2024 Goals

2024 Goals

Week 16


Tokyo Disney Vacation Fund 50/week
800 / 2600

WDW Vacation
800 / 2600

Brokerage Account
4400 / 10000

0 / 2500

New Car Fund
400 / 2000

Land Fund
99 / 1000

Remodel Fund
800 / 3000

Cut Discretionary Spending 20%

Eat out no more than once per week (preferably less)
15 / 48

✔ Run Annual Credit Reports

Read 40 Books
16 / 40

Less Procrastination (if it takes 15 minutes or less to do, just get it done!)
40 / 52

Spend a mini vacation someplace new (in addition to our yearly WDW vacation)

Lose 30 lbs
10 / 30


Keep kitchen counter and table cleaned off
80 / 260 days

Declutter 500 items
127 / 500

Reinsulate the basement
Label Individual circuits in house panel
Remodel office (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring
Remodel den (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring)
Replace bathroom toilet
Replace bathroom faucet
Replace upstairs thermostat (x2)
Replace back porch door
Paint back porch floor
Replace Living room flooring
2024 Goals

Week 17


Tokyo Disney Vacation Fund 50/week
850 / 2600

WDW Vacation
850 / 2600

Brokerage Account
4925 / 10000

0 / 2500

New Car Fund
500 / 2000

Land Fund
126 / 1000

Remodel Fund
850 / 3000

Cut Discretionary Spending 20%

Eat out no more than once per week (preferably less)
17 / 48

✔ Run Annual Credit Reports

Read 40 Books
16 / 40

Less Procrastination (if it takes 15 minutes or less to do, just get it done!)
42 / 52

Spend a mini vacation someplace new (in addition to our yearly WDW vacation)

Lose 30 lbs
10 / 30


Keep kitchen counter and table cleaned off
85 / 260 days

Declutter 500 items
144 / 500

Reinsulate the basement
Label Individual circuits in house panel
Remodel office (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring
Remodel den (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring)
Replace bathroom toilet
Replace bathroom faucet
Replace upstairs thermostat (x2)
Replace back porch door
Paint back porch floor
Replace Living room flooring
What does your $2600 WDW vacation look like? That seems like a bargain these days.
The 2600 is just the starting point. That is what is allocatted directly from our budget, The rest comes from other sources (reward points, extra earnings, stuff sold, etc...) I know, I would love to be able to spend a week at WDW for 2600, obviously those days are long gone :) Although with CC reward points our airfare was $22 dollars. and most of our upcoming trip meals will be paid via reward points as well, so we will be close
The 2600 is just the starting point. That is what is allocatted directly from our budget, The rest comes from other sources (reward points, extra earnings, stuff sold, etc...) I know, I would love to be able to spend a week at WDW for 2600, obviously those days are long gone :) Although with CC reward points our airfare was $22 dollars. and most of our upcoming trip meals will be paid via reward points as well, so we will be close
Thanks so much for explaining, & sounds like you’re putting those reward points to good use! 👍🏻
2024 Goals

Week 18


Tokyo Disney Vacation Fund 50/week
900 / 2600

WDW Vacation
900 / 2600

Brokerage Account
4925 / 10000

0 / 2500

New Car Fund
500 / 2000

Land Fund
126 / 1000

Remodel Fund
900 / 3000

Cut Discretionary Spending 20%

Eat out no more than once per week (preferably less)
18 / 48

✔ Run Annual Credit Reports

Read 40 Books
17 / 40

Less Procrastination (if it takes 15 minutes or less to do, just get it done!)
45 / 52

Spend a mini vacation someplace new (in addition to our yearly WDW vacation)

Lose 30 lbs
10 / 30


Keep kitchen counter and table cleaned off
90 / 260 days

Declutter 500 items
144 / 500

Reinsulate the basement
Label Individual circuits in house panel
Remodel office (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring
Remodel den (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring)
Replace bathroom toilet
Replace bathroom faucet
Replace upstairs thermostat (x2)
Replace back porch door
Paint back porch floor
Replace Living room flooring
2024 Goals

Week 19


Tokyo Disney Vacation Fund 50/week
950 / 2600

WDW Vacation
950 / 2600

Brokerage Account
5450 / 10000

0 / 2500

New Car Fund
500 / 2000

Land Fund
126 / 1000

Remodel Fund
950 / 3000

Cut Discretionary Spending 20%

Eat out no more than once per week (preferably less)
19 / 48

✔ Run Annual Credit Reports

Read 40 Books
17 / 40

Less Procrastination (if it takes 15 minutes or less to do, just get it done!)
46 / 52

Spend a mini vacation someplace new (in addition to our yearly WDW vacation)

Lose 30 lbs
10 / 30


Keep kitchen counter and table cleaned off
95 / 260 days

Declutter 500 items
144 / 500

Reinsulate the basement
Label Individual circuits in house panel
Remodel office (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring
Remodel den (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring)
Replace bathroom toilet
Replace bathroom faucet
Replace upstairs thermostat (x2)
Replace back porch door
Paint back porch floor
Replace Living room flooring
2024 Goals

Week 20


Tokyo Disney Vacation Fund 50/week
1000 / 2600

WDW Vacation
1000 / 2600

Brokerage Account
5450 / 10000

0 / 2500

New Car Fund
500 / 2000

Land Fund
126 / 1000

Remodel Fund
1000 / 3000

Cut Discretionary Spending 20%

Eat out no more than once per week (preferably less)
20 / 48

✔ Run Annual Credit Reports

Read 40 Books
18 / 40

Less Procrastination (if it takes 15 minutes or less to do, just get it done!)
50 / 52

Spend a mini vacation someplace new (in addition to our yearly WDW vacation)

Lose 30 lbs
10 / 30


Keep kitchen counter and table cleaned off
100 / 260 days

Declutter 500 items
144 / 500

Reinsulate the basement
Label Individual circuits in house panel
Remodel office (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring
Remodel den (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring)
Replace bathroom toilet
Replace bathroom faucet
Replace upstairs thermostat (x2)
Replace back porch door
Paint back porch floor
Replace Living room flooring
2024 Goals

Week 21


Tokyo Disney Vacation Fund 50/week
1050 / 2600

WDW Vacation
1050 / 2600

Brokerage Account
5975 / 10000

0 / 2500

New Car Fund
500 / 2000

Land Fund
161 / 1000

Remodel Fund
1050 / 3000

Cut Discretionary Spending 20%

Eat out no more than once per week (preferably less)
21 / 48

Run Annual Credit Reports

Read 40 Books
20 / 40

Less Procrastination (if it takes 15 minutes or less to do, just get it done!)
54 / 52

Spend a mini vacation someplace new (in addition to our yearly WDW vacation)

Lose 30 lbs
11 / 30


Keep kitchen counter and table cleaned off
105 / 260 days

Declutter 500 items
144 / 500

Reinsulate the basement
Label Individual circuits in house panel
Remodel office (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring
Remodel den (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring)
Replace bathroom toilet
Replace bathroom faucet
Replace upstairs thermostat (x2)
Replace back porch door
Paint back porch floor
Replace Living room flooring
2024 Goals

Week 22


Tokyo Disney Vacation Fund 50/week
1100 / 2600

WDW Vacation
1100 / 2600

Brokerage Account
5975 / 10000

0 / 2500

New Car Fund
500 / 2000

Land Fund
161 / 1000

Remodel Fund
1100 / 3000

Cut Discretionary Spending 20%

Eat out no more than once per week (preferably less)
22 / 48

Run Annual Credit Reports

Read 40 Books
20 / 40

Less Procrastination (if it takes 15 minutes or less to do, just get it done!)
55 / 52

Spend a mini vacation someplace new (in addition to our yearly WDW vacation)

Lose 30 lbs
12 / 30


Keep kitchen counter and table cleaned off
110 / 260 days

Declutter 500 items
235 / 500

Reinsulate the basement
Label Individual circuits in house panel
Remodel office (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring
Remodel den (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring)
Replace bathroom toilet
Replace bathroom faucet
Replace upstairs thermostat (x2)
Replace back porch door
Paint back porch floor
Replace Living room flooring
2024 Goals

Week 23


Tokyo Disney Vacation Fund 50/week
1150 / 2600

WDW Vacation
1150 / 2600

Brokerage Account
6500 / 10000

0 / 2500

New Car Fund
500 / 2000

Land Fund
161 / 1000

Remodel Fund
1150 / 3000

Cut Discretionary Spending 20%

Eat out no more than once per week (preferably less)
23 / 48

Run Annual Credit Reports

Read 40 Books
21 / 40

Less Procrastination (if it takes 15 minutes or less to do, just get it done!)
58 / 52

Spend a mini vacation someplace new (in addition to our yearly WDW vacation)

Lose 30 lbs
12 / 30


Keep kitchen counter and table cleaned off
115 / 260 days

Declutter 500 items
235 / 500

Reinsulate the basement
Label Individual circuits in house panel
Remodel office (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring
Remodel den (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring)
Replace bathroom toilet
Replace bathroom faucet
Replace upstairs thermostat (x2)
Replace back porch door
Paint back porch floor
Replace Living room flooring
2024 Goals

Week 24


Tokyo Disney Vacation Fund 50/week
1200 / 2600

WDW Vacation
1200 / 2600

Brokerage Account
6500 / 10000

0 / 2500

New Car Fund
500 / 2000

Land Fund
161 / 1000

Remodel Fund
1200 / 3000

Cut Discretionary Spending 20%

Eat out no more than once per week (preferably less)
24 / 48

Run Annual Credit Reports

Read 40 Books
21 / 40

Less Procrastination (if it takes 15 minutes or less to do, just get it done!)
60 / 52

Spend a mini vacation someplace new (in addition to our yearly WDW vacation)

Lose 30 lbs
12 / 30


Keep kitchen counter and table cleaned off
120 / 260 days

Declutter 500 items
235 / 500

Reinsulate the basement
Label Individual circuits in house panel
Remodel office (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring
Remodel den (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring)
Replace bathroom toilet
Replace bathroom faucet
Replace upstairs thermostat (x2)
Replace back porch door
Paint back porch floor
Replace Living room flooring
2024 Goals

Week 25


Tokyo Disney Vacation Fund 50/week
1250 / 2600

WDW Vacation
1250 / 2600

Brokerage Account
7025 / 10000

1000 / 2500

New Car Fund
500 / 2000

Land Fund
161 / 1000

Remodel Fund
1250 / 3000

Cut Discretionary Spending 20%

Eat out no more than once per week (preferably less)
25 / 48

Run Annual Credit Reports

Read 40 Books
21 / 40

Less Procrastination (if it takes 15 minutes or less to do, just get it done!)
65 / 52

Spend a mini vacation someplace new (in addition to our yearly WDW vacation)

Lose 30 lbs
12 / 30


Keep kitchen counter and table cleaned off
125 / 260 days

Declutter 500 items
235 / 500

Reinsulate the basement
Label Individual circuits in house panel
Remodel office (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring
Remodel den (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring)
Replace bathroom toilet
Replace bathroom faucet
Replace upstairs thermostat (x2)
Replace back porch door
Paint back porch floor
Replace Living room flooring
2024 Goals

Week 26 Full 6 month update


Tokyo Disney Vacation Fund 50/week
1300 / 2600 On track for completion

WDW Vacation
1300 / 2600 On track for completion

Brokerage Account
7550 / 10000 On track for completion

1000 / 2500 Slightly behind but not worried yet!

New Car Fund
600 / 2000 Slightly behind but not worried yet!

Land Fund
161 / 1000 This is just a rndom fund for eventual savings so not overly worried about this one!

Remodel Fund
1300 / 3000 Slightly behind but not worried yet!

Cut Discretionary Spending 20% Work in prgress!!

Eat out no more than once per week (preferably less)
26 / 48 Just seems that we are a once per week eating out people! :( See if this can be curtailed a bit this summer!

Run Annual Credit Reports

Read 40 Books
21 / 40 Have not had time to do much reading the last month so this goal has suffered but is still on track

Less Procrastination (if it takes 15 minutes or less to do, just get it done!)
70 / 52 This is one goal that I am seem to be crushing!! :)

Spend a mini vacation someplace new (in addition to our yearly WDW vacation)
Should be completed in August


Lose 30 lbs
12 / 30 Slow and steady progress


Keep kitchen counter and table cleaned off
130 / 260 days Stay on target!

Declutter 500 items
240 / 500 Slow and steady progress but need to ramp this up a bit over the summer!

Reinsulate the basement
Label Individual circuits in house panel
Remodel office (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring
Remodel den (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring)
Replace bathroom toilet
Replace bathroom faucet
Replace upstairs thermostat (x2)
Replace back porch door
Paint back porch floor
Replace Living room flooring
Alot of the above, I am waiting on my contractor/handy person to finish jobs for other people, he assures me that I am in the queue!
2024 Goals

Week 27


Tokyo Disney Vacation Fund 50/week
1350 / 2600

WDW Vacation
1350 / 2600

Brokerage Account
8075 / 10000

1500 / 2500

New Car Fund
700 / 2000

Land Fund
205 / 1000

Remodel Fund
1350 / 3000

Cut Discretionary Spending 20%

Eat out no more than once per week (preferably less)
26 / 48

Run Annual Credit Reports

Read 40 Books
21 / 40

Less Procrastination (if it takes 15 minutes or less to do, just get it done!)
75 / 52

Spend a mini vacation someplace new (in addition to our yearly WDW vacation)


Lose 30 lbs
13 / 30


Keep kitchen counter and table cleaned off
135 / 260 days

Declutter 500 items
240 / 500

Reinsulate the basement
Label Individual circuits in house panel
Remodel office (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring
Remodel den (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring)
Replace bathroom toilet
Replace bathroom faucet
Replace upstairs thermostat (x2)
Replace back porch door
Paint back porch floor
Replace Living room flooring
Just remember your cost for Tokyo Disney will vary significantly since the Yen tends to have big moves. Also start watching Tokyo videos a year out so you have plenty of time to learn the process of booking since it is totaling different that booking a domestic trip. As far as I know you will have to do all the booking yourself. We are in the process of waiting to book for July 2025. Good luck.
2024 Goals

Week 28


Tokyo Disney Vacation Fund 50/week
1400 / 2600

WDW Vacation
1400 / 2600

Brokerage Account
8075 / 10000

1500 / 2500

New Car Fund
700 / 2000

Land Fund
225 / 1000

Remodel Fund
1400 / 3000

Cut Discretionary Spending 20%

Eat out no more than once per week (preferably less)
27 / 48

Run Annual Credit Reports

Read 40 Books
21 / 40

Less Procrastination (if it takes 15 minutes or less to do, just get it done!)
76 / 52

Spend a mini vacation someplace new (in addition to our yearly WDW vacation)

Lose 30 lbs
13 / 30


Keep kitchen counter and table cleaned off
140 / 260 days

Declutter 500 items
240 / 500

Reinsulate the basement
Label Individual circuits in house panel
Remodel office (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring
Remodel den (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring)
Replace bathroom toilet
Replace bathroom faucet
Replace upstairs thermostat (x2)
Replace back porch door
Paint back porch floor
Replace Living room flooring
2024 Goals

Week 29


Tokyo Disney Vacation Fund 50/week
1450 / 2600

WDW Vacation
1450 / 2600

Brokerage Account
8075 / 10000

1500 / 2500

New Car Fund
700 / 2000

Land Fund
225 / 1000

Remodel Fund
1450 / 3000

Cut Discretionary Spending 20%

Eat out no more than once per week (preferably less)
28 / 48

Run Annual Credit Reports

Read 40 Books
21 / 40

Less Procrastination (if it takes 15 minutes or less to do, just get it done!)
78 / 52

Spend a mini vacation someplace new (in addition to our yearly WDW vacation)

Lose 30 lbs
14 / 30


Keep kitchen counter and table cleaned off
145 / 260 days

Declutter 500 items
240 / 500

Reinsulate the basement
Label Individual circuits in house panel
Remodel office (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring
Remodel den (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring)
Replace bathroom toilet
Replace bathroom faucet
Replace upstairs thermostat (x2)
Replace back porch door
Paint back porch floor
Replace Living room flooring
2024 Goals

Week 30


Tokyo Disney Vacation Fund 50/week
1500 / 2600

WDW Vacation
1500 / 2600

Brokerage Account
8075 / 10000

1500 / 2500

New Car Fund
700 / 2000

Land Fund
240 / 1000

Remodel Fund
1500 / 3000

Cut Discretionary Spending 20%

Eat out no more than once per week (preferably less)
30 / 48

Run Annual Credit Reports

Read 40 Books
21 / 40

✔+Less Procrastination (if it takes 15 minutes or less to do, just get it done!)
82 / 52

Spend a mini vacation someplace new (in addition to our yearly WDW vacation)

Lose 30 lbs
14 / 30


Keep kitchen counter and table cleaned off
150 / 260 days

Declutter 500 items
240 / 500

Reinsulate the basement
Label Individual circuits in house panel
Remodel office (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring
Remodel den (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring)
Replace bathroom toilet
Replace bathroom faucet
Replace upstairs thermostat (x2)
Replace back porch door
Paint back porch floor
Replace Living room flooring
2024 Goals

Week 30


Tokyo Disney Vacation Fund 50/week
1550 / 2600

WDW Vacation
1550 / 2600

Brokerage Account
8075 / 10000

1500 / 2500

New Car Fund
700 / 2000

Land Fund
240 / 1000

Remodel Fund
1550 / 3000

Cut Discretionary Spending 20%

Eat out no more than once per week (preferably less)
31 / 48

Run Annual Credit Reports

Read 40 Books
21 / 40

✔+Less Procrastination (if it takes 15 minutes or less to do, just get it done!)
85 / 52

Spend a mini vacation someplace new (in addition to our yearly WDW vacation)

Lose 30 lbs
14 / 30


Keep kitchen counter and table cleaned off
155 / 260 days

Declutter 500 items
240 / 500

Reinsulate the basement
Label Individual circuits in house panel
Remodel office (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring
Remodel den (new sheetrock, new electric, new trim, new flooring)
Replace bathroom toilet
Replace bathroom faucet
Replace upstairs thermostat (x2)
Replace back porch door
Paint back porch floor
Replace Living room flooring


Our Dreams Unlimited Travel Agents will assist you in booking the perfect Disney getaway, all at no extra cost to you. Get the most out of your vacation by letting us assist you with dining and park reservations, provide expert advice, answer any questions, and continuously search for discounts to ensure you get the best deal possible.


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