2017 WDW Marathon - a 5150 idea??

Been following glad your daughter is happy switching to the half. Being stressed out would not have been fun so sounds like she'll have lots more fun now. Good job on the 23, that's dedication! Cute doggies too!

Thanks to everything, lol! I have another doggie that rarely makes it in the pictures as he is a rescue we got last summer and he is still afraid to come all the way into the house. He will come in the kitchen and a tiny bit into the hallway (especially if there is food!). He has a doggie door to the backyard so he spends his days outside or in the kitchen. I will have to get a picture of him on here too!
Yay waivers today! I am in M which isn't too bad for my first marathon.

Training last week was meh. I did do my two weekday runs on the treadmill, then I caught a head cold. I went out for my 7 mile run on Saturday and it was freezing! Well, like 20 with wind chill. So I was running super fast, like 2 minutes a mile faster than I should have been so that plus the cold coming, I was wiped out by 3.5 miles. So I went home and intended to do the other 3.5 on my TM. Nope, did 2 and said I am done! I started taking Zicam and Emergen-C and just relaxed the rest of the weekend. I stayed home from work on Monday because my body was just so tired! But I went to work Tuesday and was feeling much better. I did my TM runs on Tuesday and Thursday, 2.5 miles each.

This weekend I am supposed to run 26, according to JG training plan. I plan on doing 25, depending on the weather here. As of right now, it is supposed to be showers, with temps in the mid to upper 60's until about 11:00am when the thunderstorms start. I plan to start as early as I can get DH out there, hopefully by 6:00am and get as many miles in as I can until the lightning starts. Then I will be done for the day. There aren't supposed to be any breaks in the storms now, so no waiting them out. But that could change because we know how accurate the weather forecasts are, right? :) I have never actually ran in the rain before. Not because I am a wimp - it has just never rained on a running day for me before. So idk what to expect. I plan to run in my race outfit and since it could rain on race day it will be a good practice run. Just hope I don't get any blisters! I will Vaseline and Glide my feet/toes. At least it will be a warm rain. :)

Super weird weather weekend here. Today was a high of 40, feels like 32. Then tomorrow it is supposed to be 74, with thunderstorms/rain, which will turn to snow when our overnight low hits 29. Then the high Sunday is 30 with a low of 17. That is our coldest of the year so far. Wind chill on Monday morning for work is supposed to be 6! :eek:
Such a weather roller coaster!

I finally received my skirt that I am wearing for the Marathon and I love it! I ran in it Tuesday and Thursday and washed it last night so I can wear it for my long run tomorrow to make sure it is going to work. I don't anticipate any problems as it fits very well and didn't move at all on the TM runs. I also washed my lavender tank that is part of my race outfit and when I took it out of the washer it had a black spot on the front! Ugh! It didn't have that when I put it in the washer! I put some stain stick on it and will wash it again tonight. I don't want to be hunting a new top this close to the race!

So my race outfit is complete! I will add a pic of the whole outfit after it is all clean at the same time! I am getting so excited for the race and just for our Disney trip in general!

Random puppy pic to end this post: (note how Spock is in all the puppy pics? He hardly ever leaves her side!)<3 IMG_2517.JPG

ETA: The reason they are right there in all the pics is because what you can't see - the heater just to the right of them! Their favorite place to hang out!
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Congrats on your new skirt! I hope you get that stain out of your top, what a pain!!

Cute pups!! Mine goes right to the heating vent, too. :)
I am tired thinking about a 26 or 25 mile training run. I will send you virtual energy and maybe some virtual better weather. I don't know if it will work. Can you run with that space heater or will your doggies be too upset that you took it?
Congrats on your new skirt! I hope you get that stain out of your top, what a pain!!

Cute pups!! Mine goes right to the heating vent, too. :)

Thanks! And it didn't come out all the way but I am going to wear it anyway. Mom and DH said it isn't noticeable. :)

I am tired thinking about a 26 or 25 mile training run. I will send you virtual energy and maybe some virtual better weather. I don't know if it will work. Can you run with that space heater or will your doggies be too upset that you took it?

Thank you! I must have received your virtual energy and weather as it was a perfect day to run and I finished strong! And doggies would never let me get the heater away from them! :)
As I said on the Marathon thread, the weather people got it completely wrong and I had perfect running weather!
50-60's with cloud cover and a light breeze. I was able to get my whole run in with no thunderstorms and it only rained on me about 1/4 of a mile. DH rode his bike with me the first 15, then I finished up the last 10 on my own. I listened to every playlist on my phone lol. But while I was obsessing over the weather I forgot to check what time sunrise was. :o We got out there way too early and had to sit in the truck a half hour! I was very happy with the run though! I maintained a 14:30 average pace the whole 25. I had two bathroom stops and even then I didn't go over a 16:00 mile so that's good too. The 5 mile loops I run at the state park get a little boring but I love that there are 4 bathrooms currently open right on my path! That is a major reason I run there for the long runs.

I feel totally ready for this race so it needs to hurry up and get here! :)
We had thunderstorms all last weekend so I wasn't able to run outside. I finally did my 6 mile long run for the week yesterday, on the treadmill. I put it off as long as possible, hoping for a break in the weather but no dice. :( I think that is the longest TM run I have ever done, lol! I just got the new David Baldacci book on audiobooks so I listened to that and the time flew by. The book should get me thru my 2 weekday TM runs this week and next, and if the rainy forecast stands, thru my 7 mile long run next weekend on the TM again. I really wanted to get another long run in outside before the marathon!

I am getting so anxious for race weekend to just get here already! I leave on the 6th so 9 days to go. Hopefully they pass quickly!

My grandmother died a few months ago :( and the will was just settled last week. I am getting a little bit of money so one of the things I am doing is getting a new king size bed. We have a queen that kills my back, plus I spoil my pups and let the 2 of them sleep with us and it is too crowded! So we decided to redo our bedroom while we have the bed out of there. DH is taking out my closet and moving it (sounds weird but it is built into the room, not outside of it, if that makes sense?). He is raising my shelf and putting two clothes rods, one above the other, so I will double my closet space! Super excited about that! We have a 1940's farmhouse and the closets are all TINY! So with that, and the new bed platform that has 17 inches of clearance under it, I will have a ton of new storage in my room! When my room isn't such an embarrassing mess, I will post pics of it. :)
@Dis5150 can you post before AND after pictures of your closet? We also have crappy closets in our house and the one in our room is especially bad...I'm sort of at a loss as to how to modify it so I'm curious to see what you do!
@Dis5150 can you post before AND after pictures of your closet? We also have crappy closets in our house and the one in our room is especially bad...I'm sort of at a loss as to how to modify it so I'm curious to see what you do!
Sure! But idk when DH is going to actually do it, lol. He said he could have the closet framed in a day. Now I have to get him to commit to a day. :) It is helpful to have a Journeyman Carpenter as a hubby. :)
We had thunderstorms all last weekend so I wasn't able to run outside. I finally did my 6 mile long run for the week yesterday, on the treadmill. I put it off as long as possible, hoping for a break in the weather but no dice. :( I think that is the longest TM run I have ever done, lol! I just got the new David Baldacci book on audiobooks so I listened to that and the time flew by. The book should get me thru my 2 weekday TM runs this week and next, and if the rainy forecast stands, thru my 7 mile long run next weekend on the TM again. I really wanted to get another long run in outside before the marathon!

I love audiobooks! Only thing is I tend to run slower when I'm listening-crazy as I thought it would be the opposite.

I am getting so anxious for race weekend to just get here already! I leave on the 6th so 9 days to go. Hopefully they pass quickly!

You are going to do so great! Your training seems to have gone very well.
My grandmother died a few months ago :( and the will was just settled last week. I am getting a little bit of money so one of the things I am doing is getting a new king size bed. We have a queen that kills my back, plus I spoil my pups and let the 2 of them sleep with us and it is too crowded! So we decided to redo our bedroom while we have the bed out of there. DH is taking out my closet and moving it (sounds weird but it is built into the room, not outside of it, if that makes sense?). He is raising my shelf and putting two clothes rods, one above the other, so I will double my closet space! Super excited about that! We have a 1940's farmhouse and the closets are all TINY! So with that, and the new bed platform that has 17 inches of clearance under it, I will have a ton of new storage in my room! When my room isn't such an embarrassing mess, I will post pics of it. :)

Sorry for the loss of your grandmother. How nice for the bed and closet though.
I love audiobooks! Only thing is I tend to run slower when I'm listening-crazy as I thought it would be the opposite.

You are going to do so great! Your training seems to have gone very well.

Lol, I probably would go slower but I only listen on the treadmill so it doesn't give me that option.

And thank you! I hope so. I followed JG plan to train slower to race faster so now I feel very slow. His plan says to run 1-2 minutes slower in training than your race pace so I have been running at 14:30. My race pace is 13:00ish. but now I feel like my pace is 14:30, if that makes sense? Oh well, at least I won't get swept at that pace!
Got both my training runs in on the TM this week! I am supposed to have one last long run, 7 miles this weekend. We have rain/thunderstorms forecast for the whole 3 day weekend! Ugh! I don't want to have to do the last run on the TM! I am (again!)hoping for a break in the rain/storms long enough to get the 7 miles in. We shall see I guess.

My mom is sick! I heard her coughing all night and she sounds terrible! This is the woman who lives with me, does my laundry, is in and out of my room all day, cooks my dinners, etc. so idk how to avoid getting her crud! Because basically I have already been exposed before I even knew she was sick! I am contemplating taking (in addition to the Emergen-C) Airborne and Zicam.
Got both my training runs in on the TM this week! I am supposed to have one last long run, 7 miles this weekend. We have rain/thunderstorms forecast for the whole 3 day weekend! Ugh! I don't want to have to do the last run on the TM! I am (again!)hoping for a break in the rain/storms long enough to get the 7 miles in. We shall see I guess.

My mom is sick! I heard her coughing all night and she sounds terrible! This is the woman who lives with me, does my laundry, is in and out of my room all day, cooks my dinners, etc. so idk how to avoid getting her crud! Because basically I have already been exposed before I even knew she was sick! I am contemplating taking (in addition to the Emergen-C) Airborne and Zicam.

:cheer2: Yeah for the TM runs! Hoping you can get the last 7 in dry and not on the TM.

Zicam and Airborne wouldn't hurt-everyone is sick right now so it makes us runners crazy!
Got both my training runs in on the TM this week! I am supposed to have one last long run, 7 miles this weekend. We have rain/thunderstorms forecast for the whole 3 day weekend! Ugh! I don't want to have to do the last run on the TM! I am (again!)hoping for a break in the rain/storms long enough to get the 7 miles in. We shall see I guess.

My mom is sick! I heard her coughing all night and she sounds terrible! This is the woman who lives with me, does my laundry, is in and out of my room all day, cooks my dinners, etc. so idk how to avoid getting her crud! Because basically I have already been exposed before I even knew she was sick! I am contemplating taking (in addition to the Emergen-C) Airborne and Zicam.

ACK! Pull out the Hazmat suit that we all received as part of registering for a runDisney race! It will keep us healthy! Only a few more days...
@Ariel484 here ya go - before
IMG_2542.JPG IMG_2543.JPG IMG_2544.JPG
Ignore the mess please! I was emptying the closet for DH and packing for Disney! I don't leave till Friday but since I had to empty my closet anyway I just left out clothes for work this week and packed what I'm taking. The rest goes in tubs during construction! He was just going to turn the closet so it is on the wall to the right of the window, facing the bed. But now, after some measuring, he decided to move it to the other side of the window, where my TM is. :)

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