The Official, "Yay Me" Thread.

Congratulations Happy!! I am so VERY PROUD of you! Your determination has proven success!! See, Friday the 13th isn't such a bad day after all!
Yay!! The new Green car looks Great!
Way to Go! WOOT!!!
Fireworks was being nice tonight. Managed to score a new high for me and break 6,000, although it wasn't Rock that did it.

Hi All :)

Well I am fairly new to the Dis Boards. VMK for almost 5 months now.
I've been working very hard on earning my Green Car Pin. Probably since the beginning of the month sometime. Well today was finally my day!! Yay Me!! About 3 Hours ago to be exact ;-) :banana:

I could have not done it without the help of so many of you out there. I have met some very kind people that never hesitated to help out with the Haunted Mansion part of the Quest.

Some of the many people that had helped me but not limited to, because I honestly cannot remember all of your titles (Sorry about that in advance): Happy_Guest, Aceblueeyes, Goofybug, Omi.A, Spookylife, AmyE, Ladyldget, Cocoacubed, Suzywooz, Stephyrocks, SuperNiall, Mickeynewfriend, Cantwaittogoagain and Dragonfairygyrl.

I also want to Thank all of those that have offered their help to me, and we didn't quite make it to the mansion for the game. Some people that I know of are: gshawen and HolliJolli. Again, Thank-You to anyone I have forgotten here.

Special Thank-You to my dear friend Happy_Guest. I was really ready to give up, and she was always there for me every step of the way with non-stop encouragement.

Ok, I think I'm done rambling .... THANK-YOU ALL!
Woot Astro!
I knew you could do it! Way to go! I was afraid that quest would change before either of us finished.

Although fireworks is your game of choice, now you can play haunted mansion for fun. Well, I am sure you are sick of mansion right about now, but maybe next week. LOL

Woot! Way to go! Never give up!

:cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

If anyone else is trying to finish the car quests and needs another player for haunted mansion, feel free to message me.
With the help of Jedi_eric pushing me along, got a new high score in fireworks. Never thougt I could get this high.

Yay me! :cool1:

I just won a black candlestick in Phinny's in room quest from this morning.

Woot! I am so excited. This is the most rare thing I have!!

Thanks Shadow :)

And I just realized that MikeyandScoobyx2 needs a big woot for Inferno in this thread!!! :cheer2:
Woot! A few new high scores tonight! :cloud9: :cloud9:


End of Level 5 stage 2:


End of Level 5 stage 1:


End of Level 3 stage 1:


I was in a "Inferno Offer" trade room (not like i have inferno or anything..) but i was looking at what people offer for this kind of stuff and i got in and i clicked on the owner and he was wearing :
Invisablility Magic: 5 star
and the rest of his pockets were filled with one star Invisablility magic
so i asked if any of them were for trade and he said "No they are not for trade" and i said "BUT YOU HAVE SO MANY!!" and realizing i was just almost screaming i said "I am sorry please forgive me for being rude" "I am sorry for my out burst" and than he automaticly traded me and just out of no where GAVE me BAT MAGIC!!! i was asking if he was jk and he said "No you earned it you have a lot of respect for people and that is what vmk is about you deserve it" and he gave it to me!! AND THAT IS MY AMAZING STORY!!!:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

I was in a "Inferno Offer" trade room (not like i have inferno or anything..) but i was looking at what people offer for this kind of stuff and i got in and i clicked on the owner and he was wearing :
Invisablility Magic: 5 star
and the rest of his pockets were filled with one star Invisablility magic
so i asked if any of them were for trade and he said "No they are not for trade" and i said "BUT YOU HAVE SO MANY!!" and realizing i was just almost screaming i said "I am sorry please forgive me for being rude" "I am sorry for my out burst" and than he automaticly traded me and just out of no where GAVE me BAT MAGIC!!! i was asking if he was jk and he said "No you earned it you have a lot of respect for people and that is what vmk is about you deserve it" and he gave it to me!! AND THAT IS MY AMAZING STORY!!!:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

What a nice guy.
Yeah!! seriously!!! I use my bat magic like everytime i get the chance!!


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