2017 WDW Marathon - a 5150 idea??

Great job on your training and well done on Atkins!! I was doing low carb stuff too, but I do find it hard to stick to for the long term. I just really like carbs. :)

Miss Posey is so cute!!!
Okay, good, it gets better, lol? She is totally down with her potty training, hasn't even had an "accident" in the house in weeks. It is just the chewing everything up! She has chewed a hole in my bedroom carpet, chewed up a pair of my prescription glasses (my favorite pair!), the memory foam topper from my bed (plus the bottom sheet she chewed thru to get to it)! I'm sure there is more but those are the major things. I now have baby gates on all my room doors - she can only go up and down the hallway, into the living room and kitchen and out the doggie door to the backyard. I will say she did all those things while I was at work and either DH or my mom were supposed to be watching her. They are much more trusting of her than I am! :)
That's how Archie was. Potty training was fine (he was crate-trained when we adopted him) but he had SO much energy. We were lucky that he never really destroyed anything valuable, but he would get into EVERYTHING, especially papers. He still does that every once in awhile if he wants attention, and if we leave a Kleenex box out where he can get it, he goes insane and will just eat all of the Kleenex!

We can't give him stuffed toys or any toys with any kind of give to them at all, because he will destroy them. This is his favorite toy - eventually he cracks the yellow ring in the center, but we have 2 brand new sets ready to go at home. :) Giving him those rings and taking him on LOTS of walks seems to curb his energy the best. Also, I think training is supposed to help because it makes them mentally tired, if that makes sense, so sometimes we practice stuff with him. We took him to a group puppy training class when we first got him and I thought that helped, too.
Great job on your training and well done on Atkins!! I was doing low carb stuff too, but I do find it hard to stick to for the long term. I just really like carbs. :)

Miss Posey is so cute!!!

Thank you! I love carbs too but find that I don't crave them after the first couple of days. I will be enjoying my Disney carbs during marathon weekend though!

Thanks! I have a super cute video of her and my Chihuahua, Spock playing tug a war with a sock but I can't get it to load. :(

That's how Archie was. Potty training was fine (he was crate-trained when we adopted him) but he had SO much energy. We were lucky that he never really destroyed anything valuable, but he would get into EVERYTHING, especially papers. He still does that every once in awhile if he wants attention, and if we leave a Kleenex box out where he can get it, he goes insane and will just eat all of the Kleenex!

We can't give him stuffed toys or any toys with any kind of give to them at all, because he will destroy them. This is his favorite toy - eventually he cracks the yellow ring in the center, but we have 2 brand new sets ready to go at home. :) Giving him those rings and taking him on LOTS of walks seems to curb his energy the best. Also, I think training is supposed to help because it makes them mentally tired, if that makes sense, so sometimes we practice stuff with him. We took him to a group puppy training class when we first got him and I thought that helped, too.

Yeah, she has chewed up every toy we have bought her, except a mini tire toy with a rope that she doesn't like much cuz she can't chew it up lol. I will look for something like that or just order that one and give it a try. We don't do walks where we live as it is too dangerous on our road. But she gets worn out running around in the backyard with the 2 other dogs. Seriously I have no idea how they have so much energy! They chase each other like crazy until our big rescue dog, Poppy, jumps the fence in self defense to get away from her! Then she and Spock come in, drain their water bowl and take a nap. :) We definitely need to work on training her more. DH is supposed to be staying home more and working on that. Hopefully that will happen soon. There is just always "one more job" that someone needs done and he never says no. Posey will do the same with Kleenex!
Okay, good, it gets better, lol? She is totally down with her potty training, hasn't even had an "accident" in the house in weeks. It is just the chewing everything up! She has chewed a hole in my bedroom carpet, chewed up a pair of my prescription glasses (my favorite pair!), the memory foam topper from my bed (plus the bottom sheet she chewed thru to get to it)! I'm sure there is more but those are the major things. I now have baby gates on all my room doors - she can only go up and down the hallway, into the living room and kitchen and out the doggie door to the backyard. I will say she did all those things while I was at work and either DH or my mom were supposed to be watching her. They are much more trusting of her than I am! :)

SO beagle! Love the photo you posted! Reminds us of our little beagle girl as a puppy! So many things chewed . . . and so worth it. At age 2, she's far less destructive and actually kind of compliant! The harness, however, was a huge issue for us until we found the Harness Lead brand "escape resistant harness" (they used to call it "escape proof" but I'm guessing some beagle caused them to change the name!
SO beagle! Love the photo you posted! Reminds us of our little beagle girl as a puppy! So many things chewed . . . and so worth it. At age 2, she's far less destructive and actually kind of compliant! The harness, however, was a huge issue for us until we found the Harness Lead brand "escape resistant harness" (they used to call it "escape proof" but I'm guessing some beagle caused them to change the name!
Thanks! She is adorable! Even when she is bad, she just looks at you with her cute little head tilt and she is forgiven, lol. I think she is playing us! I have to get a taller baby gate for my bedroom door as she jumped the one I have up and chewed up another bottom sheet! Of course, while I was at work and DH and mom were supposed to be watching her! I just ordered her a new harness from amazon, a Lupine brand, because they are guaranteed, even if she chews thru them. My DD26 told me about them as one of her bffs uses them. Posey doesn't escape from her harness, she just likes to chew on them because they are handy I guess. If she starts escaping from them I will check out that brand for sure! I also ordered some "bitter apple spray" to spray on stuff to try and stop some of the chewing.

IMG_2472.JPG IMG_2471.JPG

ETA: sorry don't know why those are so gigantic! Those were Thanksgiving day. :)
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Training update! Last Saturday I ran my 23 mile run and it went fantastic! Not saying it wasn't tough, but I managed to keep the same pace from beginning to end, which amazed me. And when I was done, I know I could have gone another 3 miles. So, all this to say, I am 100% certain I can do the marathon! :banana::banana::banana:And that is good to know, since it is 38 days from today, lol! DH rode his bike with me for the first 13 miles but it was COLD, so I told him I was fine with him driving the truck and meeting me at my fuel miles, since he had my water and powerade. So he "leap frogged" with me for the final 10 miles. After he got in the truck I turned on my music and blared Christmas music out loud as I hadn't brought headphones. I'm sure that helped get me thru. It was supposed to be 64 so I wore a Sparkle Skirt with no tights under as I get hot when I run. Well, it never got out of the 40' so my poor legs were frozen/numb by mile 1. Luckily I wore a running hoodie with thumb holes and fleece headband, so the rest of me was relatively warm. When I was done running we drove home, which is about 15-20 minutes, probably comparable to riding the bus after the marathon. And I wasn't too stiff when I had to get out of the truck. I went in and ran a barely lukewarm bath, then got in and filled the tub up to my waist with cold water. That was much easier than getting into the ice cold tub last long run! I soaked about 10 minutes, then took a hot shower. I felt fine the next day, no soreness or anything.

I was supposed to run outside after work on Tuesday but it was cold and drizzling so I opted to go home and run on my treadmill. I listened to the Mickey Miles and More podcast and ran 2.5 miles. I didn't even bring running clothes to work today, just planning on a treadmill run tonight.

I am getting so excited as the marathon trip gets closer! I finally bought our park tickets and made our Fast Passes. We are there for 10 days but I bought 7 day tickets. We aren't going to parks on our arrival and departure days or on the Saturday before the marathon. I think it will be fun to see the parks for the first time when we run thru them! Saturday we will go to the expo to get our bibs, then to Disney Springs to check out the Christmas tree lane display before they take it down. And hopefully they will still be doing the drone show? Idk when that is supposed to end. I always eat a burger and fries before long runs, so I'm planning on getting a burger from Deluxe Burger and taking it back to our resort. Lynae is eating vegetarian, so she will be getting pasta at the food court. Then to bed by 7:00/8:00.

I finally ran in my tank for the marathon that my mom put the darts in for me. It seemed to work well but I will be trying it on a (ugh!)6 mile treadmill run this weekend. Then I should know for sure if it is going to work. I wore it for my 23 mile run but never took off my hoodie so idk if it rubbed or not. :confused3

Since I gave a Miss Posey update and picture yesterday I will refrain from putting another one up today. :)
Amazing job on your run! That is the best feeling, when you know for sure you can crush the race. You have been working so hard, I know you will do great.

Alllllll of the puppy updates, please!! ::yes::
Well done on your 23 miler! You are so ready for this!!!
Thank you! I feel ready, like I wish it was sooner! So afraid I will do something stupid and hurt myself, lol!
Amazing job on your run! That is the best feeling, when you know for sure you can crush the race. You have been working so hard, I know you will do great.

Alllllll of the puppy updates, please!! ::yes::

Thank you! It is a GREAT feeling! It shocks me to say I am looking forward to running a marathon, lol!

And since no one "liked" or commented on the pics I posted the other day I have to believe no one saw them because they are SO cute! (Not that I am biased or anything!) So I will post them again lol!

23!!!!!! You totally got this!
I'm not jealous of your long training run, but I am jealous you get to go run the marathon at Disney :)
And I know nothing about dogs, but those two are the CUTEST!
23!!!!!! You totally got this!
I'm not jealous of your long training run, but I am jealous you get to go run the marathon at Disney :)
And I know nothing about dogs, but those two are the CUTEST!

Thank you! I can't believe I'm looking forward to running it lol!

And thanks! They are at their cutest while sleeping! They are little troublemakers when awake. :)
Seems like a good day for an update. :)
Well, last weekend I was bad and did not get my training run in. I had good intentions but it just never happened. I think I will be fine though. I did my Tuesday training run on my treadmill last night. Lately it has been too dark to run outside when I get off work or believe me I would be outside! Running on the treadmill is a huge mental obstacle for me. I have such a hard time making myself do it.

I am very excited that runDisney released more half marathon spots! I talked to my DD27 and she was very excited and happy with the thought of NOT having to run the marathon due to her lack of training, but she still wanted to run a race. She is always half marathon ready. We talked about it and I suggested that since she is definitely not going for a time she should just take her time and stop for lots of pictures. She loved that idea! We were going to be running separate anyway since our paces are so different, so now I get to go and wait for her at the finish line and she will be able to go and wait for me at mine! We were kind of sad at the thought of finishing the marathon at totally different times and going back to our resort alone on the bus. I got her registered and submitted a transfer today so we are good to go. I just have to wait until Friday to change her airfare as registering her for the half wiped out my funds! :)

I was so touched by someone here on the boards yesterday! They (I won't call them out in case they don't want others to know!)sent me a PM, offering to front me the money to get her registered and letting me pay them back on Friday! I didn't see the message until late last night and I had already talked to DH about putting some of his savings into our joint account this morning so I didn't have to take them up on their offer. But what a sweet, generous offer! This is why I love these boards so much! People are so supportive and helpful of each other!

Today is DD27's birthday so I'm sure this is a great present to her, just relieving her stress. Plus I sent her a Sparkle Skirt, lol. :) It is also our building's Christmas party. It will be a challenge to stay on track with my eating! Then Friday is our whole campus Open House Christmas party so more food! Ugh, lol! I made a crustless, sugar free pumpkin pie for the party today. I made it for Thanksgiving and it is very tasty so I will at least have 1 desert option. :)

To end this update I will include another Posey picture:

Best Buddies!
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I am very excited that runDisney released more half marathon spots! I talked to my DD27 and she was very excited and happy with the thought of NOT having to run the marathon due to her lack of training, but she still wanted to run a race. She is always half marathon ready. We talked about it and I suggested that since she is definitely not going for a time she should just take her time and stop for lots of pictures. She loved that idea! We were going to be running separate anyway since our paces are so different, so now I get to go and wait for her at the finish line and she will be able to go and wait for me at mine! We were kind of sad at the thought of finishing the marathon at totally different times and going back to our resort alone on the bus. I got her registered and submitted a transfer today so we are good to go. I just have to wait until Friday to change her airfare as registering her for the half wiped out my funds! :)

Hooray! That's awesome to hear and it feels like a nice compromise.

I was so touched by someone here on the boards yesterday! They (I won't call them out in case they don't want others to know!)sent me a PM, offering to front me the money to get her registered and letting me pay them back on Friday! I didn't see the message until late last night and I had already talked to DH about putting some of his savings into our joint account this morning so I didn't have to take them up on their offer. But what a sweet, generous offer! This is why I love these boards so much! People are so supportive and helpful of each other!

The people on this board never cease to amaze me. We have a very special nice little community!
Hi puppies!

So glad you were able to transfer your daughter, that's gotta be a relief for both of you! And I have a guess as to who made the offer for you...really great people around here. :lovestruc

Oh, and I'm with you on the treadmill!!! :crazy2:
So happy that things worked out for your daughter and what a wonderful gesture by someone on these boards. Love it here!!

I ran my 4 mile run on the treadmill last night. First time I've done that in a long time. It was as bad as I remembered!!
Hi puppies!

So glad you were able to transfer your daughter, that's gotta be a relief for both of you! And I have a guess as to who made the offer for you...really great people around here. :lovestruc

Oh, and I'm with you on the treadmill!!! :crazy2:

Me too! We will have so much more fun if she isn't stressed out and since she won't be killing herself running a marathon untrained on day 3 of a 10 day trip! And probably not who you would be thinking of. :) Super nice people around here, agreed!

So happy that things worked out for your daughter and what a wonderful gesture by someone on these boards. Love it here!!

I ran my 4 mile run on the treadmill last night. First time I've done that in a long time. It was as bad as I remembered!!

Thanks! We are both so happy it worked out! And yep, people here are great! I can't believe I have been on here almost 2 years now! :)
Been following glad your daughter is happy switching to the half. Being stressed out would not have been fun so sounds like she'll have lots more fun now. Good job on the 23, that's dedication! Cute doggies too!


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