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well as long as we are in sharing mode...

I had toxemia with both of the E's. Evan was 10 days late and they decided to induce. He was a big dude, 9lbs 6oz and due to the toxemia I had to be in labor on my side, hooked up to machines the entire time. Inducing as a general rule is not all that fast and on my side seemed twice as long. It seemed like, even once I was pushing, I was were told for HOURS that he was "almost " there. Of course he wasn't, he had shoulder dystocia which drug it out even longer.

Fast forward 15 months later. Toxemia again and scheduled to be induced if I don't go into labor on my own. Thankfully I did, the day before the induction was scheduled. This time, instead of making me lie on my side hooked up to machines, I get magnesium...and am hooked up to machines. So feeling pretty wonky to say the least.

I"m pretty far along by the time we arrive, get hooked up and drugged up and they check me out and say it's time to push. Huh, what, really?


One push and the nurse looks at me and says "one more and that should do it". Seriously I kid you not. Maybe a couple pushes so far.

My ex and I look at each other and roll our eyes thinking, here it goes again, they are blowing smoke up my you know what.

One push later and...

that kid came flying out.

Amazing the difference between a 9lb 6 oz baby and a 6lb 9oz one!

I hope you have that written down somewhere in Bekka's baby book. That is :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

I do. And even better than that, I have it forever immotalized on VHS tape. It's a real screamer! :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

that's a great birth story!:rotfl2:

i had a little snafu with involved my aunt and a camera.

Once I had a different friend in there who also went a bit camera crazy. Full on shots are- well, if you're wanting to write a medical text, really great; if not-- NOT! :scared1:

It is THAT good! And yes, I have been to quite a few of the places on your list. What can I say, I like to eat! :thumbsup2

That means more expert advice! If you like to eat, you seriously have to check out Oy Bolshoi's thread.


What a fabulous story! I got nothin. A big fat nothin. Ok maybe not nothing....

2 puppies...buh bye!


I wish all my stories were funny while having my kids; my first was a horror story of epic proportions. He was born 7 weeks early, in Medford as I was coming home from a wedding we had been to in San Francisco! I had been on mag. sulfate for 4 days as they tried to hold labor off. Long story, but DH did NOT make it back to the hospital- so I was alone, in a place I had no friends in. He had to be intubated, was whisked of to intensive care, blah, blah, blah. He had his first airplane ride when he was 2 days old when they transferred him to the NICU in Portland to stay for a month.


Thanks for the shout out!!!:flower3:

And yet you still read my PTRs and TRs!!!!!! :lmao:

AWWWWW TINK. It's OK!!!! Liesa is always on there (I wish she wasn't because I need to beat her in your game!!!) LOL

OMG!!!! This had me cracking up!!!!! It could only be better if they recorded it!!!! :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Yours are "cute"- the Juliana factor gives big points. OK, they aren't just cute, they also pack a lot of good tips in them, like what to do if you forget your tickets. :rotfl2: ( I really mean that! I wouldn't have known what to do!)

Of course, I'm there. You could always wish for power outages for every day Tink puts a new clue up. :happytv::headache: ;)

Funny you should say that! It WAS!!!

Here's one of my birthing stories (well, not me giving birth but you get the idea), although it's not as good as yours. For our first, we were in the hospital waiting for the event and they came around and took Judy's food order. Then they said I could order something. I was psyched! I know it was hospital food, but you know, I like to eat. It didn't show up for quite a while and in the meantime Judy goes into major labor. Finally the orderly showed up with the food and the nurse goes, "Out!!!" But I jumped up and said, "No! I want mine!!" The nurses couldn't believe it, but when else was I gonna eat?

(I think we got the idea early on. :lmao:) Why does this not surprise me?? I totally would have done the same thing!! And that's no lie. FREE food is always good! OK, I know your insurance paid far too much than is moral, but hey, you pay too much for IT.
A fellow's got to keep his strength up. Coaching labor is hard work! :duck:

When we had our second, the emergency button was broken and kept going off.

Tracy started bleeding out and lost consiousness. I didn't know I could pray that fast.

Must be! Mine kept stepping out for breathers. So I guess we were doing the same thing- I just couldn't step out.

Kind of like crying wolf.

THAT is scary! God was really watching over her; and see, that's why coaches need to be there!

Too funny Liesa! I don't know if I could listen to someone else giving birth! :scared1:

And if you know me, you know we do indeed have three boys - no girls. ;)

I was invited to a friend's birthing once. TOTALLY fascinating!! If I were to do it all over again, I would have (more confessions coming!) not been such a quick quitter in chemistry and tried for med school. My dad was a doctor, and I had always wanted to do that, but chem scared me off. I guess God had a plan, but there will always be that nagging- what would life have been like? Could I have done it? etc... Maybe someday, I will go back to school and do midwifery??? :confused3

I would have been completely flustered!!! A BOY!!?? And even after you had bought clothes. :lmao: Did he go home in pink and ribbons??

Thanks for understanding GB. Is this smilie :duck: supposed to represent catching the baby? :rotfl:

Whoa, that would be scary.

A few of mine came out so fast, it sort looked like that!! I kid you not, those suckers can rocket out of there oretty quick, if they are small. (None of mine were over 6lb. 2 oz)

This looks like a conversation I can't really get into.... no babies yet! And I ain't planning for it anytime in the future!

We still like you here, though, Jen!! Parenting isn't all there is good in the world, right?? ;)

More of an "I'm ducking outta here before I get flamed!"

Oh BTW - thanks for the shout out Cap'n L. Or is it Lt. L. Colonel L? Are yo u back to Sgt now? I gotta go read up. :confused3

Naw, at least I'd never flame you! I ate a Big Mac 3 hours after my 4th was born- no one save my tray for me!!! :mad:

You're welcome! Rank? Let me go back and check... :lmao:

Oh my gosh, my clues are NOTHING compared to yours! Yours really get people thinking!

But what I like about your posts is the info that you stick in. Always gotta love it when someone else does the research legwork for you!! :cool1:

well as long as we are in sharing mode...

I had toxemia with both of the E's. I get magnesium...
Amazing the difference between a 9lb 6 oz baby and a 6lb 9oz one!


So fun to hear all these great stories!

Toxemia is no picnic- I've had several friends struggle with it. magnesium SUX!!!!!!!! (I know!)


There must be!! I felt a difference in my 4 pounder and my 6 pounder! 4 pounder was a piece of cake (relatively speaking!), but my 6 pounder needed forceps (that was the phone incident baby). Those listerners sure got more than they bargained for- I think the entire neighborhood heard me scream during the forceps part. :scared1:
Thanks for the PTR shout out. I haven't even checked in on mine yet today....

I got no baby story...although my parents thought I'd be a girl....they had a name picked out and everything..Jennifer Renee.....
Thanks for the PTR shout out. I haven't even checked in on mine yet today....

I got no baby story...although my parents thought I'd be a girl....they had a name picked out and everything..Jennifer Renee.....

If my father had been a girl he was gonna be Peggy Primrose !!!!:lmao:He was always so glad he was a BOY!!!!:rotfl2:
Is that what your calling your POLE Dance !!!:lmao::lmao:


Thanks for the PTR shout out. I haven't even checked in on mine yet today....

I got no baby story...although my parents thought I'd be a girl....they had a name picked out and everything..Jennifer Renee.....

Well, at least they still got a J named kid out of it. :hug: Did they ever have a do over?? Do you have a sister named Jennifer? :rotfl:
I was invited to a friend's birthing once. TOTALLY fascinating!! If I were to do it all over again, I would have (more confessions coming!) not been such a quick quitter in chemistry and tried for med school. My dad was a doctor, and I had always wanted to do that, but chem scared me off. I guess God had a plan, but there will always be that nagging- what would life have been like? Could I have done it? etc... Maybe someday, I will go back to school and do midwifery??? :confused3

I just don't think I'd be able to listen to a friend or family member giving birth over the phone. I'm not too bad with blood and stuff. At one time I did think about being a certified nurse midwife, but I hate science and knew that I'd struggle with all of those classes. :rotfl:

I would have been completely flustered!!! A BOY!!?? And even after you had bought clothes. :lmao: Did he go home in pink and ribbons??

No. I know I had a girl outfit packed, but I guess I must have had something neutral as well JUST IN CASE. Thankfully we also had a boy's name picked out JUST IN CASE.

There must be!! I felt a difference in my 4 pounder and my 6 pounder! 4 pounder was a piece of cake (relatively speaking!), but my 6 pounder needed forceps (that was the phone incident baby). Those listerners sure got more than they bargained for- I think the entire neighborhood heard me scream during the forceps part. :scared1:

All of mine were big, but the two 9 pounders (9 lb. 14 oz and 9 lbs 10 oz) popped out no problem, while my 10 pounder (10 lb. 6 oz) got stuck. Part of that was him being face up, though. And yeah - there was some screaming going on then as the midwife did some crazy things to get him "unstuck." Honestly, I've blocked a lot of that out of my memory.
They had 2 boys and wanted 2 girls, but I popped out and they didn't want to push their luck.

And I'm sure they were thrilled to have you. :hug: As a mom of three boys and a mom to a son who I thought was a girl in utero, I am a very happy woman. Love all of my boys and wouldn't trade them for anything. Boys rock. :thumbsup2
I just don't think I'd be able to listen to a friend or family member giving birth over the phone. I'm not too bad with blood and stuff. At one time I did think about being a certified nurse midwife, but I hate science and knew that I'd struggle with all of those classes. :rotfl:

No. I know I had a girl outfit packed, but I guess I must have had something neutral as well JUST IN CASE. Thankfully we also had a boy's name picked out JUST IN CASE.

All of mine were big, but the two 9 pounders (9 lb. 14 oz and 9 lbs 10 oz) popped out no problem, while my 10 pounder (10 lb. 6 oz) got stuck. Part of that was him being face up, though. And yeah - there was some screaming going on then as the midwife did some crazy things to get him "unstuck." Honestly, I've blocked a lot of that out of my memory.

Love science to pieces, in fact, I minored in Earth Sciences. My DH was getting his masters in Geology, so all my TAs were those we hung out in the bars with. Sooooooooo, it was a slam dunk bunch of As. Well, ok, to be honest, I did really well, and loved the classes too.

So, he went home in yellow or green. :thumbsup2

Ooohhhh, my 4 pounder was sunny side up too. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, the things they can do to "help" you out.
And I'm sure they were thrilled to have you. :hug: As a mom of three boys and a mom to a son who I thought was a girl in utero, I am a very happy woman. Love all of my boys and wouldn't trade them for anything. Boys rock. :thumbsup2

My parents love me. I'm the baby and I play that baby card well even now.;)
Congrats to your son on getting accepted to the college of his choice! :woohoo:

Your PTR has blown up in the last 24-48 hours! It is getting more & more like Jordan's over here.... not that that is a bad thing. ;)
I was invited to a friend's birthing once. TOTALLY fascinating!! If I were to do it all over again, I would have (more confessions coming!) not been such a quick quitter in chemistry and tried for med school. My dad was a doctor, and I had always wanted to do that, but chem scared me off. I guess God had a plan, but there will always be that nagging- what would life have been like? Could I have done it? etc... Maybe someday, I will go back to school and do midwifery??? :confused3

Toxemia is no picnic- I've had several friends struggle with it. magnesium SUX!!!!!!!! (I know!)


There must be!! I felt a difference in my 4 pounder and my 6 pounder! 4 pounder was a piece of cake (relatively speaking!), but my 6 pounder needed forceps (that was the phone incident baby). Those listerners sure got more than they bargained for- I think the entire neighborhood heard me scream during the forceps part. :scared1:

You would be an AMAZING midwife!

Ok 4 pounds versus 6 and forceps just reinforces how tiny you are! The Magnesium sucked BUT was vastly better than lying on my side for 20 hours.

I watched saving Private Ryan while in labor with Evan


Evan at 9lbs6 needed the vacuum due to the shoulder dystocia and toxemia. They asked me if it was ok as it would definitely give him a hematoma.

One of my finer moments...

I screamed.



they took that as a yes.

Congrats on First Choice University Admission !!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the PTR shout out. I haven't even checked in on mine yet today....

I got no baby story...although my parents thought I'd be a girl....they had a name picked out and everything..Jennifer Renee.....

If my father had been a girl he was gonna be Peggy Primrose !!!!:lmao:He was always so glad he was a BOY!!!!:rotfl2:

Oh dear, Peggy Primrose?

Jennifer Renee is rather nice though.

My mom was going to do Forest Glenn if my little sister was a boy


I'm using my unused girls a different way :goodvibes

All of mine were big, but the two 9 pounders (9 lb. 14 oz and 9 lbs 10 oz) popped out no problem, while my 10 pounder (10 lb. 6 oz) got stuck. Part of that was him being face up, though. And yeah - there was some screaming going on then as the midwife did some crazy things to get him "unstuck." Honestly, I've blocked a lot of that out of my memory.

I can completely relate to that.

And I'm sure they were thrilled to have you. :hug: As a mom of three boys and a mom to a son who I thought was a girl in utero, I am a very happy woman. Love all of my boys and wouldn't trade them for anything. Boys rock. :thumbsup2

Boys do rock!
All of mine were big, but the two 9 pounders (9 lb. 14 oz and 9 lbs 10 oz) popped out no problem, while my 10 pounder (10 lb. 6 oz) got stuck. Part of that was him being face up, though. And yeah - there was some screaming going on then as the midwife did some crazy things to get him "unstuck." Honestly, I've blocked a lot of that out of my memory.

Funny how every pregnancy and birth is different. The whole memory thing....yea, that's all part of God's master plan. :rolleyes: I call it birthing amnesia. You see, if we remember that kind of pain like it happened the day of, we won't continue to populate the earth. :laughing:
As I said my first was 9. 4 oz and was a bit of a problem to get through labor with once I had hit the 7th hour (I did 12 hours and a minute exactly and yes I count the minute, dang it!) I was done, poke a fork in me DONE! I had said nothing prior to all of this to my nurse or anyone for that matter, I just breathed through the labor as best as I could and then I finally hit the wall of tolerance and I think my head spinned around like three times and I said...."Get me some drugs!!!" The nurse about jumped out of her chair and pee'd herself since she thought I was a quiet one, by the time she called the doctor and he answered her on what to do, I had already been through two more contractions or so and just as she hung up I said..."Forget the drugs get me an EPIDRUAL!!!" She smiled and said I didnt' think you had it in ya! Thank God the anesthesiologist lady came in at the same time, she said I guess your looking for me!
John said "That's my que, I'm not watching you stick the same needle I apoxy B-1 window's together with, in my woman's back!" (He's an Airforce Academy grad.) The anesthesiologist laughed and said OK we'll see you on the flip side. Well, as it turns out, when you lay down to labor, the labor pain is a lot harder than sitting or standing, so as I was sitting up expecting this major pain to wrack my body, I was squeezing the poor nurse's hand between mine like I had a death grip, the anesthesiologist says as she's about to give me a local before the big one, so I get all geared up and then she says...."Ok honey, just a little sting and prick.... and I responded with.. (since I wasn't in as much pain sitting up)...."Shoot lady! That's what got me into this mess!" :rotfl: Needless to say, she wasn't able to give me a shot for about 10 mins., she couldn't...she kept laughing hysterically. She actually had to sit down in the recliner in our labor suite to stop laughing, nurse Ratchet even cracked a smile, and then said to let go of her hand.....I was still squeezing it to death. :rolleyes: :laughing:
My parents love me. I'm the baby and I play that baby card well even now.;)

Care to elaborate? That way I'll be clued into the tricks Anara will be using to mess with my mind. She's played it nicely for the last few days, and has finagled her way into my bed every night because, "She's lonely".

Congrats to your son on getting accepted to the college of his choice! :woohoo:

Your PTR has blown up in the last 24-48 hours! It is getting more & more like Jordan's over here.... not that that is a bad thing. ;)

I Know!! And I only have 9 pages left!!! :scared1: Leave me some space guys!! I want to put up 2 more posts for sure before I have to switch over!

You would be an AMAZING midwife!

Ok 4 pounds versus 6 and forceps just reinforces how tiny you are! The Magnesium sucked BUT was vastly better than lying on my side for 20 hours.

I watched saving Private Ryan while in labor with Evan

I watched a Blazers Championship playoff game. I can't remember who they were playing, but it was one heck of an exciting game (someone can go back and do the research for me.- Jan 3rd, 1991).


Evan at 9lbs6 needed the vacuum due to the shoulder dystocia and toxemia. They asked me if it was ok as it would definitely give him a hematoma.

Bek had a face that had looked like it had been beaten with a nickel bag. Forceps were not kind to her! My theory??!! The doc was hankering for his Easter ham dinner and was in a super huge hurry. He also happened to break the cord as he tried to yank the placenta out. Idiot! I should have sued him. :mad:

One of my finer moments...

I screamed.



they took that as a yes.


Congrats on First Choice University Admission !!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks! I'll tell him!

Oh dear, Peggy Primrose?

That would take some getting used to, but it could grow on me.

Jennifer Renee is rather nice though.

That is a good name!! I'd have had a Bethany! That's what I named one of my miscarried babies. I don't know if it was a boy or girl (14 weeks both times), but God just laid that name on my heart. :confused3

My mom was going to do Forest Glenn if my little sister was a boy

I love the name Forrest.

I'm using my unused girls a different way :goodvibes

I noticed that. ;) Was it Celia Rose??
Funny how every pregnancy and birth is different. The whole memory thing....yea, that's all part of God's master plan. :rolleyes: I call it birthing amnesia. You see, if we remember that kind of pain like it happened the day of, we won't continue to populate the earth. :laughing:
As I said my first was 9. 4 oz and was a bit of a problem to get through labor with once I had hit the 7th hour (I did 12 hours and a minute exactly and yes I count the minute, dang it!) I was done, poke a fork in me DONE! I had said nothing prior to all of this to my nurse or anyone for that matter, I just breathed through the labor as best as I could and then I finally hit the wall of tolerance and I think my head spinned around like three times and I said...."Get me some drugs!!!" The nurse about jumped out of her chair and pee'd herself since she thought I was a quiet one, by the time she called the doctor and he answered her on what to do, I had already been through two more contractions or so and just as she hung up I said..."Forget the drugs get me an EPIDRUAL!!!" She smiled and said I didnt' think you had it in ya! Thank God the anesthesiologist lady came in at the same time, she said I guess your looking for me!
John said "That's my que, I'm not watching you stick the same needle I apoxy B-1 window's together with, in my woman's back!" (He's an Airforce Academy grad.) The anesthesiologist laughed and said OK we'll see you on the flip side. Well, as it turns out, when you lay down to labor, the labor pain is a lot harder than sitting or standing, so as I was sitting up expecting this major pain to wrack my body, I was squeezing the poor nurse's hand between mine like I had a death grip, the anesthesiologist says as she's about to give me a local before the big one, so I get all geared up and then she says...."Ok honey, just a little sting and prick.... and I responded with.. (since I wasn't in as much pain sitting up)...."Shoot lady! That's what got me into this mess!" :rotfl: Needless to say, she wasn't able to give me a shot for about 10 mins., she couldn't...she kept laughing hysterically. She actually had to sit down in the recliner in our labor suite to stop laughing, nurse Ratchet even cracked a smile, and then said to let go of her hand.....I was still squeezing it to death. :rolleyes: :laughing:
Liesa, that's so awesome about your boy!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2::cheer2: :cheer2:I know just what it would feel like, we haven't heard back yet about Ty's schools. We're still waiting the results. :scared:
...."Ok honey, just a little sting and prick.... and I responded with.. (since I wasn't in as much pain sitting up)...."Shoot lady! That's what got me into this mess!" :rotfl:


That was too funny!!! I can't believe you kept your game face on for so long. I only had one eppie out of 5. the rest were nubain, and a lot of walking around.
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