A Golden-Grand-Slam-Outta-the-Park Alaskan Cruise! COMPLETE 7/18!!!!!!


<font color=blue>just skippin' around, amusing mys
Nov 14, 2007
Hellooooo there DISpeeps! My name is Ellen, and well, I have a trip report or twenty under my belt, yet, STILL can't shut up! :rotfl: This was my DS15 Timmy's, and my, Grand Slam cruise, and my first Gold Castaway Club trip; needless to say, we have drunk ALL the Kool-Aid, and are happy to have done so. :goodvibes My DH, Pods, and DS17 Tyler, were not too far behind on this cruise, and are also BIG DCL fans. I would love to have you join us once again, or, for the first time in forever- oops, sorry- I promise not to do THAT too often- either way, happy to have you along for our hopefully entertaining and maybe enlightening journey into the glorious and grand, last great American frontier.....ALASKA!


DAY 1, AUGUST 10, 2014 Vancouver, Japadog, Stanley Park, Pan Pacific, Chewies in Kitsilano


DAY 2, AUGUST 11, 2014 The Wonder pulls in, Capilano Suspension Bridge Park, Sailing to Alaska, Dinner in Animator's

DAY 3, AUGUST 12, 2014 Sea Day, Naturalist, Palo Brunch, Martini Tasting, Formal Night



DAY 4, AUGUST 13, 2014 Tracy Arm, Senses Spa, Parrot Cay




DAY 5, AUGUST 14, 2014 Skagway, Dog Sledding?, Temsco Glacier Discovery, Skagway Brewing Co, Triton's





DAY 6, AUGUST 15, 2014 Juneau, Rum Runner Captain's Choice Whale Watch, Tracy's King Crab Shack, Rainforest, Toy Story, Palo

A Golden-Grand-Slam-Outta-the-Park Alaskan Cruise! Update 2/15

A Golden-Grand-Slam-Outta-the-Park Alaskan Cruise! Update 2/15
A Golden-Grand-Slam-Outta-the-Park Alaskan Cruise! Update 2/15

A Golden-Grand-Slam-Outta-the-Park Alaskan Cruise! Update 3/9

A Golden-Grand-Slam-Outta-the-Park Alaskan Cruise! Update 3/11
A Golden-Grand-Slam-Outta-the-Park Alaskan Cruise! Update 3/11
A Golden-Grand-Slam-Outta-the-Park Alaskan Cruise! Update 3/11

DAY 7, AUGUST 16, 2014 Ketchikan, Ketchikan Taxi Tours, Creek St, Carlin Air Floatplane to Misty Fjords


A Golden-Grand-Slam-Outta-the-Park Alaskan Cruise! Updates 4/9

A Golden-Grand-Slam-Outta-the-Park Alaskan Cruise! Updates 4/11

DAY 8, AUGUST 17, 2014 Sea Day, Whales Presentation, BEST Alfresco lunch EVER, Lynn Trefzger, Mixology

A Golden-Grand-Slam-Outta-the-Park Alaskan Cruise! Updates 4/11

A Golden-Grand-Slam-Outta-the-Park Alaskan Cruise! Updates 4/11



DAY 9, AUGUST 18, 2014 Back to Vancouver, Steam Clock and flying home.....

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Woo-Hoo!! I'm here. Can't wait to read all about it. Love the pic. I believe I know when Pods got his hat (Go Team 4)!
What? Am I first? :woohoo: Shoot! I knew someone would beat me while I corrected that typo - happens every time!
Sometimes the time difference works in my favour. ;)

Here to stay now! ...... and going back to read. Had to secure my place here first. :rotfl2:
Can't wait to hear all about your adventures!! That's a lovely picture of the four of you - nearly as if you color coordinated to fit in with the scenery!
Here, rarely anymore, thanks for the facebook nudge.
I always enjoy your TR adventures.
Ok...let's try that again- I had this all written last night and lost it. Fingers crossed....

So...we were on our way to Summer 2014, and had changed our plans MULTIPLE times. First we were going to Bermuda on Norwegian Breakaway. Then we switched to Oasis and then to Allure. I had been BEGGING my kids for years about the great state of Alaska. No interest whatsoever. In fact, there was a laundry list of complaints about why they would not ever want to go-

Who wants to be cold on summer vacation?

Who cares about ice in a glacier? I have ice outside right now and I hate it.

That sounds horrible!

There's nothing to do up there.

It's too far away.

Snow in August? Yea- no thanks!

What do they have trees? Didn't we see enough trees last year in Cali?

What if it rains the whole time? (Ok- this was mine)

What if it rains the whole time? (Ok- this was everyone's)

Until ONE day, driving with DS Tyler, he says- "Oh- you meant a CRUISE?? Oh- I would go ANYWHERE on a Disney Cruise! Yea- let's go to Alaska this summer."

O.M.GEEEEEEE parenting is EXHAUSTING!!!!!

So, while on our NYE cruise onboard the Fantasy that year (with some mighty wonderful peeps, I might add) we rebooked ourselves with that lovely discount onto the Disney Wonder's August 11th cruise to the great state of Alaska.

We flew in a day early (ALWAYS do at LEAST a day early) leaving Newark, NJ early in the morning and arriving in Vancouver at 10 am on Air Canada using mileage (mostly accrued from United Master Card charges- 3 years in a row, this is how we have traveled to Hawaii, California and now Vancouver. I try to shop on Mileage Plus Shopping when I make online purchases and that helps a LOT).

Everyone was uber excited to go-

Well, I can promise you at least ONE of us was more excited than THAT!! A few hours later, out the window we saw-

And we were landing in Canada. The airport there immediately screams Pacific Northwest- it is really beautiful. The line for customs? Not quite as lovely. We were lucky, there were only 2 planes ahead of us- behind us were several flights from Asia. I would avoid those at ALL costs- those planes are BIGUNS! Through customs in under 45 minutes, and to the luggage where our Aerocar driver awaited. We had hired a driver pre- trip, and although it did cost a little more, we all fit with our luggage in 1 suburban. There are taxis at the airport, also Aerocar, but most are small, really really small. There are vans, too, but I had read you might have to wait for a van, and hey- we only had 1 day here, I was not wasting any time in a taxi line. It was about a 20 minute ride to the city and our hotel, the Pan Pacific. We all couldn't help but compare Vancouver to San Francisco, it has a similar vibe being surrounded by water and mountains- although much more rugged mountains, to be sure. Our room wasn't ready, but we dropped off the luggage and headed out to explore. It was right before noon when we arrived at our first stop, Japadog, just a couple of blocks from our hotel (and the port- the Pan Pacific sits on top of the port, more on that later).

This is just a cart, but there was still plenty to choose from. Including just a plain dog (which is what Timmy had). Our timing was GREAT- we walked right up and ordered. After us, a line formed that never went away.



JAPADOG's Signature Hot Dog: Teriyaki sauce, mayo and seaweed make for a winning combination.

It was very tasty. They all were! Other orders were-LOVE MEAT
Our home made meat sauce is fused together with melted cheese, making it popular to all ages.

Hungry? Japanese croquette (fried mashed potato) and Arabiki sausage will satisfy your hunger.

They also have fries...SHICHIMI & GARLIC
Roasted garlic with Nanami Togarashi spice (hot pepper). Boost your energy level!

It was all really yummy, cheap and hit the spot. Bellies full, we walked back down to the water and the Pan Pacific/ Canada Place-

And then turned left to walk to Stanley Park.

It is beyond beautiful here!! The day was SPECTACULAR!! Lots to see walking along the water, I highly recommend-

We checked out the Houseboats-

Timmy was fascinated. People really LIVE there???

Our plan was to ride bikes in Stanley Park today.

Yea- that's right, you heard me. We were going for another bike ride. In case you are new to me and my biking adventures with my youngest, Timmy, here is something to help you catch up... from Cali- http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?p=50048445#post50048445

And from Castaway Cay- http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?p=48951088#post48951088

Hey, third time's the charm! Gotta get back up on that horse...err, I mean Bike! Right Timmy?

We rented our bikes from Spokes, just a block up from the water outside of Stanley Park, and they were very helpful and friendly, a great outfit-

I should mention that I am a TA and had taken a Vancouver Specialist course prior to traveling up here. The reward for that course is a free Vancouver Experience Card- which allowed me and 1 guest FREE great experiences in Vancouver. My bike and Pods' bike were free. It was SWEET!!!

Stanley Park is absolutely gorgeous, and even better, there is a path that goes along the seawall around the whole park, so PERFECT to explore on a bike. This is one of the greatest things you can do here in Vancouver, IMHO.

So, most of these pics will be a little tilted- I was just clicking my point and shoot Canon water camera as I was riding...can you see Canada Place (ie- the port) back there?

We stopped to see the Totem Poles-

and then continued on along the seawall-

This was on a Sunday afternoon, so a little bit crowded. Would definitely be better on a weekday, but we did not have that option with only 1 day pre-cruise. Wish we could have extended that stay, but not this year, there was too much else going on. So...

Cont'd next post-
OK El...CONVINCE ME why we need to do Alaska! :cool1:
We stopped again-

Notice the difference in the level of water between that sign pic and my pic- the tidal change seems significant here. We did not see any seals that day, I think because the tide was so low.

From wikipedia- Although some believe it was a replica of Copenhagen's The Little Mermaid, the creator stated:

I didn't believe we should have a copy of the mermaid. She is rightfully a symbol of Copenhagen... I proposed to have a life-size scuba diver seated there. At that time scuba diving was getting quite popular here in Vancouver and, just as important, I didn't know of any similar sculpture anywhere in the world. It was a new idea… There was tremendous opposition and great controversy. I still don't know why.

People were sunbathing on the beaches along the way, it was a truly beautiful day-

What I REALLY liked about this path along the sea wall is that it had a BIKE side and a PEOPLE WALKING side and everyone seemed to GET that concept (and the direction to go in). Clearly a HUGE plus for our friend Tim. We were coming up to a bridge- the Lion's Gate Bridge.

Which just so happens to be the sister bridge of our greatest riding debacle of all time, the Golden Gate Bridge.

Oh, the irony!!

See, the key to our success THIS time was that we were riding UNDER the bridge instead of OVER it. Big thumbs up on THAT choice. In case you were wondering, under is definitely better than over. Just sayin.

And no, Timmy would not get in the picture. but Tyler would!

How does this work?


There was a fair going on in the park, it was a Health fair, I think.

A family with their coolers had apparently NOT read the memo, and they were stopped and talking right in the middle of the bike path (didn't we see these people last summer on the Golden Gate Bridge holding hands 4 across????). BUT....I was the one who nearly hit them, not Timmy, so all was good! We actually made it all the way around Stanley Park without incident!

You can all stop holding your breath in horrific anticipation of disaster now.

Bikes turned back in, we headed for some Gelato on our walk back.


On the walk back, it was still a pretty day...

We stopped to pose at the Olympic Torch-

And the pixelated Orca-

Then made it back to the hotel- we were draggin a little bit, and a nap sounded like a GREAT thing right about now...

Back in a few! REALLY!!:)

Can not wait to hear about this trip. We have yet to go on a cruise and my teens think a Disney Cruise would be too young for them :(. I plan to make them both read all your cruise TRs!
Joining in!
I can't believe you braved the bikes once again....but so glad you didn't have any disasters this time.

I was just thinking I should go exercise seeing you all ride bikes...then I saw the gelato and thought...no icecream sounds much better! :rotfl:

We checked into our room, which I had scored an incredible deal on but was more of a city view, although I think most rooms at the Pan see some water.

This was the situation-

Of course, I did not sleep a whole heck of a lot, so I took room pics while they snoozed-

Eventually, we showered and changed for dinner. But first, we had a DISmeet at the pool...which only a few people came to, I guess, me being one of them. There were a ton of cruisers staying here- with good reason. It is one of two hotels where they have luggage service the morning of your cruise. On cruise day, you call bell services and they will come and get your luggage and check it through to the ship- the next time you see it is in your cabin.

I LOVE this service. Anything that takes me out of the luggage situation rocks as far as I am concerned!

We watched as a Crystal Cruises ship sailed away....

My next door neighbors had sailed on her earlier that summer and had nothing but great things to say. It goes to Glacier Bay, which I hear is a highlight in Alaska- I wish Disney could get into Glacier Bay (it is limited there). The hotel was built to look like a ship since it was at the port. See?

Pods and I had a cocktail, chatted with the few Dispeeps who showed up, and made nice with the bartender who filled us in on Vancouver and its odd liquor laws.

We had made a dinner reservation at a popular Vancouver restaurant called Chewies. There is one right near Canada Place, but we ended up at the one in Kitsilano. Why, you ask? Well.... I had met a couple on my January trip to Mexico, and the woman and I became fast friends. Too fast, probably. Anyway, she and the hubby own these restaurants and were very happy to hear we were coming. Except....they went to the Music Fest that night and did not make it back in time to see us. Have to say, I was a little pissed- well, a LOT pissed, actually- because we could have saved a $30 each way or whatever it was cab fare by going to the closer one, but she insisted we should come to this one- and what the heck? I would have much rather had dinner on the water down by where we were! UGH...anyway...the food IS good there, even if we did not see these people.

Tyler ordered some fried oysters-

Pods and I had some raw ones-

And Tyler did too-

There was a really yummy salmon tartare

And Timmy plowed through the buttermilk biscuits with honey drizzle-

There was also Jambalaya-


and Fried Chicken-

Afterwards, back to Canada Place we went, just in time to see the last of the sun-

We walked around a bit outside, where there was alot of Canadian historical stuff, but we would look at that when we came back next week. Tonight, we were just out for a stroll-

Almost done and ran out of picture space, so cont'd next post

What I had heard and read was true- it did not get super dark there (well maybe in the middle of the night, but I was long asleep by then!). We decided to go back inside-

Then had a glass of wine at the bar before heading to bed.

Up next- Day 2, with more fun in Vancouver before we get on the Wonder!

On my list, Japadog. :) What other hotel delivers your luggage to the ship? I had planned for us to stay at Pan Pacific but we had enough points to stay in a suite at the Westin Bayshore before our trip and then are staying at the Residence Inn, Hornby St. after we return, all on points so I cannot complain about the cost. And that is money we can spend on other fun stuff, such as "Japadog" and whatever other ideas I steal from your trip report.


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