A Daily Lesson in Parenting and Manners: A TR by a real life Wicked Stepmom!

Hey everyone,
Thanks again for all the kind comments and the continued support!! So very appreciated!!

Just wanted to let everyone know that I am off today and I am DETERMINED to get some Trip report out TODAY. I'm going to have to put out the abridged addition to get it done...just putting a little scoot in my boot Disney TR style!

I'm sorry my report came to a rather sudden and screeching halt. We had about 84,000 things happen all at once. I have been on the go non stop for nearly a month now. Jay's grandma passed away, Sally was pretty sick for a while (she's 100% now though, so worries!). Work has been a zoo.

But today is relax day! sort of...we're taking the kiddos to see Wall-E tonight!! We're pretty excited!!

anyhow...I'm going to get on it right now!!!

:goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes
Hi! :wave2:

I just started reading your trip report and had to reply to this.

"Mommy says she's worried that we'll forget what she looks like while we're gone...I don't want to forget what she looks like!"

How evil of her to put a guilt trip on those little kiddos before their trip to Disney! Evil I tell ya! Poor baby...ok I had my tiff back to reading.;)
Thanks for the "real life" update! glad things are settling down! Hope you are able to have some down time before your trip! Enjoy the movie tonite! :)
really looking forward to an update, if you can manage. I hope things slow down to a "coast" for you. You deserve to 'coast' for a while :goodvibes
Miss Cammie- DH and I LOVED Wall-E! I hope Sally Rally and Teddy love it, too (and you and Jay!). I stopped by the Disney outlet (at the Jackson outlets here in NJ) and picked up a Wall-E t-shirt for DH to wear on our next WDW trip (only two weeks to go!).

When you say "zoo," I pictured it like those AmEx Ellen commercials with all the animals...

Sorry to hear about Jay's Grandma and Sally's sickness. We will be ready to read your TR whenever you have the time to write it. Welcome back!
Thanks everyone for being so patient...and still interested! This is sort of an abridged chapter. I want to get this done ASAP!!

When last we met, which was many moons ago…sorry…we had just discovered a bigger than life picture of Sam Champion!!! :love: Gotta love that!


After appropriate homage and devotion, it was about time for our Sci-Fi ADR.
But we spotted Buzz on the way, so we stopped for an autograph!


Okay NOW it was really time for our ADR! We had the first seating of the day, which I highly recommend! We didn’t have to wait in a crowd for our table. We were seated right away. All the CM’s were on their game. We were seated in a pink car right up front.


Right off the bat I could tell that this was going to be a hit with everyone! This place was just so DISNEY in terms of theme and escapism! We walked into an outdoor drive-in theater. It was AWESOME!!!

We were quickly seated and our orders taken.
Both kids loved the movie clips. Heck, Jay and I did too! It was very air conditioned in the theater. Which was great b/c it was so hot outside!

Jay got a huge milkshake. We both got Turkey sandwiches. I think the kids got raw veggies to munch on and hotdogs.

HUGE milkshake...awesome!

VERY good...not too heavy. Just right!:thumbsup2

The food was great, the atmosphere was fun and we all really enjoyed the entire experience!

It’s the only ADR that is making a encore appearance on our trip in August! Per JAY’S request no less!!

After we were full and happy it was time to head out. We needed to get to Typhoon Lagoon if we were going to be able to spend a decent amount of time there. We had an ADR at Garden grill that evening and we were going to forgo Wishes so that the kids could see Illuminations…just to appreciate the fabulousness that is Wishes that much more! ;)

I took these pictures as we headed towards the front!

We love Mr. Potato Head!!!

I LOVE these guys!! And do y'all see how the cloud in the top of the picture looks like Mickey?! Wow...Disney even controls the WEATHER!!:wizard:

As we hit the front gates we bid goodbye to Disney’s MGM studio with a dramatic “Good-bye forever MGM” as we knew that Disney’s Hollywood Studios would be the new name the next time we visited.

I personally like MGM better…but that’s just one step mother’s opinion!

Overall we had a good, if slightly abbreviated time. We hadn’t done much…The Great Movie Ride…which was just okay…Star Tours had been a hit…we’d seen Sam Champion…which is ALWAYS a plus…the Muppet Movie had been pretty good...and Sci-Fi Dine In Theater had been loved by all. I was sad that we hadn’t had a bit more time to see and do all that MGM offers. I know that Sally would have loved The Magic of Disney Animation…Teddy too actually. (These days that child is art CRAZED…he was intently cutting something the other day at camp and he cut several holes in his little mesh shorts…who KNEW that kids scissors could do that much damage! He proudly pointed though that he had NOT cut himself…thank goodness for small miracles! I wasn’t sure how he managed to be cutting on his lap and not a table…but, I digress…as usual.) I wasn’t totally devastated about leaving though b/c I knew we’d be back and we’d have a lot more time the next trip to see everything!!

On our way out, I have no idea why, Sally turned around and put her fist in the air and said, “As God as my WITNESS, I’ll NEVER be hungry again!!” Then she batted her eyelashes and did a little curtsey.


A flair for drama has Sally!

Jay and I decided that it would be easiest to take a cab to Typhoon Lagoon. We just didn’t feel like wasting time trying to figure out which bus would take us where.

So we hopped in a cab and were at Typhoon Lagoon in no time.

The plan was to take Sally to get changed and meet up with the boys at our locker.

So we headed in the direction of the locker rooms.

On first impression I found Typhoon Lagoon to be a little confusing. I had no clue where to go and I so dislike not knowing where I'm going! As usual it seemed like Jay had been there 84,000 times before and knew right where to go. I was busy trying to remember landmarks so I could get out if I needed to!! I did spot a diet coke cart not far in from the entrance! Always good to know where diet Coke carts are!!

We finally made our way through the SEA of bodies to the changing rooms. There was a line out the door.


It appeared that EVERYONE at Disney decided to come to Typhoon Lagoon today.

Sally and I hopped in line and sweated ourselves silly…in a ladylike way of course…while we waited for the unmoving line to move.

When we got to the front of the line we were anxious for the next dressing room to open up. Finally a lady was exiting and it was our turn to go!

Just as we took a step in the direction of the dressing room we heard,


I turned to look and there was a woman sitting on a bench off to the side with another woman. She was talking on her cell phone. She didn’t appear to have anything with her to change in to. Just her cell phone. And after telling me that she was next she went back to talking on her cell phone. The conversation was not wrapping up either…she was talking to someone about what someone else wore last night and the tragic effect of such an outfit on her social life…

She was making no move to get up and head toward the dressing room at all.

And I was in no mood to wait any longer than I already had. There was a long line behind me who didn’t want to wait either.

So I grabbed Sally’s hand and headed towards the open room. Once more I heard,


But I didn’t hear her.


Sally was all big eyes and alert.

“MissCammie, is that lady mad at us?”

I smiled at her.

“Nope. Get your bathing suit on sweetpea! We have to shake a tail feather! Daddy and Teddy are waiting for us!!”

Sally changed in record time. I gathered up our stuff and we headed back towards the door.

As we left I noticed the same lady was there on her cell phone and calling after the next person heading into the dressing room,




Sally and I found Teddy and Jay next to our impossibly teeny locker.

Jay was attempting to squeeze everything into that teeny tiny space.

So not going to happen.

Except it did happen!

Jay is a magician!!

Teddy pointed out that we “looked like a SURFING family”


He was right I suppose…we all had rash guards on! I had actually found a “surf tee” for Jay, which is a looser rash guard. It fits like a t-shirt but has spf 50 protection. Which he needs…but he wouldn’t have been able to handle a regular skin tight rash guard. Anything binding makes him nuts. His mountain bike riding gear is as tight as he can handle. He was really happy with the Surf Tee. I highly recommend them! I got it on Amazon.com. They are made by O’Neills. I got one too! A girl’s surf tee…which means it’s not cut so boxy and it comes in pretty colors!!!

Everyone was sunscreened and ready to hit the water.

Except for MissCammie…who did NOT feel well. At all. I had the most horrible headache and it was getting worse by the second.

But I tried to suck it up and smile.

We wound our way through the billions of bodies and headed towards the wave pool. There wasn’t a free bit of sand or shade anywhere!!

Finally Jay spotted a free patch of sand. I spread out the towels to claim our bit of the ground. Both kids were bouncing around ready to get in to that water.

And at that very moment I sneezed. A huge sneeze.

Which led to a huge nose bleed.


I should have been a bit more prepared for this. My head had been stuffy all day. I just wasn’t paying attention. I didn’t have anything with me and I didn’t want to use the towels to staunch the flow. Plus I was embarrassed and mad at myself. I also did not want to run through the park towards the bathrooms with blood pouring from my face. Not hygienic on so many levels.

Thankfully there was a VERY nice lady who had an entire roll of paper towels and some baby wipes with her. She came running over and handed it to Jay.

Thanks Kathleen!!! You are an angel!! Not mention SO my type of girl!! Very prepared!!!


So I plunked down on the towels with a wad of paper towels at my nose.

Sally was hovering over my shoulder patting my back. She gets nosebleeds too so she is very aware of how frustrating it can be.

But I wanted them to go play. So I declared myself fine and waved them towards the water.

I felt wretched. My head was hurting so badly I had to keep my eyes closed behind my sunglasses to make sure no stray light pierced through. My nose finally quit bleeding, but my head was pounding like mad.


When Jay and the kids came back a bit later, he took one look at me and told me to go back to the resort.

I didn’t argue.

So I got some splashy hugs from the kids and Jay. Thanked Kathleen once more for her extreme kindness and I headed towards the front. I got my bag from the teeny tiny locker, and was ready to go.

I remembered that there was a diet coke cart on the way out and I had every intention of stopping there before I left!

The CM was all smiles when I approached. I asked for a Diet Coke please. I was never so glad to see a diet coke in all my life! I knew that the caffeine would help with the migraine.

I was about to take out my debit card when the CM said “Sorry…cash only!”

Of course all the cash was in Jay’s bag…and the key to our locker was with him.

I asked if she took Snack Credits from the DDP.

“Normally we do, but the machine is down…”


I realized that my Diet Coke relief was slipping through my fingers.

I think the CM sensed my desperation and impending break down b/c she suddenly said,

“Oh you have an anniversary button! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY FROM DISNEY!!”

She then handed me that lovely ice cold bottle of Diet Coke.


I thanked her profusely. I told her that I would call my husband and have him pay her on his way out. She waved me away and said it was “on the Mouse”.


I swear, The Happiest Place on Earth is just that!

Thanks to Courtney!!!:goodvibes

Thankfully the Wilderness Lodge bus pulled up shortly and I was back at the resort in no time flat.

I was able to get my migraine meds into my system, turn the room into a dark dark cave and sleep my way through the pounding headache.

When Jay and the kids returned a few hours later I was MUCH better and ready for the evening ahead!

Up next: The Garden Grill and Illuminations!
:( A migraine plus a nose bleed at WDW-that would be like my worst nightmare. Happy to see an update, though.
Yeah For an update!
OH my goodness a migraine and another nose bleed! YIKES!! Dh used to get migraines a lot from lack of caffeine. He is getting better he has cut back on the coffee. And I can sympathize with you on the diet coke I am a coke zero junkie and you can't get them in WDW!
Wow about that crazy lady in the changing room! And sorry about your migraine and nosebleed! :mad: But :banana: :banana: :banana: for your magical Diet Coke moment! I know JUST how you feel about Diet Coke (except for me it's Diet Pepsi, but in Disneyworld I take what I can get) I would've been about in tears myself. I'm so glad the cart CM saved the day. She must be a Diet Coke drinker herself! I hope I get to go back to Disneyworld some day, I'd love to try the Sci-Fi diner. Glad you're back! I missed you! :hug:
Miss Cammie...I have been reading your TR for awhile now, and I must say that you epitomize to me what well-rounded parenting really is. You're tough, but loving. You don't put up with scallywagging by the kids, but you're not a drill sargeant. You teach respect through example, which is something that the kids will take with them forever. Finally, you sound like a whole lotta FUN!!!:banana: :banana: :banana: Can't wait to read more, and I am eagerly awaiting to hear how your August trip went!
so glad to see you back. :flower3: Sorry for the rough time you guys seem to be having.

Great update and agree completely with you guys about the Sci Fi :thumbsup2 . It is one of the few repeats on our trip too (that and the Coral Reef).

Pop in and let us know what ya'll thought of Wall-E
yea!!!! an update. Hope you enjoy Wall-E. My family saw it over the weekend and enjoyed it very much.
Glad you are back, though I'm sorry to hear your universe has been all out of whack!

Like all those before me, I predict y'all will adore WALL-E. BF and I did.

Loved the update. I love me some Sci-Fi too and I'm happy to hear the fam enjoyed it! I can relate to the nosebleed/migraine situation. Been there, done that more times I can count. Blech.

Thanks for taking the time out to give us an update! Looking forward to more.

You all must be so excited for the upcoming trip!!!!
thanks for the long-awaited update, Miss Cammie. Glad to hear that you were able to sleep off the migraine. Kudos to the Diet Coke CM. I just laughed like crazy at Sally's reference to GWTW.
Hey sweetie, glad to see you back. :hug:

I've never been to the Sci Fi restaurant. I think I'll have to do a little research for our February trip!

I'm onto you, yah know. I know you faked that nosebleed just so you didn't have to get wet. I'm still trying to figure out how you managed to do that, but I just KNOW you did! ;)
Yay! She's back! We have never tried the sci-fi place either. We will definitely have to swing by.

A free diet coke in Disney? Will wonders never cease, lol. I'm with Heather, it is awfully convenient that you got a nosebleed and a migraine right when you were about to get wet! J/K, hope things are looking up for you and your family.:hug:
So was that lady just hollering at everyone in line that she was next??!! That behavior sounds a little nutso to me!

Glad you enjoyed the Drive in and sorry to hear about the migraine. I used to get those in college and it made life so difficult. Everything had to halt when one came on and I had to hole up in the dormer (former sorority chick) until it went away. And then after the pain was gone, there would be this 'ghost of the pain' that would hang around for a few more hours! Blech!

Thanks for continuing!:lovestruc


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