Your scariest moment

Hands down, being diagnosed with cancer. It was July 11th, 2007 in the evening. It was dark out - it was pouring rain. I remember not having a clue what was going on when my oncologist came in and started talking about treatment. I didn't know he was coming in, and once he started talking about chemo I lost it. I sobbed and sobbed while he was talking, he probably thought I was crazy LOL.
I thought I was going to die. My first reaction was "NO! Just let me die!!!!". Of course, I'm a bit of a drama queen. (;
I was at my grandmas and she was babysitting some of her kids, the mom came in and was holding her kid (He was about 3). He was sick. My aunt and mom were over too. All of a sudden he started shaking and was having a seizure, my mom drove her to the hospital. He was okay though.

It was about 9:30 at night and these sirens went by my window, everyone ran outside and there was this HUGE fire behind my grandmas house. A trailer house down the road was either set or caught on fire by accident. It was so huge, and red, and it was just crazy.

A little boy was murdered a few houses down from mine when I was really young. If I would've known about it at the time, it would've been scary. I didn't know it was right by my house until a few years ago. It's still scary going past it sometimes because I saw them carrying out a bloody matress.

A few months ago my mom and I were driving to go shopping and it was icy, we hit this bridge and a car didn't realize it was so icy and basically slid in front of us, but luckily pulled itself back straight before we hit it. It happened within 5 seconds and I was talking so I had no idea. But when I go over that bridge I get a chill.

When I was in 6th grade it was around 7:30 in the morning and my grandpa passed out in the bathroom of his house and they had the ambulence come down. My mom was crying so I freaked out, but it was just something like he hurt his foot and the way he stepped on it sent something to his brain which caused him to blackout.

I saw this tornado right behind my grandmas house last June. I put on some shoes and as I ran out to the car I fell in the mud. It was raining, crazy wind and it was so dark out so I could barely see. As we were driving to a shelter the lightning would strike and I saw this huge tornado in front of us probably a few miles off in the sky. It was scary.
Hands down, being diagnosed with cancer. It was July 11th, 2007 in the evening. It was dark out - it was pouring rain. I remember not having a clue what was going on when my oncologist came in and started talking about treatment. I didn't know he was coming in, and once he started talking about chemo I lost it. I sobbed and sobbed while he was talking, he probably thought I was crazy LOL.
I thought I was going to die. My first reaction was "NO! Just let me die!!!!". Of course, I'm a bit of a drama queen. (;

thats terrible :hug:
mine dont top Sonya's but

i have gotten lost numerous times
-- When I was about 8 or 9 my mom passed out. I mean, I had no idea what fainting was, so I was terrible. And my dad said 'Mom has passed out.' and I thought 'Mom has passed away.' I was shaking on the inside until he explained that she was fine.

-- Virginia Tech. No, it didn't happen to me & I didn't know anyone who was involved. But it was just scary. Terrifying for me. Especially after they showed the pictures of everyone who died, and they had all kinds of video from it. It just really shook me to the core for some reason.

-- My uncle was sick all the time. I was about 13 and had already spent the psat year or so visiting him in the hospital. Me and my mom were with him almost 24/7. It was a tough year anyways because a few other relatives had died.

Anyway, that day he was rushed to the ICU. I went into see him once and we was so..different. (Even when he was sick he was always lighthearted, joking,etc) but not this day. He barely said a word and all he wanted was water. It scared me so much so I didn't go to see him anymore that day, I just sat in the waiting room.

Well after lunch I had finally gotten up the courage to go back, and as I was walking to his room they called a code blue. I prayed and prayed (at the time I was questioning my faith) and hoped that it wasn't him...but it was.

They hearded my whole family into this little room and the doctor came in and said 'There was nothing more we could do.' and I just...sat there. I couldn't be emotional because my grandma, and mom, and family was there. I had to be strong for them.

But later after the funeral and wake and everything, I sat in my room and cried. And cried and cried and it wouldn't stop. I was so scared about life, about dying, about never being able to stop crying, about him not knowing that I loved him. I never got to say goodbye.
Hm. I'm really not sure.
I think when I got my first period. I was not expecting that. I guess my hormones may have been through the roof.
Hmm. Probally when I was 6 and fell out of a tree. It was 13 feet high and I landed flat on my back. The scary thing was... 3 inches away from me a stick was coming straint out of the ground. I went unconcious for about 20 miutes and woke up in the hospital. i couldnt move and couldnt talk and my parents told me that I probally broke part of my back. I started to cry because I thought I was going to die. If I landed 3 inches over, I would no longer be here and the stick would have went right through my back.
I'm not sure if this was really scary at the time, but the thoughts that went through my head afterward still scare me to no end.

When I went to Disney this past June, I felt sick the whole time we were there. I didn't know why at the time, but I was really nauseous and out of it the whole time we were there. The day we got back (it was a Saturday), we went to Wal-Mart and I got a soda. I couldn't get the top off I had to get my dad to open it for me. I didn't think much of it tho.

That night I was REALLY tired so I ended up going to bed around 9:30ish, when I usually don't go to bed until past midnight most of the time during the Summer.

Two days later, I woke up in the hospital. I don't remember Sunday at all. It's really weird. It's minute I was laying in my dark room...and the next I was in a hospital bed. IV in my arm and mother leaning over the side of my bed. According to my family, Sunday I had woken up and was extremely clumsy. I couldn't walk straight, wasn't acting like myself and I could hardly keep my eyes open throughout the day. They also said that I wasn't acting like me at I was cursing like nuts and I VERY rarely cuss when I'm in my right mind. So eventually they had to literally force me to go to the hospital and ignore the colorful language I was using with them. The doctors did a cat scan on me and I went in for emergency surgery just a few hours later.

Turns out- my shunt had gotten blocked (the signs of a blocked shunt are muscle weakness, change in personality, tiredness, nausea and headaches. I had everything but the headaches) . I was born with a birth defect called Hydrocephalus (or 'water on the brain') and that's pretty much the only thing that's keeping the fluid in my head from putting so much pressure on my brain that I die. I had always tried to just kind of....pretend I didn't have it. I figured that after having the shunt in for a while...and going through the revision when I was in the 2nd grade....I wouldn't have to deal with it anymore.

It really bothers me that I can't remember hardly anything that happened though. I don't want to lose my memory. In my opinion, that's like one of the most precious things you could possibly have. And even though my family says it's probably better that I don't remember it...I can't help but still wish I did-regardless of how bad the situation was at the time. I mean, what if it happens again? And my family isn't around next time? If I'm not really 'there', then how am I going to get someone to help me?

I don't know-maybe I'm just being weird and irrational. But losing my memory and having things like that happen over the period I can't remember is probably the scariest thing I've ever been through...and I REALLY don't want it to happen again. :headache:
Hm. I'm really not sure.
I think when I got my first period. I was not expecting that. I guess my hormones may have been through the roof.

me too
also when i hit a guy on a motorbike. it was dark and rainy and he went to do a u-turn in front of me and i hit him. he was fine but his bike wasnt. and neither was my car. my mum got his details and all that while i sat in the car shaking. i now drive a bit slower on that road...
I either had some sort of seizure as I was waking up, or my house is haunted. My bedroom was in our basement at the time, and I was convinced that I was being visited by ghosts. One time, as I was lying in bed, I started shaking and couldn't stop. And then like, all the gravity switched off. I threw a book of my top bunk (bunk beds), and it floated there. I'm not sure exactly what happened that morning, but it sure was scary.
Then there was the time I had a dystonic reaction. It's basically an allergic reaction in the form of a petit mal seizure.

At first I had taken some Compazine thru my IV to combat my nausea. Around 7pm my right forearm (which had the IV in it) started twisting weird. It was twisting to the left, and eventually the back of my elbow was facing up. Weird thing was, I didn't notice it.
Then my neck started rolling back. I couldn't control it. Next my eyes started wandering, and they became fixated on things. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the curtains.

All of a sudden my whole body stiffed up. I could not move a muscle - literally. I couldn't speak, my eyes would either stare wide open or close tightly. I communicated with my mom through my hands - one squeeze for yes, two for no. My body would then loosen up again. Then it would stiffen up again. I had about 5 petit mal seizures lasting 10-20 minutes each from 7pm to 5am. I had this Indian/English resident try to talk to me and I couldn't understand a word she was saying. My nurses were so confused, I had two of them instead of one. The CT scan of my brain was normal.

I had gotten to the point where I was so exhausted my mom gave me a full body massage to try and get me to sleep. When it didn't help, my mom pleaded with the resident to give me some Ativan to help me sleep. When he refused she said "Listen buddy, I have Ativan in the pill form. If you don't give her some now, I WILL give her the pill". I got IV Ativan within 5 minutes and was out like a light.

I was moved to the ICU that night, and my oncolgist's colleague visited in the morning. It was then found I had an allergic reaction to the Compazine.

I thought I was going to die that night.
One of the scariest things that happened to me was when we first bought my beetle. I was 13 at the time. I was sitting in the trunk of the car with the hatch door open. Anyways, you know how cars have that area in the back that people put stuffed animals on and stuff? It's behind the back seat? My beetle has one but it can be taken off to hold more things or flipped up. That is important to how I got out of the car.

I was sitting in the back and my brother was outside too. He was about to go inside the house and I didn't want him to so I closed the trunk on myself. VERY stupid. It was so hot that day too. He didn't come out. I started screaming and crying, banging on the windows hoping my neighbor across the street would see me or hear me. I was getting really hot by then and convinced I was going to die. I remembered seeing on Oprah to kick the taillight out if you are kidnapped and put into the trunk, so I tried to do that. Then I saw the thing that you can take off behind the seat. I was able to push one side up out of its little thing it snaps into and then the other side. I pushed it out of the way and climbed over the back seat. The air outside felt so good! I ran into the house screaming. I thought for sure I was going to die that day.
On monday, these 2 guys tried to jump my dad and I while we were sitting in his car. One of the guys actually got in the car before I started pounding on his head. Always lock your doors.

This summer there was a really bad storm and a tornado touched down in a cemetery a couple blocks away from my house.
It was when I was 6 years old and my sister was 11. My family was driving to a restaraunt for dinner and this car was trying to change lanes and hit it us. The impact of the car was enough for my dad to lose control of the car and we went off the road hitting a pole right on the side where my sister was sitting. I remember my dad saying to everyone if they were o.k. and everyone responded except for my sister. I was sitting in the back seat with her and looked over and her eyes were closed and the window was cracked where her head hit the window. I was so scared. I really thought my sister was dead. The paramedics came and got us all out of the car. They flew my sister and Mom to the hospital. Luckily my sister came out with a severe concussion and swelling to the brain which got better in time. She doesn't remember the accident at all , but I do and it was very scary.
prob when i got hit by a car by school and like i thought i was going to die as didnt really now what was going on. I kept saying to my friends that i dont wanna die. i went unconscious and the next thing i knew i was waking up hospital with all needles in my arm and machines around me. I hate needles so i got in panic about that and my parents had to call the nurse to give me something to calm me down. I was really lucky as i broke my jaw and some ribs but i had lots of cuts and bruises
we have this big group of friends, all of the parents are good friends and all of us kids are good friends. so we were all camping and my friend aly her dad had a projector and a screen thing. so for about two nights we watched movies outside on that. but i guess it was too lound and we were"disrupting the campground", so our parents were like, allison, aly, alison( different one), anna, go see if people want to watch the movie with us. (idk if any of u camp but when you do most of the time the other people are nice. so at last we were gunna ask one last person, and everyone else had been very nice, and kind when we came up and asked them. so we walked up to the once campsite were this man was sitting alone in the dark with one light on casting an orange glow, and idk but he looked drunk. (but it was dark out and hard to see). so we started to walk a little was up and stopped, then he got out of his chair and kind of stumbled toward us..yeah i think drunk. and ihave this thing were i can feel it in the pit of my stomach if something is unsafe, or bad, or really dangerous. and i got that feeling. so i didnt want to make a scene, and i started backing up slowly and tugged on my friends sweatshirt so they would back up too..we all sensed something. do you know when you are nervous and scared you kind of babble stalling for time kinda thing, well thats what we did..yeah i know stupid. we thought of the frist thing to come to mind at that was what we told all those other people, what we were doing, our campsite number, time to be there, etc. Then we kinda turned and fast walked till we heard him following us then my friend anna screams "i'll race ya" (just some someone heard us and we could run) and we break out into we have to run like two miles to get back to our campsites. HE RUNS AFTER US for almost the entire mile. we all have our phones out but were more concentrated on running than finding the numbers on our phone. it was scary . by the time we got to our loop and about four sites away we stopped and turned around an thank god he was gone. he didnt come back but it was scaryyyy.
i have another one.
this is from when i was about 8 and lived in this very creepy town xD
i was walking home from my firends house and it was about 8 (idk what my parents were thinking letting an 8 year old walk home alone in the dark) but anyways there was this car and i SWEAR it was following me. so i turned down this side street onto the really creepy dirt road an. i kept running and turning and had no idea where i was going. and what do you know that truck heads down the road. i duck behind this plant like thing. the car stops right next to the bush im behind. it stood there for about 20 minutes and then it was really dark. there are no street lights so i couldnt see anything but the lights from the car. finally it left and i waited ten minutes. i had no idea where i was going and how to get home. so i was running around in the dark completly lost. after about an hour i found my way to the main road. i was just SOOO scared the whole time...
July 18, 2008.

A Friday afternoon, absoultely gorgeous. Wake up early, go in for my shift at the library (9-11:30) with my friend. That was fine, fun, cool. Check out some books. Go on the DIS for a few minutes. Take my friend home, go to McDonald's. Go to the doctor's. Get X-rays. Doctor comes in.

Worst words in the English language?

"You need surgury."

Everything BLANKED after that. Literally BLANKED. I got home and started freaking, hyperventilating. Came on the DIS, posted a thread. Thank GOD Josh IM'd me when he did. I would've lost it at that moment.
I was 4 years old and my family and I were on a flight from Newfoundland to Toronto. Partway through the flight they found out we lost our hydraulics... that means that the landing gear wasn't 100% and some other things were wrong. They had to call in a nearby army base to come under the plane while it was in flight to see if we had landing gear. Finally they just decided to try to land the plane. Basically, when it landed, one of 2 things would happen... either the landing gear would work and we'd land properly or the plane would hit the ground, bounce and burst into flames. I am SO THANKFUL that we had a good pilot.... the plane ended up being fine. We had to go into crash positions and everything. I still remember it... scary stuff.


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