Hi I enjoyed another one of your trip reports so much! Your reports inspired my one I did last month. I enjoyed it so much! We are headed back in June this time and we are staying at RPR for 5 nights club level. I had PBH booked but I just keep reading all the great reviews about RPR so decided to try it for a longer trip. It is awesome that you are now able to go back a couple of times this year. I can't wait for 2 and half years to be done there permanently. It was nice to see the parks at Christmas time through your pics. I loved the trolley train in Seuss Land and I am going to ride it next time.
I came on the boards today because I was going to ask a question and since I saw your new Trip Report, figured I would just ask the expert :). First, I am off to NYC with my 2 daughters and our friends for a girls day in the city. We live right outside of Philadelphia and take a tour bus to the NYE. It's about a 2 hour ride and then the whole day to walk around :) My youngest daughter loves American Girl dolls and they just moved the store to Rockefeller center so she is anxious to go :)

Now to my question. We just broke a trip for Universal in November 2018 over Thanksgiving. We rented a condo offsite because we are going with another family and we all need out space as there are 9 of us :eek: We are doing 4 days in Universal and have 2 days of "nothing." But knowing my kids and my friends kids, they will need to do something. My oldest wants to do Volcano Bay but I think it might be too cold. I was thinking of the Orlando Eye but I hate heights....like I will not ride a Ferris wheel cause I hate heights.

Being the Orlando expert, what are your thoughts?pixiedust:
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Hi I enjoyed another one of your trip reports so much! Your reports inspired my one I did last month. I enjoyed it so much! We are headed back in June this time and we are staying at RPR for 5 nights club level. I had PBH booked but I just keep reading all the great reviews about RPR so decided to try it for a longer trip. It is awesome that you are now able to go back a couple of times this year. I can't wait for 2 and half years to be done there permanently. It was nice to see the parks at Christmas time through your pics. I loved the trolley train in Seuss Land and I am going to ride it next time.

:welcome: Nice to have you along for this one too, hope you enjoy it........we loved seeing Universal at Christmas......think we may go back again next December too.......very addictive place!

I came on the boards today because I was going to ask a question and since I saw your new Trip Report, figured I would just ask the expert :). First, I am off to NYC with my 2 daughters and our friends for a girls day in the city. We live right outside of Philadelphia and take a tour bus to the NYE. It's about a 2 hour ride and then the whole day to walk around :) My youngest daughter loves American Girl dolls and they just moved the store to Rockefeller center so she is anxious to go :)

Now to my question. We just broke a trip for Universal in November 2018 over Thanksgiving. We rented a condo offsite because we are going with another family and we all need out space as there are 9 of us :eek: We are doing 4 days in Universal and have 2 days of "nothing." But knowing my kids and my friends kids, they will need to do something. My oldest wants to do Volcano Bay but I think it might be too cold. I was thinking of the Orlando Eye but I hate heights....like I will not ride a Ferris wheel cause I hate heights.

Being the Orlando expert, what are your thoughts?pixiedust:

:welcome: Klo........nice to have you along too.........I thought I’d be further on with this one.....but been so busy......I’ll get there though........:)

How lovely to be so close to NYC........we can’t wait to get back next year!

As for the Eye.......it is high........the first time I went on it I was quite uncomfortable with the height, but it helped that we were in the pod by ourself.........if folks had been bouncing around I’d have been worse.......but sitting in the middle little seating area grasping on to the metal pole helped a bit.......:rotfl:

Give it a try, it is fun and you do get some lovely views.......
MONDAY CONT........(I will finish this day)

So with Kyle asleep and not feeling great we decided to go up to the lounge and sit while he slept. It was only around 4pm but thought we`d have a coffee and we took up ipads to pass the time. We got in the elevator and scanned the card.......didn't work........we realized the new keys hadn't been programmed to access Club level.......so down we went again to the desk and it took them a few seconds to reset the keys to access Club.

Into the lounge and as always a lovely welcome......it`s usually so lovely and quiet when there are no offerings out and today was the same......nice and quiet.......we got our table and sat down and chatted for a little bit and enjoyed a coffee.......around 4.30 when everyone started coming in we went back down to see how Kyle was with young Andy asking if we needed some mac n cheese sent down for him he would be happy to do that....or if I needed a chardonnay......bless him, so nice.......Kyle loves mac n cheese and this one had chicken in it so I was sure he would have enjoyed it.

He had just woken up when we went in, but although he looked and felt a little better he said he didn't feel like going back to the parks tonight.......that was fine with us, long as he was ok we`d be happy just chilling. We went back up and he said he`d be up in a little bit.........and sure enough he was up just behind us. We all ended up deciding to eat here tonight and have the chicken mac n cheese and salad.....it really was delicious........and Kyle looked ready for something to eat at this point.




The rest of the time was spent chatting to squirlz and his wife as they were at the next table to us, I think they were planning a quiet night too........but it was nice chatting to them. We are always lucky in the lounge that we meet some really lovely people and of course it was nice to finally meet squirlz as he is a regular poster on here, always nice to put a face to a name.

The Grinch was on the tv and we were enjoying a glass of wine.........at one point I asked Kyle if he was sure he didn't want to go to the parks, but he was fairly happy. We said did he want to walk over to Sapphire Falls and Strongwater Tavern later as he had never been before, he said yep, he`d like that........so we sat for a little bit longer........and they say things happen for a reason.........

At that point a very good friend appeared in the lounge........he had been looking for us and had tracked us down to the lounge, called the new manager in the lounge and told her not to let us leave till he got there.......goodness knows what she`d have said if we had set to leave.........I jumped about 3 feet in the air when I saw him........he is just the nicest, kindest man we have ever met........it was so nice to chat to him, I always say our trip never begins till we se him every time. But we had a lovely catch up and we told him we were heading over to the Strong Water Bar shortly.......so he said he`d be finishing up soon and tell the desk when we arrived and he`d come join us........we were delighted as this guy is seriously busy........but so, so nice........

So we finished up our drink and headed down to drop off ipads and then walked over to Sapphire Falls........

We had told Kyle of our walkway to the other hotel without having to go outside........and he saw what we meant when we had told him how huge it was back there........and it only takes 5 minutes or so to get there.......very handy when it`s so hot as the aircon is always welcome.......tonight it felt fairly warm.....as we passed one of the massive ballrooms we saw a very tall young man with a Christmas jumper on waving at us way in the distance....it was Bryson who we had got to know in the lounge last year..........it was the front desk Christmas party and they were all heading out.........it was so nice to see him and we introduced him to Kyle a she had heard so much about him previous years.........we said we`d see him next time he was working as he is on the front desk now.......and we set off.........

We did stop off at the desk and asked one of the concierge ladies to pass on to our friend that we were here and would be in the bar.......thanked her and then glanced around to see the beautiful trees that adorned the vast lobby.......and all with a gingerbread scene in the middle......




It really is a lovely tree.....its such a massive area and really needs a tree like this.........and even though the area is vast you can really smell the gingerbread even when not up close.

This is a nice little area to sit and relax too.......massive tv screen and chairs are comfy!!! We really do like this hotel........

We head in to the bar and it`s not too busy, enough of an atmosphere but not overly loud........we grab a table and we order our drinks......Brittany is looking after us tonight and she is just lovely.......I have the French berry daiquiri and Tom orders something......I can`t remember what it was but it was strong!! Kyle as usual opts for a non alcoholic strawberry daiquiri.......

There was no one out at the fire pit so I manage to grab a couple of pictures while it`s empty........it is gorgeous outside....you can feel the cool air be offset by the blazing heat of the pit.......I didn't realize it was so warm........but such a nice place to sit........we hadn't got out there once as it was full of smokers, so I took the chance while we could to get a picture of it on.


Our friend appears and he orders a drink and we sit and chat the night away........I honestly don't know where the time went, but good drinks and lovely conversation made it a really lovely evening........we didn't order food but Kyle did see a chocolate cake he thought he might like......I had told him about it and he said he wanted to try it.......Tom spotted someone get it and it did indeed look good........so when Brittany came to take our second drinks order Kyle ordered the cake........


Bit blurry........but it was very moist and very rich.........he devoured it!!!!!

As I said the night passed so quickly and before we knew where we were it was almost 11pm and we were saying our goodbyes, we would see him again before we leave of course, but we had so enjoyed the evening........

We began to walk back to RP and of course took some more pictures before we went..........this is such a lovely hotel and we can`t wait to stay here in May for 10 nights......it`ll be different and a complete change.......we plan to not do the parks, maybe pass a morning a couple of times.....having no EP means we`ll ride something if there is no queue......but we mainly plan to go around and do offsite things and enjoy the resort itself.......can`t see us spending a whole day by the pool, think we`d be bored, but will certainly enjoy some pool time. But for now it was back to RP.






Another Sapphire Christmas tree.......they were positioned all the way long the route back.....same with RP...and they were all lovely.....but I wasn't allowed to picture them all......lol.......I adore Christmas trees!!!!

We had enjoyed such a lovely evening and we mused that we really weren't meant to go to the parks earlier......we would have been gutted if we had missed an evening with our friend. Genuinely the nicest man on the planet.

Kyle had enjoyed the evening too.......he really liked Sapphire and could definitely see why we liked it so much........he didn't get to see the pool areas or boat areas much, but he liked it. What`s not to like though...........

WE went straight to our room and we all chilled out a little before going to bed and reminisced about what a lovely evening we had enjoyed.......we watched something on tv for a while, don't remember what it was but I`m sure by then we were all soon sleeping.

Tomorrow was Studios.........
Hi, Carole - I’ve been on the lookout for this trip report. I’m looking forward to getting caught up on reading all about your December trip. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, Tom and Kyle. Hope you’re holidays are wonderful.
Happy Christmas, Carol, Tom, and Kyle! Wishing you many blessings!

And the same to you and your family too Andrea........many good wishes for a Merry Christmas.......:hug:

Hi, Carole - I’ve been on the lookout for this trip report. I’m looking forward to getting caught up on reading all about your December trip. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, Tom and Kyle. Hope you’re holidays are wonderful.

:welcome: Cocofifi...........nice to have you along for this one too........

A very Merry Christmas to you and yours too......hope it’s a good one..........:wave2:
Thanks for the advice with the Orlando Eye. I think we might try it. It really is going to depend on what the kids want to do :).

We had some much fun in NYC yesterday. It rained in the morning but after lunch it cleared up and we got to walk around without umbrellas. Now I did have a huge American Girl bag to carry around but it was fine. I am going to try to post a couple pictures and hope they work. <fingers crossed>

Thanks for the advice with the Orlando Eye. I think we might try it. It really is going to depend on what the kids want to do :).

We had some much fun in NYC yesterday. It rained in the morning but after lunch it cleared up and we got to walk around without umbrellas. Now I did have a huge American Girl bag to carry around but it was fine. I am going to try to post a couple pictures and hope they work. <fingers crossed>


The Eye is quite a fun thing to do, I know about the height thing though, it’s a horrible feeling when you’re not comfortable with it.

Glad you had such a nice time in NY and glad the rain stopped.......it’s such a busy place to try and wander around with everyone holding brollies.........

We can’t wait to get back next year!
Enjoying reading about your trip. Sounds like a very relaxing day!

Thanks so much........it`s so nice to hear........and it was just the best day, except of course DS being a little under the weather for a few hours, but was glad it didn't last long..........

We slept till around 8am this morning, quite late for us usually so I assume we must have needed it a lot........the time difference didn't usually affect us this way on the journey, it was going home that knocks your system out of synch........but, I guess we were just tired. We liked the way the room faced.....everything seemed more in it`s right place than the previous room.......but, that's just me. We still had the same great view and we liked that a lot. I like if I wake up in the middle of the night, I can look out and see the pool and some of the rides all lit up........little things like that......

We showered quickly and went up for breakfast, we were later than usual and the place was incredibly busy.....it had been a while since we had seen it just as busy and almost every table was full.....but we got one and enjoyed a lovely but brief breakfast. We still managed to have a brief chat and grabbed a couple of bottles of waters for the room......bless him, he came back with a bag full.........we dropped them off in the room and saw that our housekeeping lady had already been, so we put sunscreen on and headed down to the boat, another tradition when going to the Studios......

Kyle hadn't been since they had put the new security measure in place.....so a quick wand scan and bag search for me and we were lucky there was already a boat there. We have never waited long for a boat at all........but it`s nice when one is there. They were doing some remodeling work on the wooden pagoda that hold the statue of the Balinese lady laying on her side.....so it looked a little unkempt but didn't affect how the boats were loaded and unloaded.......we got seated and we were off.........

Busy boat.........we had fun Capt Ron again this morning.......he had everyone smiling with his little anecdotes......and in a few minutes we were there......

It really struck home this morning how odd this whole trip felt. It was boiling hot already today, and as we walked into the Studios this was the first time in years, for us anyway, the entrance wasn't adorned with HHN posters........hearing Christmas Music in this heat with the decorations really was playing with our minds......but we loved it......we really did. It felt Christmassy despite the heat. Which we were so happy about......we all had massive smiles on our faces as usual........

We walked straight in as there wasn't much of a queue, although heard someone say it was busy inside......it did look slightly busier than we were used to, but we did our usual and went through the store and eyed up a couple of things we would purchase before we left........we just missed the Gru photo opportunity, but we did get a wave........


We walked straight on to Minions this morning as we barely stopped to get our passes scanned......that was another walk on......I think it was around a 45 minute wait for the regular line this morning probably the lowest I`ve ever seen it.......Kyle was looking forward to getting back on this ride again......yep, it`s a kiddie ride, but so much fun!!! And we did enjoy it......we only did it once though this morning as we were headed for one of the rides Kyle was keen to go on again.......RRR.

I sat it out this morning......I probably would have been fine but would do it another time......meanwhile they both almost ran to get on the ride.......I said I`d wander around and get some pictures as I was sure they`d go on at least 3 times.........so I took their hats and Kyle`s sunglasses and wandered off for some pictures........

It was a beautiful morning.....warm, sunny and I was in Universal Orlando with my two guys........doesn't get more perfect than that......

I immediately spotted the Hot Set sign and saw that they were filming some scenes with TF`s and extras were milling around........I`d have to see this.......it`s always quite interesting to see when there`s filming going on in here......we had seen it a few times over the years.......I did have to go into the central area, but there was too many smokers to make me want to hang around any longer than I did........this area is so lovely, but it is a designated smoking area, so we don't often go in there.


So, I came out and took some snaps around me......I loved how they had decorated this area and of course.......a fairly good sized tree is always lovely to see around a park





I wandered back to RRR in time to see them on the front row......again.........they loved this ride and especially the front.......they had been on 3 times by now........



It is so much fun.......even though you never go upside down, despite some arguing you do.......you don't. It can be rough if you sit in the back few rows, which is why we always ask for the front........but when they came off they both felt it wasn't as smooth today. But they loved it.......I would have to go on soon as I really like it despite it terrifying me at the beginning.....but still fun!!



We headed along to Jimmy Fallon........we had done this ride once in September and I hated it......but I can`t watch JF.......I don't find him funny and just don't get him.......and I did say I wouldn't do it again......but with Kyle who hadn't seen it yet, well, I had to go on of course.......we walked straight in and got the usual photographs as you walk through the building which is absolutely beautiful........but, for me that's the best bit of the whole experience.......



I loved this image............


So we climbed the stairs and I saw a lady at the top who was a TM and she welcomed us and I looked and saw this giant ornamental display panda stood against the wall.......so, I knew about the panda thing..........but didn't think anything of it.......walked past it and stood back for Tom to take some pictures......

Kyle was looking at me funny at this point........then I knew why......the blooming panda sprung to life and jumped towards me!!!! Well, of course I never expected it.......I jumped about 3 feet in the air and about 3 feet behind me........all the while Kyle and Tom were roaring with laughter........I honestly thought it was a stuffed Panda.....and I did think when I saw it that it wasn't there in September and must have been added........it genuinely didn't move while we walked up and stood to the side and front of it........well, of course by now I was howling with laughter and the panda was making pretend amends with me....... Tom tried to capture it but I was still moving too much for it not to be blurry.........


The TM of course "admonished" the panda for giving me such a scare.........and we spent a good few moments with the panda begging fake forgiveness......it was funny though........and of course the TM happily took a group picture........Kyle said he guessed straight away what was going to happen so kept watching me for my reaction.......lol......it was worthy of a HHN moment........


So, we had missed our time to go straight in with the colour code thing.......blame the Panda.......so we told the TM we had missed our slot because of him and she laughed and said we could go in with the next crowd......so we only sat a few minutes......even a few minutes watching this guy is torture........so I wandered back out to see the TM and the Panda beginning to go through the line to go on.......soon as he saw me he burst out laughing and gave me another hug.....awww.......this was the highlight of this ride.

So we get through the pre show........and we get seated.......what is it about this ride that makes people incapable of basically fastening a seatbelt......we do it every day.......but some struggled with this concept.........eventually we got going and this time the screen wasn't the same as before......I saw Tom look away and things like that don't usually affect him at all, but he said later it seemed blurry. And it was, but only the first few segments........this ride is so dull. And I say that as someone who adores NYC.......but no, not for me..........Kyle when we came out said yep.......one and done. Won`t do it again.......a TM friend told us one woman told her it was the highlight of her vacation???? Seriously???? I suppose if you like Fallon it works........

So, back out happily knowing I wouldn't do this one ever again, although I did get teased a lot for the scare I had received, and it wasn't even October!!!

We of course headed over to the tree........and of course we had to get the traditional pictures posing beside it..........



We didn't hang around for very long as we were all desperate to go on The Mummy.......a real favourite ride.......fun coaster with some fabulous theming.......but first the pose with TM outside.........I can`t remember if I mentioned it on my previous trip report but this guy, I have pictures of him dating back to 2007, so he had been here a long time in the same role..........he is very good at it. And he rather strangely doesn't look any different from all those years ago.........


We went on the Mummy 3 times.......we did have to use the lockers today as I had my bag with me and not the usual 3 prong waist pack I usually have......but, it doesn't take long at all to drop the stuff and get in line.

We adore this ride.......and it does seem faster at certain times of the day, and today is one of them.......we always ask for the front on this one too, you may have to wait till the next car, but doesn't take long........much prefer the front row on most rides.

But after 3 rides, we decide we are all a bit hungry.......and by pure chance we are beside Louie`s......one of the best cheap and cheerful pizza`s around.......it had been a while since Tom and I ate here too as we had tried to go during HHN but it was temporarily closed......so we were looking forward to it also.......it was fairly quiet this time of the day so we didn't have to queue too long. A lady and her older mum made conversation with us while we did wait though as they were just bringing out fresh pizzas.......they were complaining of the cost of everything.......sorry wrong crowd here.......she was astonished when we said we thought the prices were reasonable.......and some were downright cheap.......I did say I was comparing to the UK.......but even so, we`ve never found anywhere at Universal to be too highly priced......so she was a little disgruntled we hadn't agreed with them.......

The slices are huge in here.......they used to slice the pizza into smaller pieces.......now you get a quarter........and it does seem a lot for the price.....we don't bother with salads or anything else and we are glad we didn't..............Tom and I get pepperoni and Kyle gets his usual cheese pizza.......



It was lovely. And definitely bigger than before.......but it was so nice to be back in here and we mentioned how many times we had eaten in here over the years and a few with Metro West waiting for HHN to start.......we were glad we had enjoyed a slice this morning......wasn't quite lunchtime but this would do us for a while.........usually we went straight over to Ben & Jerry`s as that's Kyle`s favourite ice cream.....but we really were too full today.......we would come back later.







We go around and see how far the progress has gone on Fast and furious.......we are quite looking forward to this despite never having seen any of the movies.......



Potter next..........
So, Potter was next........there was nothing new here for Kyle to see as he had been since it was built.......but again, so looking forward to seeing it again......

It was lovely and cool here next to the entrance of King`s Cross.......and it was really hot by now.......almost September hot which we were relishing every second of.........




Walking into Potter for me, is always amazing. No matter how many times we have walked through the wall to Diagon Alley.......we never fail to be impressed......theming is again second to none and I have never seen anything themed better than this. They have truly captured the essence of what it`s supposed to be all about and most that walk through feel the same way......well, anyone I know for sure.......even folks that aren't the biggest Potter fans can see what a tremendous achievement this has been for Universal..........we are not huge Potter fans, but have the books and all the movies of course, Kyle and I read them all and then even Tom read them.....the movies I much prefer the earlier ones especially The Philosopher`s Stone......it remains my favourite........Tom and Kyle both prefer the later stories, slightly more dark I suppose. But we were still Potter fans, just not the way some are.





Today we didn't do our usual and wander in and out of the shops, we were only here a week so wanted to pick and choose carefully what we did to maximize our time, but without having a schedule which is our idea of hell........so no standing in front of the mirror in Madame Malkins waiting to see if you would get a compliment or not.......lol.........again, something we had done numerous times.......


There are of course thousands of photo opportunities in all the Potter areas, but none more so than catching the dragon breathe fire........


I see people on message boards slate people who take pictures.......the quote "you can see them all online why do you need a picture" Well, that may be fine for them and they`re welcome to do that......we have always taken pictures and will continue to do so. They are a memento and special memories of family time together that will be immortalized forever........of course we do try to not stop in the middle of an area and disrupt other people`s day.......but each to their own........I`m a picture person......

Although the back pack brigade were truly out in force today........I think they forget how big some of them are and they turn and bump into everyone with them......just after this we saw a lady knocked over by a man in a giant backpack, he husband caught her thankfully......he yelled at the guy to be careful......guy just shrugged and I don't think he knew what he had done.......but jeez......what the heck are in these things!!!!








We go into what is probably our favourite area in DA.......Knockturn Alley......this is amazingly well done and very atmospheric.......we do see one little girl come out crying with her daddy......bless her she was around 3 and festooned with Mickey Mouse apparel.......so maybe this was just a little too dark for her.......I think it`s easy to forget how realistic it looks and downright creepy it can look to little ones........she did quieten down with the promise of ice cream though......the solver of most problems when you`re 3.









Considering this was the busiest we had seen Potter since it first opened, we were surprised how quiet it was in here.......although I have also been surprised on a few occasions to read on message boards that some folks don't know it`s there........but, today it was really pleasant.........and nice and cool too, a little respite from the heat that was steadily building.........we reached 83F today..........yay.

We spent a little more time in here and wandered around the little store inside KA.......watch out for the claw..........


And of course you have to touch and listen to what`s in the cabinet below.........





There are a million things to photograph in these areas........and I think we may have managed just about them all over the years.......but, now we are ready to head round to other areas outside of Potter namely.......MIB........but, first.......




We also pass The Leaky Cauldron..........folks ask why we never eat in here.......simple, it doesn't appeal to us at all. Weird food put together like beef and lamb in one dish......never seen that over here......and no salad........it`s just not for us....however I do have to say the aromas coming out of the open door was lovely.........


There was quite the queue to speak and be pictured with the conductor and the shrunken head.....who are very funny.......so we decided not to wait and do that......we had done it many times so it wasn't a priority.......but I began to feel incredibly grateful that we could spend so much time on our trips, and not be restricted in time. Of course I am always grateful, but seeing how busy it was getting I couldn't imagine trying to squeeze all this in within a certain time frame. Of course some people can do both parks in a day apparently.......not a clue how you do that while doing the parks justice........



More coming up
Forgot to say in the last post, we actually did Gringotts ride......we used the lockers, fully decided there is nothing wrong with the lockers......or the way the system works.......it`s people who make the issues........honestly....do you really need 4 and 5 people and sometimes more surrounding the one person who is actually opening the locker??? couldn't believe how many do this.......but anyway, the ride itself was even better than I remembered it......Kyle loved being back on it and we did use EP which was very handy as the queue was fairly long........we didn't take pictures in the line as we had left the camera in the locker.....but it is stunning........I like how the EP line is visibly obvious at this ride......no issues with folks getting mixed up with what line to get into......or so you would think.

But, thoroughly enjoyed the ride and love how it doesn't seem to induce motion sickness in people........it`s very gentle and kind of whooshes you around instead of being rough.........always a fun ride.

So after leaving DA are we heading round to do MiB and for them to do The Simpsons........Simpsons is the only ride in the park I`ll never do again.......motion sickness was just awful.......although the other rides that are simulators with the exception of TF occasionally I can do just fine.......but that one is awful for me.

It`s really hot again today which we are just over the moon with.........Kyle is keen to get to MiB and I decide to sit this one out today.......I`m so enjoying the heat and just wandering around the parks today.......I think even if I didn't do any of the rides today I`d be as content as anyone could be.......so they go ahead and I tell them we`ll catch up when they`re done with both rides. I like MIB, but don't always feel the need to do it........






I had sat down at this point and just looked around me.......everyone always looks so happy.....well, almost everyone......the poor family who`s young child was having a meltdown didn't look very happy.........but for the most part everyone did. I got chatting to a man from Wisconsin at this point....he talked about the weather where he lives.......that's cold!!!! His family appeared just as I decided to head into the shop to cool down a little.........at that they came out looking happy........Kyle had scored 510,000 on his own........he was pleased as it had been a long time since he had used his skills to destroy the aliens......I of course never let them forget how I beat them both one year without even trying........I had wandered around aimlessly shooting at anything with an extremely bored look on my face........both looked astounded and seriously annoyed I`d managed the score I did and was a lot higher than theirs....lol......

We were heading for ET which is a classic that we always ride a couple of times a trip........harmless and innocent........although the latter part does make you wonder who designed those scenes!!! Do that after Cat in the Hat and your brain will be seriously muddled!!!!

One of their favourite movies is Back to the Future so we always take some pictures of the car.......Tom had managed to get a picture with Doc in Sept, but he was nowhere to be seen today........



We walked straight on to ET.......surprisingly........again, it`s lovely and cool in the preshow..........and then we are going through and we are the dull people who actually use our real name.........we get on a set of cycles to ourselves today and as always it`s a cute ride and although it is very dated it`s a must do.

We head out and Kyle asks if we can go back now to Ben & Jerry`s.......of course we can........so we head round and pass the end of the little parade.......



Ben & Jerry`s is very rarely busy and today was no exception........Kyle would get his usual chocolate fudge brownie with chocolate sauce and Tom and I were going to share the caramel chew chew one.........with caramel sauce.......they were lovely. We actually prefer these to the ice creams available in Potter......



He does love extra sauce!!!!

We sat for a little while and then decided to walk back to the hotel for a little bit before we headed back out to see the castle show tonight........it wasn't very busy around this area today........we spoke to a TM who stopped to ask how our trip was going and we commented on the time of year and how nice it was.......he said yep, you don't want to be here in a few weeks.......we agreed, no we wouldn't, far too busy for us........

We did think about doing The Mummy again, but with ice cream just having been demolished, we thought better of it........so we walked back through the park to the exit........

I did like how they had decorated Delancey Street..........





We didn't think we had ever taken a picture with the exit behind us.......so we did today.........



We saw a boat for our hotel sitting and as we hurried down the Capt gestured he`d wait for us.....what a gem........and although we had only done part of the day and very gently too, we were glad of a sit down and the smooth little sail back to the hotel.......

Once in our room we had a cold drink each and Tom went for a snooze.......Kyle lay on the bed and watched TV and I sat on the ipad and sent some emails........we only stayed in the room an hour or so, but the joys of being onsite and being so close meant this was easy to do. And we did feel incredibly refreshed before we headed back out...........
This should be another short post.......

We left the room around 4.30pm to walk back to IOA for the castle light show......we were looking forward to this one a lot, I had heard and seen a lot about it, but Tom and Kyle had deliberately not seen anything.......

It was still warm as we walked back, but we could definitely feel the difference from September.......it wasn't remotely cold, nor even cool, but just not boiling hot with a little breeze that was pleasant.

We went straight to Hogsmeade this afternoon........





We had planned to see the first of the light shows tonight......many had posted this wasn't a good idea, but it was fine.......we went into 3B`s and had a pumpkin fizz and water as we were a little early.......then wandered round and stood to the front of the stage. TM`s had put a line down where you had to stand behind for the show......it left a path between us and the wall so people going on and off the ride could pass easily.......simple really. It did get busy but everyone was in good humour and there was no pushing and shoving.........until........the family with the double pushchair and the kid on the dad`s shoulder and they tried to stand at the front of the group we were beside around 5 minutes before it started........they were told in no uncertain to move and find somewhere else as they were stood on the path and could they please remove the child from his shoulders as it could impair the view of those behind them........they weren't happy.......well, tough. They asked the people to the side of us who had young children too if they could shuffle back so their kids could see the show........again they were politely told no. They did move after the TM told them they had to move.......there`s always one.

So at that the show started..........it was beautiful.......I don't think my pictures actually do the show justice.......it was lovely, and the music went with the show beautifully.........it was fairly emotional.......the lady beside me had a little tear fall down her face and wasn't ashamed of it........















We did enjoy it........a lot. It was heartwarming and very Christmassy without all the schmaltz associated with it sometimes.......everyone seemed to enjoy it too........

We left going over the bridge and it wasn't as bad as some folks had said......everyone was going the same way so there was no confusion.....you could take the shortcut and cut back through the path to go back to Hogsmeade......but we kept going as we wanted to maybe do Doom in the dark and if we had time The Hulk.......

It is very different in the dark as we walked though the rear of the park with not many people around, most had double backed to Hogsmeade.......




We did indeed make the rides before they closed........Doom at night we love.....you can see for miles and seeing everything all lit up around us was so pretty.......we hadn't made evenings for a while in IOA so this was perfect........and what a ride!! Feels slightly more scary at night.....just a little......

We wandered round and did the Hulk......I did it once then let them go on again.......



As I waited I saw these guys push an old Hulk character..........it had been stored round the back for quite a while.......



We headed out of the parks now as we had tentative plans with a friend who used to work at RP......she had left and was working elsewhere, we had arranged to possibly meet at 7, but emails hadn't maybe gone and it wasn't definite......but we wanted to be there in case she was actually there.........



She wasn't outside HRC when we got there......we did wait till around 7.15, but she must have not been able to make it.....I knew we would see her on our other trips, but we were sorry she hadn't made it tonight.

So we headed over to NBC instead of eating at HRC........so we walked round and it was busy as expected, but we got a table immediately........

We like it in here.......food is always good and it has a nice lively atmosphere......although not sports fan as such, it`s always somewhere we would choose to go.

We ordered our drinks, which was I believe beer for Tom, I had a ginger based bourbon cocktail and Kyle had his strawberry daiquiri.........lush!! But tiniest cocktail ever......




We ordered our food which was an easy choice tonight.........Kyle chose the chicken mac n cheese, I went for the jalapeno burger no cheese and Tom opted for the full rack of ribs........I knew I`d pinch a few of them.....I`d definitely steal his cornbread........he liked it, but I adore cornbread.........




First two pictures aren't the best......Kyle`s did look dry, but when he started eating it was very moist......loads of sauce.......mine was extra spicy as I had asked for extra jalapenos.....thought she`d forgot, but they were more underneath the burger itself........spicy!!!!!

Food was all gorgeous.....but we conceded that Tom should have stuck to the half rack......it really was big enough.........but the ribs are delicious and really did fall off the bone practically by just looking at them.........the full rack is huge though!!!

We had enjoyed our meal in here but didn't fancy the desserts and we were quite full by now......Kyle of course always has room for dessert......so we decided we would have a wander around Citywalk then walk back to the hotel. We had a look in the Fossil shop and a wander round the others......then took our time going back to the hotel........this slightly cooler feel at night was odd......certainly didn't need anything like a sweater as it was still hot enough without one......

We went straight to Orchids which was lovely and quiet, I ordered a Royal Orchid Mai Tai, Tom a beer and Kyle opted for his usual dessert......flourless chocolate cake........


We must have sat in there for an hour and a half, chatting about the trip so far, and shocked that Tuesday is almost done.........we had been having such a lovely time and now we wished we had booked 10 nights as 7 just wasn't nearly enough time.......

We only had the one drink tonight, and around 10.30 we went up to our room where we watched some tv and it wasn't long before lights out and I think we all dropped off instantly.
First off, your pictures of the castle show are beautiful!!!!!!!:love:
Will this continue next year? I hope to see it in person one day.

Second...I live in Wisconsin....We are in the middle of some arctic weather this week and into next week! Literally takes your breath away when you step outside! (Our motorized garage door was malfunctioning due to the excessively frigid temps. Screen door froze too and wouldn't slide open to let the dogs out. Salt won't melt our walkway snow/ice since it's tooooo cold.)

It's been around -8F or (-22C) for the past several days. Add in the wind chill and it's been around -25F (-32C)

Thinking warm thoughts, wishing I was somewhere warmer!!
First off, your pictures of the castle show are beautiful!!!!!!!:love:
Will this continue next year? I hope to see it in person one day.

Second...I live in Wisconsin....We are in the middle of some arctic weather this week and into next week! Literally takes your breath away when you step outside! (Our motorized garage door was malfunctioning due to the excessively frigid temps. Screen door froze too and wouldn't slide open to let the dogs out. Salt won't melt our walkway snow/ice since it's tooooo cold.)

It's been around -8F or (-22C) for the past several days. Add in the wind chill and it's been around -25F (-32C)

Thinking warm thoughts, wishing I was somewhere warmer!!

Thanks!!!! I`ve seen some really pictures from others this year.......I`m not clever enough with a camera to fiddle with filters and other such technical stuff......very jealous of those that know what they`re doing lol.......

I`m sure it will be on again.......the festivities have been a massive success and reports back seem to be overall very good!!! So I`m sure you will manage to see it.......

I couldn't last 5 minutes in cold like you get over there.......honestly......couldn't do it.......I`m a warm weather person too.......warm thoughts all the time......lol.......we are at 0c and have been for a few days......I don't go out much when it`s like that........

Sangria and heating up high works for me........

Glad you`re still reading along and enjoying......nice to hear......:wave2:
and there was no pushing and shoving.........until........the family with the double pushchair and the kid on the dad`s shoulder and they tried to stand at the front of the group we were beside around 5 minutes before it started........they were told in no uncertain to move and find somewhere else as they were stood on the path and could they please remove the child from his shoulders as it could impair the view of those behind them........they weren't happy.......well, tough. They asked the people to the side of us who had young children too if they could shuffle back so their kids could see the show........again they were politely told no. They did move after the TM told them they had to move.......there`s always one.

Ugh. Some people are just rude and think that the world revolves around them. Glad the TM and everyone else held their ground and didn't let them ruin your good time!

So we headed over to NBC instead of eating at HRC........so we walked round and it was busy as expected, but we got a table immediately........

We have added this to our try list for August after reading several of your reviews of it. We tried HRC last time we were there, so NBC will be new for us.

so we decided we would have a wander around Citywalk then walk back to the hotel.

We also want to do this more when we are there in August. Didn't take a lot of time for Citywalk when we were there 2 years ago.

Ugh. Some people are just rude and think that the world revolves around them. Glad the TM and everyone else held their ground and didn't let them ruin your good time!

We have added this to our try list for August after reading several of your reviews of it. We tried HRC last time we were there, so NBC will be new for us.

We also want to do this more when we are there in August. Didn't take a lot of time for Citywalk when we were there 2 years ago.

True.....we always find the TM to be on the ball everywhere at Universal.......she was......very firm but with a smile.......that worked......but it was lovely as everyone around was just having fun with no jostling or shoving......and it was busy.

Oh I hope you enjoy NBC......we certainly do.....food is always just as you like it.......and service is always good too.......Citywalk isn’t huge for stores but they do have the mini golf if you like that sort of thing.......especially at night the haunted side is a lot of fun!
The kids and I finally got to experience Jimmy Fallon on this trip...what a dud! We all agreed we didn't care if we ever rode it again. Granted, we don't watch the Tonight Show, but still... My hubby has motion sickness issues and said at first we should ride it and see if it would make him sick. The kids and I agreed that it wasn't even worth a second ride so dad could experience it! I certainly hope that the Fast & Furious ride is a bit more exciting than that!


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