2008 - C25K program :) WELCOME!!

Hey fellow C25Kers! :goodvibes

Today is an off day for me, which is just fine by me. It is cold and rainy and icy and just plain gross out there! YUCK!

However, since I have been doing so well on the program, and my poor ol feet are doing all the work...I decided to give my feet a treat! :rotfl2: I went and got a pedicure--so relaxing and such a nice reward! Thought I would pass on the tip in case anyone else wants to treat their feet (instead of reward ourselves with food).

My next treat will likely come tomorrow...:rotfl2: ...when I go to get a new pair of running sneakers! I have been using some el-cheapos that I just hanging around my closet. My joints are fine so far, but my arches are definitely starting to get sore, so I think I really should get proper shoes.

Sorry to hear about the illnesses and sore joints. :grouphug: Hang in there. The program will still be here when you are ready.

Penguins unite! Keep going!
Susan: Yes, interval training is good--that's how people lose weight, get faster and stronger, and stay interested! You've got exactly the right attitude! How is W4 going? As I'll note below, I like it so much I'm doing it twice! :rotfl:

3DisneyKids: You rock! Not only for completing ahead of schedule, but for making plans to challenge yourself with a 5K...at Disney...for charity. I do hope you sign up for it. As for the pedi, my feet are now officially too ugly to be seen by anyone. I'm still wearing the badges of honor (i.e. black toenails and blisters) from the Marathon; just a sign that you should get professionally fitted for running shoes. You're much smarter than I am in that regard.

Vicki: I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a speedy healing of your ankle. And I'm generally of the mind that any time spent in Florida in February can't but help the process. (I'm so not a winter person, not after having living in North Dakota!) Unsolicited advice? If it's NOT better by then, perhaps a visit to the dr.? (Hey, I won't go if I can help it, but not everyone's as unreasonable as I am--I'm near phobic.)

Maymom: Terrific progress on W2! Music, gum, and running? You much more coordinated than I am; I'm working on running and drinking but I spill more than I sip.

Vanessa: Glad to see you here as well as on Team Ohana! (Hey, get your team clippie in your signature, girl, promote our awesomeness!) If you can keep up with the swimming, that'll be awesome XT. I also like how you and your friend--always good to have running buddies--are planning on tailoring C25K. It'll take a lot of pressure off, and you can always revisit your decision later.

Swim-mom: You floor me. You're SO busy, yet you make time to run late at night! Usually I'm in bed or, if suffering insomnia, DISing at that time. Congrats on your W7 successes, and for switching things up to give yourself a well-deserved rest.

Kim: Congrats on W3. I think we'll soon be on the same schedule, or that you might loop me. How's your old injury feeling? And an ocean drive 5K--that sounds beautiful! Where is it? Local?

As for me: I once again failed to complete W4D1. I'm just not 100% yet. Barring a relapse, I think I should be all better in a few days. I'm able to walk without lung pain, but not run at even my slow pace. The good news is that I got 2/3 of the way through today, which is double Monday's efforts. My plan is to complete W4D1 on Friday and then repeat W4--successfully--next week.

Happy training, everyone. And to all our lurkers and those who haven't checked in recently, :flower3:
Kim: Congrats on W3. I think we'll soon be on the same schedule, or that you might loop me. How's your old injury feeling? And an ocean drive 5K--that sounds beautiful! Where is it? Local?

My hip is feeling really good so far (knock on wood ;) ). I'm definitley doing a lot more pre & post run stretching, so hopefully I'm preventing any major pain. :thumbsup2 I'm also running my weekday runs at work, which is a sidewalk path. That's probably more even than running on the shoulder of the road like I used to, which has a slight lean to the left when running against traffic.

Yes, the ocean drive 5k is part of their marathon event here in South Jersey. Looks like swim-mom and I are going to run it together! :woohoo:

Keep up the great work, guys! :thumbsup2

w3d2 here I come tomorrow!
Vanessa: Glad to see you here as well as on Team Ohana! (Hey, get your team clippie in your signature, girl, promote our awesomeness!) If you can keep up with the swimming, that'll be awesome XT. I also like how you and your friend--always good to have running buddies--are planning on tailoring C25K. It'll take a lot of pressure off, and you can always revisit your decision later.

Oh don't you worry, the clippie is there now! I posted on this thread before I was in the team!
I did my second week one workout today at lunch...it was much easier this time around, I almost don't feel like my legs are going to ache for the next month! :cool1:

Congratulations to everyone that's working so hard! You're all awesome! :worship:
So, I just ran across this thread. I did C25k my first year of law school and lost about 15 lbs. Then, I gained all that back and more:(.

I think I'll try this again. I was going to the gym today anyways. And, my 65 y/o dad (who has cancer and arthritis and a host of other issues) runs 5ks at 7:20/mile, which makes me feel extra lazy and out of shape!
Kim: It's so great that you and Swim-Mom are training buddies. That'll make your race so much fun! I'm glad you're training on an even surface while recovering; the leaning of the on-ramps were what was so hard for me at Disney. *shudder* Good luck with W3D2 today!

Vanessa: It sounds like your body really like C25K, that you're quickly getting into the groove. How's your friend doing?

Seattle Girl: Welcome back! :welcome: There's nothing like a little friendly competition between family members, huh? (My DH and I do not speak of our different paces. :rotfl:) You'll find yourself in good company here, though, as we're learning to listen to our bodies. And lots of us, myself included are Tortoises/Turtles & proud of it!
So, I just ran across this thread. I did C25k my first year of law school and lost about 15 lbs. Then, I gained all that back and more:(.

I think I'll try this again. I was going to the gym today anyways. And, my 65 y/o dad (who has cancer and arthritis and a host of other issues) runs 5ks at 7:20/mile, which makes me feel extra lazy and out of shape!

Kim: It's so great that you and Swim-Mom are training buddies. That'll make your race so much fun! I'm glad you're training on an even surface while recovering; the leaning of the on-ramps were what was so hard for me at Disney. *shudder* Good luck with W3D2 today!

Vanessa: It sounds like your body really like C25K, that you're quickly getting into the groove. How's your friend doing?

Seattle Girl: Welcome back! :welcome: There's nothing like a little friendly competition between family members, huh? (My DH and I do not speak of our different paces. :rotfl:) You'll find yourself in good company here, though, as we're learning to listen to our bodies. And lots of us, myself included are Tortoises/Turtles & proud of it!

Hi & Welcome to the newest members of the group :) I hope all of you will find support and friendship that will help you get through those days when you just want to throw your hands up in the air!! :thumbsup2 :goodvibes

Yesterday, was a scheduled REST day and I even went to bed before 11:30pm which was wonderful. Tonight is another story, it is midnight and I am still up AND I DID NOT RUN...........I am taking it as a sign that I needed just one more day to rest!?!?!

I have already completed two days this week, and my run on Tue was technically day 3 of week 7. My plan is to do week 7 distance tomorrow and then move to week 8............which is way scary!!

The great thing about these boards is that I found a great friend, KIMWIM who lives very close to me...............and we are running a 5K together next month. She has offered great support and motivation, when I thought I could not go any further!!

Hope everyone keeps moving...................even at TURTLE pace like me :)
The great thing about these boards is that I found a great friend, KIMWIM who lives very close to me...............and we are running a 5K together next month. She has offered great support and motivation, when I thought I could not go any further!!

Hope everyone keeps moving...................even at TURTLE pace like me :)

Yup. We're two turtles from NJ. :laughing: Right back at ya, girl. :hug: I appreciate your support so much, and the kicks in the butt every once in a while. ;)

Keep goin' girlie. You have nothing to be afraid of. You've got it.:woohoo:
Gotta love the turtle pace! :rotfl2: :lmao: I am totally OK with being a turtle!

I had my personal best today...ran for 40 conscutive minutes (3.3 miles...FARTHER than a 5k...a teeny bit farther, but farther!). :cool1: :cheer2:

Again, I am doing this on a TM, so I am interested to see how it will translate to the road. Does anyone know of a website or article that discusses this?

I will say, though, that I may have pushed it a bit too much. My feet and joints are fine--thankfully--but wow, do I have an ache in my lower back! Tomorrow I will definitely take it a bit easy!

For those new or just lurking...I swear....I have never ever ever in my life been able to run! And now...:wizard: I am actually doing it! Give this program a try!
Kim and Swim-Mom: You're like you're own portable party--that's party, folks, not porta-potty! :lmao:

Swim-Mom: Yeah, it sounds like your body just wants to rest a little bit. Given your schedule, I think that's understandable! I have no doubts that you'll rock week 8 though!

3DisneyKids: You go, girl! One of these days I'm going to catch up with you, at least in terms of time! Are you keeping a log of all your PBs? You should. But I also think it's time maybe for a nice easy day or an extra rest day, especially if you haven't gotten your shoes yet. Have you? If not, maybe that's why your lower back hurts. You be good to yourself, okay?

As for me: I FINALLY has a successful completion of W4D1. I was wheezing by the end--the aftereffects of the cold are stubbornly hanging on--but I completed. This weekend is XT, then I pick it up again on Monday. I hope that my breathing will be free and clear by then.

C'mon everyone else, you can do it, day by day, week by week! :cheer2:
Kim and Swim-Mom: You're like you're own portable party--that's party, folks, not porta-potty! :lmao:

Swim-Mom: Yeah, it sounds like your body just wants to rest a little bit. Given your schedule, I think that's understandable! I have no doubts that you'll rock week 8 though!

Thanks, we will have our own party............but that is to celebrate our accompishment of completing the 5k (first of many together).

Last night, I had plans to run............however 3 of my 4 children are sick. My daughter was up till 12 due to not being able to lay down cause she would gag...........that was a long long night.

I took them to the pedi, and one son has a sinus infection, one son has a double ear infection (really bad on the left) and my daughter well she is the only one not one meds right now. BUT if she is no better by tomorrow she will be one it.

So after only running day this week, I have to run tonight and tomorrw!!!! Which sucks then again, I will have completed the 3 days a week like the program says!!!

Best of luck to everyone...................KEEP going it will only get easier :);)
OK, I am sick.......................I feel horrible, I went to bed at 7:30pm which is not like me at all:sick: :sick:

Last night it was all in my sinus's and my stomach, today well lets just say I have used a whole box of tissues and it is only 11am :sick:

I would like to think that I will run today, but who knows at this point!!

Hope everyone else is doing great, and not sick like me!!

I will hopefully post later saying I did run............however I am not holding my breath!!
OK, I am sick.......................I feel horrible, I went to bed at 7:30pm which is not like me at all:sick: :sick:

Last night it was all in my sinus's and my stomach, today well lets just say I have used a whole box of tissues and it is only 11am :sick:

I would like to think that I will run today, but who knows at this point!!

Hope everyone else is doing great, and not sick like me!!

I will hopefully post later saying I did run............however I am not holding my breath!!

So sorry to hear that you and the kids are sick! No fun! Do not train when sick...it will only make things worse.

Well, I had plans to go to the gym yesterday to do my 5th run of the week...and I couldn't get there because DH was out and I had no one to watch the kids. So I figured it would have to be a day off. When he got home, though, he said, "Why don't you just run outside? You don't need a gym..."

I have ONLY been running on a TM and quite frankly, I have been terrified of how my progress would translate to the road. So I figured that I would give it a try and if nothing else I would walk for 30 minutes. Moving is moving, after all! So, I bundled up a bit and off I went...

And....drum roll please....I DID IT! I did a .3 mile walk for a warm up...ran for 2.5 miles...and then a .3 mile cool down. So it was a 5k in total with the majority of it running! :cool1:

I noticed that my pace was slower than on the TM (but I don't give a rip...I was running!) but I also had something left at the end. I could have run the last half mile if I had to. But I decided (1) not to push it; and (2) just let this be a victory in and of itself.

Today is a rest day for me...enjoy the rest of the day everyone! Keep running and keep thinking positive!
Swim-Mom: :hug: Awwww, I'm so sorry. This sounds a lot like the illnesses that have hit around here in the past few weeks & which knocked me off my feet. (Hardest I've been hit in years.) Please take it easy--I'll be thinking good thoughts on your behalf.

3DisneyKids: Whoo-hoo for you! It sounds like you're a natural runner and just didn't recognize it! 5 runs in a week--wow! Also, I have a question about your pace? How are you keeping track on the ground? I ask because I'm not sure you are going slower or that the reason for it is because you're on the ground. I know that when I'm on the ground it feels like I'm slower on the TM, but that's an illusion; I'm actually faster but the effort seems like less. YMMV, of course, and does, but there is that possibility.

The other possibility is that you ARE going slower, but it has less to do with your ability to set the faster pace, all other things being equal, than 1) that your outdoors run was your 5th run of the week and you're just ready for an easy, slow run or 2) your being extra cautious because an outdoor run is new to you.

Even if you are slower on the ground, I think you should celebrate. You've demonstrated one heck of a running curve! Now, what's the first 5K race you're signing up for?
3DisneyKids[/B]: Whoo-hoo for you! It sounds like you're a natural runner and just didn't recognize it! 5 runs in a week--wow! Also, I have a question about your pace? How are you keeping track on the ground? I ask because I'm not sure you are going slower or that the reason for it is because you're on the ground. I know that when I'm on the ground it feels like I'm slower on the TM, but that's an illusion; I'm actually faster but the effort seems like less. YMMV, of course, and does, but there is that possibility.

The other possibility is that you ARE going slower, but it has less to do with your ability to set the faster pace, all other things being equal, than 1) that your outdoors run was your 5th run of the week and you're just ready for an easy, slow run or 2) your being extra cautious because an outdoor run is new to you.

Even if you are slower on the ground, I think you should celebrate. You've demonstrated one heck of a running curve! Now, what's the first 5K race you're signing up for?

Thanks so much for the encouragement! I am pretty pumped! As for being a natural runner...I don't think so. I have tried dozens of times since I was a teen and could never do it (even though I was very fit...aerobics instructor, etc. Again, a prior life...). I just think that I am incredibly motivated right now. I am so DONE being heavy! I am not sure what finally "flipped the switch" this time over all of the other times I have tried to diet and exercise. I guess if I knew that, I would bottle it and be a millionaire, right? :rotfl:

The other thing is that I am a bit OCD. When I get into something, I get INTO it. I bought all of Bingham's books and am working my way through them, I subscribed to Runner's World, etc. I am just so glad that I am being OCD about running! :rotfl2:

As for my pace...well, I wasn't keeping close track, so I guess I don't know for sure that I was actually going slower (that is a good point). I was just so amazed that I was running on the road that I didn't really think about anything else. I am pretty sure though, that (as you said) I was being extra cautious since it was my first one.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to test it for a while as we just had a massive cold front move in. It is 10 degrees now and a windchill of -20 to -30. The wind is going to be gusting up to 50 mph tomorrow...so I will definitely hit the TM at the gym! (We had a very breif warm up yesterday...only a couple of hours...and it hit 39 so that was why I felt brave enough to run outside. Yes, in Maine 40 degrees is aboslutely balmy and lovely for February! :lmao: ) Doesn't look like it is going to warm up again any time soon. That's ok with me...I am happy to run at the gym for now. :goodvibes

As for my first 5k...I don't know! There is one in Disney in March that supports that National Kidney Foundation...and as my youngest dd (now 5) has been in renal failure for a few years, that is our charity of choice. So I have been thinking...hmmm...Disney, Kidney Foundation and a 5k....sounds like the right recipe for my first 5k! If I can't make that one, I may do the one in May. I really want my first race to be at Disney...I mean, what a great reward, right?

Sleep well, all! Tomorrow is another day and a new week...let's lace up those sneakers and go! :cool1:
Just curious, when you're running for distance, what do you set your TM at? I had it up at 6.0 today, but that only gives you a 10 minute mile (from what I can tell on the stats) and it felt FAST to me. I sure hope it gets easier!
Just curious, when you're running for distance, what do you set your TM at? I had it up at 6.0 today, but that only gives you a 10 minute mile (from what I can tell on the stats) and it felt FAST to me. I sure hope it gets easier!

When I run for distance, I do not set my TM on an incline. I do a speed that is comfortable to me that is just a jog. Otherwise I am running against a clock that will only increase injury. The most important thing is not to worry about your speed or incline doing distance. Just get on and go at a jogging pace, remember speed will come with time...........so why kill yourself???

As for me, I AM SICK!! So nothing for me today. I guess running 1 day this past week, was my body's way of getting a needed break!!!! I am not going to allow it to get used to it though.

Hope the MONDAY is the start to a new week full of running!!!
Just curious, when you're running for distance, what do you set your TM at? I had it up at 6.0 today, but that only gives you a 10 minute mile (from what I can tell on the stats) and it felt FAST to me. I sure hope it gets easier!

Everyone's pace is going to be different...whether because you are new to running, have longer legs vs. short little legs, etc. I suggest reading John Bingham's books The Courage to Start and especially No Need for Speed. That will help you put pace in perspective. It is NEVER about what other people run...only your comfort level.

I am running 3 12-minute miles (5.0 on the TM), which puts me squarely in the turtle category! :rotfl: I am totally ok with this. I am meeting and exceeding my distance goals, and I am definitely challenging myself. My heart rate is up, I am sweating and getting a great work out, etc. So the speed is what it is. I suppose as I get more conditioned, I will either try to up my pace a bit and/or increase my distance...not sure which at this point.

When I run for distance, I do not set my TM on an incline. I do a speed that is comfortable to me that is just a jog. Otherwise I am running against a clock that will only increase injury. The most important thing is not to worry about your speed or incline doing distance. Just get on and go at a jogging pace, remember speed will come with time...........so why kill yourself???

WELL SAID! :thumbsup2

As for me, I AM SICK!! So nothing for me today. I guess running 1 day this past week, was my body's way of getting a needed break!!!! I am not going to allow it to get used to it though.

Hope the MONDAY is the start to a new week full of running!!!

Sorry to hear that you are still feeling gross! You are right to listen to your body and rest when you need rest. Running when sick will only make it that much longer before you are well enough to hit it again.

As for me, I just returned from the gym and ran my 5k for the day. I LOVE working out in the morning and having it done for the day. Debra questioned why I am running 5x/week instead of 3. Well...I am ONLY running right now. I am not really x-training yet (which I know I need to add to the mix). Right now, 3 days/week, I do bis and tris after I run, but that is it so far. I guess I just want to get my running down and solid. So I am focusing on just running for 8 weeks...then I will start to slowly add in more x-training. Again, this is just what is working for me right now...

Ok, everyone, it is a NEW week! A fresh start! Lace up those sneaks....:goodvibes
3DisneyKids: First, I'm so sorry to hear about your DD :hug:, and so I think the March one would be ideal. If not, I totally agree that having Disney as a first race is a blast--heck, that's how I ended up at the Goofy. Now I'm afraid all else will pale in comparison. Your weather makes ours look balmy in comparison and (11 degrees F/-1 with windchill) and there's no way I'd run outside. Your OCD sounds like it's working, too! I'm working my way through the Chi Running book, but I love Bingham. Waddle on, folks! And hey, if you're enjoying running right now I say continue to do it as often as you like. I tend to get into ruts where exercise if is good for me and feels good when I finish, but sometimes I forget what it's like to enjoy being in the moment! Have you gotten your new shoes yet?

SeattleGirl: Don't stress about those numbers. Instead, run at a pace that is comfortable for you, one in which you can carry on, with a little difficulty, a conversation. Here's a couple of earlier posts on the subject from Swim-Mom and from me. That time will be different for each one of us, btw, but you should know that I'm not hitting a 10 mm pace yet. I'm generally in the nice comfy 5.2-5.5 range. I do use an incline, but that's because it's what I was used to for walking. I'll get faster, or not, as I move along the program. Either way works for me.

Swim Mom: I do hope you're feeling better today. Good for you for listening to your body and getting some much-deserved rest!

As for me: I completed W4D1 today. What a difference a week makes. Last week it took me all three days to complete W4D1 and I was still wheezy on Friday. Today, it just felt good! :thumbsup2 Guess this means I'm recovered. Now I just hope DH doesn't get it--he's been feeling that same lethargy I did before I went down.

Everyone else: I hope your progress with C25K is going well. Check in with us!


Just wanted to join you folks on this post. I start week 2 tomorrow. I am running on a treadmill and using the podcast to track time. On the off days, I have been doing some walking when I have time.

So far it seems to be going well. My long long term goal is to run the WDW marathon in 2010. In the interim, I would like to run a local 10K this summer, maybe the Everest Challenge in the fall, and a local half marathon next summer.

Anyway, just thought I would stop by and say hi! :woohoo:



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