Disneyland Reopening Speculation Superthread

What great news! Can’t wait for the parks to open again. I’ll just grab my AP and... oh... uh, nevermind. 😕
Yep. The lawmakers who drafted the bill said that if they have wait for Yellow tier, they may never be able to reopen. If they change it to Orange tier, they expect all theme parks to be able to open "by summer." I assume LA county parks would be last to reopen, but OC is seeing dramatic declines in case rates and positivity percentages and can hit orange tier much sooner than LA.

That is the good news I like to hear!
Personally, I think the entire list of theme park restrictions under the tier system need to be revised as we turn the corner...

In the orange tier it restricts visitors to those in the same county as the theme park and only allows outdoor attractions.

A step is a step regardless so hopefully this will open the conversations to better options all around. At least it's being talked about!

It's been awhile, here's the link:

Aww that county rule suuuuucks

Right? I'm not getting my hopes up just yet for a summer trip. The out of state folks might be waiting awhile. Maybe he'd agree to making it state wide at least at first. But who knows? Sounds like a nightmare to regulate on Disney's end either way. And no indoor attractions? Oof... 😣

I'm hoping if they can at least get the doors open it wouldn't take long for everything else to fall into place....
I’m hoping the state reevaluates the color system altogether. Reason being is that under current rules, if things get bad (which I really really hope they do not), you can get moved back a tier. If I was running a theme park I would be hesitant to bring back my staff and encourage guests to come to be told I may have to close again. They need to have some sort of confidence that when they reopen they’ll get to stay open.
Just to clarify the current situation, things are improving, we have a few open beds in ICUs, it is slowing, BUT.... In Oct, Orange county had 3-4 positives per 100K people. Currently, it is 43 cases per 100K. (It was up to 100 at one point.). It needs to be down at 2-3. So I really don't expect to open in March. Don't want to be a Debbie downer, but do want to be realistic.
everything continues to improve with the primary surge behind us. rates broke <40 for OC and x6 levels to get to red. Hopefully there's no Super Bowl bump.

The tiers really aren't vaccine dependent. Vaccinations will hasten us to the lower tiers. As @Malcon10t - we're still a bit a ways off since October, but we're very hopeful that we got close to orange naturally despite the divisions and no vaccine. Now moving forward toward a common goal of reopening and with a vaccine we have very good chances to get to orange and even yellow.

The question and hope is revamp of the crazy level restrictions placed on private theme parks that's not applied to zoos and aquariums.

eg: We're going back to seaworld this weekend and sd zoo next weekend.
My prediction is this tier structure won't be around by summertime. It is becoming an antiquated model with every passing day. I still predict the parks open in June or July. 🤞

Sure hope so! We just cancelled our March trip but have one scheduled for August.
My prediction is this tier structure won't be around by summertime. It is becoming an antiquated model with every passing day. I still predict the parks open in June or July. 🤞
I agree, but I'm SOO gun-shy! It's gotten to be a matter of "devil you know, devil you don't". Each time the criteria changes it seems like it only gets worse.
The tier system was build for a pre vaccine world. If they don’t reassess it now that the vaccine is out then that’s pretty incompetent, even for California standards.
FYI . We are all still in the purple tier irregardless of the vaccine.

Playing devil's advocate....how does the vaccine invalidate the tier system on prevalence of the virus at the local county level?
I agree, but I'm SOO gun-shy! It's gotten to be a matter of "devil you know, devil you don't". Each time the criteria changes it seems like it only gets worse.

Same... I don't even have the energy to plan a trip yet or even think too closely about it until those gates are OPEN. And not just an announced reopening (remember July last year?!) but seeing it actually open...
FYI . We are all still in the purple tier irregardless of the vaccine.

Playing devil's advocate....how does the vaccine invalidate the tier system on prevalence of the virus at the local county level?

Well, it affects hospitalization and ICU demand numbers pretty significantly. Have you seen how those stats have taken a nosedive? These are the only actual numbers that should matter anyway. As we saw, the massive explosion in case numbers over the last couple months did NOT translate to a proportional number of hospitalizations. We had far fewer people hospitalized and dead than the numbers would have suggested based on the "20% of cases end up hospitalized and 20% of those end up dead." The numbers did not actually play out that way, suggesting that the people infected were likely younger/healthier overall or we are getting better at treating it, both of which SHOULD mean the Tier system needs a refresh.

In addition the tier system has a lot of built in "adjustments" based on absolutely ridiculous criteria.
FYI . We are all still in the purple tier irregardless of the vaccine.

Playing devil's advocate....how does the vaccine invalidate the tier system on prevalence of the virus at the local county level?
Because the tier system has timelines built into it based on a conservative approach, assuming people refraining from different activities is the ONLY thing slowing the spread. I will give you, the vaccine rollout has been pretty anemic. With only I think 5% of the population vaccinated it's not making much of an impact...yet. I would love to see the criteria factor in the % of population vaccinated. This all may be moot if the numbers keep coming down like they are, but I think we are all realistic in that the IR rate is going to find a valley like it did in the Fall. Will that be low enough to get us into the lower tiers? Boy, I sure hope so, but not holding my breath.


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