College Program Parents Thread...

Hi! My daughter checked into The Disney College Program on August 19th. She is living in Chatham and their microwave isn't working. All 8 roommates have gone to the office to see if they can do something about it. They are constantly told that they will take care of it, but as of yet...nothing! :confused3 My daughter called me over the weekend and asked me to call the office to start really complaining, maybe they will listen to me?! Has anyone experience this? Hubby says that our daughter should just go to Walmart and buy a new microwave so she wouldn't have to deal with it. I feel she shouldn't have to!
So...anyone else have a kid extremely unhappy in their role? Mine loves everything about his CP, except work...which is most of it. He is custodial, has had one street shift, which he loved...took pictures, gave directions, traded pins....however, that was his first shift. Everything since then has been 6-6.5 hours in a restroom. He knew Restroom shifts were part of the gig; just didn't realize that was all he'd be doing. And it is all of the CPs in his area.
So...anyone else have a kid extremely unhappy in their role? Mine loves everything about his CP, except work...which is most of it. He is custodial, has had one street shift, which he loved...took pictures, gave directions, traded pins....however, that was his first shift. Everything since then has been 6-6.5 hours in a restroom. He knew Restroom shifts were part of the gig; just didn't realize that was all he'd be doing. And it is all of the CPs in his area.

I am so sorry to read this. I hope things improve.
In spite of the work issues he is really having a good time. Parks on days off, great roomies including 3 from Japan and 2 from Australia, and making some good friends. He did get one street shift last night and had a great time. I am hoping that this is a temporary thing to see who will and who won't. :)
So...anyone else have a kid extremely unhappy in their role? Mine loves everything about his CP, except work...which is most of it. He is custodial, has had one street shift, which he loved...took pictures, gave directions, traded pins....however, that was his first shift. Everything since then has been 6-6.5 hours in a restroom. He knew Restroom shifts were part of the gig; just didn't realize that was all he'd be doing. And it is all of the CPs in his area.

Hi there - I am a DCP hopeful for Spring 2014! Though I don't have any experience working for Disney, I do have experience in a camp setting where people are often placed in positions they are not happy with. The biggest piece of advice I can offer is: Say something to a supervisor. If your son feels as though he is being scheduled unfairly or he is unhappy with his assignments, he needs to say something. It is entirely possible that he is slipping through the crack and his superior hasn't realized that he's been assigned unfairly.
It is actually all the CPs in his area. He has learned to work it, so it is going much better now.
skg144 said:
Hi there - I am a DCP hopeful for Spring 2014! Though I don't have any experience working for Disney, I do have experience in a camp setting where people are often placed in positions they are not happy with. The biggest piece of advice I can offer is: Say something to a supervisor. If your son feels as though he is being scheduled unfairly or he is unhappy with his assignments, he needs to say something. It is entirely possible that he is slipping through the crack and his superior hasn't realized that he's been assigned unfairly.

As a DCP Hopeful, I "HOPE" you go into the program with the understanding that you take the assignments you get and you may or may not like them and that's the way it goes! I'm going to pretty much warn you now that they don't have time for "whiners". And what you think is fair or unfair...*it's a job, someone has to do it, and if you are assigned to it...well you either can choose to do it, or go home and they will find someone else.* They don't have time/energy to baby/pamper you. They have too many CMs to deal with. DD didn't care much for her assignments at first and this was the response given to her by multiple supervisors when she asked for different role changes or different assignments. You work for Disney, they don't work for you. (That is added by me!)
The part between the stars is what DD's supervisors told her!! And more than one I might add... ;)
I told her the same thing over the phone. Working for Disney is not all fairy tales & pixie dust!! There are jobs to be done that are less than glamorous and someone has to do them. If you are given them and don't want it, then go home. But if you accept a role on the CP, know that you have to do any and all tasks given to you by your superiors. No matter how mundane, no matter how much you think it is unfair. Otherwise stay home. Not trying to be rude, but this is the real work world, the real work world isn't always fair. :)
It is actually all the CPs in his area. He has learned to work it, so it is going much better now.

Unfortunately the way scheduling works is based on the union and bid system. So full time and seniority part time are given priority to what time and where they are scheduled. Then CPs are filled in then part time (more senior to newer) and seasonal. So this means a lot of the good shifts and this good positions are taken by FT then higher seniority takes into affect and even though CPs get second pull on amount they typically get last pull of positions and times of shifts.

Also talking to your manager will do nothing about where you are assigned. Assignments come from labor services and cast deployment system which are just people who stare at a computer and just see a name and a scheduling code. They only know you as xxxx- CP yyyyy-ft etc so they fill the schedule and positions based on those codes alone.

It really sucks but if you plan on staying with the company you can work your way into better positions.
My DD has her phone interview on the 18th. Is the recruiter she spoke with the same person that does the interview?

I ask because there was a mix up and her first phone interview was somehow cancelled. She called the CP line and spoke to Liz, her recruiter, and explained that she did not cancel the interview. To make a long story short they talked for 30 minutes with Liz asking my daughter a lot of the same questions that are asked during the interview like; Why do you want to go into the CP? Whats your favorite Disney movie? How would you deal with an angry guest? Etc. At the end of the call she told my DD that she really likes her and hopes she gets accepted.

Just trying to figure out if this is a good sign and if the recruiter really liked her will that be passed on to the interviewer if they are two different people.

Hi! My daughter checked into The Disney College Program on August 19th. She is living in Chatham and their microwave isn't working. All 8 roommates have gone to the office to see if they can do something about it. They are constantly told that they will take care of it, but as of yet...nothing! :confused3 My daughter called me over the weekend and asked me to call the office to start really complaining, maybe they will listen to me?! Has anyone experience this? Hubby says that our daughter should just go to Walmart and buy a new microwave so she wouldn't have to deal with it. I feel she shouldn't have to!
Yes, My S23 did Spr Adv 2011, one roommate's gf kept the thermostat at 62 degrees. He tried to get them to not keep it so low, (I know about her being not allowed in there, been through that). He tried for weeks to get a room change, no luck. I was there taking advantage of the F&F discounts + blue pass. I approached the front desk and calmly requested a room change, the front desk "kid" told me they were full, I asked to speak to the property manager about placing him on a waiting list. When the Prop mgr showed up ~ Suddenly, a free room appears.
My recommendation:
Call and ask if you CAN buy a microwave, the reason, you WANT to buy it is because THEIRS is NOT working and you WANT to make sure YOUR MICROWAVE is NOT added to THEIR inventory.,
As a DCP Hopeful, I "HOPE" you go into the program with the understanding that you take the assignments you get and you may or may not like them and that's the way it goes! I'm going to pretty much warn you now that they don't have time for "whiners". And what you think is fair or unfair...*it's a job, someone has to do it, and if you are assigned to it...well you either can choose to do it, or go home and they will find someone else.* They don't have time/energy to baby/pamper you. They have too many CMs to deal with. DD didn't care much for her assignments at first and this was the response given to her by multiple supervisors when she asked for different role changes or different assignments. You work for Disney, they don't work for you. (That is added by me!)
The part between the stars is what DD's supervisors told her!! And more than one I might add... ;)
I told her the same thing over the phone. Working for Disney is not all fairy tales & pixie dust!! There are jobs to be done that are less than glamorous and someone has to do them. If you are given them and don't want it, then go home. But if you accept a role on the CP, know that you have to do any and all tasks given to you by your superiors. No matter how mundane, no matter how much you think it is unfair. Otherwise stay home. Not trying to be rude, but this is the real work world, the real work world isn't always fair. :)

Well said! I did the Disney College Program and it was the best experience of my life. With all jobs there are positives and negatives. I had one roommate who left in 2 weeks because she thought she deserved a better job. She was a park greeter at EPCOT, but she went to such and such school specializing in this and that so she deserved a better job. This is a paid college internship to gain experience. First off, most internships are unpaid, nor do they provide housing or transportation. It was the best thing I have had on my resume though. Disney has high standards and employers look for people with those high standards.

I loved my job! There were days I had certain things I didn't want to do, but that is the part of any job. I worked in recreation at the Yacht and Club. There were days I worked at Community Hall at the Boardwalk, the Sandcastle Club, Children's Activities at the pool, Bayside Marina, and Area Clean up. Some were easier than others. I didn't care much for area clean up, wiping up the lounge chairs by the pool, and pushing around those huge heavy carts of towels. I spent a lot of time talking to guests though and met some really cool people. At the Marina, some of those sea racers were really hard to get started and you look like a fool when you have guests coming up and not all of the motors work the best. Or sitting outside in the sun scrubbing the sides of the boats. But there were the mornings where you would go find a child to help chase off the pirates to make it safe for us to open.

I loved my job and would do it all over again. More good than bad. You just have to remember it is a job and you do have to work. It isn't all a vacation. You work hard and long hours. It isn't for everyone, but if you are up for it, it is the journey of a lifetime. I wouldn't change a minute of it.
Ah, and there it is...Amanda for the win....I knew someone would take it as "He's not happy being there, and whining." On the contrary, he is ecstatic being there, and overall having a good time. My point, was not that different from yours. It is a job, not all magic and pixie dust. He is there because he Loves Disney. And pretty sure that got him in the door. A lot of the CPs couldn't give a rat's *** about Disney, and they won't last long. My point was, be very sure about what roles you are willing to do...because...everything else you said.
jobro912 said:
Ah, and there it is...Amanda for the win....I knew someone would take it as "He's not happy being there, and whining." On the contrary, he is ecstatic being there, and overall having a good time. My point, was not that different from yours. It is a job, not all magic and pixie dust. He is there because he Loves Disney. And pretty sure that got him in the door. A lot of the CPs couldn't give a rat's *** about Disney, and they won't last long. My point was, be very sure about what roles you are willing to do...because...everything else you said.

I did not take your post as he is unhappy & whining...
MY post was specifically directed to the DCP Hopeful!! ;)
I was referring to another post Stitch :) I know what yours was, and I agree. I wish however that more hopefuls were reading sites like this. I read the FB page for his arrival date and am amazed....but was amazed before they even started. They were buying concert tickets and such before they even got there, then complain that they have to work and can't go. It's as if they had no idea that it was work. My son knew exactly what he was doing, and because he is a Disney addict, it didn't matter. I ask him about some of the things that are complained about, and he has the exact opposite bus service to work. No complaints or problems whatever. Hours? I can see that at some places. He scored by landing Epcot, and unless it is EMH there, he is off by 10. His only complaint is that he'd enjoy more guest interaction, and that is just a little bit awkward in a restroom. :rotfl: He is going to take a class on drawing characters with broom and water in October. Maybe that will get him out in the daylight a bit more :) If not, he'll at least know how to draw characters with a broom. :cool1:
As a DCP Hopeful, I "HOPE" you go into the program with the understanding that you take the assignments you get and you may or may not like them and that's the way it goes! I'm going to pretty much warn you now that they don't have time for "whiners". And what you think is fair or unfair...*it's a job, someone has to do it, and if you are assigned to it...well you either can choose to do it, or go home and they will find someone else.* They don't have time/energy to baby/pamper you. They have too many CMs to deal with. DD didn't care much for her assignments at first and this was the response given to her by multiple supervisors when she asked for different role changes or different assignments. You work for Disney, they don't work for you. (That is added by me!)
The part between the stars is what DD's supervisors told her!! And more than one I might add... ;)
I told her the same thing over the phone. Working for Disney is not all fairy tales & pixie dust!! There are jobs to be done that are less than glamorous and someone has to do them. If you are given them and don't want it, then go home. But if you accept a role on the CP, know that you have to do any and all tasks given to you by your superiors. No matter how mundane, no matter how much you think it is unfair. Otherwise stay home. Not trying to be rude, but this is the real work world, the real work world isn't always fair. :)

I did not take your post as he is unhappy & whining...
MY post was specifically directed to the DCP Hopeful!! ;)

I don't think you have to worry about "the DCP Hopeful." She does not have any illusions of "fairy tales and pixie dust." She's also one of the most upbeat, positive people I've ever known, and she is a no-nonsense, hard worker. Much like Jobro912's DS, she is going into this process, eyes-wide-open, with a very clear understanding of what she's getting into. She does not expect to be "pampered" - nor would she wish to be. She is well acquainted with real work and the real world and she is definitely not a whiner.

I'm not sure what part of her post prompted your response - but I believe you misread her intent. Real world or not, this is still an internship and therefore still a learning process - is it not? Her intent was not to encourage Jobro's912 DS to "whine" about his lot in life or question authority. It was to encourage him to open a dialogue with his supervisor, who I expect would help him better understand the assignment process.

Finally - if you feel compelled to close your post with "not trying to be rude" - odds are, you probably already have been. I'm sorry her post rubbed you the wrong way.
And she'll have a blast no matter what her role. I know he is...I'm just a bit jealous. But living vicariously. Maybe when I retire in a couple of years I will enroll in a class and apply....LOL...not too sure I'm up for life in Vista Way though. :cool1:
I was referring to another post Stitch :) I know what yours was, and I agree. I wish however that more hopefuls were reading sites like this. I read the FB page for his arrival date and am amazed....but was amazed before they even started. They were buying concert tickets and such before they even got there, then complain that they have to work and can't go. It's as if they had no idea that it was work. My son knew exactly what he was doing, and because he is a Disney addict, it didn't matter. I ask him about some of the things that are complained about, and he has the exact opposite bus service to work. No complaints or problems whatever. Hours? I can see that at some places. He scored by landing Epcot, and unless it is EMH there, he is off by 10. His only complaint is that he'd enjoy more guest interaction, and that is just a little bit awkward in a restroom. :rotfl: He is going to take a class on drawing characters with broom and water in October. Maybe that will get him out in the daylight a bit more :) If not, he'll at least know how to draw characters with a broom. :cool1:

I'm glad things are looking up for your DS. My DD and I were heartbroken to read your posts in this thread because we had read your earlier posts (right after he had been offered his job and you were trying to come to terms with it.) We were both sad to see that he was having a less than stellar time. I'm really glad to see posts from you with more encouraging reports. We've been living vicariously through your posts while she waits for her response. Too bad they aren't there at the same time.

Is your DS doing a blog? (I'm guessing not. I haven't seen one by a boy yet! Haha!) The info in the blogs has been great preparation, too.

Again - glad that your DS is having a good time. Is he always in EPCOT, or does he move between parks? My daughter's friend applied at the same time my daughter did. I encouraged her to add custodial because of all of the stuff we read about the job. Yours is one of the few posts I saw that were less than favorable about that role.

Just for your amusement - when you have some spare time - go check out YouTube and watch the videos posted by some of the kids that quit program. It's kind of amazing to see why some of these kids quit. They were clearly unprepared.
And she'll have a blast no matter what her role. I know he is...I'm just a bit jealous. But living vicariously. Maybe when I retire in a couple of years I will enroll in a class and apply....LOL...not too sure I'm up for life in Vista Way though. :cool1:

She absolutely will. She is the kind of person who makes the best out of whatever life gives her. Her top three choices were Pirates' League/BBB, Character Attendant, and Attractions. She also interviewed for recreation and lifeguard. And finally - she's going to an audition for character performer, knowing that she doesn't have a snowball's chance there. (No performance background.) I've always tried to tell her that they can't say "Yes" unless you ask - and she really wants to take advantage of every opportunity there, so she's going for it. (It's a 5-hour drive. I expect we'll be there about 30 minutes, tops! Haha!)

I'm a retired Marine (after 21 years) and I'm a college student myself. I'm studying elementary education. I just realized that old people like me do the program. It's all I can do to keep myself from applying. My kids are mostly grown now. They wouldn't miss me if I was gone for 5 months, would they? Haha!

ps- I just read your post that you made while I was drafting this one! Looks like we have a similar thought process! ;)
smgross144 said:
I don't think you have to worry about "the DCP Hopeful." She does not have any illusions of "fairy tales and pixie dust." She's also one of the most upbeat, positive people I've ever known, and she is a no-nonsense, hard worker. Much like Jobro912's DS, she is going into this process, eyes-wide-open, with a very clear understanding of what she's getting into. She does not expect to be "pampered" - nor would she wish to be. She is well acquainted with real work and the real world and she is definitely not a whiner.

I'm not sure what part of her post prompted your response - but I believe you misread her intent. Real world or not, this is still an internship and therefore still a learning process - is it not? Her intent was not to encourage Jobro's912 DS to "whine" about his lot in life or question authority. It was to encourage him to open a dialogue with his supervisor, who I expect would help him better understand the assignment process.

Finally - if you feel compelled to close your post with "not trying to be rude" - odds are, you probably already have been. I'm sorry her post rubbed you the wrong way.

Her post didn't rub me the wrong way....
But DD & I have already Been There, Done That. I can speak from first hand experience w/ her. Can you? :) let me rephrase myself..."sorry if you perceive this post as rude, but it is the reality of the program." There does that make you feel better?

Wilkeliza explained the scheduling process in a previous post and exactly how it works. So as she was told, going to your boss is going to do absolutey no good. You have to learn to deal with it. You now have been told this by two people, how many more do you need to hear this from to understand how this works?

And NO this is the COLLEGE program. The INTERNSHIP is a different program. Which one is she applying to?? They are not the same, they are different.

Yes, she can have a wonderful time but you work for them. This is a huge corporation that is bringing in approximately 6,000 college kids twice a year not to mention the international kids. They don't have time to play games of shuffle the kids because they don't like their assignment. It is what it is, either like it or lump it. They can find someone else who is willing to do the job if you don't want to.

Have a great day! :)
She absolutely will. She is the kind of person who makes the best out of whatever life gives her. Her top three choices were Pirates' League/BBB, Character Attendant, and Attractions. She also interviewed for recreation and lifeguard. And finally - she's going to an audition for character performer, knowing that she doesn't have a snowball's chance there. (No performance background.) I've always tried to tell her that they can't say "Yes" unless you ask - and she really wants to take advantage of every opportunity there, so she's going for it. (It's a 5-hour drive. I expect we'll be there about 30 minutes, tops! Haha!)

FYI: My S23 just did a character audition last month in Orlando (12 hour drive but my dad lives in the Villages, so we wanted to check on him too). He is a psych major, and he admit did terrible at the audition bc the competition were theater majors. My S looks a lot like one of the disney characters but we learned just bc you look like one character doesn't mean your only going to be that "friend" of that character. One day you could be Tarzan, next Jack Sparrow then Aladdin, etc.

Where's her audition?

Be there early (1 hour before and he was #78 in line)
Practice dance moves. My S was sooo bad he made other folks mess up. :rotfl:
Takes about 2-3 hours.

Good Luck


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