such a thrill to be doing something completely new at WDW! After the show, there was a walk-through area with various exhibits about animation. At the end there was a large, uncrowded character greeting area. That must have been awesome for the parents with little kids.

There were other various interactive activities about animation, and DH and I chose to take the character drawing class. We were led into a studio where there were a bunch of individual drafting tables with paper and animation pencils. For the next 20 minutes, an animator showed us how to draw a character in a small class setting. It was so cool! We were just so amazed to have stumbled upon this wonderful attraction--how had we never known it was there?!?


--3 cherry Cokes
--fried herb cheese with 3 toasted baguette slices and grapes
--1/2 turkey sandwich on multigrain
--a few bites salad w/house dressing
--angel food cake with berries.

Lunch at 50's Prime Time. I should note, that I'm recording all these sodas, but I should say that all these glasses are at least 2/3 full of ice. It's not like I'm sucking down 3 full glasses of soda!

Our waiter was quite animated--maybe even a bit too much. I'm fine with them being in character, but not when it gets in the way of them doing their actual job of serving food. I almost felt like I couldn't talk to the guy or ask questions about the menu because he was being so flamboyant. Have fun, but get down to business when it's time.

I love the herb cheese appetizer. It's a small wheel of Boursin cheese that is breaded and fried. You then cut it up and spread it on the baguette and eat it with the grapes. So good! My sandwich was also nice--the bread had all kinds of grains and even black sesame seeds in it. The tomato was so red and ripe and perfect I could have cried. None of that orange-ish mushy stryrofoam garbage we get here in Chicago!

I wasn't desperate for dessert so I just too the angelfood. It was fine--pleasant but unremarkable. Nice and light at least. DH got the sugar free shake he came for, so he was a happy camper.

I couldn't finish my sandwich, so I asked for a box since we were leaving to head back to the resort. It took our waiter to find one, and when he came back he brought me a giant shipping box saying "This was the best I could do". It was so funny! There was an actual take out box inside, but we all got a laugh out of my giant box.


--leftover cookies from ESPN.

After heading back from MGM, we got changed and headed to the pool. It had never occured to me that since I'm not wearing contacts right now I'm going to be blind at the pool. I simply hadn't thought of that.

It honestly wasn't as much fun. The pools aren't that deep, so they get warm and you can't do a whole lot of swimming. So we waded in, stood in warm, neck deep water for a while, stretched out, and went back to our room. I got a nice shower and a very relaxing nap.

I was hungry after my nap--I always am--so I finished off my leftover cookies. Soon enough it was time to wake up DH to head to dinner.


--3 tostadas w/cheese and barbecue chicken
--1 large potato skin
--1/2 of the LA Lasagna entree
--most of a piece of key lime pie

So, Planet Hollywood was an experience. They have a check in podium at the end of a long line of stairs, and it was a big confusing mess of people who had a reservation and people who were looking to dine. Eventually we got checked in seated.

This place is not for the faint of heart! There's memorabilia on the walls, but you don't get to see much of it, because the place is just packed with tables! The guy next to us was practically in my lap! Also, they have a DJ, who plays pop music at deafening volume. Lest I sound like some old fuddy-duddy, I actually enjoyed the music and if it had been a dance club I would have been having a great time dancing up a storm. But for a restaurant it really didn't work. DH and I, sitting directly next to each other, couldn't converse. The waiter could barely get our order. I could see how someone could leave with a headache.

Our food had highlights and lowlights. I liked the tostadas--they had a great flavor, though I wish they had been more generous with the chicken. There was maybe only a heaping tablespoon on a 3" tostada. The potato skins had been up for a while, so they had congealed a bit. I ordered a pasta carbonara, but quit eating after a couple of bites. The sauce tasted like cheap jarred alfredo. Not worth the calories! Instead I ate about half the LA Lasagna, which was pretty good. DH ate the other half, plus about half of my pasta.

The server pointed out the dessert menu (only 3 choices, kind of a bummer) and we settled on the key lime pie and a brownie sundae. When we went to order, the waiter told us we were only allowed one dessert to split between the two of us?!? I thought that was really strange, being on the Deluxe Dining Plan, but it just wasn't practical to argue in that noisy crowd. I figured I'd take it up with the resort concierge. So, we split the key lime pie, which was quite good.

We got back to the resort after, and the lobby concierge confirmed that we should have been able to each have our own dessert, which made more sense to me. Why would they force people to share? They weren't that big, and not everyone likes the same things. They would have refunded our money if we had bought a dessert out of pocket, but since we didn't do that, I asked them to just add a snack credit to our account so I could get DH a sugar-free dessert at the bakery. They said that was fine. A few minutes later we got a message in our room saying they had refunded a meal credit, instead of the snack credit! That was nice--I guess we'll use it to get our Earl of Sandwich on our way home.


--1/3 of a Sprite

I took DH down to the Boardwalk Bakery and we sat out while he ate. There was a lot of entertainment on the Boardwalk tonight--it's nice to see they really beefed that up. The mosquitos were out, so we didn't linger, but it is a lovely night.

Time to head to bed--another early morning tomorrow!
Thanks for sharing your trip with us, pearlieq!:hug: I can't wait to go in September!:banana: My trip seems so far away......

I love the Boardwalk area!:love: In December, we usually stay at BCV and we love walking around the Boardwalk and enjoying all that it has to offer. :goodvibes

Hope you have a great day today!:hug: Tell Mickey we said hi!::MickeyMo
4/29/08 - By the Shores of Crescent Lake


--1 Lilikoi juice
--1 Big Kahuna breakfast (2 eggs, sm piece ham, 1 piece bacon, 1/2 sausage link, 2 sm pancakes with macadamia butter & pineapple, most of 1 pc french toast, one potato wedge)

Breakfast at Kona--quite tasty and worth the trip. They changed their pancakes--they used to be giant with macadamias and pineapple cooked in. Now they're about plain, 3" across, and topped with canned crushed pineapple and macadamia nut butter. They were still tasty, but kind of "cheapened down" if that makes any sense.

After breakfast we made our way over to MK. We got in and went to Peter Pan's Flight for our first ride. Unfortunately, while getting into the pirate ship, I whacked the heck out of my knee and spent 3/4 of the ride in tears. OWW! I've got a nice bruise and goose egg there now. Luckily it stopped hurting by the end of the ride and didn't really slow me down.

We went to Haunted Mansion next. There were only 6 people in our stretching room, and the host encouraged us to stick around and hear all of the sound effects at the end of the show, which was neat. We usually rush right out, so I'd never heard them before.

After Haunted Mansion we went over to BTMRR, which I just love. It's just enough of a thrill for me without being too much. To make our trip even better, we were met by the Dream Squad on the way out and got Dream Fastpasses! Fun! After riding Pirates, though, we were talking and realized that we really wouldn't put them to proper use, since we were leaving after lunch and wouldn't really be riding too many of the headliners. So, we found a nice couple on their honeymoon and passed them along. They seemed happy.


--not quite half a cream cheese pretzel
--a bit more than half of a frozen Coke

Snack break.

We made our way back over to Tomorrowland and rode a few things there, including several turns on the TTA, which is just fun and relaxing. The weather is great today--all morning it was in the high 70's and breezy, and the sun was shaded by light clouds, so it wasn't gloomy at all, but the sun was beating down either. It was just postcard-perfect.


--1 tomato & mozzarella salad
--1 1/2 pieces sourdough bread
--about 2/3 of a white pizza
--a couple of tastes of chocolate gelato
--1/2 bowl nsa apple sorbet

Lunch at Tony's Town Square. Mixed results. My appetizer was actually quite tasty--the tomatoes and mozzarella were fresh and the spices and dressing were well balanced. It really needed bread to go with it, and I requested some as I guess they only serve it at dinner. It took a very long time--I had actually given up and almost finished my salad by the time it came. DH liked his minnestrone, but he had to salt it, which is unusual for him.

His chicken parmesan was also disappointing--the sauce was bland and overly thickened, as if it had been cooked too long. His chicken was not marinated and the breading didn't appear to be seasoned, so it didn't really have any flavor. Not a winner. My flatbread was quite good--the cheese blend was nice and it was rich without tasting greasy.

They offer a no sugar added sorbet on the menu, so DH ordered it. I ordered chocolate gelato. Sadly, the gelato was grainy and the chocolate flavor was insipid. I took a taste of DH's sorbet, though, and was blown away. Wow! That was amazing. Today's flavor was green apple and it was just light and refreshing and wonderful. I didn't occur to me to send my gelato back and get a bowl of the sorbet, but I should have, because I could have cheerfully devoured another bowl after eating half of DH's. It was soooo good and very memorable as it's not something you see every day.

After lunch it was time to go get the car and head back to BWV. We're really enjoying the resort--it's very cheerful and so convenient to everything. I'm typing this as I'm listening to the staff run games for the kids down by the pool. For my part, I'm ready for a nice long nap now. DTD and Wolfgang Puck's tonight!


--1 spring roll w/plum sauce
--2 1/2 pieces foccacia bread
--few spoonfuls DH's butternut squash soup
--8 pumpkin ravioli w/brown butter sauce & parmesan
--1 piece carrot cake

Dinner at Puck's. We decided to try to eat early so we could try to make a movie, and luckily they were able to accommodate us, but it had to be inside. Wow is it loud in there! Again, it's cramped to fit a lot of people in and it's all hard surfaces so there's nothing to absorb sound. Knowing that, I would wait for outdoor seating next time

There were highlights and lowlights of our food. The butternut squash soup was amazing, as usual, and the garlic & rosemary foccacia was to die for! My spring rolls were OK, but a bit greasy. My pumpkin ravioli, usually great, wasn't tonight. It hadn't been drained properly, so it was still watery and it made the sauce watery. Plus, they've downsized the portion and aren't putting on the same amount of sauce or cheese that I remember from before. Another casualty of the DDP? The carrot cake was quite nice, as usual. The meal as decent, but not the knock-it-out-of-the-park great like it has been. I don't think we're going to do the repeat on this trip.

Fortunately, we were able to get out in time to catch our movie, Forgetting Sara Marshall. We both really enjoyed it--it was funny, smart, and kind of sweet. Typical Judd Apatow raunchiness, but I can handle that in his movies because they are so smart, well developed, and full of heart. I would definitely recommend this movie for adults, provided they don't shock easily. This one earned its R rating!

It was kind of nice to actually see a movie with DH. We often go to the theater together, but our interests are wildly divergent so he usually sees his movie, I see mine, then we meet up again afterwards. It was fun to share the experience this time.

After the show we came back to the room to do laundry and relax. It was a nice day.
It sounds like your trip is going quite well, pearlieq!:thumbsup2 That was really nice of you to give your Dream Fast Passes to the honeymoon couple....You shared the Disney magic and gave them a wonderful memory from their honeymoon!:wizard:

How is your knee holding up? I hope it's feeling better today.

Have a great Wednesday!:hug:
Oh I am so enjoying your trip/food report! I am so glad you had a nice day at the MK, that weather did sound perfect. If you go back, think of me when you ride the TTA, its my favorite! I have wacked my knee getting into Peter Pan a couple of times myself, hope you are feeling better. I will have to remember that sorbet at Tony's we are eating there on the 31st next month.

I love Boardwalk, it sounds like you are having a very nice vacation. Just keep on having fun and relaxing.

And I can drink way more than three cokes whether they are full of ice or not! Have a cherry coke for me, that's my favorite drink on the planet. Can't wait to hear about more of your trip. Have fun.

I bought that book by the way!
4/30/08 - Eating my way around EPCOT


--1/2 double cheeseburger meal

I was and I wasn't hungry when I ate this. What seems to be happening is that I get hungry, but I fill up quickly. I don't know if that's from the constant steady drip of food or not.

We had decided to sleep in this morning instead of getting up early for breakfast. Unfortunately, I developed a crick in my neck sometime in the early morning and I just couldn't get back to sleep. I gave up around 7:00 or so and came out to the living room--thank goodness for the 1 bedroom. An hour later I had read everything that came with the room, flipped through the channels about 90 times, and figured out that I couldn't figure out how to get DH's laptop going. Long story short, I was bored.

DH didn't wake up until almost 10:00am and by then I was not only bored, but also tired, sore, and cranky. Lucky him. We headed out to EPCOT. Crowd levels were pretty heavy and we were both kind of stiff, so we quickly abandoned our touring plans and decided to split a breakfast at the Electric Umbrella.

We were too late for breakfast, so I just wound up ordering this. If I had been in a better mood I probably would have done better. While eating, I hatched the idea that we should just head for World Showcase since it was just about to open. I figured we could stay ahead of the crowds there.


--part of a school bread @ Norway

We made it into World Showcase and rode the Gran Fiesta Tour and Maelstrom before stopping to get DH one of his favorite treats, the no sugar added chocolate mousse at the bakery in Norway. I had seen pictures of the school bread before I was intrigued, so I burned a snack credit to get one.

It's basically a very large doughnut. The base is a plain yeast dough--not very sweet at all. It's filled with a vanilla custard/cream, and then topped with basic powdered sugar glaze and sprinkled with coconut. The custard was very tasty, and I wound up using my spoon to dig all of that out. I had a few bites of the rest of the roll, but most of it went to the birds. They were quite eager to share and I just couldn't resist them, even though I knew I should. I still kind of feel bad about that.

After our snack, we ambled over to The American Adventure and ducked in just as a show was starting. It's always so nice to see those big stage shows in a nearly empty theater, though somehow, even if you're in a theater with 8 people, one of them will inevitably wind up being a loud cellphone talking, stop in the middle of the rowing, flash picture taking, doofus! I can't seem to get away from that sort. Or maybe I attract them.


--1 kaki gori

You thought I was kidding with this title, didn't you?

I love the kaki gori--it's just so sweet and smooth and refreshing. This was mostly an impulse grab--I was still cranky and sore and in a funk, and I saw this and wanted it.

What seems to be happening on this trip, though, is that every time we both start to get into a funk, something comes along that just totally lifts our spirits. We were about to leave the Japan pavillion when Miuki, the candy artist, came out.

I'd heard about her work before, but never had the chance to see her. This time, not only were we able to see her, but we were the second family there, so we got a candy made for us! It was so cool to watch her work--she uses this hot taffy-type candy and works it into the most beautiful animal shapes with just her fingers and a pair of scissors. It only takes her about a minute to create these adorable, brightly colored and fully detailed animal lollipops. I asked her to make a bird and she made the most lovely hummingbird, which I can't wait to give to my mom. I know she'll love it. That was definitely the highlight of our day at EPCOT and I would highly recommend finding out when her first show will be and getting there a bit early. She's worth it!


--1 crusty roll w/butter
--3 Cokes
--about 2/3 of a French Onion soup
--maybe 1/3 at most of a macaroni & cheese
--1 1/2 profiteroles
--1 smallish piece chocolate crunch cake.

What an experience at Les Chefs de France. The meal was quite good, but we also had the dubious entertainment of one of the most outlandishly obnoxious women I've ever seen!

It started it out normally enough. We placed our order and I was eating my roll and working my way through the wall of cheese in my soup when in they came. It was a young man and woman, wearing wedding ears, and an older lady, who another patron very accurately described as looking like Shelly Winters. Over the course of the meal, it was revealed she was his mother. Some honeymoon, eh? Just me & you and my mom! :laughing:

This woman was just ear-splittingly loud. She seemed totally incapable of modulating her voice or speaking appropriately for the restaurant, to the point that I initially wondered if she was hard of hearing. Alas no--she just had no concept of "inside voice".

To make matters worse, she had this very pronounced New York/Long Island accent, which just made everything she said stick out that much more. It was late for lunch, so the restaurant was relatively quiet. Everything she said carried for miles.

Any thought that came through her head seemed to come out of her mouth. There was nothing to mundane, or too inane, to voice at high decibels. She went over and over their plans for what to order--I think by the end the entire restaurant knew that they were going to order 4 entrees for the 3 of them and share them between.

Luckily, I suppose, she was just so over the top that it turned out to be comical instead of irritating. DH nearly spit his drink out numerous times and my sides hurt from laughing so much. All the other diners were exchanging helpless and incredulous looks--you just can make this stuff up!

The kicker came toward the end of the meal. Their poor waitress, who was doing a remarkable job of staying composed and trying to serve them, asked how they were enjoying their honeymoon. Before they could answer, she piped in with "Oh, they're enjoying it all right. They enjoyed it all night. Good thing I'm next door--I didn't hear too much." :scared1:

The poor waitress looked horrified and DH turned purple. It was just the funniest thing ever!

Our meal was quite good, but I didn't have much of an appetite after all the eating I did, so I boxed up almost my whole entree to go. I did get the desserts though, and they both were outstanding! I would definitley go back.


--1 piece Hawaiian bread w/macadamia nut butter
--1 order sticky wings
--about 2/3 Pan-Asian noodles
--most of a Kiluea torte

We wound up rejiggering our plans again. DH's foot is looking good, so we decided that if we could find him some water shoes we could go to Typhoon Lagoon. We changed around some ADRs and headed out to look. We struck out at Wal-Mart, but found a pair of sandals that would work well at the Target down the road.

With that settled, we decided to straight over to the Polynesian even though we were early. We walked to the TTC and decided to ride the monorail over to EPCOT, just for a scenic tour. We did it twice, and it was very strange. The first time, we had an entire car to ourselves on the way there and on the way back. The second time, we picked up quite a few people. So strange for being only about 20 minutes apart. By then it was time to get over to the Polynesian for dinner.

Our food was quite good. I love their sticky wings and my noodles were decent--I wouldn't go out of my way to get them again, but I didn't regret ordering it. The kiluea dessert was nice--it was a chocolate lava cake. DH got the NSA apple stack and he loved it! We were both happy with the meal.

Wishes was just starting as we were leaving, so we watched a bit of it through the windows before heading out. Once back at BWV, I decided to fire up the big soaking tub, which was an awesome way to end the day!!!


--Boma buffet (1 bagel w/cream cheese, some small pastries, a few potato wedges, 2 piece cheese omelet, and strawberries)
--1 glass Frunch juice

This was a pretty nice meal. Again, I can't help but see that things have been contracted a bit--simplified, scaled back, etc.--and I wonder if it's due to DDP. I still had a nice breakfast, but eggs, potatoes, and a bagel aren't too hard to come by at home, you know?

After our meal we stepped outside to baste oursleves in sunscreen before heading off to Typhoon Lagoon.


--2 chicken wings
--1 barbecued chicken sandwich with bacon and gouda
--a few chips
--a few bites fruit salad
--part of a piece of chocolate cake.

Lunch at Olivia's at Old Key West. This meal wound up being more of a "miss" than a hit. I didn't care for the glaze on the wings, and something tasted a bit "off" about my sandwich and cake as well. DH was kind of underwhelmed as well. I think we're getting a bit harder to please as well just because we're so overfed.

We had a very nice time at TL. We spent a little over an hour jumping the surf waves in the wave pool. That's a very good workout, surprisingly. At least it sure felt like one. After that we took a spin in the lazy river. We rode that around the park and then headed back in for more waves. By then the park had gotten pretty crowded, which isn't a good situation in the wave pool. You crash into people and get kicked a lot. We did a few last waves then headed back to BWV to freshen up before lunch.

I left Olivia's feeling OK, but somehow I spent the next hour feeling like I was so stuffed I was going to be sick. I'm glad we tried the DDP, but this is just way too much food to eat for so long. I don't think we'll do it again.


--1/2 plate nachos
--1/3 (at best) giant hot dog
--some fries
--1/2 pretzel cookie

After Olivia's, we headed over to EPCOT. DH offered to take me back to the room, but I felt like being active was going to be the only think to make me feel better. We caught the boat over, then make it up to Future World. Crowds were still pretty healthy, but we got a Fastpass for TT that was about 2 hours away. We killed some time on Universe of Energy, then went over to catch the new Spaceship Earth. I know it has gotten some lukewarm reviews, but we wound up liking it quite a bit. I liked how the new narration explained why the milestones were so important and how they were relevant to us today. We thought the little cartoon at the end was cute and diverting. We wound up going twice to take it all in.

By then it was time for our trip on Test Track. By the time we were done there, both of us had had enough. We changed plans (again!) and decided to head back to the resort for the night. We just relaxed for a while, then went to ESPN Club for dinner, which DH had been requesting since Sunday.

His meal was really good, but we didn't have the best waiter. He messed up both of our appetizers and my entree. He also disappeared for long periods of time, so it took a while to get things fixed. I was still pretty overstuffed, so most of my meal and all of my dessert came back to the room.

Since then we've just been relaxing, catching up on the outside world, and doing laundry. A couple of days ago we found out that ESPN classic is airing episodes of the original, old-school American Gladiators, and DH and I are having tons of fun with that!

Time to start packing. It seems like we just got here!

P.S. Amy, I'm glad you bought the book. I hope you like it!


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