A quick trip but great nonetheless!!


Feb 25, 2005
:flower: Ok, so I just couldnt wait around for lady luck to smile on my lottery numbers so I raided every piggy bank in the house and came up with enough to splash out on a 3 night trip to Disneyland Resort Paris. Luck was definately on my side because they were renovating the outside of the Disneyland Hotel and this meant they were offering discounts for their standard rooms. So, before I had the chance to hesitate I was on that there phone and a'ringin that number.
Thursday, 2nd June we were all awake at the ungodly hour of 5am - we didnt have to leave until 8am but those pesky excitement bubbles just wouldnt leave us alone!! Taxi came and whisked us to Ashford Eurostar where we saw a scarey notice about delays and French train strikes for today. Typical!! Lucky for us we were only delayed by 20 minutes due to an operations (!!??) failure at Waterloo as the strike was for the TGV's only. Phew!! My bladder cant take as many coffees as it used to k'now and in a crisis a body needs caffine!!
So our coach was no.18 - a 20 mile hike (ok ok a slight exaggeration - 10mile hike) down the complete platform. Seats were 41, 42 and 46 around a table. We were told at information that no-one was sitting in the other seat but once on board I saw a nice young man (just what an old fogey like me requires!! - a captive fella for 2 hours whose knees kept bumping into mine - ahhh bliss!!) sitting in the spare seat. Well, he was more handsome than the black holdall I had planned to dump in the seat so it was with great pleasure that I plonked myself down next to him. His nose was buried in the financial section of a newspaper and he didnt even glance up. We left the station at 10.56am and nearly 3 minutes later the quiet hum of peoples chat was drowned out by a small boys ear piercing scream. Yes, it was "Bailey" - the child with the 80 decibel yell!! He screamed for everything, happy or cross, hungry or snotty nosed. Yes, "Bailey" screamed for England!! And he kept it up for, oh, I'd say, about two thirds of the journey. Folks, if you have that awful build up of earwax, I recommend a "Bailey" - works wonders!!! My hunky chunky fella with the cute knees and the financial section of the paper eventually gave up all hope of living and scurried off to pastures new - I believe he was last seen running towards a hypermarket in Calais screaming for ear plugs and a vasectomy (obviously didnt have us girls stamina for kids and their, er, little ways!!)
We arrived in Marne La Vallee at 1.55pm french time and phew! it was hot hot hot. So glad as the weather forecast for the 4 days is for thunderstorms and rain. Quelle Surprise!! Sunshine and a mini heatwave!! Oh, and about 20 thousand people!! It was busy!! And, guess what - they were all heading into the parks - now how unfair is that!!! ;)
All the way here my two boys think they are going to a b & b outside the parks. When the staff on the train asked my name I managed to mumble it and Disneyland Hotel without them hearing (thank heavens for Gameboys!!) I was informed that our tickets etc would be at the reception of our hotel. He he he!! Surprise still intact!! Out of the station, bypassing the Disney Express (well, it seemed silly to put our bags there when we could walk them to the hotel in 5 minutes!) we went into the luxury that is the Disneyland Hotel. And a taste of things to come - yep the dreaded queue!! 15 minutes later I finally squeezed past the bald headed man with the sweaty armpits (thought id share that with you all!! - well I had to put up with it - lucky its not smellyputer!!) having deposited the kidlits on a nearby settee so they couldnt hear what I had to say. They still thought that as our b & b was so far out they kind agents had arranged for our park passes to be collected here!! My bubble didnt last much longer. The nice man at reception informed me, no sorry no tickets here for you, where is your letter giving details? I showed him the only thing id been sent apart from the Eurostar tickets, which was my confirmation. No, the paper you need to give me to gain your tickets etc he said. Blank I said!! He spoke more slowly (it didnt help - he spoke better english than me but I still didnt understand) We have no tickets or booking here for you - did - you - give - your - letter - to - the - staff - on - the - train - madam? No, I said and explained theyd said tickets at reception of hotel yada yada. It is their mistake he replied. You need to go back to the station and see the Disney staff there. "expletive" I thought once or twice. I left the boys in the hotel and stomped back up to the station and the Disney Express. Sitting on a shelf behind all the luggage racks I could see a white envelope. Yippee!! It was all my tickets and confirmation letter for the hotel. I raced back and claimed my place in the every increasing queue for reception once again. Luckily the boys were busy arguing so theyd not seen me come back. Another 10 minutes or so and I was once again being dealt with. Ah, I see you found your letter madam. It wasnt worth arguing the point so I simply smiled. Ok, you may leave your luggage at concierge but we cannot allocate a room until after 3pm....Next!! Hang on buddy - ive already lost an hour of park time - gimme gimme gimme a room - please!! Seeing I was onto a winner I played the single mum with two children card and he said for you madam I will make an exception. Easy peasy - we were in!! We were housed in the West Wing room 3149. Up to the second floor in the lift, over the bridges/indoor walkways past the restaurants and shop and posh Castle Club entrance and into another lift and down to floor 1 (one up from the pool). The room was wonderful. We could just see the conservatory building that housed the pool through the trees and despite the scaffolding and white protective netting it was great to be in Disney!! Threw all the things in the drawers (I unpack sooo carefully y'know!!) whilst the boys christened the toilet (isnt it amazing- I pay all this money to bring them to a fantastic place and they get excited about whose gonna go first on the loo!!) Went back to concierge and booked Silver Spur for dinner tonight, Cafe Mickey for tomorrow and Buffalo Bill for Saturday at 6.30pm. This one cost me 139 euros - 53 per adult and 33 for child . Skipped into the park at precisely 4.05 pm. :banana: :Pinkbounc :cheer2: It was busy but not as bad as id first thought. Yes, there were a lot of people but also quite a bit of space. Wandered into Frontierland and the Silver Spur. We could only get a 4.30 slot but as we'd not eaten since morning we were ready for a feast. There were only 6 others tables being used (they closed early apparently). It was rather obvious they wanted to close as they were sweeping and emptying bins. But at least the staff were attentive! I had the Sherrifs menu for 23 euros (chose prawn cocktail starter, steak with jacket and creme brulee for pud). The boys bothe had Little Cowboy menus of burger chips drink and an icecream. My oldest had the chicken rather than burger and each set meal cost 10 euros. The chips were stone cold so I sent them back much to my kids embarrasment!! When they brought them back they were red hot - and my horrible boys only ate half of them before declaring themselve full up (but still managing to eat their puddings!!) I also had a large water 4.60 euros and a non alcoholic cocktail for 5.50 euros. When ordering the meal I tried my hand at french and ordered the jacket potato as "potato au chemise" what! WHAT! Have you never had a shirted potatoe - people youve not lived!!!! I made a mental note not to try french for at least another decade!! My kids just noted me as mental!! Came out of the restaurant just before 6pm. BTM was a 60 minute wait so we went on PM (walk on). Through into Fantasyland which was crammed full of small children and buggies - it was like a preschool outing!! There were also loads of teenage french school groups and spanish and english school groups too. Most of the rides were between 15 and 55 minutes wait so as we were all bloated from our dinner we went back to the hotel and nosed around the shop. Once in the room I stripped down to my knickers (sorry if your eating!!) and tried on one of the two complimentary towelling robes left in the room. Mmmmm very swish and fluffy. The staff came in and turned down the beds - a peculiarly old fashioned tradition which I found strange watching - like having your own servants. We normally just get into bed dragging the sheets around us so to watch someone neatly turn down the top cover then arrange the pillows just so with a chocolate coin on each was, well weird! Wasnt sure if you were meant to tip them for this but as I intended to leave a tip each morning for the cleaners I chickened out and let my oldest show them out!! By about 8.30 we got peckish and strolled up to the Village. We watched a lady juggler and a cowboy called Junior something or something Junior - I forgot due to being entranced by his adept handling of his whips!!! There were loads of people using the facilities around the lake and the atmosphere was very relaxed with people winding down at the end of the day. Both the Ludwig and the Rainforest were queues out of the door with the Cafe Mickey a close third. Lots of spanish men were trying their hand (and their buttocks) on the bucking bull ride and the balloon had a steady stream of victims willing to rise 100 feet in the air for 3 minutes of clinging on for dear life and looking straight ahead. Oh, im sure most of you would love to do this but I couldnt get up the nerve to try!! Wandered around the shops and found the money flowed freely from my purse - so many new items to buy, so little time!!! I really loved the fresh green design of Mickey under a Tree with falling leaves around on the tea cups, saucers, place mats, plates and teapot. Bought a cup and saucer for my display shelf as a memento. Oh and a placemat 'cos it looked so sweet. Finally went back to the hotel at 10pm tired and hot. It was still a lovely mild evening and the chatter and music followed us all the way to the land of nod....
Friday 3rd dawned sunny and warm. These french tweetie birds sure do get up early!!! I slept soundly and got up around 6.45am and showered noisily to wake the boys (a mothers privilage - they wont come into the bathroom just in case they, er, SEE anything, so I can sing to my hearts content without fear of them moaning at me!!) I loved the idea of the button next to the toilet for the radio/sound of tv. Not so sure about the emergency phone "quick - reception - send some loo roll on the double!!" Opened a window (as if the cold air con wasnt enough) and noted a slight breeze. Fantastic! Dry and sunny - I had expected to wake up to rain according to the forecast on the tv last night. Went for breakfast at 9.30am. Walked straight in - no waiting. We were put in a little side room away from the main restaurant area which was much quieter. The food was great. There were no charecters as these were at Inventions, Fantasia, and California Grill. There was the usual rolls, cereals, pain au choc and yoghurts with the addition of seeded rolls, bread with a toaster, donuts, cinammon rolls, fresh fruit cocktail and pieces of fruit, scrambled egg, sausage, bacon, mineral water, 2 types of juice and a variety of yoghurts. Warning - do not think you are going for a plain white yoghurt and accidently reach for the wrong jar, go back to the table, open and take a big mouthful without even checking. LOOK at the label - a mouthful of cottage cheese (the worlds worst creation ever!!) is not something to everyone taste in the morning!! I found this to my cost - YUK!!! I also noticed what I thought was a display of fresh eggs (pretty) was infact hard boiled warm eggs and the small plastic cups were not for juice or milk (yes we had three of the little things full of drink at our table..!) but infact egg cups. My youngest didnt eat a lot as he doesnt like watching others eating or being watched himself - strange child!! Went from breakfast to the Studios (10.20am) Pretty sparse of people. Most of the crowds were heading for Disneyland Park. Walked straight onto the Flying Carpet ride twice then round to Armageddon - again straight in. The boys did RnRC and then we all checked out the Moteurs show. Thought it was starting at 10.30 but during the week it was 12.30 so we went to animation courtyard (straight in) and the Disney channel walking tour thing. The studio tram tour was closed until tomorrow so we went back through the shops and on to the hotel for a drink. Went to Cafe Fantasia for a smashing cocktail called Le Stravinski - a rum based long drink with strawberry juice, oj etc. Watching it being made was a work of art in production (and so was the barman!!) Felt a bit naughty as it was only 11.15 in the morning but im a gal who likes to live on the edge (sometimes!!!) It cost 11 euros 50 which is more than a hotdog meal but worth every cent!! The boys had 2 cokes (4.60 euros each) - 15 squid for 3 drinks!!! Boy oh Boy I dont get out enough!! We sat on the little balcony and watched the crowds coming and coming and coming into the park. Oh how I wish I could be like moses!! I just know all those people will be ahead of me in the queues today - I feel it in my Stravinski!! Throwing caution to the wind and disobeying rules about being tipsy in charge of arm bands and other flotation devices, I had another drinkypoo before hauling myself out of the chair and back to the room for a quick change into swimming costume. The pool only had one other family in so I shrugged off my bathrobe and plopped into the pool before anyone could see my stretch marks!! It is so nice to have something other than the rides to do at Disney. Dont get me wrong - i love the rides its just that after a while you end up on autopilot going through the motions. A dip in the pool recharges the batteries so to speak and is a welcome rest for tired hot feet. Came out of the pool around 1.30 and tried out the steam room - phew!! dont like that! Its as if your kettle is stuck on boil and youve forgotten to open the windows!! Or does that only happen to me!! Checked out the sauna too but it smelt of melted body parts and I dare not guess which parts!!! Noticed at about 1pm it rained quite hard but it was clear and sunny again by 2pm. Went back to the Disneyland Park under grey skies. Went to Caseys for quick bite. We shared one giant hotdog (4.70 euros) and had a portion of chips each (2.50 euros each), 1 50cl fanta (2.60) one 50cl water (2) and a tea (1.70). Noticed the BTM wait was 50 minutes, PM 20 mins so obviously the park was busy. Walking around was easier as there seemed to be less people (possibly eating lunch). Went through to Discoveryland and onto Autopia. Sign said 30 min but only took 20 to get on. Orbitron was 20 minute wait and Space Mountain was 45 min but looked more like 50 to 60. My oldest had a headache (think his hayfever had taken hold) so we decided not to do SM or Star Tours. Spits of rain came and went so we headed for Nautilus. Forgot this even existed. Walked in, round and out and then remembered why Id forgotten - its kinda like that - forgettable!! Went to shop and got the obligatory pins and star wars figures (expensive as averaged 13.90 for one figure - under a fiver at home and those silly guns and sabres get stuck in your feet once the kids leave them on the bedroom floor). Went to Fantasyland and did iasw (5 min wait), the Tea Cups (10 min wait) and Dumbo (a whopping 40 mins wait for 3 mins in a grey elephant!!) Began to run outta energy as it was muggy weather. Went back to hotel (i love this coming out of the exit and straight into the hotel - my sons stick their noses in the air and 'act posh'! ok, ok so do I but dont tell anyone - its the only cheap thrill I get!! At 6 we went up to the village for a mooch around then onto Cafe Mickey for a 6.30 reservation. Its the first time weve been here and I really really wish we'd found it sooner. The place is fantastic. The food was unbelievably good and the upstairs was clean friendly with charecters coming out of the woodwork. By 7pm this place was packed out so be warned - if youre thinking of coming Id recommend prebooking at your hotel. Foodwise, I had a starter called Fantastic Mushrooms (and they were!!) for 10 euros, followed by a huge bowl (more like a sink!!) of Pinocchio Pasta (14 euros). If Id had a pudding (and believe me I would have if only my jeans werent so tight!!) I could have had the whole lot as a set menu (Chef Mickey) for 35 euros, but alas I couldnt manage it. The boys both had the set menu of ckn nuggets chips (french fry type with skins on) a drink and an icecream pudding for 15 euros each. The pud came complete with a small plastic figure inside the carton and they both got a plastic mickey figure as well. The charecters played the room perfectly. We had Mickey, Pluto, Goofy, a cat thing (dont know his name) and captain Hook. Goofy fed my oldest his icecream, whilst smearing it all over his face. He took it in good faith and Goofy wiped him off afterwards. The people around us all clapped my son for his good humour (a proud mum moment!!)
As we ate it got darker and darker outside. Large sploges of rain begain to fall around 7.40pm. Then we had thunder booming across the sky - and heres me sitting under a glass skylight right next door to a flamin' metal laden balloon in the water!!!! At around 8pm the whole heavens opened and it poured down in sheets!! It eased to a trickle at 8.15 so we chanced heading back to the hotel (sans coats). About 40 seconds after we left shelter the whole heavens opened again for another 10 minutes. Drip drip drip!! Rain stopped by 8.25pm and the sun actually peeped out for a while longer to mock our dishrevelled appearance!! Went for a soak in the bath while the children roamed the hallways searching for mischief (!) Absolutely shattered we all fell asleep around 10.30pm - me with a weatheralls mint in my mouth half eaten!!!
Widget, I moved this post onto its own thread so everyone could enjoy it :)

I keep getting a Website not responding problem when I edit the title to A quick trip but great nonetheless!! day one but I will try again tomorrow - feel free to change it yourself if you want to though :)

Your report is hysterically funny Widget :teeth:
Saturday 4th June. Woke up around 7am with a half eaten mint attached to my hair (who put that there!!) and into the shower. Boys finally stirred at 7.40. The weather was cooler but still sunny with blue skies. The french birds were twittering their finest songs in the trees outside the window and all was well in the world. Had breakfast at 8.30. The small side room was now empty of breakfast so we lined up with other families outside Inventions. 5 minutes wait (whilst we watched children and adults having their photo taken with Minnie and Eeyore and Pluto wheeled himself around in a Disney buggy much to the delight of the smaller children). We sat at a table overlooking Main Street Station. Finished by 9.10 and straight into the park. Went to BTM to get fastpass (11 - 11.30) and then walked onto the ride which only took 10 minutes to get to the mining cars. Rushed through to PP. 35 minutes wait so we got another fastpass (12 - 12.30) Pinocchio was 50 min wait already whilst SWhite was only 5 - and yet they are right next to each other!! Went on it anyway as we were there then looked around the shops in the Castle. Walked onto iasw - still just as annoying but theyve cleaned it up. Went back to BTM for fastpass time. Took 7 minutes to get onto ride. The normal queue is now 55 minures but more like at least an hour as its almost at the entrance gate. PM is also a 50 min wait and the queue looked long. We went back to Fantasyland for PP with fast pass. Its only 11.50am but the FP machine is now closed up!! The sky is getting greyer now and a cool breeze has sprung up. No need for jumpers but weve got our pac a macs just in case!! Went to get on the train but the station is closed. The brochure says opens at 12 or something but the CM says no all stations are closed all the time except Main Street. You can still get off at the other stations, just not get on. And you cant stay on it and ride around again as they cleared the whole train at Main Street every time. The park is really heaving now. Most rides are averaging 20 - 60 minutes waiting times.
Went to Auberge De Cendrillon (Cinders cafe). Never been in here before. Quite nice but the food was a bit OTT for me. I had menu Fraicheur for 22 euros consisting of main course of citrus fruit, salad, almonds and ckn followed by apple sorbet (sharp!!) with fresh fruit cocktail. Both boys had Enfant Menu Auberge (burger chips green beans followed by Mickeys gormet puzzle as a pud). Boys pud was unusual - Id never seen it before but its probably been around for ages. Its a white chocklit 6 piece jigsaw with Mickey on it. They give you a paintbrush to colour it with using coloured icing. It comes with a muffin to munch while you paint. The boys found it very filling and couldnt manage it all ( :rolleyes: I came to their rescue!!). Wandered back down Main Street for some shopping. Back to hotel room around 2pm (still not been cleaned). Went to main lounge area and watched the crowds going towards Main Street Station. Of course, I had to also go back into the cafe and try one of those yummy cocktails - just to make sure theyd not gone off you understand!! Clouded over again and became cooler with most people wearing sweatshirts. Went for a swim around 3pm for an hour. Then back for a rest. Went into Studio for Animagique and Armageddon. Not crowded at all. Plenty of places to sit down and no real queues. Went up to Village and watched the world go by before heading to Buffalo Bill for the 6.30pm show. We were part of the Blue Moon gang and proudly wore our too big hats that flattened our hair and made our ears stick out!! As we went into the place we had to queue up to get our alloted seats and hats. The man checking the tickets asked me if I wanted a grope - well, I thought that was what he said (yeah in my dreams). Hed actually asked me if we were with a group as theyd split the queue into three sections inside the turnstile area - ordinary people, thomas cook guests and GROUPS. Just as I thought - my luck doesnt last forever!!!! Oh well, I guess itll just be me and my teddy bear when I get back to the room them...... The show itself was very good. I still get a chill up and down my spine when the buffalo come in - I challenge anyone not to get sticky out hairs at that point!! Didnt find the food very thrilling - its hard to try and find the meat off the ckn bones in the dark and it wasnt exactly hot but we came really for the show anyway. Once it was over (around 8pm) we went back to the village to watch the tribute to U2 band called J2 (how original!!) Very loud and the base was way up (chest thumping). I love watching all the hip young things swaying to the beat - and find all the older chaps and chapesses funny to watch when they sing along - and get the words wrong!!! Very busy in here tonight. Cant get a seat anywhere - every space has a derriere on it!!The weather is dry and warm. Decided at 9.30 to go back to hotel and find that bar again!! My son had a Pianoman (not literally - its a non alcoholic cocktail!!) and swore he was drunk!! Poor thing - hes got it all to come!! Noticed it had begun to rain - thatll teach all those people to shove each other in their quest for a seat - now they are sitting in the rain and im sitting in my hotel with a long cool drink in my hand watching the lights from the open doorway - heaven!!! Back to the room around 10.15. Snuggled down just after 11 with teddy and dreamed of the barman .......
Miffy2003 said:
Widget, I moved this post onto its own thread so everyone could enjoy it :)

I keep getting a Website not responding problem when I edit the title to A quick trip but great nonetheless!! day one but I will try again tomorrow - feel free to change it yourself if you want to though :)

Your report is hysterically funny Widget :teeth:
Thanks - do with it what you will Miffy!! I know its in good hands :flower:
Hi Widget

lovely report :)
Might be worth editing title as I kept going into main trip index, rather than your report.

Sunday 5th - so it has come - the final day!! :sad2: Too quick!! Its been relaxing and tiring at the same time. We chose not to rush around doing too much and probably didnt do as many rides as we could but wed decided to take this trip at a leisurely pace and not to queue endlessly. Having the pool was a definate bonus although I still love the Cheyenne despite it not having a pool (unless you count the urine in the dip at the end of the horses arena!!) Being so close to the entrance and especially the exit of the park was another bonus. And an even greater bonus was the yummy cocktails at Cafe Fantasia complete with swarve barman with the tight buttocks!!
Up at 6am and watched the children sleeping. As the beds are so big they both look younger than their years and I feel a maternal protectiveness coming over me....time for another cocktail methinks!!! Its sunny again with a cooler breeze today. Packed the cases once the boys were up and moving about. Went to breakfast around 8.35. Much busier today. Went into the California Grill area to eat. Tried one of those hard boiled eggs - not bad except the shell kept getting in the egg - obviously the chicken was on a low calcium diet!! (ok - it was almost a yolk!! Took cases to baggage desk and went into the Disneyland Park. Went onto the train for our trip around the lands. Saw POTC had all the water drained out of it!! It looked so different! Got the police wagon up to the castle and headed for BTM. The queue was already all inside, all the way around the outside and down almost to the gate. Wonder briefly if theyd all fall down like dominos if I pushed the skinny one on the end. Resisted the urge to try it out. Got FP for 12.10/12.30. Went into Fantasyland and onto SWhite (10 min wait) Everywhere was very busy. Pinocchio was 30 mins, teacups and carousel were 15 each, PP fastpass was already showing 2.45-3.15 and this is all at 10.50am in the morning!! Back to BTM and used the free FP we got for being at the Disneyland Hotel. Took 6 minutes to get to the cars. Went into Discoveryland and onto Autopia which was 45 mins but my youngest wanted to do this and I didnt think the queue would get much smaller for quite a while. At 11.35 decided on early lunch in Videopolis building. Boys had burger and chips with a drink and brownie as a set menu for 9.95 each. I had the Chef Salad (5.10) and a cafe au lait (1.70) The boys drinks were extra (50cl sprite 2.60 and water 50cl for 2 euros).Lucky for us we got a great table and managed to eek our food out long enough to watch the Lion King Show in English which started at 12 noon. Pa! Who needs to wait in a queue outside just to get a seat in the front!! We saw it all from the comfort of our table. Left 5 minutes before the end to get the BTM for FP ride. Took 15 minutes this time. The ordinary queue was showing as 75 minutes.Went and sat in Main Street and had an ice cream. Weather still very mild but grey skies. Went into Studio Park around 1.30pm and did studio tram tour which showed a 45 min wait but actually only took 25 mins to get onto tram. Couldnt see any difference on the ride - not even any cleaner really. Wonder what they closed it for?? Saw theyd got FP machines on the left hand side - have they always been there?? They are covered over and not as yet in use. There were fewer people in here which kinda makes it a bit depressing. Its a reminder that youre about to go home - as if the park is closing up soon. Did the flying carpets but wanted to head back for the Wonderful World of Disney parade at 4pm. It was great. We sat on the stone benches by the Winnie the Pooh theatre and got a great view. Left after the parade to go to Studios again for dinner at the Rendevous. Wished I hadnt bothered. This place has gone down in my estimations. The sign said it closed at 4.30 but we went in anyway. The chefs couldnt be bothered to even look at us when we ordered our meal. They staff were having too much fun trying to catch a pigeon which had flown in. They were flapping serviettes and teatowels around much to the annoyance of one family who were trying to eat their meal. The food was all virtually cold. We had the ckn with potatoes and I cant say we enjoyed it. I would have liked to complain but didnt want to end the holiday with an upset. Left the parks at 5.30pm wandering through the shops for final spends before heading off to Eurostar, England and home!!
Wouldnt know how to do that!! Im hoping Miffy will come to the rescue when she gets an opportunity!!
Hi Widget

it is not too difficult. If you open the thread you'll see a edit and quote button.
Edit allows the originator to edit your post and/or the title.

Hopefully it will work easily without any problem. :)

Wonderful trip report, Widget! I really enjoyed reading it... even though doing so kept me awake a lot longer than I'd hoped! Must get some sleep now!

It sounds like you had a fantastic time. How old are your two boys? I've forgotten!
The oldest has just turned 15 and the youngest is 11, 12 in November. Yes, we had a lovely time. Its just sad to have to come home to the bills, school, washing, ironing.......!!
Hope your trip will be great and everything you are hoping for. :sunny:
Loving your work Widget!! When's your next trip?! :teeth:
I've read the rest now Widget - fantastic!!! I am laughing manically to myself ;)

Managed to edit the title as well :)

Agree with Becky - when is your next trip? ;)
Thats a great trip review . It sounds really wonderful in DLH, that is our aim for this december if we save well.
Great report Widget - and so funny
Wonderful stuff Widget,
Yu're so good and natural at writing these things we should pay you to go so we can read the Trippies :goodvibes

:rotfl2: Enjoyed the report Widget, well done for prioritising writing the trippie over the washing, ironing etc!!

Rhiannon :wizard:
Great report, v.funny! sounds like you had a great time! potatoes in jackets made me laugh so much!
DisneyRGB said:
:rotfl2: Enjoyed the report Widget, well done for prioritising writing the trippie over the washing, ironing etc!!

Rhiannon :wizard:
washing!!! Ironing!! Oh is that the huge mound of stuff festering in the bathroom!! ;)
Bonitatime - I hope you get your wish for the DLH - it would be great in the cooler winter months to slip back to the hotel for a relaxing cocktail - I really sound like an old soak dont I!!!
Miffy, well done in changing the title. All I managed to do was cancel it off the page!
BCT - as the piggies are now well and truely depleated Id love for someone to pay for me to go back!! Howse about Castle Club, or I hear theres an opening in Sleeping Beauties Presidential Suite coming up soon ( ;) ;) ) I think I could be happy there......!!
Widget, that was a BRILLIANT report!!! I have been in stitches reading it!!! I am so glad you and the boys had such a great time!:goodvibes


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