Your opinion on teen motherhood

I think, if protection is used and it fails, you can't condemn the mother. Accidents happen. They were practicing safe sex, because face it - people are going to have sex anyway. If they want to practice safe sex and it backfires, I can't condemn them. It takes A LOT of cajones to abort a fetus. I honestly don't know if I would be able to do it - and yes I absolutely support a woman's right to choose.

The way I see it, if I am blessed to be pregnant, I'm going to have that baby, God willing! Maybe it's just because I know there is a possibility of being infertile, but that goes for anyone. The only way I would abort my fetus would be if I was in dire financial strait where I could barely support myself. That's just my opinion for me, not for anyone else.


it also takes a lot of MONEY. an abortion can cost $1000.00 or more. most teens don't have that kind of money laying around, and most parents aren't willing to shell it out.

personally, i think that if abortions were free, there would be many many many fewer children in foster care and many fewer children being abused everyday.
it also takes a lot of MONEY. an abortion can cost $1000.00 or more. most teens don't have that kind of money laying around, and most parents aren't willing to shell it out.

personally, i think that if abortions were free, there would be many many many fewer children in foster care and many fewer children being abused everyday.

Abortions are free here in the UK as far as I'm aware and guess what?! We have the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in western europe, I mean I seriously think some people use it as a contraceptive.
Abortions are free here in the UK as far as I'm aware and guess what?! We have the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in western europe, I mean I seriously think some people use it as a contraceptive.
And that is very sad.
I think why many people look down on teen moms is because the assume teen moms are ALL on public assistance.

Well, you know what they say when you assume something...
it also takes a lot of MONEY. an abortion can cost $1000.00 or more. most teens don't have that kind of money laying around, and most parents aren't willing to shell it out.

personally, i think that if abortions were free, there would be many many many fewer children in foster care and many fewer children being abused everyday.
I don't know about that. Many women are selfish and wouldn't abort the fetus even if they knew they couldn't take care of it/were on drugs/etc.

It might go down a little bit, but I doubt it would make an extreme difference.
My best friend got pregnant when she was 15. She stayed in school, graduated on time, had another child at 18, got a job, bought a house, graduated from college, got married twice, got divorced twice, and is still generally miserable with her life. This has more to do with her childhood than the fact that she was a teen mother.

I feel pity for teens in this situation. I know it was their choice to have sex, but we don't know their life circumstances. Not making excuses for them, I'm just saying. Regardless, they have a long road ahead of them as do their children. It does absolutely no good to sit and scoff at them now. Prevention is the key, but that is a whole different topic which could get very heated as well.
hi everyone my names adriela n yes ima teen mom.....

i just wanted to knw your opinion about teens who are either pregnant or have kids already? what do you think when you see a girl with a baby in her arms in like the grocery store or the mall? i ask because i got pregnant at 15 n i would get these looks from older ladies like they were judging me n i hated it:mad:

so.....tell me what you think?:confused3

First I feel sorry for them because that is so much for a teenager to handle, when they shouldn't have to.

And I'm always happy that she chose to keep her child even though it's tough.
Oh okay i wasnt sure if its a state-to-state difference or a nationwide law, cause its illegal in the state that i live in

Uhm, in no states is it illegal for someone under the age of 18 to have sex, unless it's with someone 18 or over. Don't be stupid.
My opinion is that teen mothers are often judged very harshly. Everyone assumes that all teen mothers are the same, they're all stupid, or skanks, or on welfare etc. But I think teen moms deserve a lot more credit for being brave and responsible in the face of an unplanned pregnancy.

OP--I have to say that I truly commend you, you seem so mature, smart and responsible. Good for you for making the decision that was right for you and making it work, I really admire your bravery and maturity, and I wish you and your family all the best!!

back on topic--Contraceptive accidents can happen to anyone, lots of people in their 20s aren't ready for a baby, but contraception fails and they wind up with a baby that they aren't ready for. But since they have the number "2" at the beginning of their age it's perfectly acceptable and they are rarely judged or looked down upon.

I really don't care what anyone things is the "appropriate" age to have sex, there is no magic number, you have sex when you're ready to. For some people that is younger than others.
And unplanned pregnancies can happen to the most careful of people, and people who have sex know that, so you take precautions, you do all you can, and if they fail, then you deal with the consequences.
I've been sexually active for 3 years, and I've been fine so far, but I certainly don't think I'm invincible, I know anything can happen, and I'm prepared to deal with whatever happens.

Funny thing is, I just turned 20, and I was thinking when I read this thread--would it be more socially acceptable if I had a baby now? --probably. It's a weird feeling. Just because I have the "2" in my age.
I'm at probably the same maturity level as most of you I'm sure, but since I'm 20 I think people would be more accepting if I had a child.

I'm in college, so I know a lot of people 20 and over. Very few of them seem like they would be ready to handle a baby. They're mostly on the same maturity level as me or even worse, and I'm 17.

On the other hand, I know a girl who had a baby Tuesday night, and came into take her final on Wednesday morning. She's very responsible and excited to have her baby with her fiance. She's only 21, but obviously she feels she is completely ready. :)

Age is just a number.
I dont think there's any right or wrong age to have sex, but I think i you cant handle having a baby then dont have sex
I've already stated my views on teen pregnancy.

I think think sex is something, that you are ready when you're ready. There's probably people who are in their 20's who aren't ready, while there are people at 17 who feel they are. Yes sometimes it can be regretted after, but if you're going to do it, just get everything covered.
I can say for myself, yeah, I probably will be having sex before marriage, and I may or may not have sex before I'm 20. It depends on who I'm in love with, it all really depends on when I, and the other person feels ready. I could wait until marriage if that's what's important to my fiance. It depends on the circumstances. But I know that if it were to happen anytime in the next few years, I'll have BC and condoms. I'll have to bases covered on that, the BC for extra proctection as far as pregnancy goes, and the condom for the same reason and for STI's. I know that if I'm going to have sex, I'm going to have it safely.

This probably won't be happening anyday soon lol.
explain please

i think the argument in that is that sex doesn't always = a baby.
in fact it usually doesn't.

but i do somewhat agree with you, you have to be old enough and mature to understand that it could happen to you, and you should be ready to accept the consequences. and a lot of people who have sex young are not
I dont know if Ill wait till Im married to have sex, but I know there is no way at 15 I could handle being a parent so Im not going to take that risk and have sex.
it also takes a lot of MONEY. an abortion can cost $1000.00 or more. most teens don't have that kind of money laying around, and most parents aren't willing to shell it out.

personally, i think that if abortions were free, there would be many many many fewer children in foster care and many fewer children being abused everyday.
Really? I did not know that. I remember being told $250 by a friend who knew someone who had one.

I dont know if Ill wait till Im married to have sex, but I know there is no way at 15 I could handle being a parent so Im not going to take that risk and have sex.

The problem with that is not everyone has such great self-control.


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