Alarmingly thin Sleeping Beauty at Royal Hall

I haven't seen a picture of this girl. If she is skeletal and got that way via anorexia, that's not a good example. If she has a medical condition that keeps her looking dangerously ill, that's entirely different, but if she is portraying to little girls that you have to be a skeleton to be a "princess" then that is no different than models and actresses that have eating disorders but are praised for their figures. HEALTHY is beautiful. If she is very thin and HEALTHY, no qualms. Just like if someone is overweight but HEALTHY, no qualms, but if someone is hurting themselves, either by being too thin or too overweight, that's a problem. Yes, you should accept people of different sizes, but if someone in your life was essentially killing themselves, by either eating too much or too little, you can't praise that. You can't say they are being a good role model for children. It's not about the size. It's about how they got there.

I am pretty sure I know the girl the OP is referencing as my DD met her at Ariel's Grotto last Tuesday. She is thin yes, but certainly not shockingly so or appeared unhealthy - she is very pretty and I thought made a perfect Aurora - my DD did not walk away in anyway scarred from the experience, but then again my DD is tall for her age and very thin as well - hopefully no one was whispering about her eating disorder as well. ;)
I am pretty sure I know the girl the OP is referencing as my DD met her at Ariel's Grotto last Tuesday. She is thin yes, but certainly not shockingly so or appeared unhealthy - she is very pretty and I thought made a perfect Aurora - my DD did not walk away in anyway scarred from the experience, but then again my DD is tall for her age and very thin as well - hopefully no one was whispering about her eating disorder as well. ;)

Yeah, I do NOT want to OP to post a picture out of respect for that CM's privacy, but I have a feeling that MY mental picture of professionally diagnosed anorexia and the person that they have employed and actively working at DL are different.
Yeah, I do NOT want to OP to post a picture out of respect for that CM's privacy, but I have a feeling that MY mental picture of professionally diagnosed anorexia and the person that they have employed and actively working at DL are different.

I totally agree. I have seen others post CM photos then criticize them. I think that's just mean and I'm glad nobody has done that here.
Everyone shaming OP for calling Aurora alarming thin should ask themselves if they would comment, even if only to their significant other/friend/whomever, about a princess not looking the part because they are overweight. I would, and I bet others would too.

Maybe OPs idea of "health" is different than yours. Just as you say OP shouldn't judge Aurora for being a rail, you shouldn't judge OP on what they saw. Until Aurora submits the results of her DISboards physical evaluation, we won't know what's going on with her.
Call me any names you want, but I personally don't see a thing wrong with scrutinizing the presentation of the characters. Anyone chosen to portray a princess, which is a role model to who knows how many little girls, ought to be within normal guidelines for body image. If she's not, then she shouldn't be in that position. The OP has the right to feel that this princess was outside of her expectations of healthy appearance.

As for Snow White, I don't know. I wouldn't like Snow White to have a hickey, but I wouldn't know how to tell a hickey from a birthmark. I wouldn't worry about it too much since my girls at that age wouldn't know the difference. They'd probably just ask her how she got her boo-boo.
Everyone shaming OP for calling Aurora alarming thin should ask themselves if they would comment, even if only to their significant other/friend/whomever, about a princess not looking the part because they are overweight. I would, and I bet others would too.

Maybe OPs idea of "health" is different than yours. Just as you say OP shouldn't judge Aurora for being a rail, you shouldn't judge OP on what they saw. Until Aurora submits the results of her DISboards physical evaluation, we won't know what's going on with her.

I'm sure this thread will be closed or moved shortly but...

My issue is that the OP specifically said she looked "like she is anorexic". That is a clinical term, a diagnosis given by medical professionals. To say that is no different than to see someone's child misbehaving in line and saying they were acting "autistic". I've SEEN posts like that around here, and I know they don't go over well. It's fine to say "Aurora was far too thin for my taste". That's different than saying that a CM is anorexic.
I'm sure this thread will be closed or moved shortly but...

My issue is that the OP specifically said she looked "like she is anorexic". That is a clinical term, a diagnosis given by medical professionals. To say that is no different than to see someone's child misbehaving in line and saying they were acting "autistic". I've SEEN posts like that around here, and I know they don't go over well. It's fine to say "Aurora was far too thin for my taste". That's different than saying that a CM is anorexic.

If she is the same Aurora we met, then it is all perspective. As I said earlier, thin is turning into a ugly word because so many people are the complete opposite. The girl we saw was thin but not sick looking. I agree though, this should be closed and done with.
Regarding Snow White's hickey/bruise/rash, etc.

I'm not sure if you are familiar with Port Wine Stain birthmarks. It's the same type of mark that Gorbachev has on his head. If someone is born with a pws on their neck, it could very well look like a hickey. It also may or may not be able to be covered with makeup.

I have a child with a port wine stain birthmark (not on his neck). The ignorance on this thread makes me ill.
disneydeb64 said:
....and this^^^^^

Because you know for a fact that Aurora is only slight of build and not anorexic and Snow has a birth mark or PWS and didn't neck with The Prince the night before?

Yes, the ignorance is on both sides of this argument and no one can claim they know better.
This is all so judgemental.

You never know if a really thin person eats every fried food in sight and does not gain a pound, while the women over weight by 50 pounds runs marathons.

Stop the body snark!
I think the OP may have pushed a few buttons by using the word "anorexic", but I think (hope) that the real issue that OP was pointing out is "bad show". Aurora and Snow White must ALWAYS look like Aurora and Snow White.

Let's not make this into something it really isn't.

I agree...when they are onstage they must be in character..just like it wouldn't be right for Mickey's costume to be torn, it isn't right when face characters look out of character when they are on stage. I hope the Sleeping Beauty is in range of what they expect for that character and didn't see the OP post as mean girl gossip, but more of concern. If Snow White had a hickey or a skin flare up or whatever, then it should still be covered with theatrical make-up..she needs to be in costume which, as a face character, includes her skin. I don't know how the management structure of characters is..if they are 'inspected' so to speak, before they go out each time or what..but if I'm at Disney I want the CMs to be onstage when they are, no matter what their role.
I agree...when they are onstage they must be in character..just like it wouldn't be right for Mickey's costume to be torn, it isn't right when face characters look out of character when they are on stage. I hope the Sleeping Beauty is in range of what they expect for that character and didn't see the OP post as mean girl gossip, but more of concern. If Snow White had a hickey or a skin flare up or whatever, then it should still be covered with theatrical make-up..she needs to be in costume which, as a face character, includes her skin. I don't know how the management structure of characters is..if they are 'inspected' so to speak, before they go out each time or what..but if I'm at Disney I want the CMs to be onstage when they are, no matter what their role.

I actually showed my DH the picture of Aurora that my DD had taken with her at breakfast that very afternoon and my comment to him was "she looked so much like Aurora it was unreal" So that was our take away from this CM, yes, she was quite thin but has anyone here seen the movie?? :confused3
I have seen many different size princesses in the park. With the expansion / remodel of the Princess Fantasy Faire, they now need more Princesses that before. For the Royal Hall they now need 4 of each (2 lines with the same princess changing every half hour).

What I have noticed is that the new Princesses tend to taller and thinner than in the past. What I have observed is that the Kids focus on the outfit not the person in the Dress. How they interact with the guests makes all the differance. Adults, like me, observe the Cast Member in a dress, but not the kids....

Here is what I consider a thin Arial, and a not thin Aurora.
Both are attractive:

Without a photo of a particular cast member it is very hard to judge what a person considers thin.
Both of these Princesses could be considered skinny!​
Everyone shaming OP for calling Aurora alarming thin should ask themselves if they would comment, even if only to their significant other/friend/whomever, about a princess not looking the part because they are overweight. I would, and I bet others would too.

No. I mean, yes, I accept your statement that *you* would feel the need to be unkind about people who don't fit in your chosen size range, but no, not all of us would say such things. I would certainly *not* be mean about a heavier Aurora any more than I would a slimmer one. Either of the Junior Whos would find themselves in a time out with a stern talking to if I heard them talking like that.
Patrick in Oregon said:
Everyone shaming OP for calling Aurora alarming thin should ask themselves if they would comment, even if only to their significant other/friend/whomever, about a princess not looking the part because they are overweight. I would, and I bet others would too....
That says more about you, and your values, than it does about the CM you would be talking about. And, no, I wouldn't make such a comment about weight (skinny or fat) of a princess at DL. If anyone in my party did, we'd use it as a learning experience about physical appearance. I 'get' that we expect princesses to look a certain way, but I would never want my children to think its alright to talk about people's bodies in unflattering ways.
See for me, it is the same as commenting on the CM's face looking nothing like the character they are trying to portray. Doesn't mean I think they are ugly. It is more a comment on casting more so than a judgment on someone's appearance. It just so happens that people are particularly sensitive about discussions of weight and body type.

I have a feeling if the original argument was "did you see that Gaston? He was pretty skinny for being Gaston, he should hit the weights" there would not be as much flack given.

There is another thread concerning making Merida all sexified and extra skinny etc and how it is sending the wrong message to children. Maybe OP felt that skinny Aurora is sending a negative message. No, OP doesn't know if Aurora has an eating disorder. But OP is concerned that she does and in turn is showing a "false" image of what it means it look like a princess, and giving kids the wrong message.

I feel like OP made an observation and was looking for either validation or a second opinion. They were greeted with shame.
Also I'm not suggesting I would make these comments in front of my children. I have none to speak of at the moment but I understand what it means to have a filter in front of children.
I also want to weigh in as someone who is also thin but healthy...It hurts just as much when someone comments about your weight when you're "too skinny" (in their eyes) I've heard "you'd be so pretty if you'd gain 10 lbs" amongst many other things... Now, many times, these comments come from people who aren't close to a healthy weight themselves, so I do wonder if it is perception. I would never tell an overweight person they'd be more attractive if they'd lose weight. Never.

I'm 5'4" 29 years old, and barely 100 lbs. I'm an avid runner and I eat very healthy. I like my body the way it is, my doctor tells me I'm perfectly healthy, and I'm a very, very proud mommy.

Insensitive criticism of someone's weight on both sides of the spectrum is uncalled for.


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