Like...They are Going with STRANGERS?!?! Sayonara Part 1- Join Us on the new thread!

What would you do with the $350??

  • Upgrade our resort

  • Spend it on 2 signature dinners

  • Get park hoppers and 1 signature dinner

  • See Cirque du Soleil

  • Rent a car

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I would so love to read some of the fab tr's and ptr's but I am not keeping up very well with the ones I read now! Maybe someday! I just need to stop volunteering to do things ;) - 40 hours a week at work + 6 year old dd and DH + volunteer stuff = not enough DIS time! Who am I kidding - I love the volunteer stuff (I just finished Make A Wish shirts for one of our DIS families) so I guess less sleep is my only option.

I think all of your idea's for wrapping up this thread sound fabulous. I can't believe it will be time to make your ADR's soon!

Hope you got some takers for the puppies from the ad!
Well, my plan to just jump back in didn't work. The talk about animating cousin and birthing stories piqued my curiosity to I headed back page after page until I discovered the source of such hilarity. And I'm glad I did.

Amazing story about your cousin and the signed Chip and Dale drawing. What an incredible Disney heirloom! My DBIL is an animator for EA Games (I think I mentioned this somewhere before) and I actually have him autograph a copy of every game he works on to save for my girls. He thinks it's lame, and rolls his eyes every time I ask, but I know the girls appreciate it. So far he has worked on Superman (remind me sometime to tell you about some 'adjustments' made to that game:rotfl2:), Madden (07,08,09, and 10) and a few others.

Too funny about the not-so-breech baby! Aren't hilarious birth stories the greatest?

And here's my contribution to the language barrier discussion, although I'm not sure if it actually counts because it's just a case of differing regional accents. Two years ago, we 'lived' in a hospital in Baltimore for 2 months for Bella's treatment. I went to order some food from the cafeteria at Johns Hopkins one day and inquired as to the soup of the day.

"Marlin Crab Soup."

"what? like Marlin the fish and crab together? "

weird combination I thought.

"no, Maaarrrrrrr-lin, Marlin crab" she replied


Pointing to a sign, I read Maryland Crab Soup.

Oh, that makes more sense. Apparently the "y" and "d" are silent when you live in Baw-di-moe, I mean Baltimore.
I know, she was such a chunker! My son was a week late and weighed 6lbs 15oz, 20 1/2 inches.

I had a healthy pregnancy with her, (minus the premature labor stuff) I only gained about 23 lbs, I think maybe it was the healthy eating. I gave up fast food and candy, drank water all day and milk and juice at meals.

With my son I gained 79 pounds (took almost a year to lose it) but lived on McD's drive thru.

That's all I can figure

Here's Reese at 5 days,

For such a big baby though she is a tiny teenager now.

She's precious!! I had big baby's too.....Let's see Ty was 9 lbs. 4oz. and Mackenzie was 10 lbs. and 12.9 oz. :scared: and no I didn't have her c-section, and yes I can still walk normal. :laughing:

You sound like me Ty, I gained 69 with my first child. Let me guess.... with your second you were stressed out all the time? I'm guessing that's why you had pre-mature labor issues, am I wrong?
Mackenzie was born huge, but only gained exactly ten pounds more each year to the ounce for two years in a row. So she evened out her weight pretty quickly, the doctors were all freaked out because she would only gain a half pound here, or a quarter pound there. I said she'll grow how she's gonna grow. :rolleyes: Geesh! :laughing: My son was different, he gained steadily. :laughing: But he was never a pudgy baby or what I would call fat, he was normal looking. Just veeeeery long, probably what kept him from looking fat. Mackenzie was a very long child to, infact still is. She's 10 and 5'5 almost 5'6, she won't be 11 until Aug. Everyone would see her in her stroller and see this beautiful well proportioned baby from the waste up and then they would see these loooooong legs sticking out at the bottom of the stroller and say......How old is she!?! :laughing:
Morning! Ha! It's after midnight, I can say that!

I know! I made sure I looked at the clock to be sure it was. ;) Are you about to go to bed? Hint, hint, hint?
I had another good night! I went to bed at about 1:30 and was up at a normal hour. Thank you Jesus! :worship: I'm so happy, I feel I'm getting back on track.
Hi Liesa!
I've seen you around at GB's TR and I followed you over and subbed a couple months ago, but I guess I was feeling a little intimidated with how far behind I was. I didn't actually start reading until yesterday and I am now caught up thru all the installments listed in the Part 1 TOC. So, I thought it was time to let you know that I am here and not necessarily lurking - just catching up.

I can't even imagine the life that you lead on the opposite side of the world from the rest of us. Seriously, I almost feel guilty for pining away for my next WDW trip when I spend my days working in a comfortable office and my evenings in my very American home with my DH and our *one* DD. The very idea of living where you are and raising (and homeschooling) 5 kids... oh my! You are certainly a better person than I and if anyone deserves a WDW trip, it's definitely you!

I'm looking forward to catching up to current over the next few days (or weeks maybe). Thank you for sharing your story!
so I guess less sleep is my only option.

I think all of your idea's for wrapping up this thread sound fabulous. I can't believe it will be time to make your ADR's soon!

Hope you got some takers for the puppies from the ad!

2 puppies went out the door today! 5 left to get rid of. Please, oh please, very soon!

I can relate to less sleep! DH being gone has freed up my computer time GREATLY! only 12 more days, then it's back to routine and less DISsing.

Yup! Only a little over a month left! :woohoo::woohoo:

Well, my plan to just jump back in didn't work. The talk about animating cousin and birthing stories piqued my curiosity to I headed back page after page until I discovered the source of such hilarity. And I'm glad I did.

There's some pretty funny stuff buried like diamonds in a mine around here.

Amazing story about your cousin and the signed Chip and Dale drawing. What an incredible Disney heirloom! My DBIL is an animator for EA Games (I think I mentioned this somewhere before) and I actually have him autograph a copy of every game he works on to save for my girls. He thinks it's lame, and rolls his eyes every time I ask, but I know the girls appreciate it. So far he has worked on Superman (remind me sometime to tell you about some 'adjustments' made to that game:rotfl2:), Madden (07,08,09, and 10) and a few others.

You've got some cool stuff going there too!

Too funny about the not-so-breech baby! Aren't hilarious birth stories the greatest?

OK, you've convinced me. I'll tell my other funny one now. See below.

And here's my contribution to the language barrier discussion, although I'm not sure if it actually counts because it's just a case of differing regional accents. Two years ago, we 'lived' in a hospital in Baltimore for 2 months for Bella's treatment. I went to order some food from the cafeteria at Johns Hopkins one day and inquired as to the soup of the day.

"Marlin Crab Soup."


Picture this. It's Easter Sunday at 5:00. My water had broken, nubain is kickin in doing it's magic, and things are going great! DH is doing a fabulous job being coach. You know holding my hand, encouraging me in the whole process, that good stuff. My doctor is ready at home plate and baby is just about to step up to bat. I've gotten to the ugly part, and.....

the phone rings. Good Lordy!!! Right then, the PHONE RINGS!!!! :scared1: It's like a heckler in the stands, and happened to be on the floor.

Ummm.... We're a little busy now. I'm screaming, pushing like the dickens, and DH is irritated. What else could he do but just give it a kick! But in the process, he kicked the receiver RIGHT.OFF. THE. HOOK! The next day, our friends called to congratulate us for having a little girl named Rebekah. Yup, they listened to the whole thing. Bonnie was calling to see how I was doing, and quickly realized she had called at a bad time (or good depending on one's perspective). So rather than hang up, she did the same thing I would. She called her husband to pick up the other line. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
I know! I made sure I looked at the clock to be sure it was. ;) Are you about to go to bed? Hint, hint, hint?
I had another good night! I went to bed at about 1:30 and was up at a normal hour. Thank you Jesus! :worship: I'm so happy, I feel I'm getting back on track.

Yeah, another good night's sleep! I know you'll turn the corner and get things back to something sane. OK, I"ll get to bed soon!

Hi Liesa!
I've seen you around at GB's TR and I followed you over and subbed a couple months ago, but I guess I was feeling a little intimidated with how far behind I was. I didn't actually start reading until yesterday and I am now caught up thru all the installments listed in the Part 1 TOC. So, I thought it was time to let you know that I am here and not necessarily lurking - just catching up.

I can't even imagine the life that you lead on the opposite side of the world from the rest of us. Seriously, I almost feel guilty for pining away for my next WDW trip when I spend my days working in a comfortable office and my evenings in my very American home with my DH and our *one* DD. The very idea of living where you are and raising (and homeschooling) 5 kids... oh my! You are certainly a better person than I and if anyone deserves a WDW trip, it's definitely you!

I'm looking forward to catching up to current over the next few days (or weeks maybe). Thank you for sharing your story!

:cheer2:Hi Connie!!! So, so glad you're here with us!! :cheer2:

Don't ever feel intimidated! Really, we're just a bunch of mostly normal folks hanging out, being silly. I hope you can feel free to just jump in a say howdy and start from here. I 'm about to start a second threat since they close them at 250 pages. I'll make sure I do a few posts of just background stuff right off the bat. Also, tomorrow I plan on skimming my whole thread and writing up a recap to finish this one off.

You are kind with your words. Only by God's grace do we survive here. Day by day. Trust me, I pine!! But my trip won't be any more special than yours it to you. :hug:
The next day, our friends called to congratulate us for having a little girl named Rebekah. Yup, they listened to the whole thing. Bonnie was calling to see how I was doing, and quickly realized she had called at a bad time (or good depending on one's perspective). So rather than hang up, she did the same thing I would. She called her husband to pick up the other line. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

I hope you have that written down somewhere in Bekka's baby book. That is :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
that's a great birth story!:rotfl2:

i had a little snafu with involved my aunt and a camera.
OK, now I know what to get at Jiko. I've only looked at the menu a couple times, and hadn't narrowed my choices down yet. It must really be good if you'd go there even without the parks!! :worship:

Thanks for all your comments on the places you've been too. You in fact, have been to quite a few.

It is THAT good! And yes, I have been to quite a few of the places on your list. What can I say, I like to eat! :thumbsup2

Bonnie was calling to see how I was doing, and quickly realized she had called at a bad time (or good depending on one's perspective). So rather than hang up, she did the same thing I would. She called her husband to pick up the other line. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

:scared1: :lmao::lmao:
2 puppies went out the door today! 5 left to get rid of. Please, oh please, very soon!

OK, you've convinced me. I'll tell my other funny one now. See below.


Picture this. It's Easter Sunday at 5:00. My water had broken, nubain is kickin in doing it's magic, and things are going great! DH is doing a fabulous job being coach. You know holding my hand, encouraging me in the whole process, that good stuff. My doctor is ready at home plate and baby is just about to step up to bat. I've gotten to the ugly part, and.....

the phone rings. Good Lordy!!! Right then, the PHONE RINGS!!!! :scared1: It's like a heckler in the stands, and happened to be on the floor.

Ummm.... We're a little busy now. I'm screaming, pushing like the dickens, and DH is irritated. What else could he do but just give it a kick! But in the process, he kicked the receiver RIGHT.OFF. THE. HOOK! The next day, our friends called to congratulate us for having a little girl named Rebekah. Yup, they listened to the whole thing. Bonnie was calling to see how I was doing, and quickly realized she had called at a bad time (or good depending on one's perspective). So rather than hang up, she did the same thing I would. She called her husband to pick up the other line. :lmao::lmao::lmao:


What a fabulous story! I got nothin. A big fat nothin. Ok maybe not nothing....

2 puppies...buh bye!

Thanks for the shout out!!!:flower3:

<EDIT> I enjoy great writing that uses creative vocabulary and engages all then senses.

And yet you still read my PTRs and TRs!!!!!! :lmao:

Aw man, I didn't make the list. :sad1: It's okay..I'm not mad!
AWWWWW TINK. It's OK!!!! Liesa is always on there (I wish she wasn't because I need to beat her in your game!!!) LOL

So rather than hang up, she did the same thing I would. She called her husband to pick up the other line. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

OMG!!!! This had me cracking up!!!!! It could only be better if they recorded it!!!! :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Here's one of my birthing stories (well, not me giving birth but you get the idea), although it's not as good as yours. For our first, we were in the hospital waiting for the event and they came around and took Judy's food order. Then they said I could order something. I was psyched! I know it was hospital food, but you know, I like to eat. It didn't show up for quite a while and in the meantime Judy goes into major labor. Finally the orderly showed up with the food and the nurse goes, "Out!!!" But I jumped up and said, "No! I want mine!!" The nurses couldn't believe it, but when else was I gonna eat?
Here's one of my birthing stories (well, not me giving birth but you get the idea), although it's not as good as yours. For our first, we were in the hospital waiting for the event and they came around and took Judy's food order. Then they said I could order something. I was psyched! I know it was hospital food, but you know, I like to eat. It didn't show up for quite a while and in the meantime Judy goes into major labor. Finally the orderly showed up with the food and the nurse goes, "Out!!!" But I jumped up and said, "No! I want mine!!" The nurses couldn't believe it, but when else was I gonna eat?
A fellow's got to keep his strength up. Coaching labor is hard work! :duck:

When we had our second, the emergency button was broken and kept going off. The first time, we were watching TV when 4 nurses came bursting into the room. They didn't believe us when we said it wasn't us. Then after they reset it, one of the nurses was checking something on a monitor when all the other nurses came running back in. The third time it went off, about 2 min later, they wern't inclined to hurry. Which made me wonder what would happen if we had an actual emergency. Maintenance finally showed up and fixed it. That's about it for humorous drama. There was some scary drama when when our first was born and Tracy started bleeding out and lost consiousness. I didn't know I could pray that fast.
Too funny Liesa! I don't know if I could listen to someone else giving birth! :scared1:

When I was pregnant with our second, we had an ultrasound and were delighted to learn that we were expecting a little girl. :cloud9: We picked out a name and had a few girly outfits. Fast forward to delivery day. After I pushed out our baby, I was taking a breather. It was a very fast labor and drug free so I was just glad it was over. Then I finally remembered to ask, "It's a girl, right?" And the doctor said, "Uh. Nope. It's a boy."

I said, "Uh - you're joking, right??" :rolleyes1

And if you know me, you know we do indeed have three boys - no girls. ;)
A fellow's got to keep his strength up. Coaching labor is hard work! :duck:

Thanks for understanding GB. Is this smilie :duck: supposed to represent catching the baby? :rotfl:

When we had our second, the emergency button was broken and kept going off. The first time, we were watching TV when 4 nurses came bursting into the room. They didn't believe us when we said it wasn't us. Then after they reset it, one of the nurses was checking something on a monitor when all the other nurses came running back in. The third time it went off, about 2 min later, they wern't inclined to hurry. Which made me wonder what would happen if we had an actual emergency. Maintenance finally showed up and fixed it. That's about it for humorous drama. There was some scary drama when when our first was born and Tracy started bleeding out and lost consiousness. I didn't know I could pray that fast.

Whoa, that would be scary.
This looks like a conversation I can't really get into.... no babies yet! And I ain't planning for it anytime in the future!
Thanks for understanding GB. Is this smilie :duck: supposed to represent catching the baby? :rotfl:
More of an "I'm ducking outta here before I get flamed!"

Oh BTW - thanks for the shout out Cap'n L. Or is it Lt. L. Colonel L? Are yo u back to Sgt now? I gotta go read up. :confused3
You KNOW I will! Remember once I sign on, it's for real. At least I try. :goodvibes :flower3: I would never miss your TTA photos and food reviews. ;) Tell me about making up clues! I imagine you sit up in bed at night racking your brain like I did.

Oh my gosh, my clues are NOTHING compared to yours! Yours really get people thinking!
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