ZW's Birthday Gala: Part 13 - Is this Delswife's SIL?


<font color=red>Eivl <font color=navy>Emperor<br><
Jul 30, 2002
We were pretty impressed with Jeff’s offer but we had a very busy day planned. Jeff said it was cool, the offer stands, he and his friends at recreation wanted us to have a shot at it. If we can make it great, if not, what the heck he has to be at work anyway.

I felt like Brett Maverick and having a few aces up my sleeve for insurance at the same time.

The plan for Mom’s birthday starts at the bus top to MK.The bus form Boardwalk has been good to MK this trip, no complaints.

Other than it is early.

Yo Connor! Dad could use a little smartening up, cream no sugar.

I am beginning to worry that I will have nothing to write about for my trip reports. I mean the key to Delswife's epic was the ongoing struggle between good and evil, light and dark, rides and shopping, humans and the SIL.

Other than the Brett Maverick aces, so far I got nothing:
*No villain,
*No antagonist for my protagonist to over come.
*Hell even the damn bus is running reasonably on time.

Things are going so well that even when we screw up Disney fixes it. My trip report notes are having very bad luck - Consider:

We roll into Boardwalk at the crack of dawn. I am anticipating a nice battle of us against the evil front desk that rolls check back into early evening.

Our room was ready at 7:00 am. It was a great room.

We managed to loose two of the ten billion bags we were traveling with as we stumbled out of the car to checking in. My shaving kit disappears and I get grumpy without a shave. Finally something to complain about! Maybe even spin into a full blown tragedy.

No such luck. Lost and Found found it right away.

Kelley couldn’t find her CD case. Now we are getting someplace, a preteen without her tunes can get ugly.

Nope Boardwalk Lost and Found had that too all we had to do was to identify some of the CD in the case.

Hell later in the trip, we managed to loose one of Connor’s glucose monitoring kits, a little stop watch sized computer gizmo that he uses to track is diabetes.

We had stayed at the Dolphin for the weekend on AmEx points instead of Boardwalk on a million and six DVC points. Last we saw it was in the Dolphin. Their lost and found works by voice mail. They never returned our calls.

When we moved back to Boardwalk we had them looking for it in every park where we had gone fro three days. (That would be 4 parks for those of you unfamiliar the WDW geography.)Boardwalk Lost and Found tracked down a lost meter at Magic Kingdom.

They sent a runner to get it ‘cause between Christmas and New Year Magic Kingdom closed every morning at about 11. Boardwalk’s car could get through the traffic jam being turned away at the tool booth.

We were impressed. They found a meter. It wasn’t Connors meter but I’ll be dammed if it wasn’t exactly the same model. We sent it back with the runner.

The Dolhpin did get it back when I went an hung out at the front desk while Kimball took the kids to the pool. No hotel likes a grumpy Evil Emperor at their front desk, I am real hard to put on hold in person, not that they didn't try.

I gave them a very good description of what it was and where we had stayed. Turns out they had it for three days.

They did a nice job of recovering.

But I get ahead of my self, where was I?

- Oh yes, Christmas Eve waiting at the Boardwalk Bus Stop.

The point I was making was that the Boardwalk was not helping out with my trip reports. I had no arch enemy and once again the bus to MK showed up on time. It was close to full but we all could get on with only half the packing required of an after the fireworks bus.

One woman is upset that her leg room is being encroached. She starts yelling, “The Bus is Full. It is Full. No more!”


All us Disney veterans are yelling back, “Plenty of room.”

It is a matter of perspective. What is a trip to Disney without some transportation Skin to Skin* contact?

Love Ya - Mean It.*

(* LY/MI and Skin to Skin are registered trademarks of delswife and are used here as a driect result of a bribe.)

I was beginning to wonder if this woman was the infamous SIL of Shame from Delswife’s trip reports. She was pissed that her personal bus sitting space was being encroached upon by all us Boardwalk late entries standing in the aisle.

She kept the *****ing up the whole ride to Magic Kingdom. It is not very long a ride really so she topped of the griping by jumping up from her seat as soon as the bus stopped. She barged her way out past of all of us who stood the whole way and was first out the back door of the bus.

I had been chatting with the people I was standing and rubbing skin to skin with when she jumped up. We all had a good time looking at her like she was insane, which she probably was.

Instead of heading to the security check she got her group to the side of the bus corral and starts a loud rant about how that was so wrong and Disney should never have allowed crowding like that and she was so ticked off, blab bla bla. I guess this was for the benefit of all of us who had stood in the bus and were now walking past her.

I considered adopting her for the trip to be the villain in my trip reports.

All us skin to skin Disney veterans walked past her smiling. IF she thought the bus was an issue, she was just going to LOVE the lines at Magic Kingdom on Christmas Eve.
Zurg, you don't need an antagonist and protagonist.

See, Delswife had an epic novel trip report that required it. Your trip reports are more of the short quick HILARIOUS sitcom types. Keep 'em coming, I about wet my pants laughing at the picture in my head of you with your sock feet in the air talking beer with the security guys!:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
It ain't a real Disney trip without....some transportation Skin to Skin* contact?

Love Ya - Mean It.*

(* LY/MI and Skin to Skin are registered trademarks of delswife and are used here as a driect result of a bribe.)


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