20,000 Leagues of Running (comments welcome)

I hurt myself again 😵

This time it was NOT running related, I swear. I went upstairs to get a cup of coffee and slipped coming back down the stairs, crashing my lower back into the bottom step. Grrr! It's not broken thankfully. I just have a deep muscle contusion (internal bruise) that hurts like a :fish:I was so excited that there was no break I forgot to ask the urgent care doc when I could go back to running, so I'm taking it easy for a few more days.

It's starting to feel a bit better and I've taken some 2 mile walks (not over doing it, just walking!). Hopefully I can get back on track in another week or so.

Why does this always happen to me?!
Sorry to hear that, glad you are feeling a bit better.
Dude! Be careful! I'm so glad it's not broken, but back pain is no fun. I hope you're feeling better now and back to running soon.
Dude! Be careful! I'm so glad it's not broken, but back pain is no fun. I hope you're feeling better now and back to running soon.
I am feeling better actually!

It was a beautiful Sunday morning that I decided to see if I could go for a short run. The answer was yes! I managed three miles around the track. I think that the rubbery bounce of the track helped out, but I didn't feel any pain in my back. I did start to feel a bit pain in my hip after about 2.5 miles. I walked more often and that seemed to help. So yay I'm back on track... ish.

The plan for this week is to get two maintenance runs in and and then at least 4 mile on the weekend. We'll see.

Countdown to half marathon = 17 weeks.
I had an okay week last week. I only managed one maintenance run, but I kind of figure with rehabbing the injury that might be okay. My long run was a bit of a slog, but I managed it. It was cool the day before and the day after my long run, I just managed to pick THE HOTTEST day of the week. Ugh. I am ready for Fall to really settle in.

No pain in either the back or the hip during this long run, so I'm taking that as good sign. I need to throw in some more stretching, but I just can't find the motivation right now (today's a blue day :sad1:).

I did meet with a dietician last week, which was great! I've never met with one before and I felt really heard. We're not focusing on my running fueling yet, that's October. September is just focused on getting more protein and leveling off my calorie balance. So far so good!

Last Week
Wed - 3.5 miles easy
Sat - 4.2 miles rough LOL
Sun - Archery training 🏹

This week is not off to a great start, but I'm really going to try to get two maintenance runs in, even if it's just for 30 minutes.

Countdown to half marathon = 16 weeks.
I'm a Girl Scout leader and our Service Unit was hosting a fall training blitz so I got certified to basically supervise troops on an archery range. I'm now officially an Archery Range Master! LOL

This makes me think of Ghosts (the British version--which was great, not the U.S. version)--but without the "Pat" outcome!

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