Yee Haw Bob Sexual Harrassment

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What, you want to give me 100 yes/no questions to if something is assault or not? I'm at work and certainly not playing that game. And I don't see how it would help the conversation in any way. Clearly the fact that I won't play along helps you feel better about yourself so it's fine.

I asked 3 or 4 yes or no questions, in the time it took you to respond to me 2 times you could have answered them in just one post.
As far as me feeling better about myself because you won't play along, sorry to disappoint you but you've got zero impact on how I feel about myself.
Bullying wasn't a big topic of discussion for previous generations. Oh, it existed alright just didn't have a bright spotlight shined on it as seems to happen today. On various forums I've heard parents discuss it avidly and with much passion as to punishment and responses. IMO..sexual harassment and abuse are a different form of bullying and has certainly been around since time immemorial.

Interesting that many of the same people that want child bullies "thrown under the jailhouse" can't see the connection/correlation to sexual abuse in later life.
No one EVER touched my person w/o consequences or permission (implicit or stated; different time, LOL) since my grandmother gave me a hatpin at the age of somewhere around 13. Obviously, growing up in the 1900's she knew that "wandering hands" existed in the Victorian and Edwardian Ages as well.

I don't sincerely know how to respond to anyone who thinks that telling another "to knock it off" is the answer to being butt pinched; beyond my comprehension and I just don't want to walk in those shoes since it's completely anathema to my upbringing.
I wish those people peace with their thoughts.
I've read this 10 times and am totally lost to the 2 bolded statements and I'm honestly curious.
What is your position to how to handle someone grabbing your butt in public? Since now it's brought up both with regards to Bob and even elder President Bush seems to have an issue with grabbing some butt
What does the hat pin have to do with it? If not to poke them with it, and tell them to KNOCK IT THE ______ OFF!? I think in both of the cases being discussed here, it's a pretty spot on response. Not the answer all the time but for a quick grab such as presented in these instances, pretty spot on
Hmmm ... I was re-reading the FB entry looking for the guy who wanted to jail Bob.

She said that she contacted Disney right after the incident. Two of her friends were interviewed and the photographic evidence was given to Disney. It appears that she asked them to fire Bob but instead Disney called and offered her $500. She said she wanted Bob to be fired so she tore up the check.

Many years later (4 or 6, who knows?), she is inspired by the #metoo campaign (as is her right if she felt violated). She says in her FB post that she recently contacted Disney about the same incident, complete with witnesses and the photo. She asked them to fire him (again) and they said (again) there wasn't enough evidence. Someone down the FB thread said, "She just contacted them within the last 2 weeks : straight to the top of the company."

She didn't get what she wanted from Disney either time so less than two weeks later she released it on social media ... all the while saying "Please feel free to share, as I don't want this to happen to any other women going to see his show.". Bull. She wanted his head on a pike 4-6 years ago and she still wants it on a pike now. Disney won't give it to her so she riled up her friends and fans to demand that Disney do it. It was never about saving other women from going through the same thing. It was always about getting Bob fired.
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I still wonder, where are the other women? Have there been any? Or is this really the only one that's ever been touched by him? Because someone else would have spoken out by now
It was never about saving other women from going through the same thing. It was always about getting Bob fired.

That is my take and if anyone is going to make public accusations about anyone it better have actual evidence and a police report that was investigated and found admissible evidence.

As I said in my first post on this topic all I can think of is the Duke Lacrosse allegations and the UVA Rolling Stone article. That is what happens when these accusations are made without corroborating evidence. People's lives are ruined for no reason. IF there is proof he did it fire him. Until I see that proof I see no reason to persecute the man.
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This thread is......eye opening. This is the reason women don't come forward.
She did come forward to Disney. Twice. It's my opinion that Disney is the most "cover your butt" company there is and if her evidence was even close to being conclusive they would have bought her off. And no, $500 was not buying her off. I'm talking real money with strings attached where she wouldn't talk about the incident.
This thread is......eye opening. This is the reason women don't come forward.

As someone who did come forward, when you do, you feel like you are on trial. My story happened years before the internet, but seeing how some women have been brutally talked about, stalked, bashed, threatened and their lived ruined because they've come forward I don't know if I would have the courage to do so these days.
I still wonder, where are the other women? Have there been any? Or is this really the only one that's ever been touched by him? Because someone else would have spoken out by now

Wasn't there one other woman who didn't speak up? Maybe, like some women on this thread, a butt squeeze was not that big a deal to her.
Wasn't there one other woman who didn't speak up? Maybe, like some women on this thread, a butt squeeze was not that big a deal to her.
If so I missed it. Which would go back to my earlier porn analogy. One person's porn is another's naked pic. A random brush on a butt to one is sexual assault to another. A pretty big leap if you ask me but hey, we've already been told that we can't tell someone if what they feel is assault is wrong
This thread is......eye opening. This is the reason women don't come forward.

Coming forward 4 to 6 years later about a done-in-public butt grab by a stranger to an adult is a problem for me, yes. Sorry I can't be p.c. about this. I think it's ridiculous and it needed to be addressed at the time of the occurrence and then life goes on. A butt grab should not ruin a life. Frivolous accusations hurt those women who have suffered a real assault and need support. I cannot give support to this alleged butt grab.
It was a butt squeeze!! Is it inappropriate, you bet. Career ending worthy? Not on your life. This is completely insane.
And what I don’t understand, is she was sitting next to him on the piano, sitting. How exactly does he squeeze one’s butt...just trying to visualize here.
She did come forward to Disney. Twice. It's my opinion that Disney is the most "cover your butt" company there is and if her evidence was even close to being conclusive they would have bought her off. And no, $500 was not buying her off. I'm talking real money with strings attached where she wouldn't talk about the incident.
And I think they would have fired him. Like I said in a pp, he is not that important of an entertainer at WDW that they would deal with that liability.
It was a butt squeeze!! Is it inappropriate, you bet. Career ending worthy? Not on your life. This is completely insane.
And what I don’t understand, is she was sitting next to him on the piano, sitting. How exactly does he squeeze one’s butt...just trying to visualize here.

It's not considered sexual assault what he did and I don't think it's even a crime, but I think it's not becoming of a Disney employee and I sure wouldn't let him get away with it, if it really happened, that is.
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I asked 3 or 4 yes or no questions, in the time it took you to respond to me 2 times you could have answered them in just one post.
As far as me feeling better about myself because you won't play along, sorry to disappoint you but you've got zero impact on how I feel about myself.

It wouldn't have because, as always, it depends on the situation.
Hmmm ... I was re-reading the FB entry looking for the guy who wanted to jail Bob.

She said that she contacted Disney right after the incident. Two of her friends were interviewed and the photographic evidence was given to Disney. It appears that she asked them to fire Bob but instead Disney called and offered her $500. She said she wanted Bob to be fired so she tore up the check.

Many years later (4 or 6, who knows?), she is inspired by the #metoo campaign (as is her right if she felt violated). She says in her FB post that she recently contacted Disney about the same incident, complete with witnesses and the photo. She asked them to fire him (again) and they said (again) there wasn't enough evidence. Someone down the FB thread said, "She just contacted them within the last 2 weeks : straight to the top of the company."

She didn't get what she wanted from Disney either time so less than two weeks later she released it on social media ... all the while saying "Please feel free to share, as I don't want this to happen to any other women going to see his show.". Bull. She wanted his head on a pike 4-6 years ago and she still wants it on a pike now. Disney won't give it to her so she riled up her friends and fans to demand that Disney do it. It was never about saving other women from going through the same thing. It was always about getting Bob fired.
I'm not her so I'm not speaking for her but here's what I would have done:

1) If I felt sexual harrassment occured I would file a police report as I mentioned earlier which could show a pattern or be used for future action

2) From the above Disney did not comply with her request so back then when it occurred so if I felt Disney didn't take it seriously enough as an employer of Bob I would have sought legal counsel. Would an attorney be able to let me know if Disney is in the wrong for continuing to employ Bob (maybe even not investigating it like I believed it should be investigated) or is this something that is not able to be helped through an attorney. Would the attorney be able to sift through my evidence (including the photo, the check, and going over the discussions with Disney) in confidence and help me understand what recourse I may have?

3) If I didn't do so back then since I was inspired by the #metoo movement I would seek counsel now. Would they tell me to file a report with the police even after 4 or 6 years has passed? Would they tell me based on my account of what happened that Disney was in the wrong for continuing to employ Bob (maybe even not investigating it like I believed it should have been investigated) or would they tell me this is not something that an attorney could help me with. Would the attorney be able to sift through my evidence (including the photo, the check, and going over the discussions with Disney) in confidence and help me understand what recourse I may have?

4) I would not go to social media in this case for reasons already mentioned previously. As of right now what she is doing may be considered libel depending on the ultimate fallout even if she feels this is her only choice in the matter (though I'm not an attorney and am not pretending to be one lol). Now for me a lot does have to do with naming him. While it could also be considered that for Disney if their reputation was harmed we all know that Disney gets that sort of talk "Disney didn't do enough" daily here so perhaps there is a different threshhold for them as a entity. Now that's not looking at if he is guilty or not. That's just looking at it from the standpoint of her posting what she posted and what she continues to post on her FB page on a practical not emotional level.

*Again this is just me, not me speaking for her.
I've read this 10 times and am totally lost to the 2 bolded statements and I'm honestly curious.
What is your position to how to handle someone grabbing your butt in public? Since now it's brought up both with regards to Bob and even elder President Bush seems to have an issue with grabbing some butt
What does the hat pin have to do with it? If not to poke them with it, and tell them to KNOCK IT THE ______ OFF!? I think in both of the cases being discussed here, it's a pretty spot on response. Not the answer all the time but for a quick grab such as presented in these instances, pretty spot on

Here are the 2 portions you bolded:

No one EVER touched my person w/o consequences or permission (implicit or stated; different time, LOL) since my grandmother gave me a hatpin at the age of somewhere around 13.


I don't sincerely know how to respond to anyone who thinks that telling another "to knock it off" is the answer to being butt pinched; beyond my comprehension and I just don't want to walk in those shoes since it's completely anathema to my upbringing.

And here are my further explanations.
First bold portion:

I used the hatpin my Nana gave me (and others I bought through the years) to poke any person who touched me inappropriately on the subway or bus. All crowded areas with too many mashers to quantify ( google "masher" since I'm sure you are younger ;)). I also used it on a pervert who was feeling up a mentally disabled girl who was standing on a crowded bus going up Fordham Road in the Bronx. I was a high schooler at the time. He dinna get too much of the pin since other females of similar age were pinching, kicking, and loudly calling him out. The driver stopped the bus between a stop and the pervert got off probably grateful that the tormenting ended. Several girls, self included, got off the bus with his victim, walked her home and explained to her mother what happened ( she had a speech impediment). We made it clear it was his fault, not her's. I wish to this day we had called the police but who knows what their response would have been in that day, age and location.

I think the first bolded section's explanation pretty much explains the second.
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