Home for the Holidays-Wizards-Grinches and Sparkles. 14 nights @Royal Pacific Resort, Nov/Dec 2021

lol.....that`s funny! Well, not the part your SiL thought you`d passed out.........yes, there were folks who looked like they had held themselves together the whole ride. We couldn`t get round fast enough to get on again each time we came off.....

You reminded me I completely forgot to mention just how smooth the ride was.....never felt a coaster as smooth in all my life........which made it a much better experience. As I`ve gotten older, I don`t do so well on the bumpier rides like RRR anymore....certainly couldn`t do RRR more than once like we did with this one.

I`m glad you`re going to ride it again though......I do hope your husband will give it a bash. And definitley ask for the front row next time.......lol......you`ll love it!!! I promise........ ::yes::
Oh DH would NEVER go on it. He won't even ride Expedition Everest lol. One time several years ago on his only trip to Universal he got brave. He's not much of a rides person in general. He will do most of Disney's rides with the exception of 2. We went a couple years after HP world opened. I got him to go on Dueling Dragons then we went on FJ ( I think) and he was green when we got off that. The combo of the 2 did him in and I don't think he'll ever do anything that even comes close to going upside down again lol. We are all going in may and I have a feeling that he will spend a lot of time in the family rooms with my 10 yr old who also does not like upside down rides. My 7 yr old tho.... I bet he'll ride it with me. He has no fear lol. I'll have to check the heights. He's 52 inches now....
Unfortunately, we have not set one up yet. Since covid had us inside and not traveling, we are going to see friends and relatives in Arizona and Tennessee next year. I hope to fit Universal in there somewhere. I really miss it. There's so much we we missed the last time that I want to do and see, so here's hoping:)


I`m sure your trips to Arizona (very jealous) and Tennessee will be lovely. We`ve always valued our friends and family so much, but over the last few years they`ve been especially important, seeing them when we can meant the world.

And yes, you`ll get back to Universal before you know it I`m sure, yes, so much to catch up on and we didn`t manage everything this trip as we were fitting in so much, but there`s always next time for sure........ ::yes::
Oh DH would NEVER go on it. He won't even ride Expedition Everest lol. One time several years ago on his only trip to Universal he got brave. He's not much of a rides person in general. He will do most of Disney's rides with the exception of 2. We went a couple years after HP world opened. I got him to go on Dueling Dragons then we went on FJ ( I think) and he was green when we got off that. The combo of the 2 did him in and I don't think he'll ever do anything that even comes close to going upside down again lol. We are all going in may and I have a feeling that he will spend a lot of time in the family rooms with my 10 yr old who also does not like upside down rides. My 7 yr old tho.... I bet he'll ride it with me. He has no fear lol. I'll have to check the heights. He's 52 inches now....

lol....oh Lordy he did have a bad time didn`t he.......I think I can see why he won`t ride the wilder ones.....

But, love the fact your youngest will ride everything given the chance! Being upside down isn`t for everyone......but glad you`ll have someone to go on with....

We`re counting down the days till May now too....... ::yes::
Good tips for the Velocicoaster thanks! My DH does not like when his bum lifts up so we'll be going for middle seats, assuming I can even convince him to go on it (may take him some time to work up to it!).

Actual LOL at the lady parts trying to escape hahaha.

lol.....they were almost out!!! I`ll be sticking to the old sport lock and loads from now on when we do that ride......

Oh the middle rows would suit him then, you just don`t quite feel the same airtime as much in the middle rows, but it`s still a huge amount of fun. Just don`t tell him he`ll feel it a little...... :rolleyes1

When RRR first opened, it took me over an hour, maybe longer to go on it the first time. I stood and just watched, and watched some more.......when no one fell out or died, I thought I should maybe trust it and go on......lol......Tom and Kyle meanwhile had been on loads of times while I perused every rider coming off for signs I shouldn`t ride it......then I loved it, as long as we were on the front. Back rows made me positively green!

I hope he loves it though........
This is so amazing! You do the best trip reports!

I can totally related to being emotional flying. We traveled during the pandemic, we are redoing a home in Asheville, NC and I have a MIL in a retirement home in Sarasota and my family is in Myrtle Beach.

However getting on that plane to finally fly back to Paris broke me. I sat on the plane and sobbed. And did it again when we landed at CDG.

Thanks for taking the time to do the trip report!
lol.....they were almost out!!! I`ll be sticking to the old sport lock and loads from now on when we do that ride......

Oh the middle rows would suit him then, you just don`t quite feel the same airtime as much in the middle rows, but it`s still a huge amount of fun. Just don`t tell him he`ll feel it a little...... :rolleyes1

When RRR first opened, it took me over an hour, maybe longer to go on it the first time. I stood and just watched, and watched some more.......when no one fell out or died, I thought I should maybe trust it and go on......lol......Tom and Kyle meanwhile had been on loads of times while I perused every rider coming off for signs I shouldn`t ride it......then I loved it, as long as we were on the front. Back rows made me positively green!

I hope he loves it though........

ha he has already done enough research to know there is air time 😂. He says it might take him until the Sept trip next year to try it but he will. Took me forever to get him on The Hulk and he won’t ride RRR (though to be fair it took me about 4 trips for that one lol)

And sports bra noted 😁
This is so amazing! You do the best trip reports!

I can totally related to being emotional flying. We traveled during the pandemic, we are redoing a home in Asheville, NC and I have a MIL in a retirement home in Sarasota and my family is in Myrtle Beach.

However getting on that plane to finally fly back to Paris broke me. I sat on the plane and sobbed. And did it again when we landed at CDG.

Thanks for taking the time to do the trip report!
Aw thank you so much, that is very kind of you to say.......

How was Paris????? It`s been years since we were there, and yes, completely understand the emotions you experienced, it is a huge thing for so many people after such a long ban on travel. I hope your trip was wonderful, and not too cold!!

You visited some beautiful places in the pandemic, I hear so many good things from friends who visit Myrtle Beach, Sarasota is somewhere we have been trying to get back to too......looks gorgeous.

Good to see you post again too........ :wave2:
ha he has already done enough research to know there is air time 😂. He says it might take him until the Sept trip next year to try it but he will. Took me forever to get him on The Hulk and he won’t ride RRR (though to be fair it took me about 4 trips for that one lol)

And sports bra noted 😁

lol....it made a HUGE difference!!!

Oh goodness yes, RRR is one of those you need to think about before riding.......it`s just so rough now, even the front isn`t as good as it used to be....but then that may very well be my age too........lol.......

I`m glad though he is going to ride it......the smoothness of it is a winner for me!
We came back to our room and got showered and changed before walking over to Sapphire for the Thanksgiving Buffet. We had the choice of either Amatista or the one in Islands.....both were very similar but we decided on Amatista as it`s so much lighter than Islands.

Although Islands Dining Room is being completely refurbished next year after being postponed due to the pandemic, so it`ll be interesting to see what the new look will be when it`s complete.

It doesn`t take too long to walk through the ballrooms/convention area and we arrive in time to take some pictures by their mahoosive tree in the lobby before heading downstairs to Amatista.


Fernando had told us the night before he would be there with his lovely wife and son who we had met several times in the past, we looked forward to saying hello to them again after so long and as we came down the stairs they were all waiting at the bottom to go on, so it was lovely to catch up with them too. His wife is a sweetheart and just as nice as Fernando, so we had a good catch up before we went in.

We had a booth booked for us and it was a nice table, the restaurant wasn`t overly busy, but busy enough and didn`t feel cramped in any way, we were looking forward to this. We were supposed to have celebrated Thanksgiving here last year, but obviously not, so this was a real first for us and being classed as "Honorary Americans" by many friends, we were happy to celebrate with other families today.

The buffet looked beautiful.....it had of course turkey, ham and beef with as many sides as you can think of and then some more......but the seafood really caught my eye........and there were oysters!!!! Much to Tom`s revulsion........lol.......




I ate my bodyweight in oysters and shrimp........and every time I glanced at Tom I could see him silently judge me in complete horror....... :rotfl:

He however, went straight for the turkey and ham and he said the turkey was the best he had ever tasted......hey hope that didn`t include mine........it did apparently!!! Fair enough.......

I did try a little and something called stuffing that is very different to stuffing we have. Please don`t think folks in the UK use that dreadfully disgusting boxed stuffing.......nope, that`s not stuffing and is truly vile...I think some folks may have used it in the 1970`s......but our stuffing is more like a meatloaf, we slice it and have it cold.....lush! But, the turkey was delicious I have to say and I did have another couple of slices.....in between the oysters of course........





Tom loves desserts and he had already eyed up a few he would enjoy......I don`t enjoy chocolate desserts and hate anything peanut butter or pumpkin flavoured with desserts, so I looked for the fruity ones and there were plenty to choose from.




Tom did enjoy a mix of desserts and even he enjoyed the peanut butter smore thingy.......not for me.......


I had the mango mousse and a ginger and raspberry brulee which was gorgeous and there may have been a second serving of these for me :rolleyes1.....very fresh and tasty.

The Food and Beverage manager we had been introduced to last night came over to say hello and asked what we thought, we were very happy to tell him we thought it was wonderful and very well organised with everything being replenished if it was low. It was nice to say hello to him again too.


We were full eventually and after going over to say goodbye to Fernando and family although we said we`d see him later as we planned to visit Strong Water tonight, we headed or rather waddled back to RP for a bit of a snooze before heading out later.

The Thanksgiving Buffet had been wonderful. It had so many choices of food for everyone, and we would throughly suggest everyone who can try it, you should. Well worth it.

And after chatting with Kyle who was doing just fine with us gone.....lol.....we headed up to the lounge for a couple of glasses of wine before going over to Strong Water......and we got a nice surprise as we went in.........

One of the supervisors had made us a lovely card and as soon as we went in one of the staff asked us if we were Carole and Tom.....again, someone who knew us but we didn`t know them and again said they had heard all about us........never quite know if that`s a good or bad thing......lol.......but it was lovely to see the card and balloons.......


They called her as she was downstairs and she appeared a few minutes later, and it was lovely to see another familiar face, there were only 2 in the lounge from our previous trips, so it was lovely catching up with them.

We must have spent a good couple of hours up here chatting before setting off again to Strong Water.....we would get our steps in for sure this trip going between the two buildings.

We sat at the bar and we were only having drinks tonight as we had eaten so much today, but it was gorgeous......so Lenny was making us up some cocktails and we also had more interactions with Anthony who was new to us and hadn`t been there long either.......lots of fun.

There were two guys sat beside us, Neil and Luke, both British and before too long we got chatting......we were like twins as couples!!! It was quite uncanny......we usually travelled at the same times and both loved HHN! The similarities were beyond comparison......but lovely, lovely guys and we chatted the evening away sharing tales of what we liked and places we liked.......and it is lovely when you meet folks you do have a common link with, aside from that they were genuinely nice and very funny too, we like a good sense of humour in folks! And they loved Lenny, so they were alright by us anyway........

Fernando brought us over a lovely charcuterie plate to share and handed one to the guys too......his hospitality is amazing and beyond most other places.......and we realised at that point we could do with a snack.....so it was very much appreciated at that point.


I couldn`t believe it when I noticed the guys behind the bar starting to clear up.......what the.......could it really be closing time??? Well usually their hours were till 2am, but it`s midnight now, and yes, it really was midnight.......

So, rather reluctantly we said our goodbyes to the guys hoping we`d see them again before they left, and said our goodnights and thanks to Lenny and co who as always had looked after everyone so well. Lenny has the most amazing sense of humour and had me in stitches almost every night we saw him.......

We wandered back, I felt like a stop out coming home well after midnight, but we crawled into bed at almost 1am, but we had enjoyed a fabulous first full day.
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I'm with Tom on seafood of any kind, and especially oysters!!!! LOL.
But the other items looked amazing.
I am a dessert person, so it all looked good to me.
Enjoying this so much:)

lol....yes, oysters are something you don`t just think are ok-ish......you either love em or hate em......::yes:: He loves everything else seafood, except them.

Everything was beautifully prepared and presented.

Thank you, I`m glad to read that Ruth....... :wave2:


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