A Golden-Grand-Slam-Outta-the-Park Alaskan Cruise! COMPLETE 7/18!!!!!!

Woo-Hoo!! I'm here. Can't wait to read all about it. Love the pic. I believe I know when Pods got his hat (Go Team 4)!

TEAM FOUR!!!!!!!! Lol- You can't even imagine the scene when we tried to recreate our win on the Dream this October- no hats were won this time, but huge amounts of humiliation were endured by all.:rotfl2:

What? Am I first? :woohoo: Shoot! I knew someone would beat me while I corrected that typo - happens every time!

It's ok! Number 2 is good too!!

I'm in! Can't wait for another adventure!

Jill in CO

Hey Jill! Thanks for joining in!

Sometimes the time difference works in my favour. ;)

Here to stay now! ...... and going back to read. Had to secure my place here first. :rotfl2:

HAHAHA! So happy to see you Karin! Hopefully you are here now, there actually IS something to read!

Can't wait to hear all about your adventures!! That's a lovely picture of the four of you - nearly as if you color coordinated to fit in with the scenery!

Hi Magdalene! I have been thinking of you lately- drooling over pictures of Nuremburg at Christmas. Yes, it does look color co-ordinated, but it was not! Just got lucky, I guess! Thanks for coming along with me again-

Here, rarely anymore, thanks for the facebook nudge.
I always enjoy your TR adventures.

Sure thing!! Thanks for joining in again!:goodvibes

Yea! Another Ellen adventure.

Thanks for sharing. I know you are super busy.


I am so happy you are excited about it! You are going to love this trip, Kate-

Definitely in for this one! :cool1:

YAY! My Bahamas girlfriend! :goodvibes Glad to see you again-
I'm so glad that Timmy didn't give up on bike rides, and at least this one was uneventful. Japadog, looks awesome! I'll put that on the list if we get back there. I would have had the Tonkatsu, love that stuff!

I'm going to remember the luggage service with the Pan Pacific, that's a huge bonus. That's really too bad that your friend flaked out on you. I would have been pissed as well.

I didn't realize that Disney ships didn't go to Glacier Bay. That was HUGE on our Alaskan Cruise with Celebrity, but that's OK. Disney more than makes up for it with the other benefits that they offer. The ports are also great.

I think it's funny that at first your kids didn't want to go to Alaska. For us it would be a huge bonus, to leave the 100+ degree summer for a place that is cool and crisp. Sign me up!

Looking forward to the rest.
I have been looking forward to hearing about this cruise!

Hey there Melanie! :goodvibes I am so glad you want to read one of these again!! This cruise is very different- it was really amazing in a completely different way-

I'm here too! Brilliant posting it on FB. :woohoo:

Thanks! And so happy you are here my girlfriend!:lovestruc

OK El...CONVINCE ME why we need to do Alaska! :cool1:

Because although you may not know it yet, cruise ships can do more than visit the same 6 ports in the Caribbean.....Alaska was BEAUTIFUL- it was my kids favorite cruise yet!

Oooooh! I'm here! Will I make the first page?

You closed it out baby!! Thanks for coming!!

Can not wait to hear about this trip. We have yet to go on a cruise and my teens think a Disney Cruise would be too young for them :(. I plan to make them both read all your cruise TRs!

We are going again this summer on DCL- the Fantasy- because Tyler WANTS to and he is Graduating from HS- all the teens hook up- it is excellent! Timmy is STILL chatting with kids from all over the world from this cruise- I hope they will give it a shot, it really is a great trip for everyone-

If they want to talk to my boys about it, I'd be happy to set that up- :goodvibes

Joining in!
I can't believe you braved the bikes once again....but so glad you didn't have any disasters this time.

When we were on the bike trip in SF last year I had texted my friend and told him what was going on- when he heard we were going on a bike ride this year, he FREAKED out!! He thought we were crazy for trying, lol!

I was just thinking I should go exercise seeing you all ride bikes...then I saw the gelato and thought...no icecream sounds much better! :rotfl:

BOTH were great, lol!!!:rotfl:

On my list, Japadog. :) What other hotel delivers your luggage to the ship? I had planned for us to stay at Pan Pacific but we had enough points to stay in a suite at the Westin Bayshore before our trip and then are staying at the Residence Inn, Hornby St. after we return, all on points so I cannot complain about the cost. And that is money we can spend on other fun stuff, such as "Japadog" and whatever other ideas I steal from your trip report.

Steal away, that's what it's for. The other hotel is the Fairmont Waterfront. Free is very hard to say no to, though!
Wow, you got a great start there! Sounds like a lovely day in Vancouver. I am so happy that this time the bike ride was without an issues! I did the same tour when I was in Vancouver a long time ago. Stanley Park is really pretty and I loved the views of the water all around.

The Japadog looks truly fascinating. I need to try this!

Sorry for those people making you go out of your way and then not appearing. How inconsiderate! At least the food was really good.
I was up early, about 6am, and looked at our cruise meet thread on my phone- someone had just posted that the Wonder was HERE!!!!! I threw on my clothes, brushed my teeth, and ran to the elevator- how often do you get to watch your ship pull into port like that? It made this hotel even that much more special (sorry Kate!).

I'm in one of those Navigators!

Lots of other passengers were out there, really, we were all super excited, and I stared chatting with one of them. He had come from NY and had a NITEMARE of a time getting to Vancouver. He had booked a flight that went through Denver, rather than direct, because it was cheaper. Well, I don't know if you remember, but last August there was a freak storm in Denver, and their plane got grounded. They had a horrible time getting to Vancouver pre-cruise- it involved a lot of planes, trains and automobiles. Well, not trains, but definitely a car service from Seattle to Vancouver. Although there is a train. They were all completely exhausted and so relieved to be there. Good thing they left a day early - ::yes:: and had trip insurance!

Sorry- it was hard to get enough of that ship!

Back in the room, we had some decisions to make. We had been flirting with the idea of doing something this morning- there is a beautiful park in Capilano with a suspension bridge, among other things, and we were debating. Well, Tim was not really excited to run across a swinging bridge, and Tyler really didn't care either way, but Pods and I wanted to go, so the boys slept and we took off to catch the bus in front of the hotel. But first grabbed some breakfast from the underground mall beneath us and brought it back for everyone. On the street level beneath the hotel there is a Vancouver Tourism desk, and the people there are VERY helpful. they gave us advice about the buses (free) out to the park, how much time it would take, etc. Very helpful. My Experience card covered this trip as well.

After a couple of stops, we were on our way over the Lions Gate Bridge-

And soon in the park

First things first, we headed for the bridge.

The bridge is VERY impressive!

Check out this view-


Originally the bridge was rope and some boards- INSANITY!!!! I thought I would be terrified, but really, it was not a big deal, and the views were beautiful.

Once we were across (and yes it DOES shake and bounce), we had a few more things to check out in the rainforest......which I will tell you about another time, we are going out to dinner with friends! :)

I have always had the same concerns about an Alaska cruise (primarily I want warm in the summer), so I am very interested in how your's went. Thanks for taking the time to report.
Great start! Stinks that the couple didn't show up to dinner - what the heck?? I think I will add riding bikes at Stanley Park to our to do list. So much to do - so little time.

So cool to see the Wonder coming into port. Knowing me - I will be wide awake - so I plan on seeing it also :)
This TR has made my day!! The perfect thing to get me excited about our Alaska trip! I ended up finding a fabulous deal at the Westin (first night rack rate then nights 2 and 3 pay your birth year), and since its so close to Stanley Park, I grabbed it. We're there for 3 nights pre-cruise, and I can't wait to explore the park.

Money question for you . . . did you use your credit card in Vancouver, or did you get Canadian dollars somewhere? We'll be in Canada for 10 days pre-cruise, so I suppose I'll need to get some Canadian currency. I suppose the airport ATM will do??

Thanks so much for sharing your adventures!!

Love your trip report! Alaska is on our bucket list. We were thinking for our 10 year anniversary, but that would make our boys only 8 & 6 1/2. Decided we better wait till they can appreciate it. Excited to read how your boys like it!
Hi Ellen
It's hop-a-long Linda here ;)
Your TR is bringing back such amazing memories of our trip to Vancouver
The Alaskan itinerary is truly amazing and I can't wait to hear about your cruise
Oh boy, I want to go again!
After crossing the suspension bridge, we headed for the treetops adventure- can you see it above Pods' head? It's like little mini suspension bridges between the tops of the trees- very pretty up there!

Next we checked out the raptors-

Then the boardwalk-

This park had many different ways to enjoy the forest, I really liked it.

We crossed the suspension bridge back to the first part of the park to do the last experience,

All of these things (well, not the big bridge, but the treetops and the cliffwalk) did not damage anything they were attached to, which was fascinating.

We were there about an hour and a half, it was VERY doable before getting on the Wonder that day- and also back in time to check out at 11. As we were leaving, a band was playing- and a LOT more people were entering the park- so make sure to be on the first or second bus out in the morning!

I love anemones- I don't really see them too often at home, they must not grow as well in NJ (which is the Garden State, for those of you who are under the impression NJ is a state of nothing but Oil tanks and refineries, lol).

still more to come....

We waited just 5 or 10 minutes for the return bus.

Back to the Pan-

The boys were ready- we called Bell Services and they came and got our cruise luggage to check through to the ship as well as our carryons to hold while we went out in search of a bottle or two of beverages for the cabin.

The bartender last night had explained where the nearest liqour store was, so we headed off in what we thought was the right direction.

Past a pretty church-

But not a liquor store in site. We used Google to locate one, but even when we finally found it, and it was telling us we were there, we STILL couldn't find it. BECAUSE (we found out when asked someone) it was UNDERGROUND. Ah- we're in Canada, I forgot! The other thing I forgot? We were in Canada! Where there is Havana Siete, my FAVORITE rum, from Cuba, for sale! SOLD!! Yay! Back to board the ship...

And Pods' phone rang. It was a work call. UGH. The boys and I walked around while Pods did some business. We ended up under the hotel, where Pods and I had stumbled upon some cool stuff earlier that day (these pics are actually from earlier, not now).

The baton to light the Olympic torch-

I really wanted to put all 3 of them up here, but Pods was not with us- PLEASE someone else- would be such a cute pic! Do it when you go!

Pods was STILL on this call, so we went outside now-

FINALLY he was done, and we could start the check-in!!

I was so glad to see it made as Disney-like as possible.

I was so excited!!! I was getting my FIRST GOLD lanyard!!

Except....the agent went to give me a silver one. And I said, ummm, helllooooooo....GOLD please! She actually argued that I wasn't gold- but finally believed me when I showed her the room key she had just handed me that said I was...surprise surprise... GOLD!! Sheesh! Next, I said, why are there only 3- can we please have our 4th lanyard. "Oh, we can't do that." Excuse me??? Can't do what? "We are not allowed to give a lanyard to someone who has not cruised before.

Well, who the heck would that be???:faint:

"Tyler has never cruised before."

Ummmmm....my depleted bank account would beg to differ on that one, honey. You'd better check again. Whatever she eventually saw, she finally DID give me his lanyard. SHEESH again. So be careful you get what you came for when you check in in Vancouver.

Me and new golden swag-

We were onboard in a few minutes, and could go right to our cabins. We had a Navigator's Verandah this cruise, 5636, and the boys were across the hall in an inside, 5637. Our first time with seperate cabins, and it was all because when we booked in December it was cheaper to book two cabins than to put all of us in 1 Verandah Cabin. Well, I can tell you now- we are not going back! Two cabins ROCK!! I can't believe how much neater our cabin was this week without those messy boys around...although I can't say the same for that disaster of an inside cabin across the hall....

I liked the Nav- it felt like all the beautiful scenes we were passing by were framed!

Well...that's it for now- up next- it's time for lunch!

I have heard of that place before and it is definitely on my to do list for my next visit to Vancouver. Your pictures are lovely!
Yikes, whenever I think I have read it all, you throw another update at me. :rotfl2:
Awesome day before the cruise. That treetop walk looks sooooo beautiful.

Great pics of the city as well. And the terminal looked so much nicer than the one in Barcelona.

Love the look of your stateroom - navigator's veranda - I need to keep that in mind! :thumbsup2
We are headed to Alaska on the Wonder this year with my dh family, so I cannot wait to read the rest of your report.:surfweb:
I'm so glad that Timmy didn't give up on bike rides, and at least this one was uneventful. Japadog, looks awesome! I'll put that on the list if we get back there. I would have had the Tonkatsu, love that stuff!

I am not sure I have ever had Tonkatsu! Will have to try it- and yes, it was a huge relief that Timmy and the bike was uneventful. HUGE.

I'm going to remember the luggage service with the Pan Pacific, that's a huge bonus. That's really too bad that your friend flaked out on you. I would have been pissed as well.

I know, right? the luggage service is fabulous and the flaky friend sucked!

I didn't realize that Disney ships didn't go to Glacier Bay. That was HUGE on our Alaskan Cruise with Celebrity, but that's OK. Disney more than makes up for it with the other benefits that they offer. The ports are also great.

Celebrity doesn't anymore either- I think they dumped lobster shells off the ship at some point in Alaska and were banned.

I think it's funny that at first your kids didn't want to go to Alaska. For us it would be a huge bonus, to leave the 100+ degree summer for a place that is cool and crisp. Sign me up!

Looking forward to the rest.

Sign me up too, lol! I would love to go back.

Can't wait to read more. Bringing back some good memories.

Such a magical trip, right?

Wow, you got a great start there! Sounds like a lovely day in Vancouver. I am so happy that this time the bike ride was without an issues! I did the same tour when I was in Vancouver a long time ago. Stanley Park is really pretty and I loved the views of the water all around.

It was a lovely bike ride, I was looking forward to it so much, and was very glad all went well. Loved all the waterviews- and then loved looking at it when we sailed away the next day.

The Japadog looks truly fascinating. I need to try this!

Definitely! It was very good! There was one in NYC, too, but I just read where it closed.

Sorry for those people making you go out of your way and then not appearing. How inconsiderate! At least the food was really good.

It was inconsiderate and very disappointing. Oh well....

I am here! I will likely completely suck at keeping up but will most certainly try!

Well, I would never suck at keeping up so I will have no tolerance for that at all.


BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! Come by when you can, just so happy to see you when you do! ::yes::

I have always had the same concerns about an Alaska cruise (primarily I want warm in the summer), so I am very interested in how your's went. Thanks for taking the time to report.

Hi! I think that's a hesitation many people have. This is definitely very, very different from a Caribbean/Bahamas kind of cruise. For us, it was all good! It does not get to winter temps- the coolest was probably low 50s. And we had lots of summer weather all the rest of the summer. But what we saw and experienced that week was incredibe, and worth every long sleeve shirt and waterproof windbreaker we had to wear! :thumbsup2

Whoot Whoot another adventure. Can't wait to see hear the details.

Hey girlfriend! :love: So happy you are here!

Great start! Stinks that the couple didn't show up to dinner - what the heck?? I think I will add riding bikes at Stanley Park to our to do list. So much to do - so little time.

I know! What the heck?! Who would pick Kid Rock over Ellen and Pods?? LOL- I understood that part- just wish she had been honest and we could have figured something else out. But she kept INSISTING they would come back. UGH.

And definitely ride bikes in the park- it's a great way to spend a couple of hours.

So cool to see the Wonder coming into port. Knowing me - I will be wide awake - so I plan on seeing it also :)

Don't miss it!! You will be crying like I was, I am sure! I think this was my favorite cruise port ever- because all day the ship was RIGHT THERE. I can tell you it had the opposite effect upon disembarking at the end, though. Like- why is that ship still there, tormenting me that I can't go on?? WHO are THOSE PEOPLE IN MY CABIN??? LOL-


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